blob: 9e11726f28b1123d2c3647ce4615b4a49ef95ce3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2020 Obeo.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.acceleo.debug;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.debug.event.IDSLDebugEventProcessor;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.debug.util.StackFrame;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
* The debugger.
* @author <a href="">Yvan Lussaud</a>
public interface IDSLDebugger extends IDSLDebugEventProcessor {
* Stepping modes.
* @author <a href="">Yvan Lussaud</a>
enum Stepping {
* Not stepping.
* Stepping over.
* Stepping into.
* Stepping return.
* Initializes the debugger.
* @param noDebug
* <code>true</code> if no debug is needed
* @param arguments
* the {@link Map} of arguments
void initialize(boolean noDebug, Map<String, Object> arguments);
* Starts the debugger.
void start();
* Terminates the debugger.
void terminate();
* Suspends the debugger.
void suspend();
* The thread is suspended with the given state.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void suspended(Long threadID);
* Resumes the debugger.
void resume();
* Disconnect the debugger.
void disconnect();
* Tells if we can step into the given the {@link EObject} representing an instruction for the given
* thread.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
* @param instruction
* the {@link EObject} representing an instruction
* @return <code>true</code> if we can step into the given instruction, <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean canStepInto(Long threadID, EObject instruction);
* Step into the current instruction of the given thread.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void stepInto(Long threadID);
* The thread is stepping into.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void steppingInto(Long threadID);
* Step over the current instruction of the given thread.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void stepOver(Long threadID);
* The thread is stepping over.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void steppingOver(Long threadID);
* Step return from the current stack frame of the given thread.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void stepReturn(Long threadID);
* The thread is stepping return.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void steppingReturn(Long threadID);
* The thread is stepped with the given state.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void stepped(Long threadID);
* Resumes the given thread.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void resume(Long threadID);
* The thread is resuming.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void resuming(Long threadID);
* Suspends the given thread.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void suspend(Long threadID);
* Terminates the given thread.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void terminate(Long threadID);
* Adds the given {@link URI} pointing an {@link EObject instruction} as a break point.
* @param instruction
* the {@link URI} pointing an {@link EObject instruction}
void addBreakPoint(URI instruction);
* Removes the given {@link URI} pointing an {@link EObject instruction} as a break point.
* @param instruction
* {@link URI} pointing an {@link EObject instruction}
void removeBreakPoint(URI instruction);
* Clears all breakpoints.
void clearBreakPoints();
* Gets the {@link EObject instruction} for the given position.
* @param path
* the source path
* @param line
* the start line
* @param column
* the start column
* @return the {@link EObject instruction} for the given position
EObject getInstruction(String path, long line, long column);
* Gets the {@link DSLSource} for a given {@link EObject instruction}.
* @param instruction
* the {@link EObject instruction}
* @return the {@link DSLSource} for a given {@link EObject instruction}
DSLSource getSource(EObject instruction);
* Changes the given attribute value for the given break point.
* @param instruction
* {@link URI} pointing an {@link EObject instruction}
* @param attribute
* the attribute
* @param value
* the value
void changeBreakPoint(URI instruction, String attribute, Serializable value);
* The thread suspended on a breakpoint with the given state.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void breaked(Long threadID);
* Notify the debug model that our debugger is terminated.
void terminated();
* Method that can be called by a particular execution engine to delegate control of execution flow of the
* given thread.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
* @param instruction
* the given {@link EObject} representing an instruction, can't be <code>null</code>
* @return <code>false</code> if execution shall stop, <code>true</code> if execution shall continue
boolean control(Long threadID, EObject instruction);
* Spawn a running thread in the model.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
* @param threadName
* the {@link org.eclipse.acceleo.debug.Thread#getName() thread name}
* @param context
* the {@link EObject} representing the current context of the thread
void spawnRunningThread(Long threadID, String threadName, EObject context);
* Gets the mapping from thread {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID} to
* {@link org.eclipse.acceleo.debug.Thread#getName() thread name}.
* @return the mapping from thread {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID} to
* {@link org.eclipse.acceleo.debug.Thread#getName() thread name}
Map<Long, String> getThreads();
* Tells is the debugger is terminated.
* @return <code>true</code> if the debugger is terminated, <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean isTerminated();
* Set the debugger to terminated or not.
* @param terminated
* the new value
void setTerminated(boolean terminated);
* Tells if we should break on the given instruction.
* @param instruction
* the {@link EObject instruction}
* @return <code>true</code> if we should break, <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean shouldBreak(EObject instruction);
* Sets the value of the variable with the given name in the given thread.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
* @param stackName
* the stack frame name
* @param declarationTypeName
* the variable declaration type name
* @param variableName
* the name of the variable
* @param value
* the value
* @param supportModifications
* tells if the value can be changed
void variable(Long threadID, String stackName, String declarationTypeName, String variableName,
Object value, boolean supportModifications);
* Deletes the variable with the given name for the given thread.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
* @param name
* the variable name
void deleteVariable(Long threadID, String name);
* Gets the stack of {@link StackFrame} for the given {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
* @return the stack of {@link StackFrame} for the given {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
Deque<StackFrame> getStackFrame(Long threadID);
* The given thread is terminated.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
void terminated(Long threadID);
* Tells if the given thread is terminated.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
* @return <code>true</code> if the given thread is terminated, <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean isTerminated(Long threadID);
* Validates a variable value.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
* @param variableName
* the variable name
* @param value
* the value to validate
* @return <code>true</code> if the value is valid, <code>false</code> otherwise
boolean validateVariableValue(Long threadID, String variableName, String value);
* Gets the variable value after {@link IDSLDebugger#validateVariableValue(String, String, String)
* validation} returned <code>true</code>.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
* @param stackName
* the stack frame name
* @param variableName
* the variable name
* @param value
* the value to validate
* @return the variable value
Object getVariableValue(Long threadID, String stackName, String variableName, String value);
* Sets the variable value after {@link IDSLDebugger#validateVariableValue(String, String, String)
* validation} returned <code>true</code>.
* @param threadID
* the {@link Thread#getThreadID() ID}
* @param stackName
* the stack frame name
* @param variableName
* the variable name
* @param value
* the value to validate
void setVariableValue(Long threadID, String stackName, String variableName, Object value);