blob: ecc8aff34355bb2fe51d2b9af263b18d508902c0 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.eclipse.acceleo.tests.evaluation;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.Module;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.ModuleElement;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.Template;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.AcceleoEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluator;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.evaluation.writer.DefaultGenerationStrategy;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.parser.AcceleoParser;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.IQueryEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.Query;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.tests.utils.AbstractLanguageTestSuite;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcoreFactory;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
* This will test the template lookup through various scenarios involving imports and extends.
* @author <a href="">Laurent Goubet</a>
public class TemplateLookupTest {
/** Name of the first parameter on all of our templates. */
private static final String PARAM1 = "param1";
/** The aql environment used to read and parse the modules from disk. */
private IQueryEnvironment aqlEnvironment;
/** The Acceleo environment we'll use to test the lookup. */
private AcceleoEnvironment acceleoEnvironment;
/** First of the tested modules. See M1 through M4.acceleo beside this class. */
private Module module1;
/** Second of the tested modules. See M1 through M4.acceleo beside this class. */
private Module module2;
/** Third of the tested modules. See M1 through M4.acceleo beside this class. */
private Module module3;
/** Fourth of the tested modules. See M1 through M4.acceleo beside this class. */
private Module module4;
* Prepares the environment. This will load the 4 modules and register them against a new environment
* before each test.
* @throws IOException
* If we couldn't read the modules from disk.
public void loadModules() throws IOException {
aqlEnvironment = Query.newEnvironmentWithDefaultServices(null);
module1 = readModule(aqlEnvironment, "/org/eclipse/acceleo/tests/evaluation/M1.acceleo");
module2 = readModule(aqlEnvironment, "/org/eclipse/acceleo/tests/evaluation/M2.acceleo");
module3 = readModule(aqlEnvironment, "/org/eclipse/acceleo/tests/evaluation/M3.acceleo");
module4 = readModule(aqlEnvironment, "/org/eclipse/acceleo/tests/evaluation/M4.acceleo");
acceleoEnvironment = new AcceleoEnvironment(new DefaultGenerationStrategy(), URI.createURI(""));
acceleoEnvironment.registerModule("org::eclipse::acceleo::aql::tests::evaluation::m1", module1);
acceleoEnvironment.registerModule("org::eclipse::acceleo::aql::tests::evaluation::m2", module2);
acceleoEnvironment.registerModule("org::eclipse::acceleo::aql::tests::evaluation::m3", module3);
acceleoEnvironment.registerModule("org::eclipse::acceleo::aql::tests::evaluation::m4", module4);
* Calls "M1.t11(EPackage)". This doesn't call any other module's templates.
public void testCallM1T11EPackage() {
final Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put(PARAM1, EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage());
final AcceleoEvaluator evaluationEngine = new AcceleoEvaluator(acceleoEnvironment);
final ModuleElement start = module1.getModuleElements().get(0);
assertTrue(start instanceof Template && "t11".equals(((Template)start).getName()));
acceleoEnvironment.pushImport(acceleoEnvironment.getModuleQualifiedName(module1), start);
final String result = (String)evaluationEngine.generate(start, variables);
assertEquals("" + AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER
+ "generated from m1.t11(EPackage)" + AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER,
* Calls "M1.t11(EClass)". This calls two other templates that should be found in the same module.
public void testCallM1T11EClass() {
final Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put(PARAM1, EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass());
final AcceleoEvaluator evaluationEngine = new AcceleoEvaluator(acceleoEnvironment);
final ModuleElement start = module1.getModuleElements().get(1);
assertTrue(start instanceof Template && "t11".equals(((Template)start).getName()));
acceleoEnvironment.pushImport(acceleoEnvironment.getModuleQualifiedName(module1), start);
final String result = (String)evaluationEngine.generate(start, variables);
assertEquals("" + AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER
+ "generated from m1.overrideMe(EClass)"
+ "generated from m1.privateInBoth(EClass)"
+ AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER, result);
* M2.t21 calls "t11" which is not overriden in M2, so goes up to M1.t11, which calls "overrideMe",
* overriden in M2 so we go down to M2.overrideMe, and "privateInBoth" which should call the one in M1 at
* that point in the stack.
public void testCallM2T21() {
EPackage pack = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage();
EClass clazz = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass();
final Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put(PARAM1, pack);
final AcceleoEvaluator evaluationEngine = new AcceleoEvaluator(acceleoEnvironment);
ModuleElement start = module2.getModuleElements().get(0);
assertTrue(start instanceof Template && "t21".equals(((Template)start).getName()));
acceleoEnvironment.pushImport(acceleoEnvironment.getModuleQualifiedName(module2), start);
final String result = (String)evaluationEngine.generate(start, variables);
assertEquals("" + AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER
+ "generated from m2.t21(EPackage)" + AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER
// CHECKSTYLE:OFF don't share values across tests
+ "generated from m2.overrideMe(EClass)"
// CHECKSTYLE:ON don't share values across tests
+ "generated from m1.privateInBoth(EClass)"
+ AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER, result);
* Calls M2.overrideMe(), which is overriden in M1 but M1 is not in the scope, so we're not going to call
* anything in other modules.
public void testCallM2OverrideMe() {
EPackage pack = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage();
EClass clazz = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass();
final Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put(PARAM1, pack);
final AcceleoEvaluator evaluationEngine = new AcceleoEvaluator(acceleoEnvironment);
ModuleElement start = module2.getModuleElements().get(1);
assertTrue(start instanceof Template && "overrideMe".equals(((Template)start).getName()));
acceleoEnvironment.pushImport(acceleoEnvironment.getModuleQualifiedName(module2), start);
final String result = (String)evaluationEngine.generate(start, variables);
assertEquals("" + AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER
+ "generated from m2.overrideMe(EClass)"
+ AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER, result);
* We're calling M2.toImportsAndBack as a starting point. This will call m4.t41 that's accessible through
* the import of m2. This then tries to call "t31" which is available on m3 through the extends of m4,
* which in turns tries to call "overrideMe". This is available on both m3 (the current template) and m4
* (the one we were called from), we'll thus call m4.overrideMe since it's the one doing the overriding.
* m4.overrideMe, m3.t31 and m4.t41 don't have more statements to evaluate, so we go back to
* m2.toImportsAndBack, which will call "overrideMe" on his own. We're no longer in the import's
* hierarchy, so this is expected to call m2.overrideMe.
public void testCallM2ToImportsAndBack() {
EPackage pack = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage();
EClass clazz = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass();
final Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put(PARAM1, clazz);
final AcceleoEvaluator evaluationEngine = new AcceleoEvaluator(acceleoEnvironment);
ModuleElement start = module2.getModuleElements().get(3);
assertTrue(start instanceof Template && "toImportsAndBack".equals(((Template)start).getName()));
acceleoEnvironment.pushImport(acceleoEnvironment.getModuleQualifiedName(module2), start);
final String result = (String)evaluationEngine.generate(start, variables);
assertEquals("" + AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER
+ AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER + "generated from m4.t41(EClass)"
+ AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER + "generated from m3.t31(EClass)"
+ "generated from m4.overrideMe(EClass)"
+ "generated from m2.overrideMe(EClass)"
+ AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER, result);
* We're calling m2.toImportsExtends as a starting point. this tries to call "t31" which is not available
* in our hierarchy, not available on the import, but available on the import's extends hierarchy, on m3.
* We thus call m3.t31 which calls "overrideMe". Since m3 is not the one which was imported, we expect
* that "overrideMe" to be the one from m4.
public void testCallM2ToImportsExtends() {
EPackage pack = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEPackage();
EClass clazz = EcoreFactory.eINSTANCE.createEClass();
final Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
variables.put(PARAM1, clazz);
final AcceleoEvaluator evaluationEngine = new AcceleoEvaluator(acceleoEnvironment);
ModuleElement start = module2.getModuleElements().get(4);
assertTrue(start instanceof Template && "toImportsExtends".equals(((Template)start).getName()));
acceleoEnvironment.pushImport(acceleoEnvironment.getModuleQualifiedName(module2), start);
final String result = (String)evaluationEngine.generate(start, variables);
assertEquals("" + AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER
+ AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER + "generated from m3.t31(EClass)"
+ "generated from m4.overrideMe(EClass)"
+ AbstractLanguageTestSuite.DEFAULT_END_OF_LINE_CHARACTER, result);
* Reads a module from disk, parses it and returns the AST.
* @param env
* The AQL environment with which to parse this module.
* @param name
* Name of the module file to read. This can be a path relative to this current class.
* @return The parsed AST.
* @throws IOException
* if we couldn't read the file from disk.
private Module readModule(IQueryEnvironment env, String name) throws IOException {
AcceleoParser parser = new AcceleoParser(env);
InputStream content = getClass().getResourceAsStream(name);
try (InputStream stream = (InputStream)content) {
String moduleSource = AbstractLanguageTestSuite.getContent(stream, "UTF-8");
return parser.parse(moduleSource).getModule();