[547886] Adding Test FBs for simple Functionality

Adding Test FBs for COnditions, Loops, Datatypes and Operators

Change-Id: I3abb9f88dcc352ace0b6e55db2398b6707c09860
Signed-off-by: Jan Holzweber <j.holzweber@gmx.at>
diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/ConditionIF_ELSE.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/ConditionIF_ELSE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e0bab8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/ConditionIF_ELSE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Lua Test FB for IF statement" Name="ConditionIF_ELSE">

+  <Identification Description="IF  is TRUE when a &gt; b &#13;&#10;IF_ELSE is TRUE when b &gt; c&#13;&#10;ELSE is TRUE when non of the above trigger&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="IF_ONLY" Type="Event"/>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="IF_ELSE" Type="Event"/>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="IF_ELSEIF" Type="Event"/>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="B_IF"/>

+        <With Var="B_IF_ELSE"/>

+        <With Var="B_IF_ELSEIF"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="a" Type="INT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="b" Type="INT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="c" Type="INT"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="B_IF" Type="BOOL"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="B_IF_ELSE" Type="BOOL"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="B_IF_ELSEIF" Type="BOOL"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="IF" x="2765.0" y="395.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="SetToFalse"/>

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Only_IF" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="IF_ELSE" x="2390.0" y="1040.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="SetToFalse"/>

+        <ECAction Algorithm="IF_ELSE" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="IF_ELSEIF" x="1015.0" y="1515.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="SetToFalse"/>

+        <ECAction Algorithm="IF_ELSEIF_ELSE" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="IF_ONLY" Destination="IF" Source="START" x="1845.0" y="485.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="IF_ELSE" Destination="IF_ELSE" Source="START" x="1550.0" y="815.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="IF_ELSEIF" Destination="IF_ELSEIF" Source="START" x="875.0" y="1040.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="IF" x="1745.0" y="670.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="IF_ELSE" x="1590.0" y="1295.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="IF_ELSEIF" x="420.0" y="1390.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Only_IF">

+      <ST Text="if a &gt; b then&#13;&#10;&#9;B_IF := true;&#13;&#10;end_if;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="IF_ELSE">

+      <ST Text="if a &gt; b then&#13;&#10;&#9;B_IF := true;&#13;&#10;elsif b &gt; c then&#13;&#10;&#9;B_IF_ELSEIF := true;&#13;&#10;end_if;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="IF_ELSEIF_ELSE">

+      <ST Text="if a &gt; b then&#13;&#10;&#9;B_IF := true;&#13;&#10;elsif b &gt; c then&#13;&#10;&#9;B_IF_ELSEIF := true;&#13;&#10;else&#13;&#10;&#9;B_IF_ELSE :=true;&#13;&#10;end_if;&#13;&#10;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="SetToFalse">

+      <ST Text="B_IF := false;&#13;&#10;B_IF_ELSEIF := false;&#13;&#10;B_IF_ELSE :=false;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/ConditionSWITCH_CASE.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/ConditionSWITCH_CASE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c61613
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/ConditionSWITCH_CASE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Test FB fpr Switch Statement" Name="ConditionSWITCH_CASE">

+  <Identification Description="It checks if the input data I is:&#13;&#10;= 5&#13;&#10;= 10 &#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0&#13;&#10;" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="InputInt"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="EQ5"/>

+        <With Var="EQ10"/>

+        <With Var="ELSEO"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="InputInt" Type="DINT"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="EQ5" Type="BOOL"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="EQ10" Type="BOOL"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ELSEO" Type="BOOL"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="2430.0" y="925.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Switch" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI" Destination="State" Source="START" x="1645.0" y="720.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1500.0" y="1045.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="" Name="Switch">

+      <ST Text="CASE InputInt OF&#13;&#10;&#9;5 : EQ5 := true;&#13;&#10;&#9;10: EQ10 :=true;&#13;&#10;ELSE&#13;&#10;&#9;ELSEO:=true;&#13;&#10;END_CASE;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesBitStrings.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesBitStrings.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..416d4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesBitStrings.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="DataTypesBitStrings">

+  <Identification Description="Normal just propagates the input to the output&#13;&#10;Internal: sets the output from inside&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Normal" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="BOOL_I"/>

+        <With Var="WORD_I"/>

+        <With Var="DWORD_I"/>

+        <With Var="LWORD_I"/>

+        <With Var="BYTE_I"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Internal" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="BOOL_I"/>

+        <With Var="WORD_I"/>

+        <With Var="DWORD_I"/>

+        <With Var="LWORD_I"/>

+        <With Var="BYTE_I"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="BOOL_O"/>

+        <With Var="BYTE_O"/>

+        <With Var="WORD_O"/>

+        <With Var="DWORD_O"/>

+        <With Var="LWORD_O"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="BOOL_I" Type="BOOL"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="BYTE_I" Type="BYTE"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="WORD_I" Type="WORD"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="DWORD_I" Type="DWORD"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="LWORD_I" Type="LWORD"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="BOOL_O" Type="SINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="BYTE_O" Type="INT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="WORD_O" Type="DINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="DWORD_O" Type="LINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="LWORD_O" Type="USINT"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="2375.0" y="295.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Normal" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_3" x="600.0" y="3000.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Internal" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Normal" Destination="State" Source="START" x="1605.0" y="380.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1645.0" y="605.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Internal" Destination="State_3" Source="START" x="850.0" y="1460.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_3" x="135.0" y="1840.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Normal">

+      <ST Text="BOOL_O:=BOOL_I;&#13;&#10;BYTE_O:=BYTE_I;&#13;&#10;WORD_O:=WORD_I;&#13;&#10;DWORD_O:=DWORD_I;&#13;&#10;LWORD_O:=LWORD_I;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Internal">

+      <ST Text="BOOL_O:=1;&#13;&#10;BYTE_O:=2;&#13;&#10;WORD_O:=35555;&#13;&#10;DWORD_O:=2147483648;&#13;&#10;LWORD_O:=2147483648;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesFloatingPoints.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesFloatingPoints.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d13da1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesFloatingPoints.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="DataTypesFloatingPoints">

+  <Identification Description="Normal just propagates the input to the output&#13;&#10;Internal: sets the output from inside to pi and e&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Normal" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="REAL_I"/>

+        <With Var="LREAL_I"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Internal" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="REAL_I"/>

+        <With Var="LREAL_I"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="REAL_O"/>

+        <With Var="LREAL_O"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="REAL_I" Type="REAL"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="LREAL_I" Type="REAL"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="REAL_O" Type="REAL"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="LREAL_O" Type="LREAL"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="2375.0" y="295.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Normal" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_3" x="600.0" y="3000.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Internal" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Normal" Destination="State" Source="START" x="1605.0" y="380.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1645.0" y="605.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Internal" Destination="State_3" Source="START" x="850.0" y="1460.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_3" x="135.0" y="1840.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Normal">

+      <ST Text="REAL_O:=REAL_I;&#13;&#10;LREAL_O :=LREAL_I;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Internal">

+      <ST Text="REAL_O:=3.14159265359;&#13;&#10;LREAL_O :=2.7182818;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesInteger.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesInteger.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ac077e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesInteger.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="DataTypesInteger">

+  <Identification Description="Normal just propagates the input to the output&#13;&#10;Max: sets to the highest possible value&#13;&#10;Min: sets to the lowest possible value&#13;&#10;Internal: sets the output from inside&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Normal" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="S_INT_I"/>

+        <With Var="INT_I"/>

+        <With Var="DINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="LINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="USINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="UIN_I"/>

+        <With Var="UDINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="ULINT_I"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Internal" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="S_INT_I"/>

+        <With Var="INT_I"/>

+        <With Var="DINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="LINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="USINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="UIN_I"/>

+        <With Var="UDINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="ULINT_I"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Max" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="S_INT_I"/>

+        <With Var="INT_I"/>

+        <With Var="DINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="LINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="USINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="UIN_I"/>

+        <With Var="UDINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="ULINT_I"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Min" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="INT_I"/>

+        <With Var="S_INT_I"/>

+        <With Var="DINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="LINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="USINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="UIN_I"/>

+        <With Var="UDINT_I"/>

+        <With Var="ULINT_I"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Event_1" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="SINT1"/>

+        <With Var="INT1"/>

+        <With Var="DINT1"/>

+        <With Var="LINT1"/>

+        <With Var="USINT1"/>

+        <With Var="UINT1"/>

+        <With Var="UDINT1"/>

+        <With Var="ULINT1"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="S_INT_I" Type="SINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="INT_I" Type="INT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="DINT_I" Type="DINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="LINT_I" Type="LINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="USINT_I" Type="USINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="UIN_I" Type="UINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="UDINT_I" Type="UDINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ULINT_I" Type="ULINT"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="SINT1" Type="SINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="INT1" Type="INT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="DINT1" Type="DINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="LINT1" Type="LINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="USINT1" Type="USINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="UINT1" Type="UINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="UDINT1" Type="UDINT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="ULINT1" Type="ULINT"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="2375.0" y="295.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Normal" Output="Event_1"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_1" x="2900.0" y="1200.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Max" Output="Event_1"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_2" x="2700.0" y="3000.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Min" Output="Event_1"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_3" x="600.0" y="3000.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Internal" Output="Event_1"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Normal" Destination="State" Source="START" x="1605.0" y="380.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1645.0" y="605.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Max" Destination="State_1" Source="START" x="1375.0" y="865.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_1" x="1490.0" y="1215.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Min" Destination="State_2" Source="START" x="1075.0" y="1145.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_2" x="565.0" y="1720.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Internal" Destination="State_3" Source="START" x="850.0" y="1460.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_3" x="135.0" y="1840.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Normal">

+      <ST Text="SINT1 :=S_INT_I;&#13;&#10;INT1:=INT_I;&#13;&#10;DINT1:=DINT_I;&#13;&#10;LINT1:=LINT_I;&#13;&#10;USINT1:=USINT_I;&#13;&#10;UINT1:=UIN_I;&#13;&#10;UDINT1:=UDINT_I;&#13;&#10;ULINT1:=ULINT_I;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Max">

+      <ST Text="SINT1 :=127;&#13;&#10;INT1:=32767;&#13;&#10;DINT1:=2147483647;&#13;&#10;LINT1:=9223372036854775807;&#13;&#10;USINT1:=255;&#13;&#10;UINT1:=65535;&#13;&#10;UDINT1:=4294967295;&#13;&#10;ULINT1:=1;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Min">

+      <ST Text="SINT1 :=-128;&#13;&#10;INT1:=-32768;&#13;&#10;DINT1:=-2147483648;&#13;&#10;LINT1:=-9223372036854775808;&#13;&#10;USINT1:=0;&#13;&#10;UINT1:=0;&#13;&#10;UDINT1:=0;&#13;&#10;ULINT1:=0;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Internal">

+      <ST Text="SINT1 :=-10;&#13;&#10;INT1:=-20;&#13;&#10;DINT1:=-30;&#13;&#10;LINT1:=-40;&#13;&#10;USINT1:=50;&#13;&#10;UINT1:=60;&#13;&#10;UDINT1:=70;&#13;&#10;ULINT1:=80;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesString.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesString.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff70b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesString.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="DataTypesString">

+  <Identification Description="Normal just propagates the input to the output&#13;&#10;Internal: sets the output from inside &#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Normal" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="String_I"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Internal" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="String_I"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="String_O"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="String_I" Type="STRING"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="String_O" Type="STRING"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="2375.0" y="295.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Normal" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_3" x="600.0" y="3000.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="Internal" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Normal" Destination="State" Source="START" x="1605.0" y="380.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1645.0" y="605.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Internal" Destination="State_3" Source="START" x="850.0" y="1460.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_3" x="135.0" y="1840.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Normal">

+      <ST Text="STRING_O:=STRING_I;&#13;&#10;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Internal">

+      <ST Text="STRING_O:='Setting from Interal';"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesTime.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesTime.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3280f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/DataTypesTime.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="DataTypesTime">

+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Normal" Type="Event"/>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="Internal" Type="Event"/>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event"/>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="TIME_I" Type="TIME"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="DATE_I" Type="DATE"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="TOD_I" Type="TIME_OF_DAY"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="DAT_I" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="TIME_O" Type="TIME"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="DATE_O" Type="DATE"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="TOD_O" Type="TIME_OF_DAY"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="DAT_O" Type="DATE_AND_TIME"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="4755.0" y="430.0">

+        <ECAction/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_1" x="1680.0" y="1775.0">

+        <ECAction/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Normal" Destination="State" Source="START" x="2775.0" y="465.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="2870.0" y="920.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="Internal" Destination="State_1" Source="START" x="1245.0" y="1150.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_1" x="760.0" y="1490.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Normal">

+      <ST Text="TIME_O:=TIME_I;&#13;&#10;DATE_O:=DATE_I;&#13;&#10;TOD_O:=TOD_I;&#13;&#10;DAT_O:=DAT_I;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="Internal">

+      <ST Text="TIME_O:=TIME#1m;&#13;&#10;DATE_O:=D#1996-08-12;&#13;&#10;TOD_O:=TOD#06:06:66;&#13;&#10;DAT_O:=DT#1989-06-15-13:56:14.77;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/InternalVariables.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/InternalVariables.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4839a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/InternalVariables.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="InternalVariables">

+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="Jan Holzweber" Date="2019-06-10" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="A_PLUS" Type="Event"/>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="B_MINUS" Type="Event"/>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A_O"/>

+        <With Var="B_O"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="A_O" Type="INT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="B_O" Type="INT"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <InternalVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Internal Variable" InitialValue="0" Name="A" Type="INT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Internal Variable" InitialValue="0" Name="B" Type="INT"/>

+    </InternalVars>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="3175.0" y="585.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="A_PLUS" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_1" x="1230.0" y="1480.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="B_PLUS" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="A_PLUS" Destination="State" Source="START" x="2080.0" y="310.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1990.0" y="950.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_1" x="575.0" y="1240.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="B_MINUS" Destination="State_1" Source="START" x="1210.0" y="1010.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="A_PLUS">

+      <ST Text="A_O:=A;&#13;&#10;A:=A+1;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="B_PLUS">

+      <ST Text="B_O:=B;&#13;&#10;B:=B-1;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/LoopFOR.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/LoopFOR.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc806bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/LoopFOR.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="LoopFOR">

+  <Identification Description="Summs up to the iteraTIONS&#13;&#10;&#13;&#10;Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="Iterations"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="O"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="Iterations" Type="INT"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="O" Type="INT"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <InternalVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Internal Variable" InitialValue="0" Name="i" Type="INT"/>

+    </InternalVars>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="2860.0" y="650.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="FOR" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI" Destination="State" Source="START" x="2010.0" y="435.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1840.0" y="770.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="FOR">

+      <ST Text="FOR i := 0 TO Iterations BY 1 DO&#13;&#10;&#9;O := O+i;&#13;&#10;END_FOR;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/LoopREPEAT.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/LoopREPEAT.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ab5062
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/LoopREPEAT.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="LoopREPEAT">

+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="Iterations"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="O"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="Iterations" Type="INT"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="O" Type="INT"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <InternalVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Internal Variable" InitialValue="0" Name="i" Type="INT"/>

+    </InternalVars>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="2860.0" y="650.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="REPEAT" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI" Destination="State" Source="START" x="2010.0" y="435.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1840.0" y="770.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="REPEAT">

+      <ST Text="REPEAT&#13;&#10;&#9;O := O+i;&#13;&#10;&#9;i:= i+1;&#13;&#10;UNTIL i &lt; Iterations&#13;&#10;END_REPEAT;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/LoopWHILE.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/LoopWHILE.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6665aa3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/LoopWHILE.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="LoopWHILE">

+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EI" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="Iterations"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="O"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="Iterations" Type="INT"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="O" Type="INT"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <InternalVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="Internal Variable" InitialValue="0" Name="i" Type="INT"/>

+    </InternalVars>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="550.0" y="425.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="2860.0" y="650.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="WHILE" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EI" Destination="State" Source="START" x="2010.0" y="435.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="1840.0" y="770.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="WHILE">

+      <ST Text="WHILE i &lt; Iterations DO&#13;&#10;&#9;O := O+i;&#13;&#10;&#9;i:= i+1;&#13;&#10;END_WHILE;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorArithmetic.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorArithmetic.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8303684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorArithmetic.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="OperatorArithmetic">

+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="ADD" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="SUB" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="MUL" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EXP" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="DIV" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="MOD_" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="OUT"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="A" Type="REAL"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="B" Type="REAL"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="REAL"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="4300.0" y="1900.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="2410.0" y="820.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="MOD" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_1" x="4590.0" y="545.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="ADD" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_2" x="7055.0" y="1570.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="SUB" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_3" x="6220.0" y="2925.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="MUL" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_4" x="4225.0" y="3050.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="EXP" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_5" x="2535.0" y="2620.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="DIV" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_1" x="5135.0" y="1250.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="ADD" Destination="State_1" Source="START" x="4385.0" y="1185.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="SUB" Destination="State_2" Source="START" x="5865.0" y="1785.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="MUL" Destination="State_3" Source="START" x="5390.0" y="2465.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EXP" Destination="State_4" Source="START" x="4400.0" y="2540.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="DIV" Destination="State_5" Source="START" x="3535.0" y="2320.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="MOD_" Destination="State" Source="START" x="3500.0" y="1425.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="3505.0" y="1410.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_5" x="3555.0" y="2320.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_4" x="4355.0" y="2535.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_3" x="5360.0" y="2460.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_2" x="5765.0" y="1805.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="ADD">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A+B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="SUB">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A-B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="MUL">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A*B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="EXP">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A**B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="DIV">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A / B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="MOD">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A MOD B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorBitwise.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorBitwise.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3390c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorBitwise.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="OperatorBitwise">

+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="AND_" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+        <With Var="C"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="OR_" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+        <With Var="C"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="XOR_" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+        <With Var="C"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="NOT_" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+        <With Var="C"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="OUT"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="A" Type="BYTE"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="B" Type="BYTE"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="C" Type="BYTE"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="BYTE"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="4300.0" y="1900.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_1" x="4590.0" y="545.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="AND" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_2" x="7055.0" y="1570.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="OR" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_3" x="6220.0" y="2925.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="XOR" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_4" x="4225.0" y="3050.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="NOT" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_1" x="5135.0" y="1250.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="AND_" Destination="State_1" Source="START" x="4385.0" y="1185.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="OR_" Destination="State_2" Source="START" x="5845.0" y="1465.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="XOR_" Destination="State_3" Source="START" x="5585.0" y="2270.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="NOT_" Destination="State_4" Source="START" x="4400.0" y="2540.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_4" x="3740.0" y="2505.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_3" x="5210.0" y="2730.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_2" x="5815.0" y="2175.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="AND">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=(A and B and C);"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="OR">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=(A or B);"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="XOR">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=(A XOR B);"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="NOT">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=NOT A;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorLogical.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorLogical.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e71edb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorLogical.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="OperatorLogical">

+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="AND_" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+        <With Var="C"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="OR_" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+        <With Var="C"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="XOR_" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+        <With Var="C"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="NOT_" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+        <With Var="C"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="OUT"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="A" Type="BOOL"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="B" Type="BOOL"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="C" Type="BOOL"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="4300.0" y="1900.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_1" x="4590.0" y="545.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="AND" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_2" x="7055.0" y="1570.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="OR" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_3" x="6220.0" y="2925.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="XOR" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_4" x="4225.0" y="3050.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="NOT" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_1" x="5135.0" y="1250.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="AND_" Destination="State_1" Source="START" x="4385.0" y="1185.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="OR_" Destination="State_2" Source="START" x="5865.0" y="1785.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="XOR_" Destination="State_3" Source="START" x="5390.0" y="2465.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="NOT_" Destination="State_4" Source="START" x="4400.0" y="2540.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_4" x="4355.0" y="2535.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_3" x="5360.0" y="2460.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_2" x="5765.0" y="1805.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="AND">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A and B and C;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="OR">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A or B or C ;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="XOR">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A XOR B XOR C;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="NOT">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=NOT A;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>


diff --git a/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorRelational.fbt b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorRelational.fbt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16919bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SystemTests/testfbforcodegenerator/BasicFBs/OperatorRelational.fbt
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

+<!DOCTYPE FBType SYSTEM "http://www.holobloc.com/xml/LibraryElement.dtd">

+<FBType Comment="Template for an empty basic function block" Name="OperatorRelational">

+  <Identification Description="Copyright (c) 2019 Jan Holzweber&#13;&#10; &#13;&#10;This program and the accompanying materials are made&#13;&#10;available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0&#13;&#10;which is available at https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/&#13;&#10;SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0" Standard="61499-2"/>

+  <VersionInfo Author="jholz" Date="2019-06-05" Version="1.0"/>

+  <InterfaceList>

+    <EventInputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EQUAL" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="LESS" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="LESSEQUAL" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="GRT" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="GRTEQ" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="NOTEQ" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="A"/>

+        <With Var="B"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventInputs>

+    <EventOutputs>

+      <Event Comment="" Name="EO" Type="Event">

+        <With Var="OUT"/>

+      </Event>

+    </EventOutputs>

+    <InputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="A" Type="INT"/>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="B" Type="INT"/>

+    </InputVars>

+    <OutputVars>

+      <VarDeclaration Comment="" Name="OUT" Type="BOOL"/>

+    </OutputVars>

+  </InterfaceList>

+  <BasicFB>

+    <ECC>

+      <ECState Comment="Initial State" Name="START" x="4300.0" y="1900.0"/>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State" x="2410.0" y="820.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="NOTEQ" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_1" x="4590.0" y="545.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="EQ" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_2" x="7055.0" y="1570.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="LESS" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_3" x="6220.0" y="2925.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="LESSEQ" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_4" x="4225.0" y="3050.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="GRT" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECState Comment="" Name="State_5" x="2535.0" y="2620.0">

+        <ECAction Algorithm="GRTEQ" Output="EO"/>

+      </ECState>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_1" x="5135.0" y="1250.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="EQUAL" Destination="State_1" Source="START" x="4385.0" y="1185.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="LESS" Destination="State_2" Source="START" x="5945.0" y="1565.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="LESSEQUAL" Destination="State_3" Source="START" x="5770.0" y="2270.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="GRT" Destination="State_4" Source="START" x="4630.0" y="2545.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="GRTEQ" Destination="State_5" Source="START" x="3660.0" y="2540.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="NOTEQ" Destination="State" Source="START" x="3070.0" y="1845.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State" x="3765.0" y="1170.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_5" x="3180.0" y="2005.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_4" x="4355.0" y="2535.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_3" x="5360.0" y="2460.0"/>

+      <ECTransition Comment="" Condition="1" Destination="START" Source="State_2" x="6065.0" y="1905.0"/>

+    </ECC>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="EQ">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A=B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="LESS">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A&lt;B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="LESSEQ">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A&lt;=B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="GRT">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A&gt;B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="GRTEQ">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A &gt;=B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+    <Algorithm Comment="new algorithm" Name="NOTEQ">

+      <ST Text="OUT:=A &lt;&gt; B;"/>

+    </Algorithm>

+  </BasicFB>
