blob: f8b795f12dab19601ce0344d135d3ecf5265c957 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020, 2021 Obeo.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.Metamodel;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.Module;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.location.AcceleoLocator;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.location.common.AbstractLocationLink;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.parser.AcceleoAstResult;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.parser.AcceleoParser;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.validation.AcceleoValidator;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.aql.validation.IAcceleoValidationResult;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.Query;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.namespace.IQualifiedNameLookupEngine;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.namespace.IQualifiedNameQueryEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.query.runtime.namespace.IQualifiedNameResolver;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.Range;
import org.eclipse.lsp4j.TextDocumentContentChangeEvent;
* Represents an Acceleo Text Document as known by the Language Server. It is maintained consistent with the
* contents of the client's editor thanks to the LSP-compliant notifications sent to the Language Server by
* the client. It is used to provide the language services back to the client.
* @author Florent Latombe
public class AcceleoTextDocument {
* FIXME: move somewhere else.
private static final String VALIDATION_NAMESPACE = "_reserved_::to::validate";
* The {@link URI} that uniquely identifies this document.
private final URI uri;
* The {@link AcceleoProject} that contains this text document.
private AcceleoProject ownerProject;
* The {@link IQualifiedNameQueryEnvironment} for this text document.
private IQualifiedNameQueryEnvironment queryEnvironment;
* The {@link String} contents of the text document.
private String contents;
// Cached values that depend on the contents.
* The cached {@link AcceleoAstResult} resulting form parsing the contents of the text document.
private AcceleoAstResult acceleoAstResult;
* The cached {@link IAcceleoValidationResult}, updated upon any changes in the contents of this document.
private IAcceleoValidationResult acceleoValidationResult;
* The module qualified name.
private String qualifiedName;
* Creates a new {@link AcceleoTextDocument} corresponding to the given URI and with the given initial
* contents.
* @param textDocumentUri
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link URI} of this text document.
* @param textDocumentContents
* the (non-{@code null}) initial contents of this text document.
* @param project
* the owner project
public AcceleoTextDocument(URI textDocumentUri, String textDocumentContents, AcceleoProject project) {
this.ownerProject = project;
this.uri = textDocumentUri;
qualifiedName = getProject().getResolver().getQualifiedName(this.getUrl());
* Behavior triggered when the contents or environment of this document have changed. We update the cached
* values of the parsing and validation results.
private void documentChanged() {
// Retrieve the parsing result first, as other services depend on it.
// And validation second, as some other services depend on it.
* This is called when this document is saved. Notifies external parties which may rely on this document.
public void documentSaved() {
// TODO: we probably only want to send this notification out when the "publicly-accessible" parts of
// the Module have changed, like a public/protected Template/Query signature.
if (this.getProject() != null) {
// This text document belongs to an AcceleoProject which holds the resolver in which
// this module is registered.
* Sets the owner {@link AcceleoProject} of this document.
* @param acceleoProject
* the new (maybe-{@code null}) owner {@link AcceleoProject}.
public void setProject(AcceleoProject acceleoProject) {
AcceleoProject oldProject = ownerProject;
this.ownerProject = acceleoProject;
qualifiedName = getProject().getResolver().getQualifiedName(getUrl());
if ((acceleoProject == null && oldProject != null) || !acceleoProject.equals(oldProject)) {
// When the project changes, the environment changes.
* This is called to notify this {@link AcceleoTextDocument} that its contextual
* {@link IQualifiedNameResolver} has changed. As a result, it needs to be re-parsed and re-validated.
public void resolverChanged() {
* Provides the owner {@link AcceleoProject} of this document.
* @return the (maybe-{@code null}) owner {@link AcceleoProject}.
public AcceleoProject getProject() {
return this.ownerProject;
* Provides the file name without its extension.
* @return the file name of this text document.
public String getFileNameWithoutExtension() {
return this.uri.toString().substring(this.uri.toString().lastIndexOf('/'), this.uri.toString()
* Parses the contents of this document and updates the cached AST.
private void parseContents() {
AcceleoAstResult parsingResult = null;
parsingResult = doParsing(this.getModuleQualifiedName(), this.contents);
/* FIXME we need a cross reference provider, and we need to make it configurable */
queryEnvironment = Query.newQualifiedNameEnvironmentWithDefaultServices(getProject().getResolver(),
null, null);
for (Metamodel metamodel : parsingResult.getModule().getMetamodels()) {
if (metamodel.getReferencedPackage() != null) {
this.acceleoAstResult = parsingResult;
* Performs the parsing.
* @param moduleQualifiedName
* the (non-{@code null}) qualified name of the document we are parsing.
* @param documentContents
* the (non-{@code null}) contents of the document we are parsing.
* @return the resulting {@link AcceleoAstResult}.
private static AcceleoAstResult doParsing(String moduleQualifiedName, String documentContents) {
AcceleoParser acceleoParser = new AcceleoParser();
return acceleoParser.parse(documentContents, moduleQualifiedName);
* Validates the contents of this document, and caches its results.
public void validateContents() {
IAcceleoValidationResult validationResults = null;
if (this.acceleoAstResult != null && this.getQueryEnvironment() != null) {
validationResults = doValidation(this.acceleoAstResult, this.getQueryEnvironment(),
this.acceleoValidationResult = validationResults;
* Validates the contents of this document using the {@link AcceleoValidator}. As a side effect, it
* registers the resulting
* @param acceleoAstResult
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link AcceleoAstResult} to validate.
* @param queryEnvironment
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link IQualifiedNameQueryEnvironment} of the document being
* validated.
* @param qualifiedName
* the context qualified name
* @return the {@link IAcceleoValidationResult}.
private static IAcceleoValidationResult doValidation(AcceleoAstResult acceleoAstResult,
IQualifiedNameQueryEnvironment queryEnvironment, String qualifiedName) {
return validate(queryEnvironment, acceleoAstResult, qualifiedName);
* Provides the owning {@link AcceleoLanguageServer}.
* @return the (maybe-{@code null}) owning {@link AcceleoLanguageServer}.
public AcceleoLanguageServer getLanguageServer() {
if (this.getProject() != null) {
return this.getProject().getLanguageServer();
} else {
return null;
* Provides the {@link AcceleoTextDocumentService} of the owning {@link AcceleoLanguageServer}.
* @return the (maybe-{@code null}) {@link AcceleoTextDocumentService}.
public AcceleoTextDocumentService getTextDocumentService() {
AcceleoLanguageServer languageServer = this.getLanguageServer();
if (languageServer != null) {
return languageServer.getTextDocumentService();
} else {
return null;
* Publishes the cached validation results.
public void publishValidationResults() {
AcceleoTextDocumentService service = this.getTextDocumentService();
if (service != null) {
* Validates this document and publishes the validation results.
public void validateAndPublishResults() {
* Provides the qualified name of the Acceleo {@link Module} represented by this document, as computed by
* the {@link IQualifiedNameResolver}.
* @return the qualified name of the {@link Module}. {@code null} if this document has no
* {@link IQualifiedNameResolver}.
public String getModuleQualifiedName() {
return qualifiedName;
* Provides the {@link URL} version of this document's {@link URI}.
* @return the corresponding {@link URI}.
public URL getUrl() {
try {
return this.getUri().toURL();
} catch (MalformedURLException urlException) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not convert into a URL the URI of document " + this.getUri()
.toString(), urlException);
* Provides the links from the given position to the location(s) defining the element at the given
* position.
* @param position
* the (positive) position in the source contents.
* @return the {@link List} of {@link AbstractLocationLink} corresponding to the definition location(s) of
* the Acceleo element found at the given position in the source contents.
public List<AbstractLocationLink<?, ?>> getDefinitionLocations(int position) {
final IQualifiedNameLookupEngine lookupEngine = getQueryEnvironment().getLookupEngine();
lookupEngine.pushImportsContext(getModuleQualifiedName(), getModuleQualifiedName());
List<AbstractLocationLink<?, ?>> definitionLocations = new AcceleoLocator(getQueryEnvironment(),
getModuleQualifiedName(), acceleoValidationResult).getDefinitionLocations(
this.acceleoAstResult, position);
return definitionLocations;
* Provides the links from the given position to the location(s) declaring the element at the given
* position.
* @param position
* the (positive) position in the source contents.
* @return the {@link List} of {@link AbstractLocationLink} corresponding to the declaration location(s)
* of the Acceleo element found at the given position in the source contents.
public List<AbstractLocationLink<?, ?>> getDeclarationLocations(int position) {
return new AcceleoLocator(getQueryEnvironment(), getModuleQualifiedName(), acceleoValidationResult)
.getDeclarationLocations(this.acceleoAstResult, position);
* Provides the URI of this {@link AcceleoTextDocument}.
* @return the {@link URI} of this {@link AcceleoTextDocument}.
public URI getUri() {
return this.uri;
* Applies {@link TextDocumentContentChangeEvent TextDocumentContentChangeEvents} to the contents of this
* text document.
* @param textDocumentContentchangeEvents
* the {@link Iterable} of {@link TextDocumentContentChangeEvent} to apply, in the same order.
* @return this {@link AcceleoTextDocument}, with the new contents resulting from applying the changes.
public AcceleoTextDocument applyChanges(
Iterable<TextDocumentContentChangeEvent> textDocumentContentchangeEvents) {
String newTextDocumentContents = this.contents;
for (TextDocumentContentChangeEvent textDocumentContentChangeEvent : textDocumentContentchangeEvents) {
newTextDocumentContents = apply(textDocumentContentChangeEvent, newTextDocumentContents);
return this;
* Updates the known contents of the text document, which triggers the parsing of the new contents.
* @param newTextDocumentContents
* the new (non-{@code null}) contents of the text document.
public void setContents(String newTextDocumentContents) {
this.contents = newTextDocumentContents;
* Provides the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) corresponding to the contents of this text document.
* @return the (non-{@code null}) {@link AcceleoAstResult} of this document.
public AcceleoAstResult getAcceleoAstResult() {
return acceleoAstResult;
* Provides the results of the Acceleo validation of the contents of this text document.
* @return the (non-{@code null}) {@link IAcceleoValidationResult} of this document.
public IAcceleoValidationResult getAcceleoValidationResults() {
return this.acceleoValidationResult;
* Provides the {@link IQualifiedNameQueryEnvironment} associated to this text document.
* @return the (maybe-{@code null}) {@link IQualifiedNameQueryEnvironment} associated to this
* {@link AcceleoTextDocument}.
public IQualifiedNameQueryEnvironment getQueryEnvironment() {
return queryEnvironment;
* Provides the current {@link String text contents} of this text document.
* @return the (non-{@code null}) {@link String} contents of this {@link AcceleoTextDocument}.
public String getContents() {
return this.contents;
* Performs the Acceleo validation.
* @param queryEnvironment
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link IQualifiedNameQueryEnvironment}.
* @param acceleoAstResult
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link AcceleoAstResult}.
* @param qualifiedName
* the context qualified name
* @return the {@link IAcceleoValidationResult}.
// FIXME the "synchronized" here is an ugly but convenient way to ensure that a validation finishes before
// any other is triggered. Otherwise a validation can push imports which invalidates the services lookup
// for another validation
private static synchronized IAcceleoValidationResult validate(
IQualifiedNameQueryEnvironment queryEnvironment, AcceleoAstResult acceleoAstResult,
String qualifiedName) {
String moduleQualifiedNameForValidation = VALIDATION_NAMESPACE + AcceleoParser.QUALIFIER_SEPARATOR
+ qualifiedName;
final IQualifiedNameResolver resolver = queryEnvironment.getLookupEngine().getResolver();
resolver.register(moduleQualifiedNameForValidation, acceleoAstResult.getModule());
try {
final AcceleoValidator acceleoValidator = new AcceleoValidator(queryEnvironment);
final IAcceleoValidationResult validationResults = acceleoValidator.validate(acceleoAstResult,
return validationResults;
} finally {
* Applies a {@link TextDocumentContentChangeEvent} to the {@link String} representing the text document
* contents.
* @param textDocumentContentChangeEvent
* the (non-{@code null}) {@link TextDocumentContentChangeEvent} to apply.
* @param inText
* the (non-{@code null}) current {@link String text document contents}.
* @return the new {@link String text document contents}.
private static String apply(TextDocumentContentChangeEvent textDocumentContentChangeEvent,
String inText) {
String newTextExcerpt = textDocumentContentChangeEvent.getText();
Range changeRange = textDocumentContentChangeEvent.getRange();
// We can safely ignore the range length, which gets deprecated in the next version of LSP.
// cf.
if (changeRange == null) {
// The whole text was replaced.
return newTextExcerpt;
} else {
return AcceleoLanguageServerPositionUtils.replace(inText, changeRange.getStart(), changeRange
.getEnd(), newTextExcerpt);