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** Copyright (c) 2012 Obeo.
** All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
** are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
** which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
** Contributors:
** Stephane Begaudeau (Obeo) - initial API and implementation
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<section id="project">
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<h1>Acceleo Project <small>where everything is contained</small></h1>
The Acceleo project can be created thanks to the new Acceleo project wizard available from the "File -> New -> Project..."
menu. An Acceleo project is a Java project and an Eclipse plug-in project, as such an Acceleo project contains by default
a source folder named "src" and a matching output folder named "bin". It is recommended to follow the naming convention
of Eclipse plug-in projects to name your Acceleo project (ex: org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java) and the root package
of the source files should use this project name (ex: org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java).
Inside the Acceleo project, the file used for the generation, which are named "modules", should be placed in the Java
packages just like Java classes. This behavior is the default behavior of Acceleo wizards.
<section id="module">
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<h1>Module <small>the files of the generator</small></h1>
An Acceleo generator is composed of several files named modules. A module is parameterized by the URIs of the meta-models
instantiating the models that you want to generate code from. Here you can see a module parameterized by the URI of the
Ecore meta-model.
[module moduleName('')/]</pre>
An Acceleo module can extend another one in order to gain access to its public and protected elements. Acceleo modules
contains two kind of elements: templates, that are generating the code, and queries, that are used to encapsulate complex
expressions. Only single inheritance is supported in Acceleo.
[module moduleName('') extends org::eclipse::acceleo::examples::uml2java::otherModule/]</pre>
A module can also imports other modules to access their public elements.
[module moduleName('')/]
[import org::eclipse::acceleo:examples::uml2java::otherModule/]</pre>
It is recommended to use mostly "imports" and to keep "extends" for dynamic overriding which will be detailed below.
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<section id="template">
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<h1>Template <small>generating the code</small></h1>
Templates are the most used structure in Acceleo as they are used to directly generate the code. You can have a look at the
basic signature of an Acceleo module with one template.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass)]
As you can see it, a template has a visibility (public | protected | private) with a scope similar to the visibility in
object oriented programming languages. After the visibility, you can find the name of the template and its parameters. The
parameters are declared following this convention "&lt;name&gt;: &lt;type&gt;". It is recommended to name your parameters
with the following convention "a&lt;Type&gt;". The type of the parameter must be one of the following:
<li>Types provided by the meta-model (ex: Class, Property, Operation... for UML)</li>
<li>Default types from OCL like Boolean, String, Integer, OclAny (common super-type of all concepts)</li>
Inside of a template you can use two kind of expressions to generate the code, first, static expressions that will be
generated without any transformations and Acceleo expressions that will use model elements to compute the generate text.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass)]
this is a static piece of code
In the previous example, you can see the static piece of code and the Acceleo expression that will generate some text by
using the name of the instance of EClass passed as an argument during the execution of the generator.
A template can also have a guard that will make sure that the template is executed only if the guard is validated.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass) ? (not aParam.isAbstract)]
A template can also have a post condition that will be executed on the result of the execution of the template. You can for
example, trim the result of the execution of the template easily.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass) post(trim())]
A template can also let you initialize new variable in order to create a richer context.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass) {aName: String =; abstract: Boolean = aParam.isAbstract;}]
Finally, a template can also override another template if this template is coming from a module extended by the current
[module moduleName('') extends org::eclipse::acceleo::examples::uml2java::otherModule/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass) overrides myTemplate]
Overriding in Acceleo does <b>not</b> behave in the same way as it does in most object oriented programming (Acceleo is not
object oriented). If a module A imports a module B that extends C and if the module C defines a template tC overridden in
the module B and the module C also defines a template tC1 that calls tC. If from the module A we are calling tC1, in Java
and in most object oriented programming this call to tC1 would call tC in the module B since it is overridden and even if
tC1 is only located in the module C we are still in the context of a module B but in Acceleo the overriding mechanism does
not provide additional dispatch. It only ensure that if two templates are accessible and if one override the other, the
overriding one is called. The overriding mechanism should mainly be used for dynamic overriding (explained later).
<br />
<h2>Main template</h2>
A main template is an entry point of the generation, it is characterized by the presence of the comment "@main" in its body.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass)]
[comment @main/]
The presence of this comment will make Acceleo generate a Java class in order to start the generation with this template. The
Acceleo wizards let you create a new module with a main template if you want. If you want to "transform" a template to a main
template, you just need to add this comment. If you remove it, the Java class generated will not be synchronized with the
Acceleo module anymore so if you change the name of the template and try to use the Java launcher again, it will not work.
We will try to launch the generation of your template on all model elements that are matching the type required by the parameter
of your main template, in the previous example where the main template requires an instance of "EClass", we will navigate in the
whole model to find all the available "EClass" to use them as argument. While powerful, this mechanism is not without any
impacts on the performances of the generation. We recommend that you use as the type of the parameter of your main template the
type of the root element of your models. In the case of a module defined for the meta-model Ecore, we would use the concept
EPackage and transform the previous module in the following module
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EPackage)]
[comment @main/]
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Tips and tricks:</strong> The generated Java launcher has been created to let you override pretty much every parts of its
behavior, as such you can change all the details of the previously explained mechanism.
You can define multiple main templates in one or several modules if you want even if we recommend to only have one main template
defined on the type of the root of your models.
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Tips and tricks:</strong> Main modules should be located in the ".main" package
<br />
<h2>Generating Files</h2>
Some templates can use the "file block" to generate files.
[module randomJavaFile('')/]
[template public genRandomJavaFile(aParam: EPackage)]
[file ('', false, 'UTF-8')]
Hello World
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Tips and tricks:</strong> Only templates can create files.
The file block contains three parameters:
<li>An expression returning a string for the name of the file</li>
<li>A boolean indicating if existing files should be overwritten or if the newly generated content should be appended at the end of the existing file</li>
<li>The encoding of the file</li>
The expression computing the name of the file can be a static string ('myFile.txt'), or a more complex expression using model
elements ( + '.txt') or even the result of a template or a query (returning a string). We do recommend to use a
template to define the name of the file as you even need to make references from one file to the other and being able to use
a template to calculate the path of a file generated for a given object can help.
[module randomJavaFile('')/]
[template public genRandomJavaFile(aParam: EPackage)]
[file (aParam.genRandomJavaFilePath(), false, 'UTF-8')]
Hello World
[template public genRandomJavaFilePath(aParam: EPackage)]
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Tips and tricks:</strong> You can use a prefix to separate easily your public templates and queries from your private
and protected ones. Here we often use the prefix "gen" for public templates and "req" for public queries. Try to keep your API
minimal by using a maximum of private and protected templates and queries as it helps with the maintenance, the evolution and the
performances of your generator.
The second parameter of the file block is a boolean determining if existing files should be overwritten. If set to false (default
behavior) existing files will be overwritten, if set to true, the content will be generated at the end of the existing file.
We are <b>strongly</b> recommending to only have one template generating a file in a given module as we recommended to have one module
to generate one kind of file. This does not mean, that you should have one module to generate all Java files but you should
separate your modules to keep your domain separated and have something like this:
We recommended that you follow this naming convention for the name of your modules generating files: "&lt;goal&gt;&lt;extension&gt;File".
With this convention it is easier for newcomers to help you maintain and use your generator since it is easy to figure out what is
generated by a given module.
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Tips and tricks:</strong> Modules generating files should be located in the ".files" package. Do not hesitate to create sub-packages within
if you need it.
<br />
Acceleo templates can use Acceleo expressions to manipulate model elements. Acceleo expressions are based on a superset of
the OCL language. In order to improve the development of Acceleo generators, Acceleo templates can contain several kinds
of structures.
<br />
Acceleo template can use if blocks to specify blocks of code that should be executed only if a given condition is fulfilled.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass)]
[if (aParam.isAbstract)]
[elseif(not aParam.isAbstract)]
A for block is also available to iterate on collections.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass)]
[for (anAttribute: EAttribute | aParam.eAllAttributes())]
For blocks can also define a separator to generate code between each iterations and a prefix and suffix.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass)]
[for (anAttribute: EAttribute | aParam.eAllAttributes()) before('prefix') separator(', ') after('suffix')]
For blocks are also defining a variable named "i". This variable is the iterator of the block. This variable is only
accessible in the body of the for block and in the separator expression. In the body expression, this variable would
always have the value "1" and in the after expression, the value would always be the size of the expression initializing
the iteration. Since this variable is representing the index of the element in the collection initializing the iterator
of the loop, its value will always start at <strong>1</strong>.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass)]
[for (anAttribute: EAttribute | aParam.eAllAttributes())]
Name: [] Index: [i/]
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Tips and tricks:</strong> The code in the separator will be called before each turn only if the turn has a
preceding turn. If you are using the variable "i" inside of the separator expression, the first value of "i" will be
"2" as it will be called at the beginning of the second turn. It is not called at the end of a turn but at the beginning
of the next iteration.
A let block can let you define a variable inside of your template.
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass)]
[let anAttribute : EAttribute = aParam.eAllAttributes()->first()]
The let block is only executed if and only if the result of the expression, here "aParam.eAllAttributes()->first()" can be
affected to the initialization variable, here "anAttribute : EAttribute". To test several possibilities, you can use elselet
[module moduleName('')/]
[template public genMyTemplate(aParam: EClass)]
[let anAttribute : EAttribute = aParam.eAllAttributes()->first()]
[elselet aReference : EReference = aParam.eAllReferences()->first()]
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Tips and tricks:</strong> A let block in Acceleo can be seen as an equivalent to the Java code
"if (x instanceof Type) { Type var = (Type)x; ...}"
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<section id="query">
<div class="page-header">
<h1>Query <small>encapsulating utility expressions</small></h1>
Queries are used to define complex expressions that can be used quickly at several locations in the generator.
[module moduleName('')/]
[query reqMyQuery(aParam: EClass) : String =]</pre>
The result of a query is stored in a cache, this way you can call several time the same query with the same parameters and
the result will be only computed once.
<div class="alert alert-info">
<strong>Tips and tricks:</strong> Using an operation like "eAllContents" of "eAllContents(OclType)" in a query can
dramatically improve performances compared to using it several times in a template since these two operations are
literally navigating on every single elements of the model contained in the element on which these operations are called.
<section id="additional">
<div class="page-header">
<h1>Additional Concepts <small>elements to improve your generator</small></h1>
Acceleo features other mechanisms like dynamic overriding, properties files or even the ability to call Java services.
<h2>Dynamic Overriding</h2>
Acceleo let you register a generator that can dynamically override an existing generator, with this mechanism you can change
the behavior of an already deployed generator without any changes to this generator. In order to override dynamically a
template, follow those steps:
<li>create a new generator</li>
<li>add the original generator as a dependency in the dependencies tab of the MANIFEST.MF</li>
<li>create a new module extending a module from the original generator</li>
<li>overrides one of its template</li>
<li>open the MANIFEST.MF go to the extension tab and add an extension using the extension point
<li>Click on the browse button and select your source folder (src) or a subfolder if you don't want to use all the
modules from your new generator</li>
<li>Right click on the label "org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.dynamic.templates" and add a "generator"</li>
<li>Enter the plug-in ID of the generator that you want to override dynammically here (ex: org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java)</li>
<li>Deploy the new generator in the Eclipse instance containing the old one and your done</li>
<h2>Properties Files</h2>
Properties files are standard Java ".properties" files that can be loaded by an Acceleo generator to customize a
generation. In order to use a properties file in your generator, you have to reference it in the method
"getProperties()" of your Java launcher and then to use the loaded properties in your generator.
In the method "getProperties()", you have to return a collection of the path of the properties files that you want
to use. There are four ways to referenced a properties files:
<a href="../../assets/img/reference/propertiesFiles.png"><img src="../../assets/img/reference/propertiesFiles.png"></a>
You can just return the name of the properties files, example: "". With this, Acceleo will
look for any file named in the generator and load the properties from the first file found
with this name.
You can also enter the path of a specific properties file located in your generator, example:
"/org/eclipse/acceleo/module/sample/properties/". With this path, Acceleo will look for a
properties files with the name "" in the folder "/org/eclipse/acceleo/module/sample/properties/"
in your generator.
You can also referenced a properties files located in another Eclipse plugin by using the url of the properties files
in the other plugin. In order to do that, you need to construct the path with the following convention:
"platform:/plugin/<plugin name>/<path in the plugin>".
Example: "platform:/plugin/org.eclipse.module.sample2/org/eclipse/acceleo/module/sample2/".
The other plugin needs to be deployed in Eclipse or it needs to be a dependency of the first generator.
Finally, you can also use an absolute path in the filesystem as a reference to a properties file. Example:
"C:\Users\sbegaudeau\Desktop\". You can also use the utility method
org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.utils.AcceleoEngineUtils#getPropertiesFilesNearModel to compute the absolute path
of the properties files in the same folder as the model. With this method, we can have the path of the file
In order to use a properties files located in an Eclipse plugin (all Acceleo generators are Eclipse plugins) you have to
make sure that the file is included in the build of your generator, by either placing it in a source folder or by adding
it to your build in the file located at the root of your generator.
Now that you know how to load a properties file, you need to use it in your generator. In order to do that, you can use
one of the four following operations:
<a href="../../assets/img/reference/propertiesFilesUse.png"><img src="../../assets/img/reference/propertiesFilesUse.png"></a>
"getProperty('myProperty')" will return the value of the property with the key "myProperty". Several properties
files can have properties that share the same key, only the first one found will be returned with this method.
"getProperty('', 'myProperty')" will return the value of the property with the key "myProperty"
from the file "").
"getProperty('myProperty', Sequence{'my name'})" will return the value of the property with the key "myProperty"
parameterized with the value in the sequence.
"getProperty('', 'myProperty', Sequence{'my name'})" will return the value of the property
with the key "myProperty" parameterized with the value in the sequence from the file "".
You can see the result of the generation in the following screenshot.
<a href="../../assets/img/reference/propertiesFilesResult.png"><img src="../../assets/img/reference/propertiesFilesResult.png"></a>
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<h2>Java Services</h2>
You can call Java services from a template or a query, yet calling them from queries is recommended. Here is an example
of a call to a Java service from a query.
[module moduleName('')/]
[query reqMyQuery(aParam: EClass) : String =
invoke('org.eclipse.acceleo.examples.uml2java.MyJavaClass', 'myMethod(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass)', Sequence{aParam})
You can see that we will call the operation "myMethod" from the class "MyJavaClass" with the argument "aParam".
If your Java service is returning a collection, the return type of your query should match the type of the return type of
your collection. We are recommending that in the case of a Java service returning an ArrayList<Type>, you should use a
Sequence(Type) and if you a returning a LinkedHashSet<type>, you should use an OrderedSet(Type).
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The material in these guides are Copyright (c) 2008, 2012 Obeo. This material is available under the Eclipse Public License v1.0