blob: f322316366a13c4697e5c80d40679899380a8fc7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2008, 2011 Obeo.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# Obeo - initial API and implementation
## note : apostrophes need to be doubled in these messages or they'll be ignored
# used throughout the code
usercode.start = Start of user code
usercode.end = End of user code
AcceleoGenerationStrategy.UnsupportedCharset = Unsupported charset : {0}. Continuing with System Default : {1}.
AcceleoEnginePlugin.ElementNotFound = Required element not found.
AcceleoEnginePlugin.LogNullStatus = Status to be logged cannot be null.
AcceleoEnginePlugin.LogNullException = Exception to be logged cannot be null.
AcceleoEnginePlugin.UnexpectedException = Unexpected Acceleo problem.
# org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.environment
AcceleoEnvironmentFactory.IllegalParent = Parent environment must be an Acceleo environment: {0}.
AcceleoEvaluationEnvironment.ClassNotFound = Class {0} Couldn''t be found in the classpath of the bundle containing module {1}.
AcceleoEvaluationEnvironment.DynamicModulesLoadingFailure = Unable to find a ResourceSet in which to load the dynamic modules.
AcceleoEvaluationEnvironment.IllegalTokenizerFlag = Invalid strtok flag : {0}. Should be either 0 (new tokenizer) or 1 (next token).
AcceleoEvaluationEnvironment.ModuleResolutionError = Error while resolving module dependencies.
AcceleoEvaluationEnvironment.NoSuchMethod = Method {0} doesn''t exist for service {1}.
AcceleoEvaluationEnvironment.ParameterClassNotFound = One of the parameters'' class couldn''t be loaded for method {0} of class {1}.
AcceleoEvaluationEnvironment.RestrictedMethod = Method {0} of class {1} is not accessible.
AcceleoEvaluationEnvironment.UndefinedOperation = Operation {0}({1}) is undefined on type {2}.
# org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.evaluation
AcceleoEvaluationContext.AppendError = Could not append text to the buffer.
AcceleoEvaluationContext.CleanUpError = Could not dispose open buffers.
AcceleoEvaluationContext.FolderCreationError = Could not create directory {0}.
AcceleoEvaluationContext.FileCreationError = Could not create file {0}.
AcceleoEvaluationContext.FileNameIsDirectory = Could not create file {0} because the chosen file name matches an existing directory.
AcceleoEvaluationContext.FlushError = Could not flush the previous buffer.
AcceleoEvaluationContext.LostContent = Could not create lost file for {0}. Lost content : {1}
AcceleoEvaluationContext.WriteError = Could not write to the buffer''s target.
AcceleoEvaluationContext.MultipleExceptions = Multiple IOExceptions occurred :
AcceleoEvaluationContext.FileException = Problem found while generating the file ''{0}''.
AcceleoEvaluationContext.OverrodeFiles = Some files were generated more than once during this generation.
AcceleoEvaluationContext.ClosedStream = Stream closed.
AcceleoEvaluationContext.NegativeSkip = Skip value cannot be negative.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.CancelException = Evaluation cancelled by the user.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.InvalidForIteration = Invalid loop iteration at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.CollectionFileURL = File URL evaluated to a Collection for file at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.IterationClassCast = Invalid type for iteration at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. {3} was not an instanceof {4}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedFileURL = Couldn''t evaluate URL of the file at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.NotStringFileURL = URL of the file at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2} was not a String. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedFileCharset = Couldn''t evaluate charset of the file at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedGuard = Undefined guard {4} at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedCondition = Undefined condition of "If" at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.NotBooleanCondition = Condition {4} of "If" at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2} was not a Boolean. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedElseCondition = Undefined condition of "Else" at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedLetValue = Undefined "Let" expression at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedElseLetValue = Undefined "Else Let" expression at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedAreaMarker = Undefined protected area marker at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedArgument = Undefined argument {4} of invocation at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedVariable = Undefined variable {4} for init section at line {0} in Module {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.InvalidQuery = Invalid result for expression {4} at line {0} in Module {1} for query {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UndefinedPost = Undefined result of post {0} at line {1} in Module {2} for template {3}. Result of template was {4}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.UnresolvedCompilationError = Unresolved compilation error in generation module.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.PossibleEmptyFileName = The file name used for the generation may be empty
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.EmptyFileName = The file name used is empty for template {1} for block {2}. Last recorded value of self was {3}.
AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.Generatingfile = Generating file: ''{0}''.
AcceleoLibraryOperationVisitor.IndexOutOfBoundsSubstring = A call to the operation substring in the generator has failed out of bounds: {0}.substring({1}).\n\
Keep in mind that in OCL, indexes start at 1 and not 0.
# org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.generation
AcceleoEngine.ArgumentMismatch = Argument types mismatch for module element {0}.
AcceleoEngine.IllegalArguments = All arguments of a module element must be set.
AcceleoEngine.IllegalInvocation = Cannot invoke non-public module element for generation.
AcceleoEngine.NullArguments = Arguments of a generation cannot be null.
AcceleoEngine.VoidArguments = Multi-arguments module element must be called with set parameters.
# org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.utils
AcceleoDynamicTemplatesEclipseUtil.MissingDynamicTemplates = No dynamic templates found in bundle {0} for path {1}.
# org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.service
AcceleoService.UndefinedTemplate = Could not find public template {0} in module {1}.
AcceleoService.NullArguments = Arguments of a generation cannot be null.
AcceleoService.TypeIsProxy = The type of the first parameter of the main template named ''{0}'' is a proxy.
AcceleoService.NoGenerationHasOccurred = The generation failed to generate any file because there are no model elements that matches at least the type of the first parameter of one of your main templates. \n\
The problem may be caused by a problem with the registration of your metamodel, please see the method named "registerPackages" in the Java launcher of your generator. It could also come from a missing [comment @main/] \n\
in the template used as the entry point of the generation.
# org.eclispe.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.jmerge
JMergeUtilError = There seem to be some errors in one of the file ''{0}'', therefore JMerge can not be used.
# Acceleo Properties Loader
AcceleoPropertiesLoader.Saving = Saving properties file
# interpreter task
AcceleoEvaluationTask.UnresolvedCompilationProblem = Unresolved compilation problems
AcceleoEvaluationTask.MultipleProblems = Problems encountered while evaluating expression
AcceleoEvaluationTask.ResultType = Result of type {0}
AcceleoEvaluationTask.ResultSize = and size {0}
AcceleoPropertiesLookup.PropertiesNotFound = No value found for the property ''{0}''.