blob: a32f651054d8692cc5ca3cc88f924018ef2cf3ae [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, 2021 Obeo.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.Module;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.location.AcceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.location.aql.AqlLocationLinkToAny;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.location.aql.AqlLocationLinkToAql;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.location.common.AbstractLocationLink;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.parser.AcceleoAstResult;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.parser.AcceleoAstUtils;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.parser.AcceleoParser;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.namespace.IQualifiedNameResolver;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EOperation;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.LocationLink;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.Position;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.Range;
* The part of the {@link AcceleoTextDocumentService} APIs that makes the link between
* {@link AbstractLocationLink} provided by the Acceleo API, and the {@link LocationLink} required by the
* @author Florent Latombe
public class AcceleoLocationLinkResolver {
* The owning {@link AcceleoTextDocumentService}.
private final AcceleoTextDocumentService owner;
* Constructor.
* @param acceleoTextDocumentService
* the (non-{@code null}) owning {@link AcceleoTextDocumentService}.
public AcceleoLocationLinkResolver(AcceleoTextDocumentService acceleoTextDocumentService) {
this.owner = Objects.requireNonNull(acceleoTextDocumentService);
* Transforms an {@link AbstractLocationLink} from Acceleo into a corresponding {@link LocationLink} for
* LSP4J.
* @param locationLinkToTransform
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link AbstractLocationLink} to transform.
* @return the {@link LocationLink} corresponding to {@code locationLink}.
public LocationLink transform(AbstractLocationLink<?, ?> locationLinkToTransform) {
final LocationLink locationLink;
// Dispatch depending on the concrete type of link.
if (locationLinkToTransform instanceof AcceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo) {
locationLink = this.transform((AcceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo)locationLinkToTransform);
} else if (locationLinkToTransform instanceof AqlLocationLinkToAql) {
locationLink = this.transform((AqlLocationLinkToAql)locationLinkToTransform);
} else if (locationLinkToTransform instanceof AqlLocationLinkToAny) {
locationLink = this.transform((AqlLocationLinkToAny)locationLinkToTransform);
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupported " + AbstractLocationLink.class
.getCanonicalName() + " implementation: " + locationLinkToTransform.toString());
return locationLink;
* Transforms an {@link AcceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo} from Acceleo into a corresponding
* {@link LocationLink} for LSP4J.
* @param acceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link AcceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo} to transform.
* @return the {@link LocationLink} corresponding to {@code acceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo}.
private LocationLink transform(AcceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo acceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo) {
ASTNode linkOrigin = acceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo.getOrigin();
AcceleoTextDocument originTextDocument = getAcceleoTextDocumentContaining(linkOrigin);
ASTNode linkOriginEquivalent = AcceleoAstUtils.getSelfOrEquivalentOf(linkOrigin, originTextDocument
Range originSelectionRange = AcceleoLanguageServerPositionUtils.getRangeOf(linkOriginEquivalent,
ASTNode destinationAcceleoNode = acceleoLocationLinkToAcceleo.getDestination();
return this.createLocationLinkFromRangeToAcceleoDestination(originSelectionRange,
* Provides the {@link AcceleoTextDocument} containing the given Acceleo {@link ASTNode}.
* @param astNode
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link ASTNode}.
* @return the {@link AcceleoTextDocument} whose contents define the {@link Module} defining
* {@code astNode}. {@code null} if it could not be determined.
private AcceleoTextDocument getAcceleoTextDocumentContaining(ASTNode astNode) {
Module containingModule = AcceleoAstUtils.getContainerModule(astNode);
AcceleoTextDocument containingTextDocument = this.getTextDocumentDefining(containingModule);
return containingTextDocument;
* Provides the {@link AcceleoTextDocument} that defines the given Acceleo {@link Module}.
* @param acceleoModule
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link Module} we want to find the defining document of.
* @return the {@link AcceleoTextDocument} that defines {@code acceleoModule}. {@code null} if it could
* not be determined.
private AcceleoTextDocument getTextDocumentDefining(Module acceleoModule) {
return this.owner.findTextDocumentDefining(acceleoModule);
* Transforms an {@link AqlLocationLinkToAql} from AQL into a corresponding {@link LocationLink} for
* LSP4J.
* @param aqlLocationLinkToAql
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link AqlLocationLinkToAql} to transform.
* @return the {@link LocationLink} corresponding to {@code aqlLocationLinkToAql}.
private LocationLink transform(AqlLocationLinkToAql aqlLocationLinkToAql) {
EObject linkOrigin = aqlLocationLinkToAql.getOrigin();
Range originSelectionRange = getRangeForAqlAstElement(linkOrigin);
EObject linkDestination = aqlLocationLinkToAql.getDestination();
return createLocationLinkFromRangeToAqlDestination(originSelectionRange, linkDestination);
* Provides the "selection range" of an {@link EObject AQL AST element}
* ({@link org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression} or {@link VariableDeclaration}).
* @param aqlAstElement
* the (non-{@code null}) AQL {@link org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression} or
* {@link VariableDeclaration}.
* @return the {@link Range} corresponding to {@code aqlAstElement}.
private Range getRangeForAqlAstElement(EObject aqlAstElement) {
final ASTNode acceleoNodeContainingLinkOrigin = getAcceleoAstNodeContainingAqlElement(aqlAstElement);
AcceleoTextDocument originTextDocument = getAcceleoTextDocumentContaining(
Range originSelectionRange;
if (aqlAstElement instanceof org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression) {
org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression originAqlExpression = (org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression)aqlAstElement;
org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression originAqlExpressionEquivalent = AcceleoAstUtils
.getSelfOrEquivalentOf(originAqlExpression, originTextDocument.getAcceleoAstResult());
originSelectionRange = AcceleoLanguageServerPositionUtils.getRangeOf(
originAqlExpressionEquivalent, originTextDocument.getAcceleoAstResult());
} else if (aqlAstElement instanceof org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration) {
org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration originAqlVariableDeclaration = (org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration)aqlAstElement;
org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration originAqlVariableDeclarationEquivalent = AcceleoAstUtils
.getSelfOrEquivalentOf(originAqlVariableDeclaration, originTextDocument
originSelectionRange = AcceleoLanguageServerPositionUtils.getRangeOf(
originAqlVariableDeclarationEquivalent, originTextDocument.getAcceleoAstResult());
} else {
// This should never happen.
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Expected link origin to be either an AQL Expression or an AQL Variable Declaration but it was: "
+ aqlAstElement.toString() + ".");
return originSelectionRange;
* Provides the {@link ASTNode} containing the given node from an AQL AST.
* @param aqlElement
* the (non-{@code null}) AQL element ({@link org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression} or
* {@link org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration}).
* @return the {@link ASTNode} containing {@code aqlElement}.
private static ASTNode getAcceleoAstNodeContainingAqlElement(EObject aqlElement) {
final ASTNode acceleoNodeContainingAqlElement;
if (aqlElement instanceof org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression) {
org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression originAqlExpression = (org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression)aqlElement;
acceleoNodeContainingAqlElement = AcceleoAstUtils.getContainerOfAqlAstElement(
} else if (aqlElement instanceof org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration) {
org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration originAqlVariableDeclaration = (org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration)aqlElement;
acceleoNodeContainingAqlElement = AcceleoAstUtils.getContainerOfAqlAstElement(
} else {
// This should never happen.
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Expected AQL element to be either an AQL Expression or an AQL Variable Declaration but it was: "
+ aqlElement.toString() + ".");
return acceleoNodeContainingAqlElement;
* Transforms an {@link AqlLocationLinkToAny} from AQL into a corresponding {@link LocationLink} for
* LSP4J.
* @param aqlLocationLinkToAny
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link AqlLocationLinkToAny} to transform.
* @return the {@link LocationLink} corresponding to {@code aqlLocationLinkToAny}.
private LocationLink transform(AqlLocationLinkToAny aqlLocationLinkToAny) {
EObject aqlOrigin = aqlLocationLinkToAny.getOrigin();
Range originSelectionRange = getRangeForAqlAstElement(aqlOrigin);
Object destination = aqlLocationLinkToAny.getDestination();
return createLocationLinkFromRangeToAnyDestination(aqlOrigin, originSelectionRange, destination);
* Creates a {@link LocationLink} from the given {@link Range} to a destination of undetermined nature.
* @param linkOrigin
* the (non-{@code null}) origin {@link EObject} of the link to create.
* @param originSelectionRange
* the (non-{@code null}) origin selection {@link Range} of the link.
* @param destination
* the (non-{@code null}) destination of the link.
* @return the {@link LocationLink} from that points from {@code originSelectionRange} to
* {@code destination}.
private LocationLink createLocationLinkFromRangeToAnyDestination(EObject linkOrigin,
Range originSelectionRange, Object destination) {
LocationLink locationLink;
if (destination instanceof ASTNode) {
ASTNode destinationNode = (ASTNode)destination;
locationLink = createLocationLinkFromRangeToAcceleoDestination(originSelectionRange,
} else if (destination instanceof org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression
|| destination instanceof org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration) {
// This should probably not happen due to how the relation between Acceleo and AQL is structured.
// i.e. both Acceleo and AQL are aware of AQL so links with an AQL destination should not be
// represented as links to "any" destination.
// Still, support it just in case...
locationLink = createLocationLinkFromRangeToAqlDestination(originSelectionRange,
} else if (destination instanceof java.lang.Class<?>) {
locationLink = createLocationLinkFromRangeToJavaClassDestination(linkOrigin, originSelectionRange,
} else if (destination instanceof Method) {
locationLink = createLocationLinkFromRangeToJavaMethodDestination(linkOrigin,
originSelectionRange, (Method)destination);
} else if (destination instanceof EObject) {
locationLink = createLocationLinkFromRangeToEObjectDestination(linkOrigin, originSelectionRange,
} else {
// Implement more cases if we have links that link to other types of destination: maybe Java?
// This depends on how we have bound variables in the environment passed to the AQL evaluator.
throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to create a link to destination: " + destination
+ " but this type of destination is not supported.");
return locationLink;
* Creates a {@link LocationLink} from the given {@link Range} that points to the given AQL element.
* @param originSelectionRange
* the (non-{@code null}) origin selection {@link Range} of the created link.
* @param aqlDestination
* the (non-{@code null}) destination {@link EObject} that must be an AQL element
* ({@link org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression} or {@link VariableDeclaration}).
* @return the created {@link LocationLink}.
private LocationLink createLocationLinkFromRangeToAqlDestination(Range originSelectionRange,
EObject aqlDestination) {
final ASTNode acceleoNodeContainingLinkDestination = getAcceleoAstNodeContainingAqlElement(
AcceleoTextDocument destinationTextDocument = getAcceleoTextDocumentContaining(
// Link target parameters.
String targetDocumentUri = destinationTextDocument.getUri().toString();
final Range targetRange = getRangeForAqlAstElement(aqlDestination);
// FIXME: we probably only want to select part of the target.
Range targetSelectionRange = targetRange;
LocationLink locationLink = new LocationLink(targetDocumentUri, targetRange, targetSelectionRange,
return locationLink;
* Creates a {@link LocationLink} from the given {@link Range} to the given Acceleo {@link ASTNode}
* destination.
* @param originSelectionRange
* the (non-{@code null}) origin selection {@link Range}.
* @param destinationNode
* the (non-{@code null}) destination {@link ASTNode}.
* @return the {@link LocationLink} from {@code originSelectionRange} to {@code destinationNode}.
private LocationLink createLocationLinkFromRangeToAcceleoDestination(Range originSelectionRange,
ASTNode destinationNode) {
AcceleoTextDocument destinationTextDocument = this.getAcceleoTextDocumentContaining(destinationNode);
if (destinationTextDocument == null) {
// This should never happen because we a transforming a link that was provided by the
// AcceleoLocator, so if a link destination could not be determined then the locator would not
// have returned a link.
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find the Acceleo document that defines "
+ destinationNode.toString());
AcceleoAstResult destinationAcceleoAstResult = destinationTextDocument.getAcceleoAstResult();
// Note: the destination ASTNode comes from a parsing that is not necessarily the one known by the
// destination text document, therefore we have to be able to locate the equivalent of an ASTNode in
// another AcceleoAstResult of the same Acceleo file.
ASTNode destinationNodeInDestinationTextDocument = AcceleoAstUtils.getSelfOrEquivalentOf(
destinationNode, destinationAcceleoAstResult);
Range targetRange = AcceleoLanguageServerPositionUtils.getRangeOf(
destinationNodeInDestinationTextDocument, destinationAcceleoAstResult);
// FIXME: we probably only want to select part of the target.
Range targetSelectionRange = targetRange;
// Link target parameters.
Module destinationModule = destinationTextDocument.getAcceleoAstResult().getModule();
String qualifiedName = URI.decode(destinationModule.eResource().getURI().toString().replaceFirst(
// TODO this is a more general matter, it should be performed in the AcceleoWorkspace
// open source file whenever it's possible targetDocumentUri;
try {
final IQualifiedNameResolver resolver = destinationTextDocument.getQueryEnvironment()
targetDocumentUri = resolver.getSourceURL(qualifiedName).toURI();
} catch (
URISyntaxException e) {
targetDocumentUri = null;
if (targetDocumentUri == null) {
targetDocumentUri = destinationTextDocument.getUri();
LocationLink locationLink = new LocationLink(targetDocumentUri.toString(), targetRange,
targetSelectionRange, originSelectionRange);
return locationLink;
* Creates a {@link LocationLink} from the given {@link Range} to the given Java {@link Class}
* destination.
* @param linkOrigin
* the (non-{@code null}) origin {@link EObject} of the link.
* @param originSelectionRange
* the (non-{@code null}) origin selection {@link Range}.
* @param destinationJavaClass
* the (non-{@code null}) destination Java {@link Class}.
* @return the {@link LocationLink} from {@code originSelectionRange} to {@code destinationJavaClass}.
private LocationLink createLocationLinkFromRangeToJavaClassDestination(EObject linkOrigin,
Range originSelectionRange, Class<?> destinationJavaClass) {
ASTNode acceleoAstNode = getAcceleoAstNodeContainingAqlElement(linkOrigin);
AcceleoTextDocument acceleoTextDocument = this.getAcceleoTextDocumentContaining(acceleoAstNode);
// TODO: implement link to Java sources.
// We probably want to retrieve the Java context (classpath, etc.) of the AcceleoTextDocument, and use
// it to retrieve the location of the Java class. Most of this mechanism should be implemented for the
// resolution of modules anyway.
// FIXME: temporary placeholder so it still sort of works
String urlPrefix = "";
String urlPostfix = ".html";
String classNameUrlPart = destinationJavaClass.getCanonicalName().replace('.', '/');
String urlToJavadoc = urlPrefix + classNameUrlPart + urlPostfix;
String targetUri = urlToJavadoc;
Range targetRange = new Range(new Position(0, 0), new Position(0, 0));
Range targetSelectionRange = targetRange;
LocationLink locationLink = new LocationLink(targetUri, targetRange, targetSelectionRange,
return locationLink;
* Creates a {@link LocationLink} from the given {@link Range} to the given Java {@link Method}
* destination.
* @param linkOrigin
* the (non-{@code null}) origin {@link EObject} of the link.
* @param originSelectionRange
* the (non-{@code null}) origin selection {@link Range}.
* @param destinationJavaMethod
* the (non-{@code null}) destination Java {@link Method}.
* @return the {@link LocationLink} from {@code originSelectionRange} to {@code destinationJavaMethod}.
private LocationLink createLocationLinkFromRangeToJavaMethodDestination(EObject linkOrigin,
Range originSelectionRange, Method destinationJavaMethod) {
ASTNode acceleoAstNode = getAcceleoAstNodeContainingAqlElement(linkOrigin);
AcceleoTextDocument acceleoTextDocument = this.getAcceleoTextDocumentContaining(acceleoAstNode);
// TODO: implement link to Java sources.
// We probably want to retrieve the Java context (classpath, etc.) of the AcceleoTextDocument, and use
// it to retrieve the location of the Java method. Most of this mechanism should be implemented for
// the
// resolution of modules anyway.
// FIXME: temporary placeholder so it still sort of works
String urlPrefix = "";
String urlPostfix = ".html";
String classNameUrlPart = destinationJavaMethod.getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName().replace('.',
String methodNameUrlPart = destinationJavaMethod.getName();
String methodParametersUrlPart = Arrays.asList(destinationJavaMethod.getParameterTypes()).stream()
.map(parameterType -> parameterType.getSimpleName()).collect(Collectors.joining("-"));
String urlToJavadoc = urlPrefix + classNameUrlPart + urlPostfix + "#" + methodNameUrlPart + "-"
+ methodParametersUrlPart;
String targetUri = urlToJavadoc;
Range targetRange = new Range(new Position(0, 0), new Position(0, 0));
Range targetSelectionRange = targetRange;
LocationLink locationLink = new LocationLink(targetUri, targetRange, targetSelectionRange,
return locationLink;
* Creates a {@link LocationLink} from the given {@link Range} to the given EMF {@link EOperation}
* destination.
* @param linkOrigin
* the (non-{@code null}) origin {@link EObject} of the link.
* @param originSelectionRange
* the (non-{@code null}) origin selection {@link Range}.
* @param destinationEObject
* the (non-{@code null}) destination EMF {@link EObject}.
* @return the {@link LocationLink} from {@code originSelectionRange} to {@code destinationEObject}.
private LocationLink createLocationLinkFromRangeToEObjectDestination(EObject linkOrigin,
Range originSelectionRange, EObject destinationEObject) {
ASTNode acceleoAstNode = getAcceleoAstNodeContainingAqlElement(linkOrigin);
AcceleoTextDocument acceleoTextDocument = this.getAcceleoTextDocumentContaining(acceleoAstNode);
// TODO: implement link to EMF metamodel elements.
// We probably want to retrieve the Java/EMF context (classpath, etc.) of the AcceleoTextDocument, and
// use
// it to retrieve the location of the EMF operation. Most of this mechanism should be implemented for
// the
// resolution of modules anyway.
// FIXME: temporary placeholder so it still sort of works
String url = EcoreUtil.getURI(destinationEObject).toString();
String targetUri = url;
Range targetRange = new Range(new Position(0, 0), new Position(0, 0));
Range targetSelectionRange = targetRange;
LocationLink locationLink = new LocationLink(targetUri, targetRange, targetSelectionRange,
return locationLink;