blob: 3381d3648a362642ff4443b365a73cd6fb71c27f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Obeo.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.parser;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.AcceleoPackage;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.Expression;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.Metamodel;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.Module;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.TypedElement;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.VariableDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.parser.AstResult;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil.EqualityHelper;
* Utility methods for navigating the {@link AcceleoAstResult Acceleo Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)}. The AST is
* obtained using the {@link AcceleoParser}.
* @author Florent Latombe
public final class AcceleoAstUtils {
private AcceleoAstUtils() {
// Utility class.
* Provides the Acceleo AST element that contains the given AQL AST element.
* @param aqlAstElement
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link EObject} that is an AQL AST element
* ({@link org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression} or {@link VariableDeclaration}).
* @return the Acceleo {@link Expression} or {@link TypedElement} that contains the given AQL AST element.
public static ASTNode getContainerOfAqlAstElement(EObject aqlAstElement) {
Expression containerAcceleoExpression = AcceleoAstUtils.getContainerAcceleoExpression(aqlAstElement);
if (containerAcceleoExpression == null) {
// If the AQL element is not in an Acceleo Expression, it is in a TypedElement.
TypedElement containerAcceleoTypedElement = AcceleoAstUtils.getContainerTypedElement(
// In practice, all TypedElements are also ASTNodes so this cast should be safe.
return (ASTNode)containerAcceleoTypedElement;
} else {
return containerAcceleoExpression;
* Provides the AQL {@link AstResult} corresponding to an AQL AST element.
* @param aqlAstElement
* the (non-{@code null}) AQL AST element ({@link org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression} or
* {@link VariableDeclaration}).
* @return the AQL {@link AstResult} corresponding to {@code aqlAstElement}.
public static AstResult getAqlAstResultOfAqlAstElement(EObject aqlAstElement) {
ASTNode acceleoContainerOfAqlAstElement = getContainerOfAqlAstElement(aqlAstElement);
return getContainedAqlAstResultOf(acceleoContainerOfAqlAstElement);
* Provides the {@link AstResult} contained by an {@link ASTNode Acceleo AST Element}.
* @param acceleoAstElementContainingAqlAstElement
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link ASTNode}. Most of the times it should be either an
* {@link Expression} or a {@link TypedElement}.
* @return the contained {@link AstResult AQL AST}, or {@code null} otherwise.
public static AstResult getContainedAqlAstResultOf(ASTNode acceleoAstElementContainingAqlAstElement) {
AstResult containedAstResult = null;
if (acceleoAstElementContainingAqlAstElement instanceof Expression) {
Expression acceleoContainerExpression = (Expression)acceleoAstElementContainingAqlAstElement;
containedAstResult = acceleoContainerExpression.getAst();
} else if (acceleoAstElementContainingAqlAstElement instanceof TypedElement) {
TypedElement acceleoContainerTypedElement = (TypedElement)acceleoAstElementContainingAqlAstElement;
containedAstResult = acceleoContainerTypedElement.getType();
} else {
// Other Acceleo types do not contain AQL elements.
return containedAstResult;
* Provides the containing {@link Module} of an {@link ASTNode}.
* @param astNode
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link ASTNode}.
* @return {@code astNode} if it is a {@link Module}, or the first non-{@code null}
* {@link ASTNode#eContainer() container} of {@code astNode} that is instance of {@link Module}.
public static Module getContainerModule(ASTNode astNode) {
return getSelfOrFirstContainerOfType(astNode, Module.class);
* FIXME: temporary quick implementation of a resolution mecanism for Acceleo.
* @param module
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link Module}.
* @return the fully-qualified name of {@code module}.
public static String getModuleFullyQualifiedName(Module module) {
return module.getName() + "_" + module.getMetamodels().stream().map(Metamodel::getReferencedPackage)
.map(EPackage::getNsURI).collect(Collectors.joining("[", ", ", "]"));
* Provides the container Acceleo {@link Expression} of the given {@link EObject} (in our cases most
* likely an AQL AST element). Note that in an Acceleo AST, not all AQL Expression are contained by an
* Acceleo Expression. It may be contained in a {@link TypedElement} as well. Use
* {@link #getContainerOfAqlAstElement(EObject)}.
* @param containedEObject
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link EObject}.
* @return the Acceleo {@link Expression} that contains {@code containedEObject}.
public static Expression getContainerAcceleoExpression(EObject containedEObject) {
return getSelfOrFirstContainerOfType(containedEObject, Expression.class);
* Provides the container Acceleo {@link TypedElement} of the given {@link EObject} (in our cases most
* likely an AQL AST element).
* @param containedEObject
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link EObject}.
* @return the Acceleo {@link TypedElement} that contains {@code containedEObject}.
public static TypedElement getContainerTypedElement(EObject containedEObject) {
return getSelfOrFirstContainerOfType(containedEObject, TypedElement.class);
* Provides the first container (in the EMF sense) of the given {@link EObject} that is an instance of the
* given {@link Class}. If the {@link EObject} is an instance of the specified type, then it is simply
* cast and returned.
* @param <T>
* the type of the container.
* @param containedEObject
* the (non-{@code null}) contained {@link EObject}.
* @param containerType
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link Class} of the container.
* @return the first container of {@code containedEObject} that is an instance of {@code containerType}.
private static <T extends EObject> T getSelfOrFirstContainerOfType(EObject containedEObject,
Class<T> containerType) {
EObject candidate = containedEObject;
while (candidate != null && !(containerType.isInstance(candidate))) {
candidate = candidate.eContainer();
return containerType.cast(candidate);
* Provides the {@link ASTNode} in the given {@link AcceleoAstResult} corresponding to the given
* {@link ASTNode}. That is, either the {@link ASTNode} itself, or its equivalent {@link ASTNode}, if the
* {@link ASTNode} and the {@link AcceleoAstResult} come from two different parsings.
* @param acceleoAstNode
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link ASTNode}.
* @param inAcceleoAstResult
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link AcceleoAstResult}.
* @return {@code astNode} or its equivalent in {@code acceleoAstResult}.
* @param <T>
* the specific type of {@link ASTNode}.
public static <T extends ASTNode> T getSelfOrEquivalentOf(T acceleoAstNode,
AcceleoAstResult inAcceleoAstResult) {
if (inAcceleoAstResult.getStartPosition(acceleoAstNode) == -1 && inAcceleoAstResult.getEndPosition(
acceleoAstNode) == -1) {
return getStructuralEqualOf(acceleoAstNode, inAcceleoAstResult);
} else {
return acceleoAstNode;
* Provides the equivalent {@link EObject AQL AST element} of an {@link EObject AQL AST element} found in
* the given {@link AcceleoAstResult Acceleo AST}.
* @param aqlAstElement
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link EObject AQL AST element}.
* @param inAcceleoAstResult
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link AcceleoAstResult Acceleo AST} to search in.
* @return {@code aqlAstElement} or its equivalent in {@code inAcceleoAstResult}.
* @param <T>
* the specific type of {@link EObject AQL AST element}.
public static <T extends EObject> T getSelfOrEquivalentOf(T aqlAstElement,
AcceleoAstResult inAcceleoAstResult) {
// Step 1: navigate from the AQL AST element up to the container Acceleo AST element.
ASTNode acceleoContainerOfAqlAstElement = getContainerOfAqlAstElement(aqlAstElement);
// Step 2: find the equivalent of the container Acceleo AST element.
ASTNode equivalentOfAcceleoContainerOfAqlAstElement = getSelfOrEquivalentOf(
acceleoContainerOfAqlAstElement, inAcceleoAstResult);
// Step 3: find AQL AST in the container equivalent.
AstResult aqlAstToSearchIn = getContainedAqlAstResultOf(equivalentOfAcceleoContainerOfAqlAstElement);
// Step 4: finally, search for the AQL AST element in the AQL AST contained by our original Acceleo
// AST.
return getSelfOrEquivalentOf(aqlAstElement, aqlAstToSearchIn);
* Provides the equivalent {@link EObject AQL AST element} of an {@link EObject AQL AST element} found in
* the given {@link AstResult AQL AST}.
* @param <T>
* the specific type of {@link EObject AQL AST element}.
* @param aqlAstElement
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link T AQL AST element}.
* @param inAqlAstResult
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link AstResult AQL AST} to search in.
* @return {@code aqlAstElement} or its equivalent in {@code inAqlAstResult}.
public static <T extends EObject> T getSelfOrEquivalentOf(T aqlAstElement, AstResult inAqlAstResult) {
org.eclipse.acceleo.query.ast.Expression aqlRootElement = inAqlAstResult.getAst();
if (isEqualStructurally(aqlAstElement, aqlRootElement)) {
return (T)aqlRootElement;
} else {
Iterator<EObject> candidatesIterator = aqlRootElement.eAllContents();
while (candidatesIterator.hasNext()) {
EObject candidate =;
if (isEqualStructurally(candidate, aqlAstElement)) {
return (T)candidate;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Equivalent of AQL ASTNode \"" + aqlAstElement.toString()
+ "\" could not be found in AQL AST: " + inAqlAstResult);
* Provides the {@link ASTNode} in the given {@link AcceleoAstResult} that is structurally equal to the
* given {@link ASTNode}.
* @param astNode
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link ASTNode} whose equivalent we are looking for.
* @param inAcceleoAstResult
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link AcceleoAstResult} in which to search.
* @return the {@link ASTNode} of {@code inAcceleoAstResult} that is structurally equal to
* {@code astNode}. If there is none, an exception is thrown.
* @param <T>
* the specific type of {@link ASTNode}.
private static <T extends ASTNode> T getStructuralEqualOf(T astNode,
AcceleoAstResult inAcceleoAstResult) {
Module inAcceleoModule = inAcceleoAstResult.getModule();
if (isEqualStructurally(astNode, inAcceleoModule)) {
return (T)inAcceleoModule;
} else {
Iterator<EObject> candidatesIterator = inAcceleoModule.eAllContents();
while (candidatesIterator.hasNext()) {
EObject candidate =;
if (candidate instanceof ASTNode) {
ASTNode candidateAstNode = (ASTNode)candidate;
if (isEqualStructurally(candidateAstNode, astNode)) {
return (T)candidateAstNode;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Equivalent of Acceleo ASTNode \"" + astNode.toString()
+ "\" could not be found in Acceleo AST: " + inAcceleoAstResult);
* Customized {@link EqualityHelper} necessary because the default behavior does not go well with the Java
* objects ASTResult and AcceleoAstResult we use via EDataTypes.
* @param left
* an {@link ASTNode}.
* @param right
* an {@link ASTNode}.
* @return {@code true} if {@code left} and {@code right} are structurally equal.
* @see EqualityHelper#equals(EObject, EObject)
public static boolean isEqualStructurally(ASTNode left, ASTNode right) {
return new EqualityHelper() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected boolean haveEqualAttribute(EObject eObject1, EObject eObject2,
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute attribute) {
boolean result;
if (attribute.getEAttributeType().equals(AcceleoPackage.eINSTANCE.getASTResult())) {
AstResult value1 = (AstResult)eObject1.eGet(attribute);
AstResult value2 = (AstResult)eObject2.eGet(attribute);
result = this.equals(value1.getAst(), value2.getAst());
} else if (attribute.getEAttributeType().equals(AcceleoPackage.eINSTANCE
.getAcceleoAstResult())) {
AcceleoAstResult value1 = (AcceleoAstResult)eObject1.eGet(attribute);
AcceleoAstResult value2 = (AcceleoAstResult)eObject2.eGet(attribute);
result = this.equals(value1.getModule(), value2.getModule());
} else {
result = super.haveEqualAttribute(eObject1, eObject2, attribute);
return result;
}.equals(left, right);
* Customized {@link EqualityHelper} for AQL AST elements.
* @param left
* an {@link EObject AQL AST element}.
* @param right
* an {@link EObject AQL AST element}.
* @return {@code true} if {@code left} and {@code right} are structurally equal.
* @see EqualityHelper#equals(EObject, EObject)
public static boolean isEqualStructurally(EObject left, EObject right) {
return new EqualityHelper() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected boolean haveEqualAttribute(EObject eObject1, EObject eObject2,
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute attribute) {
return super.haveEqualAttribute(eObject1, eObject2, attribute);
}.equals(left, right);