blob: 133dbb252976e8bb5a090cae6091bf5ea2eccd68 [file] [log] [blame]
--- RCPTT testcase ---
Format-Version: 1.0
Contexts: _d8d2kKyFEeqylZAj0d4Xnw,_Ayow4KrpEeqpkej7GeVvKQ
Element-Name: CreateNewTemplate
Element-Type: testcase
Element-Version: 3.0
Id: _CxR7IMEfEeqjcPTfvO5d8Q
Save-Time: 5/26/21 2:40 PM
Testcase-Type: ecl
Content-Type: text/ecl
Entry-Name: .content
get-view "Package Explorer" | get-tree | select "test/src/test/test.mtl" | double-click
with [get-editor "test.mtl" | get-text-viewer] {
set-caret-pos 18 1
key-type "M1+SPACE"
key-type Down
key-type Enter
set-caret-pos 18 1
select-range 20 12 18 1
get-editor "test.mtl" | get-text-viewer | get-property "getSelectionText()"
| equals "[template public myTemplate(myParameter : MyParameterType)]\n"
+ "\\9My template with a static text.\n"
+ "[/template]" | verify-true