blob: 474bcbdd7486460dbca34da0559620799d6927c4 [file] [log] [blame]
header position 0..59
module myModule
metamodel (18..56)
* My template has a nice comment.
* @param myParam the input EPackage
* @param myParam1 the input1 EPackage
* @param myParam2 the input2 EPackage
* (218..216)
myParam the input EPackage (110..136)[comment myParam the input EPackage (110..136) /] (110..136)
myParam1 the input1 EPackage (147..175)[comment myParam1 the input1 EPackage (147..175) /] (147..175)
myParam2 the input2 EPackage (186..214)[comment myParam2 the input2 EPackage (186..214) /] (186..214)[comment
* My template has a nice comment.
* @param myParam the input EPackage
* @param myParam1 the input1 EPackage
* @param myParam2 the input2 EPackage
* (218..216) /] (61..218)
* My template has a nice comment.
* @param myParam the input EPackage
* @param myParam1 the input1 EPackage
* @param myParam2 the input2 EPackage
* (218..216)
myParam the input EPackage (110..136)[comment myParam the input EPackage (110..136) /] (110..136)
myParam1 the input1 EPackage (147..175)[comment myParam1 the input1 EPackage (147..175) /] (147..175)
myParam2 the input2 EPackage (186..214)[comment myParam2 the input2 EPackage (186..214) /] (186..214)[comment
* My template has a nice comment.
* @param myParam the input EPackage
* @param myParam1 the input1 EPackage
* @param myParam2 the input2 EPackage
* (218..216) /] (61..218)
public template myTemplate(myParam : EPackage (247..272), myParam1 : EPackage (273..299), myParam2 : EPackage (300..326))
some static text. (newLineNeeded) (331..349) (328..349)
[/template] (219..360) (0..360)