blob: 2ab579c1f08c7eb173ba782eb4faab364a103465 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Plugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClasspathEntry;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaConventions;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jem.util.emf.workbench.ProjectUtilities;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.applicationclient.componentcore.util.AppClientArtifactEdit;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.componentcore.util.EARArtifactEdit;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.EnterpriseBean;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.ejb.componentcore.util.EJBArtifactEdit;
import org.eclipse.jst.j2ee.web.componentcore.util.WebArtifactEdit;
import org.eclipse.wst.command.internal.env.eclipse.EclipseLog;
import org.eclipse.wst.command.internal.provisional.env.core.common.Log;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.ComponentCore;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.StructureEdit;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.internal.WorkbenchComponent;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualComponent;
import org.eclipse.wst.common.componentcore.resources.IVirtualFolder;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IModule;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.IServer;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.ServerPort;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.ServerUtil;
import org.eclipse.wst.server.core.model.IURLProvider;
* This class contains useful methods for working with Eclipse resources.
public final class ResourceUtils {
// Keeps the IWorkspaceRoot hanging around. See getWorkspaceRoot().
private static IWorkspaceRoot root_ = null;
// Keeps the IWorkspace hanging around. See getWorkspace().
private static IWorkspace workspace_ = null;
* As returned by {@link #getProjectType getProjectType()}, indicates that
* the given project has no Java or Web nature.
public static byte PROJECT_TYPE_NONE = 0;
* As returned by {@link #getProjectType getProjectType()}, indicates that
* the given project has a Java project nature.
public static byte PROJECT_TYPE_JAVA = 1;
* As returned by {@link #getProjectType getProjectType()}, indicates that
* the given project has a Web project nature.
public static byte PROJECT_TYPE_WEB = 2;
* As returned by {@link #getProjectType getProjectType()}, indicates that
* the given project has an EJB project nature.
public static byte PROJECT_TYPE_EJB = 4;
* As returned by {@link #getProjectType getProjectType()}, indicates that
* the given project has an Application client project nature.
public static byte PROJECT_TYPE_APPCLIENT = 8;
* The SOAP rpcrouter servlet extension to be added to web project URL
public static String SERVLET_EXT = "/servlet/rpcrouter";
private static final String DEFAULT_CLIENT_WEB_PROJECT_EXT = "Client";
private static final String DEFAULT_EJB_PROJECT_NAME = "WebServiceEJBProject";
private static final String DEFAULT_EJB_COMPONENT_NAME = "WebServiceEJB";
private static final String DEFAULT_WEB_PROJECT_NAME = "WebServiceProject";
private static final String DEFAULT_WEB_COMPONENT_NAME = "WebServiceWeb";
private static final String DEFAULT_ROUTER_PROJECT_EXT = "Router";
private static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "WebServiceEARProject";
private static final String DEFAULT_SERVICE_EAR_COMPONENT_NAME = "WebServiceEAR";
private static final String DEFAULT_CLIENT_EAR_PROJECT_NAME = "WebServiceClientEARProject";
private static final String DEFAULT_CLIENT_EAR_COMPONENT_NAME = "WebServiceClientEAR";
* Returns the IWorkspaceRoot object.
* @return The IWorkspaceRoot object.
public static IWorkspaceRoot getWorkspaceRoot() {
if (root_ == null) {
root_ = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
return root_;
* Returns the IWorkspace object.
* @return The IWorkspace object.
public static IWorkspace getWorkspace() {
if (workspace_ == null) {
if (root_ == null) {
root_ = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
workspace_ = root_.getWorkspace();
return workspace_;
* Returns an {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource IResource}of the
* given absolute pathname or null if no such resource exists.
* @param absolutePathname
* The absolute path of the resource.
* @return The <code>IResource</code>.
public static IResource findResource(String absolutePathname) {
if (absolutePathname == null) {
return null;
return findResource(new Path(absolutePathname));
* Returns an {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource IResource}of the
* given absolute path or null if no such resource exists.
* @param absolutePath
* The absolute <code>IPath</code> of the resource.
* @return The <code>IResource</code>.
public static IResource findResource(IPath absolutePath) {
if (absolutePath == null) {
return null;
return ResourceUtils.getWorkspaceRoot().findMember(absolutePath);
* Validates the given string as a name for a resource of the given type(s).
* This method obeys the contract of
* {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace#validateName IWorkspace.validateName()}.
* @param segment
* The path to validate.
* @param typeMask
* The <code>IResource</code> type or types.
* @return The status with a value if <code>IStatus.OK</code> if the path
* is valid, or with appropriate severity and message information if
* the path is not valid.
* @deprecated not used
public static IStatus validateName(String segment, int typeMask) {
return getWorkspace().validateName(segment, typeMask);
* Validates the given string as the path of a resource of the given
* type(s). This method obeys the contract of
* {@link org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace#validatePath IWorkspace.validatePath()}.
* @param path
* The path to validate.
* @param typeMask
* The <code>IResource</code> type or types.
* @return The status with a value if <code>IStatus.OK</code> if the path
* is valid, or with appropriate severity and message information if
* the path is not valid.
* @deprecated not used
public static IStatus validatePath(String path, int typeMask) {
return getWorkspace().validatePath(path, typeMask);
* Validates the given Java type name.
* @param typeName
* The Java type name.
* @return The status with a value of <code>IStatus.OK</code> if the name
* is valid, or with appropriate severity and message information if
* name is not valid. The primitive types (boolean, char, byte,
* short, int, long, float, double) are valid. Arrays of valid types
* are themselves valid.
* @deprecated use JavaConventions in the jdt core
public static IStatus validateJavaTypeName(String typeName) {
// Strip off the trailing array bits, if any.
int a = typeName.indexOf('[');
if (a > 0) {
typeName = typeName.substring(0, a);
// Allow primitives.
if (isPrimitiveJavaType(typeName)) {
return new Status(IStatus.OK, WebServicePlugin.ID, 0, "", null);
// Defer to JavaConventions.
return JavaConventions.validateJavaTypeName(typeName);
* Returns true if the given <code>typeName</code> is a Java primitive
* (boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, double).
* @return True if the type name is a Java primitive.
* @deprecated
public static boolean isPrimitiveJavaType(String typeName) {
return (typeName.equals("boolean") || typeName.equals("char")
|| typeName.equals("byte") || typeName.equals("short")
|| typeName.equals("int") || typeName.equals("long")
|| typeName.equals("float") || typeName.equals("double"));
* Returns the handle of the IProject at the beginning of the given
* <code>absolutePath</code>. Neither the given path nor the project need
* exist in the workspace. The path must be absolute, and must consist of at
* least one segment.
* @return An IProject handle for the project at the beginning of the given
* <code>absolutePath</code>, or null if the path does not
* specify a project.
public static IProject getProjectOf(IPath absolutePath) {
if (absolutePath.isAbsolute()) {
String projectName = absolutePath.segment(0);
if (projectName != null) {
return getWorkspaceRoot().getProject(projectName);
return null;
* @param absolutePath
* @return
public static IVirtualComponent getComponentOf(IPath absolutePath){
if (absolutePath.isAbsolute()) {
String componentName = absolutePath.segment(1);
System.out.println("Testing >> ComponentName ? = "+componentName);
if (componentName != null) {
String projectName = absolutePath.segment(0);
System.out.println("Testing >> ProjectName ? = "+projectName);
IProject project = getWorkspaceRoot().getProject(projectName);
if (projectName != null) {
return ComponentCore.createComponent(project, componentName);
return null;
* Returns true if the given <code>project</code> is a Java Project.
* @param project
* The project.
* @return True if the project is a Java Project.
public static boolean isJavaProject(IProject project) {
return (JavaCore.create(project) != null);
* Returns true if the given <code>project</code> is a Java Project.
* @param project
* The project.
* @return True if the project is a Java Project.
public static boolean isTrueJavaProject(IProject project) {
return (!isWebProject(project) && !isAppClientProject(project) && !isEARProject(project)
&& !isEJBProject(project) && isJavaProject(project));
* try { String[] natures = project.getDescription().getNatureIds();
* return (natures.length == 1 &&
* natures[0].equals(JavaCore.NATURE_ID)); } catch (CoreException e) { }
* return false;
* Returns true if the given <code>project</code> is a Web Project.
* Note: For components; use J2EEUtils.isWebComponent()
* @param project
* The project.
* @return True if the project is a Web Project.
public static boolean isWebProject(IProject project) {
boolean isWeb = false;
StructureEdit mc = null;
try {
mc = StructureEdit.getStructureEditForRead(project);
WorkbenchComponent[] wbcs = mc.getWorkbenchModules();
if (wbcs.length!=0) {
isWeb = WebArtifactEdit.isValidWebModule(wbcs[0]);
catch(Exception ex){
// handle exception
if (mc!=null)
return isWeb;
* Note: for components; use J2EEUtils.isEARComponent()
* @param project
* @return
public static boolean isEARProject(IProject project){
boolean isEAR = false;
StructureEdit mc = null;
try {
mc = StructureEdit.getStructureEditForRead(project);
WorkbenchComponent[] wbcs = mc.getWorkbenchModules();
if (wbcs.length!=0) {
EARArtifactEdit earEdit = null;
try {
earEdit = EARArtifactEdit.getEARArtifactEditForRead(wbcs[0]);
if (earEdit!=null){
isEAR = true;
if (earEdit!=null)
catch(Exception ex){}
if (mc!=null)
return isEAR;
* Returns true if the given <code>project</code> is an EJB 1.1 or EJB 2.0
* Project.
* Note: for components, use J2EEUtils.isEJBComponent
* @param project
* The project.
* @return True if the project is an EJB 1.1 or an EJB 2.0 Project.
public static boolean isEJBProject(IProject project) {
boolean isEJB = false;
StructureEdit mc = null;
try {
mc = StructureEdit.getStructureEditForRead(project);
WorkbenchComponent[] wbcs = mc.getWorkbenchModules();
if (wbcs.length!=0) {
EJBArtifactEdit ejbEdit = null;
try {
ejbEdit = EJBArtifactEdit.getEJBArtifactEditForRead(wbcs[0]);
if (ejbEdit!=null){
isEJB = true;
if (ejbEdit!=null)
catch(Exception ex){}
if (mc!=null)
return isEJB;
* Returns true if the given <code>project</code> is an Application Client
* Project.
* Note: for components, use J2EEUtils.isAppClientComponent()
* @param project
* The project.
* @return True if the project is an Application Client Project
public static boolean isAppClientProject(IProject project) {
boolean isAppClient = false;
StructureEdit mc = null;
try {
mc = StructureEdit.getStructureEditForRead(project);
WorkbenchComponent[] wbcs = mc.getWorkbenchModules();
if (wbcs.length!=0) {
AppClientArtifactEdit appClientEdit = null;
try {
appClientEdit = AppClientArtifactEdit.getAppClientArtifactEditForRead(wbcs[0]);
if (appClientEdit!=null){
isAppClient = true;
if (appClientEdit!=null)
catch(Exception ex){}
if (mc!=null)
return isAppClient;
* Returns the type of the given <code>project</code> as a bitmask.
* Relevant bitmask values are:
* <ol>
* </ol>
* @param project
* The project.
* @return The type bitmask of the project.
* @deprecated use getComponentType
public static byte getProjectType(IProject project) {
byte projectType = PROJECT_TYPE_NONE;
if (ResourceUtils.isJavaProject(project)) {
projectType |= PROJECT_TYPE_JAVA;
if (ResourceUtils.isWebProject(project)) {
projectType |= PROJECT_TYPE_WEB;
if (ResourceUtils.isEJBProject(project)) {
projectType |= PROJECT_TYPE_EJB;
return projectType;
* Returns the component type id as defined in IModuleConstants
* i.e. IModuleConstants.JST_WEB_MODULE = "jst.web"
* @param project
* @param componentName
* @return
public static String getComponentType(IProject project, String componentName){
IVirtualComponent comp = ComponentCore.createComponent(project, componentName);
return getComponentType(comp);
* Returns the component type
* @param component
* @return
public static String getComponentType(IVirtualComponent component){
return component.getComponentTypeId();
* @param project
* @return
* @deprecated not used
public static String getProjectTypeAsString(IProject project) {
if (ResourceUtils.isEJBProject(project))
return WebServicePlugin.getMessage("%LABEL_EJB");
else if (ResourceUtils.isWebProject(project))
return WebServicePlugin.getMessage("%LABEL_WEB");
else if (ResourceUtils.isJavaProject(project))
return WebServicePlugin.getMessage("%LABEL_JAVA");
return "";
* Returns WebModule Deployable of the <code>project</code> as an
* <code>IDeployable</code>, or null if the project has no Web nature.
* @param project
* The project.
* @return WebModule Deployable of the <code>project</code> or null if the
* project has no Web nature.
* @deprecated see ServerUtils.getModule(IProject, String)
public static IModule getModule(IProject project) {
IModule[] modules = ServerUtil.getModules(project);
if (modules!=null && modules.length!=0) {
return modules[0];
return null;
* Returns the build output location of the <code>project</code> as an
* <code>IPath</code>, or null if the project has no Java nature.
* i.e. WP\.deployables\webModule\WEB-INF\classes
* @param project
* The project.
* @return The build output location of the <code>project</code> or null
* if the project has no Java nature.
* @deprecated not used
public static IPath getJavaOutputLocation(IProject project) {
IPath outputLocation = null;
try {
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
if (javaProject != null) {
outputLocation = javaProject.getOutputLocation();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
Log log = new EclipseLog();
log.log(Log.INFO, 5032, ResourceUtils.class, "getJavaOutputLocation",
"project=" + project + ",outputLocation=" + outputLocation);
return outputLocation;
* Returns a build source location of the <code>project</code> as an
* <code>IPath</code>, or null if the project either has no Java nature
* or if the project's build classpath contains no folders local to the
* project. If the project has more than one of its own folders on the build
* classpath, then one of them is chosen arbitrarily as the build source
* location. To work with all entries on the build classpath, use
* {@link #getJavaPackageFragmentRoots getJavaPackageFragmentRoots()}or
* {@link #getJavaClasspath getJavaClasspath()}.
* @param project
* The project.
* @return A build source location of the <code>project</code> or null if
* the project has no Java nature or if the project's build
* classpath contains no folders local to the project.
* @deprecated use getJavaSourceLocation(IProject project, String compName)
public static IPath getJavaSourceLocation(IProject project) {
IPath sourceLocation = null;
IPackageFragmentRoot[] fragmentRoots = getJavaPackageFragmentRoots(project);
for (int i = 0; i < fragmentRoots.length && sourceLocation == null; i++) {
try {
IResource fragmentRoot = fragmentRoots[i]
if (fragmentRoot != null
&& (fragmentRoot.getProject().equals(project))
&& (fragmentRoot.getType() != IResource.FILE)) {
sourceLocation = fragmentRoot.getFullPath();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
Log log = new EclipseLog();
log.log(Log.INFO, 5030, ResourceUtils.class, "getJavaSourceLocation",
"project=" + project + ",sourceLocation=" + sourceLocation);
System.out.println("Java sourceLocation = "+sourceLocation);
return sourceLocation;
* Returns the "JavaSource" folder
* @param project
* @param compName
* @return
public static IPath getJavaSourceLocation(IProject project, String compName){
IVirtualComponent component = ComponentCore.createComponent(project, compName);
return getJavaSourceLocation(component);
* Returns the JavaSource location folder
* @param comp
* @return
public static IPath getJavaSourceLocation(IVirtualComponent comp){
if (comp!=null){
IVirtualFolder folder = comp.getFolder(new Path("/WEB-INF/classes"));
return folder.getWorkspaceRelativePath();
return null;
* Returns the JavaSource locations in each project
* @param project
* @return
public static IPath[] getAllJavaSourceLocations(IProject project) {
Vector pathVector = new Vector();
IPackageFragmentRoot[] fragmentRoots = getJavaPackageFragmentRoots(project);
for (int i = 0; i < fragmentRoots.length; i++) {
try {
IResource fragmentRoot = fragmentRoots[i].getCorrespondingResource();
if (fragmentRoot != null && (fragmentRoot.getProject().equals(project))
&& (fragmentRoot.getType() != IResource.FILE)) {
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return (IPath[]) pathVector.toArray(new Path[pathVector.size()]);
public static IPath[] getAllJavaSourceLocations(IVirtualComponent[] components) {
return null;
* Returns a build source package fragment root of the <code>project</code>
* as an <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code>, or null if the project either
* has no Java nature or if the project's build classpath contains no
* folders local to the project. If the project has more than one of its own
* folders on the build classpath, then one of them is chosen arbitrarily as
* the build source location.
* @param project
* The project.
* @return A build source package fragment root of the <code>project</code>
* or null if the project has no Java nature or if the project's
* build classpath contains no folders local to the project.
* @deprecated not used
public static IPackageFragmentRoot getJavaSourcePackageFragmentRoot(IProject project) {
IPackageFragmentRoot packageFragmentRoot = null;
IPath javaSourceLocation = getJavaSourceLocation(project);
try {
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
if (javaProject != null) {
packageFragmentRoot = javaProject.findPackageFragmentRoot(javaSourceLocation);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return packageFragmentRoot;
* Returns the package fragment roots of the <code>project</code> as an
* array of <code>IPackageFragmentRoot</code> objects. If the project has
* no Java nature then the returned array will be of length zero.
* @param project
* The project.
* @return The package fragment roots of the <code>project</code>.
public static IPackageFragmentRoot[] getJavaPackageFragmentRoots(IProject project) {
try {
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
if (javaProject != null) {
IPackageFragmentRoot[] packageFragmentRoots = javaProject
return packageFragmentRoots;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return new IPackageFragmentRoot[0];
* Returns the build classpath entries of the <code>project</code> as an
* array of <code>IClasspathEntry</code> objects. If the project has no
* Java nature then the returned array will be of length zero.
* @param project
* The project.
* @return The classpath entries of the <code>project</code>.
* @deprecated not used
public static IClasspathEntry[] getJavaClasspath(IProject project) {
try {
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
if (javaProject != null) {
IClasspathEntry[] classpathEntries = javaProject
return classpathEntries;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return new IClasspathEntry[0];
* Returns the container corresponding to the web server module root of the
* project (ie. the "webApplication" folder) or null if the project has no
* Web nature.
* @param project
* The project.
* @return The web server module root container or null if the project has
* no Web nature.
* @deprecated use getWebModuleServerRoot(project, compName)
// public static IContainer getWebModuleServerRoot(IProject project) {
// IContainer webModuleServerRoot = null;
// StructureEdit mc = null;
// try {
// mc = StructureEdit.getStructureEditForRead(project);
// WorkbenchComponent[] wbcs = mc.getWorkbenchModules();
// if (wbcs.length!=0) {
// webModuleServerRoot = StructureEdit.getOutputContainerRoot(wbcs[0]);
// IFolder fwebModuleServerRoot = StructureEdit.getOutputContainerRoot(wbcs[0]);
// fwebModuleServerRoot.getFolder("WEB-INF").getFolder("classes");
// IFolder[] folder = StructureEdit.getOutputContainersForProject(project);
// if (folder.length!=0)
// System.out.println("WebModuleServerRoot = "+folder[0]);
// }
// IProjectNature nature = project.getNature(IWebNatureConstants.J2EE_NATURE_ID);
// if (nature != null && (nature instanceof IDynamicWebNature)) {
// IDynamicWebNature webNature = (IDynamicWebNature) nature;
// webModuleServerRoot = webNature.getRootPublishableFolder();
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// Log log = new EclipseLog();
// log.log(Log.ERROR, 5035, ResourceUtils.class, "getWebModuleServerRoot",
// "project=" + project + ",webModuleServerRoot="
// + webModuleServerRoot);
// }
// finally{
// if (mc!=null)
// mc.dispose();
// }
// return webModuleServerRoot;
// }
* @param project
* @param componentName
* @return
public static IContainer getWebComponentServerRoot(IProject project, String componentName){
IContainer webModuleServerRoot = null;
StructureEdit mc = null;
try {
mc = StructureEdit.getStructureEditForRead(project);
if (mc!=null) {
WorkbenchComponent wbc = mc.findComponentByName(componentName);
if (wbc!=null) {
webModuleServerRoot = StructureEdit.getOutputContainerRoot(wbc);
System.out.println("webModuleServerRoot = "+webModuleServerRoot);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (mc!=null)
return webModuleServerRoot;
* Returns the URL string corresponding to the web server module root of the
* project in a server instance or null if the project has no Web nature or
* has no association to a server instance.
* @param project
* The project.
* @return The web server module root URL or null if the project has no Web
* nature or has no association to a server instance.
* @deprecated use getWebComponentURL(..) which belongs in ServerUtils
public static String getWebProjectURL(IProject project,
String serverFactoryId, IServer server) {
String webProjectURL = null;
IModule module = getModule(project);
if (module != null) {
IServer serverInstance = ServerUtils.getServerForModule(module,
serverFactoryId, server, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
if (serverInstance != null) {
// URL url = ((IURLProvider) serverInstance.getDelegate()).getModuleRootURL(module);
URL url = ((IURLProvider)serverInstance.getAdapter(IURLProvider.class)).getModuleRootURL(module);
if (url != null) {
String s = url.toString();
webProjectURL = (s.endsWith("/") ? s.substring(0, s
.length() - 1) : s);
Log log = new EclipseLog();
log.log(Log.INFO, 5036, ResourceUtils.class, "getWebProjectURL",
"project=" + project + ",webProjectURL=" + webProjectURL);
return webProjectURL;
* Returns the forged URL string corresponding to the web server module root
* of the project in a server instance or null if the project has no Web
* nature or has no association to a server instance.
* @param project
* @return The web server module root URL or null if the project has no Web
* nature or has no association to a server instance.
* @deprecated not used
public static String getForgedWebProjectURL(IProject project, String serverFactoryId, IServer server){
String webProjectURL = null;
IModule module = getModule(project);
if (module != null)
//IServer serverInstance = ServerUtils.getServerForModule(module,
// serverFactoryId, server, true, new NullProgressMonitor());
if (server != null)
String hostname = server.getHost();
// get ServerPort
int portNumber = 0;
ServerPort[] ports = server.getServerPorts(null);
ServerPort port = null;
for (int it = 0; it<ports.length; it++)
ServerPort p = ports[it];
String protocol = p.getProtocol();
if (protocol != null && protocol.trim().toLowerCase().equals("http"))
port = p;
portNumber = p.getPort();
URL url = null;
try {
url = new URL("http", hostname, portNumber, "");
catch(Exception e){
//URL url = ((IURLProvider) serverInstance.getDelegate()).getModuleRootURL(module);
if (url != null)
String s = url.toString();
webProjectURL = s + "/"+project.getName();
//webProjectURL = (s.endsWith("/") ? s.substring(0,s.length()-1) : s);
Log log = new EclipseLog();
log.log(Log.INFO, 5036, ResourceUtils.class, "getWebProjectURL", "project="+project+",webProjectURL="+webProjectURL);
return webProjectURL;
* Returns the URL string corresponding to the web server module root of the
* project in a server instance or null if the project has no Web nature or
* has no association to a server instance.
* @param project
* The project.
* @return The web server module root URL or null if the project has no Web
* nature or has no association to a server instance.
* @deprecated belongs in ServerUtils
public static String getWebProjectURL(IProject project) {
String webProjectURL = null;
IModule module = getModule(project);
if (module != null) {
IServer serverInstance = ServerUtils.getServerForModule(module);
if (serverInstance != null) {
URL url = ((IURLProvider)serverInstance.getAdapter(IURLProvider.class)).getModuleRootURL(module);
if (url != null) {
String s = url.toString();
webProjectURL = (s.endsWith("/") ? s.substring(0, s
.length() - 1) : s);
Log log = new EclipseLog();
log.log(Log.INFO, 5037, ResourceUtils.class, "getWebProjectURL",
"project=" + project + ",webProjectURL=" + webProjectURL);
return webProjectURL;
* @param project
* @return
* @deprecated should be in ServerUtils
public static String getEncodedWebProjectURL(IProject project) {
String url = getWebProjectURL(project);
if (url != null) {
int index = url.lastIndexOf('/');
if (index != -1) {
StringBuffer encodedURL = new StringBuffer();
encodedURL.append(url.substring(0, index + 1));
try {
String ctxtRoot = URLEncoder.encode(url.substring(index + 1, url.length()), "UTF-8");
int plusIndex = ctxtRoot.indexOf('+');
while (plusIndex != -1) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append(ctxtRoot.substring(0, plusIndex));
sb.append(ctxtRoot.substring(plusIndex + 1, ctxtRoot
ctxtRoot = sb.toString();
plusIndex = ctxtRoot.indexOf('+');
}catch (IOException io){
//handler exception
url = encodedURL.toString();
return url;
* Given the <code>absolutePath</code> of a Java resource, returns the
* package name of the resource or null if the resource is not properly
* located in a project or folder on the build classpath or that is the
* build output path.
* @param absolutePath
* The absolute path of the Java resource.
* @return the package name of the Java resource.
public static String getJavaResourcePackageName(IPath absolutePath) {
try {
IPath javaFolderPath = absolutePath.removeLastSegments(1);
IProject project = getProjectOf(absolutePath);
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
if (javaProject != null) {
IPackageFragment fragment = javaProject
if (fragment != null) {
return fragment.getElementName();
IPath outputPath = getJavaOutputLocation(project);
if (outputPath.isPrefixOf(javaFolderPath)) {
IPath javaPackagePath = javaFolderPath
return javaPackagePath.isEmpty() ? null : javaPackagePath
.toString().replace(IPath.SEPARATOR, '.');
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return null;
* Given the <code>absolutePath</code> of a Java resource, returns the
* package name of the resource as a relative pathname or null if the
* resource is not properly located in a project or folder on the build
* classpath.
* @param absolutePath
* The absolute path of the Java resource.
* @return the package name of the Java resource as a relative path.
public static IPath getJavaResourcePackagePath(IPath absolutePath) {
String packageName = ResourceUtils
return (packageName == null ? null : new Path(packageName.replace('.',
* Given the <code>absolutePath</code> of a Java resource, returns the
* absolute path of the project or folder that is on the build classpath or
* is the build output path and that contains the fully qualified Java
* resource, or null if no such project or folder exists.
* @param absolutePath
* The absolute path of the Java resource.
* @return The absolute path of the project or folder containing the fully
* qualified Java resource.
* @deprecated not used
public static IPath getJavaResourceRootPath(IPath absolutePath) {
try {
IProject project = getProjectOf(absolutePath);
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
if (javaProject != null) {
IPackageFragmentRoot[] pfrs = javaProject
for (int i = 0; i < pfrs.length; i++) {
IResource fragmentRoot = pfrs[i].getCorrespondingResource();
if (fragmentRoot != null) {
IPath fragmentPath = fragmentRoot.getFullPath();
if (fragmentPath.isPrefixOf(absolutePath)) {
return fragmentPath;
IPath outputPath = getJavaOutputLocation(project);
if (outputPath.isPrefixOf(absolutePath)) {
return outputPath;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return null;
* Determines an URL (HTTP or FILE) to an Eclipse resource, returning the
* URL string if successful and false otherwise. A value of null will
* definitely be returned if any of the following conditions are not met:
* <ol>
* <li>The absolute path begins with a Web Project.
* <li>The leading portion of the absolute path matches the path of the
* container returned by {#link #getWebModuleServerRoot
* getWebModuleServerRoot} for the project.
* <li>The path does not lead to the WEB-INF folder or any descendent
* thereof.
* <li>The Web Project is associated with an explicit or default server
* instance.
* </ol>
* @param absolutePath
* The absolute path of the resource.
* @return The URL of the file, or null if no URL can be determined.
* @deprecated not used
// public static String getURLFromPath(IPath absolutePath,
// String serverFactoryId, IServer server) {
// return getURLFromPath(absolutePath, getWebProjectURL(
// getProjectOf(absolutePath), serverFactoryId, server));
// }
* @param absolutePath
* @param webProjectURL
* @return
* @deprecated not used
// public static String getURLFromPath(IPath absolutePath, String webProjectURL) {
// StringBuffer url = new StringBuffer();
// IProject project = getProjectOf(absolutePath);
// IContainer webModuleServerRoot = getWebModuleServerRoot(project);
// if (webModuleServerRoot != null) {
// IPath webModuleServerRootPath = webModuleServerRoot.getFullPath();
// if (webModuleServerRootPath.isPrefixOf(absolutePath)) {
// int numSegment = webModuleServerRootPath.segmentCount();
// int numSegmentFromPath = absolutePath.segmentCount();
// if (numSegmentFromPath > numSegment) {
// String nextSegment = absolutePath.segment(numSegment);
// // check if the segment after the WebModuleServerRoot is
// // WEB-INF (ignoring case)
// if (nextSegment != null && !nextSegment.equalsIgnoreCase("WEB-INF")) {
// IPath relativePath = absolutePath.removeFirstSegments(numSegment);
// if (webProjectURL != null)
// url.append(webProjectURL).append(IPath.SEPARATOR).append(relativePath.toString());
// }
// } else if (numSegmentFromPath == numSegment)
// url.append(webProjectURL);
// }
// }
// if (url.length() < 1) {
// IWorkspaceRoot workspace = getWorkspaceRoot();
// url.append(getResourceURI(workspace.getFile(absolutePath)));
// }
// Log log = new EclipseLog();
// log.log(Log.INFO, 5038, ResourceUtils.class, "getURLFromPath",
// "absolutePath=" + absolutePath + ",url=" + url);
// return url.toString();
// }
* Copies a set of files from a plugin's installation location to a native
* directory. The files are named in an index file located relative to the
* plugin's installation location.
* @param plugin
* The plugin containing the files to copy. Must not be null.
* @param sourcePath
* The path, relative to the <code>plugin</code> install
* location, containing the files to copy. If null, then the
* plugin install location is the source path (ie. null is
* equivalent to ".").
* @param indexPathname
* A file containing a whitespace-delimitted list of pathnames of
* the files to copy. The pathnames are relative to the
* <code>plugin sourcePath</code>. Must not be null.
* @param targetPath
* The absolute path of the native directory to which the files
* will be copied. The relative pathnames of the files named in
* the <code>indexPathname</code> file are preserved. Must not
* be null.
* @param progressMonitor
* The progress monitor for the operation, or null.
* @throws IOException
* An exception indicating an IO error has occured.
static public void copyIndexedFilesToOS(Plugin plugin, IPath sourcePath,
IPath indexPathname, IPath targetPath,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws IOException {
InputStream input = plugin.openStream(indexPathname);
Enumeration filenames = StringUtils.parseFilenamesFromStream(input);
copyEnumeratedFilesToOS(plugin, sourcePath, filenames, targetPath,
* Copies a set of files from a plugin's installation location to a native
* directory. The files are named in an enumeration.
* @param plugin
* The plugin containing the files to copy. Must not be null.
* @param sourcePath
* The path, relative to the <code>plugin</code> install
* location, containing the files to copy. If null, then the
* plugin install location is the source path (ie. null is
* equivalent to ".").
* @param pathnames
* An enumeration of pathnames of the files to copy. The
* pathnames are relative to the <code>plugin sourcePath</code>.
* Must not be null.
* @param targetPath
* The absolute path of the native directory to which the files
* will be copied. The relative pathnames of the files named in
* the <code>pathnames</code> enumeration are preserved. Must
* not be null.
* @param progressMonitor
* The progress monitor for the operation, or null.
* @throws IOException
* An exception indicating an IO error has occured.
static public void copyEnumeratedFilesToOS(Plugin plugin, IPath sourcePath,
Enumeration pathnames, IPath targetPath,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) throws IOException {
while (pathnames.hasMoreElements()) {
String filename = (String) pathnames.nextElement();
copyFileToOS(plugin, sourcePath, new Path(filename), targetPath,
* Copies a file from a plugin's installation location to a native
* directory.
* @param plugin
* The plugin containing the files to copy. Must not be null.
* @param sourcePath
* The path, relative to the <code>plugin</code> install
* location, containing the files to copy. If null, then the
* plugin install location is the source path (ie. null is
* equivalent to ".").
* @param pathname
* The pathname of the file to copy. The pathname is relative to
* the <code>plugin sourcePath</code>. Must not be null.
* @param targetPath
* The absolute path of the native directory to which the file
* will be copied. The relative pathname of the file is
* preserved. Must not be null.
* @param progressMonitor
* The progress monitor for the operation, or null.
* @throws IOException
* An exception indicating an IO error has occured.
static public void copyFileToOS(Plugin plugin, IPath sourcePath,
IPath pathname, IPath targetPath, IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
throws IOException {
IPath target = targetPath.append(pathname);
IPath source = sourcePath == null ? pathname : sourcePath
InputStream input = plugin.openStream(source);
OutputStream output = new FileOutputStream(target.toOSString());
copyStream(input, output);
* Copies data from one stream to another.
* @param input
* The input stream.
* @param output
* The output stream.
* @return The number of bytes copied.
* @throws IOException
* An exception if an error occurs while processing either of
* the streams.
static public int copyStream(InputStream input, OutputStream output)
throws IOException {
int t = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int n =;
while (n >= 0) {
output.write(buffer, 0, n);
t += n;
n =;
return t;
* Creates a native directory path equal to the parent portion of the given
* <code>pathname</code>. If the directory already exists, then no action
* is taken.
* @param pathname
* The pathname to the file whose parent directory should be
* created.
* @throws IOException
* An exception if an IO error occurs.
static public void createParentDirectoryFor(String pathname)
throws IOException {
File file = new File(pathname);
File parent = file.getParentFile();
if (parent != null) {
* Returns the IResource represented by the given selection.
* @param object
* The selection
* @return IResource if the selection represents an IResource. Returns null
* otherwise.
* @throws CoreException
static public IResource getResourceFromSelection(Object obj)
throws CoreException {
IResource res = null;
if (obj != null) {
System.out.println("Object = "+ obj.getClass().getName());
if (obj instanceof IResource) {
res = (IResource) obj;
} else if (obj instanceof ICompilationUnit) {
ICompilationUnit compUnit = (ICompilationUnit) obj;
res = compUnit.getCorrespondingResource();
} else if (obj instanceof EnterpriseBean) {
EnterpriseBean ejbBean = (EnterpriseBean) obj;
IProject ejbProject = ProjectUtilities.getProject(ejbBean);
if (ejbProject != null)
res = ejbProject;
return res;
// Naughty bits...
// Creates a path of folders.
// Do not call with an absolutePath of less than one segment.
// private static IContainer makeFolderPath (
// ResourceContext resourceContext,
// IPath absolutePath,
// IProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
// StatusMonitor statusMonitor
// )
// throws CoreException
// {
// if (absolutePath.segmentCount() <= 1)
// {
// return getWorkspaceRoot().getProject(absolutePath.segment(0));
// }
// else
// {
// IContainer parent = makeFolderPath(resourceContext,
// absolutePath.removeLastSegments(1), progressMonitor, statusMonitor);
// String folderName = absolutePath.lastSegment();
// return makeFolder(resourceContext, parent,folderName, progressMonitor ,
// statusMonitor);
// }
// }
// Creates a folder under a container.
// The container must already exist.
// private static IFolder makeFolder (
// ResourceContext resourceContext,
// IContainer parent,
// String folderName,
// IProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
// StatusMonitor statusMonitor
// )
// throws CoreException
// {
// IResource child = parent.findMember(folderName);
// if (child == null)
// {
// if (!resourceContext.isCreateFoldersEnabled()) {
// int result = statusMonitor.reportStatus(new
// Status(IStatus.WARNING,WebServicePlugin.ID,0,
// WebServicePlugin.getMessage("%MSG_ERROR_FOLDER_CREATION_DISABLED",
// new Object[] {parent.getFullPath().toString(),folderName}),null),
// getThreeStateFileOptions());
// if (result == IStatusDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID)
// return null;
// if ( result == IStatusDialogConstants.YES_TO_ALL_ID)
// resourceContext.setCreateFoldersEnabled(true);
// }
// IFolder folder = parent.getFolder(new Path(folderName));
// folder.create(true,true,progressMonitor);
// return folder;
// }
// else if (child.getType() == IResource.FOLDER)
// {
// return (IFolder)child;
// }
// else
// {
// throw new CoreException(new
// Status(IStatus.ERROR,WebServicePlugin.ID,0,WebServicePlugin.getMessage("%MSG_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOLDER",new
// Object[] {parent.getFullPath().append(folderName).toString()}),null));
// }
// }
// Creates a file under a container.
// The container must already exist.
// private static IFile makeFile (
// ResourceContext resourceContext,
// IContainer parent,
// String fileName,
// InputStream inputStream,
// IProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
// StatusMonitor statusMonitor
// )
// throws CoreException
// {
// IResource child = parent.findMember(fileName);
// if (child != null)
// {
// if (child.getType() == IResource.FILE)
// {
// if (!resourceContext.isOverwriteFilesEnabled()) {
// int result = statusMonitor.reportStatus( new
// Status(IStatus.WARNING,WebServicePlugin.ID,0,
// WebServicePlugin.getMessage("%MSG_ERROR_FILE_OVERWRITE_DISABLED",
// new Object[] {parent.getFullPath().toString(),fileName}),null),
// getThreeStateFileOptions());
// if (result == IStatusDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID)
// return null;
// if ( result == IStatusDialogConstants.YES_TO_ALL_ID)
// resourceContext.setOverwriteFilesEnabled(true);
// }
// //We have permission to overwrite so check if file is read-only
// if (child.isReadOnly())
// {
// if (!resourceContext.isCheckoutFilesEnabled()) {
// int result = statusMonitor.reportStatus( new
// Status(IStatus.WARNING,WebServicePlugin.ID,0,
// WebServicePlugin.getMessage("%MSG_ERROR_FILE_CHECKOUT_DISABLED",
// new Object[] {parent.getFullPath().toString(),fileName}),null),
// getThreeStateFileOptions());
// if (result == IStatusDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID)
// return null;
// if ( result == IStatusDialogConstants.YES_TO_ALL_ID)
// resourceContext.setCheckoutFilesEnabled(true);
// }
// IFile[] files = new IFile[1];
// files[0] = (IFile)child;
// if (
// !statusMonitor.reportStatus(getWorkspace().validateEdit(files,null)))
// return null;
// }
// //Change the contents of the existing file.
// IFile file = parent.getFile(new Path(fileName));
// file.setContents(inputStream,true,true,progressMonitor);
// return file;
// }
// else
// {
// throw new CoreException(new
// Status(IStatus.ERROR,WebServicePlugin.ID,0,WebServicePlugin.getMessage("%MSG_ERROR_RESOURCE_NOT_FILE",new
// Object[] {parent.getFullPath().append(fileName)}),null));
// }
// }
// else
// {
// //Create a new file.
// IFile file = parent.getFile(new Path(fileName));
// file.create(inputStream,true,progressMonitor);
// return file;
// }
// }
* Deletes a file under a container. The container must already exist.
* @param file -
* the IFile to be deleted
* @param progressMonitor
* @param statusMonitor
* @return True if the file does not exist or if it exists and is
* successfully deleted. False otherwise.
// public static boolean deleteFile (
// ResourceContext resourceContext,
// IFile file,
// IProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
// StatusMonitor statusMonitor )
// throws CoreException
// {
// if (file.exists())
// {
// if (!resourceContext.isOverwriteFilesEnabled()) {
// int result = statusMonitor.reportStatus( new
// Status(IStatus.WARNING,WebServicePlugin.ID,0,
// WebServicePlugin.getMessage("%MSG_ERROR_FILE_OVERWRITE_DISABLED",
// new Object[]
// {file.getParent().getFullPath().toString(),file.getName()}),null),
// getThreeStateFileOptions());
// if (result == IStatusDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID)
// return false;
// if ( result == IStatusDialogConstants.YES_TO_ALL_ID)
// resourceContext.setOverwriteFilesEnabled(true);
// }
// //We have permission to overwrite so check if file is read-only
// if (file.isReadOnly())
// {
// if (!resourceContext.isCheckoutFilesEnabled()) {
// int result = statusMonitor.reportStatus( new
// Status(IStatus.WARNING,WebServicePlugin.ID,0,
// WebServicePlugin.getMessage("%MSG_ERROR_FILE_CHECKOUT_DISABLED",
// new Object[]
// {file.getParent().getFullPath().toString(),file.getName()}),null),
// getThreeStateFileOptions());
// if (result == IStatusDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID)
// return false;
// if ( result == IStatusDialogConstants.YES_TO_ALL_ID)
// resourceContext.setCheckoutFilesEnabled(true);
// }
// IFile[] files = new IFile[1];
// files[0] = file;
// if (
// !statusMonitor.reportStatus(getWorkspace().validateEdit(files,null)))
// return false;
// }
// file.delete(true,progressMonitor);
// }
// //At this point, either the file did not exist or we successfully deleted
// it. Return success.
// return true;
// }
* Deletes a folder under a container.
* @param folder -
* the IFolder to be deleted
* @param progressMonitor
* @param statusMonitor
* @return True if the folder does not exist or if it exists and is
* successfully deleted along with its members. False otherwise.
// public static boolean deleteFolder (
// ResourceContext resourceContext,
// IFolder folder,
// IProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
// StatusMonitor statusMonitor
// )
// throws CoreException
// {
// if (!folder.exists()) return true;
// boolean deleted = true;
// IResource[] resources = folder.members();
// for (int i=0; i<resources.length; i++)
// {
// IResource resource = resources[i];
// if (resource instanceof IFile)
// {
// deleted = deleteFile(resourceContext, (IFile)resource, progressMonitor,
// statusMonitor);
// }
// if (resource instanceof IFolder)
// {
// deleted = deleteFolder( resourceContext, (IFolder)resource,
// progressMonitor, statusMonitor);
// }
// if (!deleted) break;
// }
// if (deleted) {
// folder.delete(true, true, progressMonitor);
// return true;
// }
// else
// return false;
// }
* Deletes a set of files that are named in an index file located relative
* to the plugin's installation location.
* @param plugin
* The plugin containing the indexed file Must not be null.
* @param sourcePath -
* relative path of the indexed file passing a null in has the
* same effect as passing a "." in
* @param indexFilePath -
* the indexed filename Must not be null
* @param targetPath -
* path containing the files named in the indexed file Must not
* be null, this path must end with a trailing separator
* @param progressMonitor
// public static void deleteIndexFilesFromOS (
// Plugin plugin,
// IPath indexFilePath,
// IPath targetPath
// )
// throws IOException {
// InputStream input = plugin.openStream(indexFilePath);
// Enumeration filenames = StringUtils.parseFilenamesFromStream(input);
// while (filenames.hasMoreElements()) {
// File targetFile =
// targetPath.append((String)filenames.nextElement()).toFile();
// if (targetFile.exists())
// targetFile.delete();
// }
// }
* Returns a URI reference to the given Eclipse resource, or null if no such
* reference can be determined (for example, if the resource does not exist
* in the underlying filesystem).
* @param resource
* The resource.
* @return The URI as a string, or null if there is no URI to the resource.
public static String getResourceURI(IResource resource) {
String uri = null;
IPath location = resource.getLocation();
if (location != null) {
uri = "file:" + location.toString();
return uri;
* Returns a URI reference to the given Eclipse resource using the
* "platform:" protocol, or null if no such reference can be determined (for
* example, if the resource does not exist in the underlying filesystem).
* @param resource
* The resource.
* @return The URI as a string, or null if there is no URI to the resource.
public static String getPlatformResourceURI(IResource resource) {
String uri = null;
IPath location = resource.getFullPath();
if (location != null) {
uri = "platform:/resource" + location.toString();
return uri;
* Returns the default binding namespace string given a Java bean name
* (using the convention used by CTC in GM). e.g. Java bean MyClass result
* in binding namespace of
* ""
* @param beanName
* The java bean.
* @return The binding namespace as a string.
public static String getBindingNamespace(String beanName) {
return "http://www." + beanName.toLowerCase() + ".com/definitions/"
+ beanName + "RemoteInterface";
* Returns the default schema namespace string given a Java bean name (using
* the convention used by CTC in GM). e.g. Java bean MyClass result in
* schema namespace of
* ""
* @param beanName
* The java bean.
* @return The schemas namespace as a string.
public static String getSchemaNamespace(String beanName) {
return "http://www." + beanName.toLowerCase() + ".com/schemas/"
+ beanName + "RemoteInterface";
// public static Vector getThreeStateFileOptions() {
// Vector options = new Vector();
// options.add(new
// StatusOption(IStatusDialogConstants.YES_ID,IStatusDialogConstants.YES_LABEL,"",""));
// options.add(new
// StatusOption(IStatusDialogConstants.YES_TO_ALL_ID,IStatusDialogConstants.YES_TO_ALL_LABEL,"",""));
// options.add(new
// StatusOption(IStatusDialogConstants.CANCEL_ID,IStatusDialogConstants.CANCEL_LABEL,"",""));
// return options;
// }
* Gets the SOAP rpcrouter servlet URL for the service project
* @param project
* The project.
* @param serverFactoryId
* The server factory id
* @param server
* The server
* @return The URL, possibly null.
public static String getServletURL(IProject project,
String serverFactoryId, IServer server) {
return getServletURL(getWebProjectURL(project, serverFactoryId, server));
public static String getServletURL(String webProjectURL) {
if (webProjectURL == null)
return null;
return webProjectURL + SERVLET_EXT;
* Gets the client Web project name
* @param projectName
* The project name to base on.
* @param typeId the webservice type id.
* @return The client Web project name.
public static String getClientWebProjectName(String projectName, String typeId)
String baseClientWebProjectName = projectName + DEFAULT_CLIENT_WEB_PROJECT_EXT;
IPath projectPath;
IProject project;
boolean foundWebProject = false;
int i = 1;
if( isSkeletonEJBType( typeId ) )
// For the skeleton EJB scenario we need to create a slightly different
// base name. When the EJB project is created another project
// is created with "Client" tacked onto the end. We will
// add "WS" to our client so we don't collide with the other
// client project.
baseClientWebProjectName = projectName + "WS" + DEFAULT_CLIENT_WEB_PROJECT_EXT;
String clientWebProjectName = baseClientWebProjectName;
while (!foundWebProject)
projectPath = new Path(clientWebProjectName).makeAbsolute();
project = ResourceUtils.getProjectOf(projectPath);
if (project.exists() && !ResourceUtils.isWebProject(project))
clientWebProjectName = baseClientWebProjectName + i;
foundWebProject = true;
return clientWebProjectName;
public static String[] getClientProjectComponentName(String projectName, String componentName)
String clientProjectName = projectName + DEFAULT_CLIENT_WEB_PROJECT_EXT;
String baseName = clientProjectName;
String clientComponentName = componentName + DEFAULT_CLIENT_WEB_PROJECT_EXT;
String baseCompName = clientComponentName;
// boolean foundWebProject = false;
// int i = 1;
// while (!foundWebProject)
// {
// IPath projectPath = new Path(clientProjectName).makeAbsolute();
// IProject project = ResourceUtils.getProjectOf(projectPath);
// if (project.exists())
// {
// clientProjectName = baseName + i;
// clientComponentName = baseCompName + i;
// i++;
// }
// else
// {
// foundWebProject = true;
// }
// }
return new String[]{clientProjectName, clientComponentName};
public static boolean isSkeletonEJBType( String typeID )
return typeID.equals( "" );
public static String getDefaultEJBProjectName() {
public static String getDefaultEJBComponentName() {
public static String getDefaultWebProjectName() {
public static String getDefaultWebComponentName() {
public static String getDefaultClientExtension() {
* @param projectName
* @return
public static String getRouterProjectName(String projectName) {
return projectName + DEFAULT_ROUTER_PROJECT_EXT;
public static String getDefaultServiceEARProjectName() {
public static String getDefaultServiceEARComponentName() {
public static String getDefaultClientEARProjectName() {
public static String getDefaultClientEARComponentName() {