blob: 0aa97c07cb3d351cd07c7d66498ac24d5256d427 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2012 Obeo.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Obeo - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.acceleo.internal.traceability.engine;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.common.utils.CompactLinkedHashSet;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.common.utils.Deque;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.AcceleoEngineMessages;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.AcceleoEvaluationException;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.evaluation.AcceleoEvaluationVisitor;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.GeneratedFile;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.GeneratedText;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.InputElement;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.ModuleElement;
import org.eclipse.acceleo.traceability.TraceabilityFactory;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EEnumLiteral;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EOperation;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.CallOperationAction;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.Constraint;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.SendSignalAction;
* The purpose of this Utility class is to allow execution of the subset of Standard and non standard Acceleo
* operations, as well as the small subset of OCL operations that impacts traceability.
* @author <a href="">Laurent Goubet</a>
* @param <C>
* Will be either EClassifier for ecore or Classifier for UML.
* @param <PM>
* Will be either EParameter for ecore or Parameter for UML.
public final class AcceleoTraceabilityOperationVisitor<C, PM> {
* Maps a source String to its Tokenizer. Needed for the implementation of the standard operation
* "strtok(String, Integer)" as currently specified.
private static final Map<String, TraceabilityTokenizer> TOKENIZERS = new HashMap<String, TraceabilityTokenizer>();
/** The evaluation visitor that spawned this operation visitor. */
private AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor<EPackage, C, EOperation, EStructuralFeature, EEnumLiteral, PM, EObject, CallOperationAction, SendSignalAction, Constraint, EClass, EObject> visitor;
* Instantiates an operation visitor given its parent evaluation visitor.
* @param visitor
* Our parent evaluation visitor.
public AcceleoTraceabilityOperationVisitor(
AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor<EPackage, C, EOperation, EStructuralFeature, EEnumLiteral, PM, EObject, CallOperationAction, SendSignalAction, Constraint, EClass, EObject> visitor) {
this.visitor = visitor;
* Handles the "Collection::first" OCL operation directly from the traceability visitor as we need to
* alter recorded traceability information.
* @param <T>
* Type of the collection's content.
* @param source
* Collection from which to retrieve the first element.
* @return First element of the collection. Traceability information will have been changed directly
* within {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}.
public <T> T visitFirstOperation(Collection<T> source) {
if (source.isEmpty()) {
return null;
T result = source.iterator().next();
if (TraceabilityVisitorUtil.isPrimitive(result)) {
AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
* Retrieve the list of all regions, regardless of their input. We'll later use this list to know
* which regions we should retain.
List<GeneratedText> regions = new ArrayList<GeneratedText>();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
// If we're lucky, there is a single region, otherwise :
if (regions.size() > 1) {
// Sort them so we don't need to worry about their order
if (regions.size() == source.size()) {
// If there is one region per value of the source, all the better
regions = regions.subList(0, 1);
} else {
* Otherwise, we'll have to assume the regions correspond to the value's toString() -Note
* that we'll never be here for non-primitive Collections-
int valueLength = result.toString().length();
int regionsStartIndex = 0;
GeneratedText region = regions.get(regionsStartIndex);
int regionLength = region.getEndOffset() - region.getStartOffset();
// skip all the way ahead to the first region for this value
int regionsEndIndex = regionsStartIndex;
int gap = valueLength - regionLength;
while (gap > 0) {
GeneratedText next = regions.get(regionsEndIndex);
int nextLength = next.getEndOffset() - next.getStartOffset();
gap = gap - nextLength;
regions = regions.subList(regionsStartIndex, regionsEndIndex + 1);
Iterator<Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>>> entryIterator = trace.getTraces()
while (entryIterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry =;
if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
return result;
* Handles the "String::first" OCL operation directly from the traceability visitor as we need to alter
* recorded traceability information.
* @param source
* String from which to take out a substring.
* @param endIndex
* Index at which the substring ends.
* @return The substring. Traceability information will have been changed directly within
* {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}.
public String visitFirstOperation(String source, int endIndex) {
final String result;
if (endIndex < 0 || endIndex > source.length()) {
result = source;
} else {
result = visitSubstringOperation(source, 0, endIndex);
return result;
* Handles the "Collection::last" OCL operation directly from the traceability visitor as we need to alter
* recorded traceability information.
* @param <T>
* Type of the collection's content.
* @param source
* Collection from which to retrieve the last element.
* @return Last element of the collection. Traceability information will have been changed directly within
* {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}.
public <T> T visitLastOperation(Collection<T> source) {
if (source.isEmpty()) {
return null;
T result;
if (source instanceof List<?>) {
result = ((List<T>)source).listIterator(source.size()).previous();
} else {
Iterator<T> valueIterator = source.iterator();
do {
result =;
} while (valueIterator.hasNext());
if (TraceabilityVisitorUtil.isPrimitive(result)) {
AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
* Retrieve the list of all regions, regardless of their input. We'll later use this list to know
* which regions we should retain.
List<GeneratedText> regions = new ArrayList<GeneratedText>();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
// If we're lucky, there is a single region, otherwise :
if (regions.size() > 1) {
// Sort them so we don't need to worry about their order
* Since we'll remove all regions except for the last, we need to remember the first of their
* offsets in order to compensate the gap.
int regionsStartOffset = regions.get(0).getStartOffset();
if (regions.size() == source.size()) {
// If there is one region per value of the source, all the better
regions = regions.subList(regions.size() - 1, regions.size());
} else {
* Otherwise, we'll have to assume the regions correspond to the value's toString() -Note
* that we'll never be here for non-primitive Collections-
int valueLength = result.toString().length();
int regionsEndIndex = regions.size() - 1;
GeneratedText region = regions.get(regionsEndIndex);
int regionLength = region.getEndOffset() - region.getStartOffset();
// go all the way back to the first region for this value
int regionsStartIndex = regionsEndIndex;
int gap = valueLength - regionLength;
while (gap > 0) {
GeneratedText previous = regions.get(regionsStartIndex);
int previousLength = previous.getEndOffset() - previous.getStartOffset();
gap = gap - previousLength;
regions = regions.subList(regionsStartIndex, regionsEndIndex + 1);
// Now that we know which regions to retain, restore their offsets
for (GeneratedText region : regions) {
int regionLength = region.getEndOffset() - region.getStartOffset();
region.setEndOffset(regionsStartOffset + regionLength);
regionsStartOffset += regionLength;
Iterator<Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>>> entryIterator = trace.getTraces()
while (entryIterator.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry =;
if (entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
return result;
* Handles the "String::last" OCL operation directly from the traceability visitor as we need to alter
* recorded traceability information.
* @param source
* String from which to take out a substring.
* @param charCount
* Number of characters to keep.
* @return The substring. Traceability information will have been changed directly within
* {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}.
public String visitLastOperation(String source, int charCount) {
final String result;
if (charCount < 0 || charCount > source.length()) {
result = source;
} else {
result = visitSubstringOperation(source, source.length() - charCount, source.length());
return result;
* Handles the "substitute" and "replace" standard operations directly from the traceability visitor so as
* to record accurate traceability information.
* @param source
* String within which we need to replace substrings.
* @param substring
* The substring that is to be substituted.
* @param replacement
* The String which will be inserted in <em>source</em> where <em>substring</em> was.
* @param substitutionTrace
* Traceability information of the replacement.
* @param substituteAll
* Indicates wheter we should substitute all occurences of the substring or only the first.
* @param useInvocationTrace
* If <code>true</code>, {@link #invocationTraces} will be altered in place of the last
* {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}. Should only be <code>true</code> when
* altering indentation.
* @return <em>source</em> with the first occurence of <em>substring</em> replaced by <em>replacement</em>
* or <em>source</em> unchanged if it did not contain <em>substring</em>.
public String visitReplaceOperation(String source, String substring, String replacement,
ExpressionTrace<C> substitutionTrace, boolean substituteAll, boolean useInvocationTrace) {
if (substring == null || replacement == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
Matcher sourceMatcher = Pattern.compile(substring).matcher(source);
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
boolean hasMatch = sourceMatcher.find();
// Note : despite its name, this could be negative
int addedLength = 0;
// protected area indentation markers must be ignored
final boolean hasProtectedMarker = source.contains(AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.PROTECTED_AREA_MARKER);
// FIXME This loop does _not_ take group references into account except "$0 at the start"
final boolean startsWithZeroGroupRef = replacement.startsWith("$0"); //$NON-NLS-1$
while (hasMatch) {
// If we've already changed the String size, take it into account
int startIndex = sourceMatcher.start() + addedLength;
int endIndex = sourceMatcher.end() + addedLength;
if (startsWithZeroGroupRef) {
startIndex = endIndex;
sourceMatcher.appendReplacement(result, replacement);
int replacementLength = result.length() - startIndex;
// We now remove from the replacementLength the length of the replaced substring
replacementLength -= endIndex - startIndex;
addedLength += replacementLength;
// Note that we could be out of a file block's scope
if (useInvocationTrace && visitor.getCurrentFiles().size() > 0) {
// We need the starting index of these traces
int offsetGap = -1;
for (ExpressionTrace<C> trace : visitor.getInvocationTraces()) {
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
for (GeneratedText text : entry.getValue()) {
if (offsetGap == -1 || text.getStartOffset() < offsetGap) {
offsetGap = text.getStartOffset();
startIndex += offsetGap;
endIndex += offsetGap;
if (hasProtectedMarker) {
int additionalGap = computeAdditionalGap(source, sourceMatcher.start());
startIndex += additionalGap;
endIndex += additionalGap;
for (ExpressionTrace<C> trace : visitor.getInvocationTraces()) {
changeTraceabilityIndicesOfReplaceOperation(trace, startIndex, endIndex,
GeneratedFile generatedFile = visitor.getCurrentFiles().getLast();
final int fileLength = generatedFile.getLength();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : substitutionTrace.getTraces()
.entrySet()) {
for (GeneratedText text : entry.getValue()) {
// 3.4 compatibility : EcoreUtil.copy() wasn't generic. The cast is necessary
GeneratedText copy = (GeneratedText)EcoreUtil.copy(text);
copy.setStartOffset(copy.getStartOffset() + startIndex);
copy.setEndOffset(copy.getEndOffset() + startIndex);
Iterator<ExpressionTrace<C>> traceIterator = visitor.getInvocationTraces().iterator();
boolean inserted = false;
while (traceIterator.hasNext() && !inserted) {
inserted = insertTextInTrace(, copy);
generatedFile.setLength(fileLength + replacementLength);
} else {
AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
changeTraceabilityIndicesOfReplaceOperation(trace, startIndex, endIndex, replacementLength);
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : substitutionTrace.getTraces()
.entrySet()) {
Set<GeneratedText> existingTraces = trace.getTraces().get(entry.getKey());
if (existingTraces == null) {
existingTraces = new CompactLinkedHashSet<GeneratedText>();
trace.getTraces().put(entry.getKey(), existingTraces);
for (GeneratedText text : entry.getValue()) {
// 3.4 compatibility : EcoreUtil.copy() wasn't generic. The cast is necessary
GeneratedText copy = (GeneratedText)EcoreUtil.copy(text);
copy.setStartOffset(copy.getStartOffset() + startIndex);
copy.setEndOffset(copy.getEndOffset() + startIndex);
if (!substituteAll) {
// Do once
hasMatch = sourceMatcher.find();
return result.toString();
* Takes care of the "reverse" non standard operations from the traceability visitor so as to properly
* reverse traceability information.
* @param source
* Collection we need to reverse.
* @return The reversed collection.
public Collection<Object> visitReverseOperation(Collection<Object> source) {
Collection<Object> result;
final List<Object> temp = new ArrayList<Object>(source);
if (source instanceof LinkedHashSet<?>) {
final Set<Object> reversedSet = new CompactLinkedHashSet<Object>(temp);
result = reversedSet;
} else {
result = temp;
// Only alter the traceability information if the collection is primitive
if (TraceabilityVisitorUtil.isPrimitive(source)) {
AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
// Retrieve the list of all regions, regardless of their input
List<GeneratedText> regions = new ArrayList<GeneratedText>();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
// Sort them so that we don't have to worry about their order
int regionsLength = 0;
if (regions.size() == source.size()) {
// If there is one generated region for each source value, all the better
for (int i = regions.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
GeneratedText region = regions.get(i);
int startOffset = regionsLength;
regionsLength += region.getEndOffset() - region.getStartOffset();
} else {
* Otherwise, we'll have to assume the regions correspond to the value's toString() -Note that
* we'll never be here for non-primitive Collections-
List<Integer> valueLengthes = new ArrayList<Integer>(source.size());
for (Object value : source) {
String stringValue = value.toString();
for (int i = valueLengthes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int valueLength = valueLengthes.get(i).intValue();
GeneratedText region = regions.get(i);
int regionLength = region.getEndOffset() - region.getStartOffset();
// go back all the way back to the first region for this value
int valueRegionsStartIndex = i;
int gap = valueLength - regionLength;
while (gap > 0) {
GeneratedText previous = regions.get(valueRegionsStartIndex);
int previousLength = previous.getEndOffset() - previous.getStartOffset();
gap = gap - previousLength;
// We found the first region for this value. start reversing it
for (int j = valueRegionsStartIndex; j < regions.size(); j++) {
GeneratedText text = regions.get(j);
int startOffset = regionsLength;
regionsLength += text.getEndOffset() - text.getEndOffset();
return result;
* Takes care of the "sep" non standard operations from the traceability visitor so as to track
* traceability information for the added separators.
* @param source
* Collection in which we need to add the separators.
* @param separator
* Separator that is to be added in-between elements.
* @param separatorTrace
* Traceability information of the separator.
* @return The source collection, with <em>separator</em> inserted in-between each couple of elements from
* the <em>source</em>.
public Collection<Object> visitSepOperation(Collection<Object> source, String separator,
ExpressionTrace<C> separatorTrace) {
final Collection<Object> temp = new ArrayList<Object>(source.size() << 1);
final List<String> stringSource = new ArrayList<String>();
final Iterator<?> sourceIterator = source.iterator();
while (sourceIterator.hasNext()) {
Object nextSource =;
if (sourceIterator.hasNext()) {
* We'll assume all elements of the collection are Strings or will be printed as such, this should
* handle most cases.
final int separatorLength = separator.length();
AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
int currentSeparatorOffset = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < stringSource.size() - 1; i++) {
String element = stringSource.get(i);
currentSeparatorOffset += element.length();
// All traces starting after this offset must be switched by 'separatorLength'
final Iterator<Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>>> entryIterator = trace.getTraces()
while (entryIterator.hasNext()) {
final Iterator<GeneratedText> textIterator =;
while (textIterator.hasNext()) {
GeneratedText text =;
if (text.getStartOffset() >= currentSeparatorOffset) {
text.setStartOffset(text.getStartOffset() + separatorLength);
text.setEndOffset(text.getEndOffset() + separatorLength);
// Finally, Insert the separator region in the trace
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : separatorTrace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
Set<GeneratedText> existingTraces = trace.getTraces().get(entry.getKey());
if (existingTraces == null) {
existingTraces = new CompactLinkedHashSet<GeneratedText>();
trace.getTraces().put(entry.getKey(), existingTraces);
for (GeneratedText text : entry.getValue()) {
// 3.4 compatibility : EcoreUtil.copy() wasn't generic. The cast is necessary
GeneratedText copy = (GeneratedText)EcoreUtil.copy(text);
copy.setStartOffset(copy.getStartOffset() + currentSeparatorOffset);
copy.setEndOffset(copy.getEndOffset() + currentSeparatorOffset);
// Don't forget that the next "separatorOffset" can only start after the current
currentSeparatorOffset += separatorLength;
return temp;
* Handles the "strtok" standard operation directly from the traceability visitor as we need to alter
* recorded traceability information.
* @param source
* Source String in which tokenization has to take place.
* @param delimiters
* Delimiters around which the <code>source</code> has to be split.
* @param flag
* The value of this influences the token that needs be returned. A value of <code>0</code>
* means the very first token will be returned, a value of <code>1</code> means the returned
* token will be the next (as compared to the last one that's been returned).
* @return The first of all tokens if <code>flag</code> is <code>0</code>, the next token if
* <code>flag</code> is <code>1</code>. Fails in {@link AcceleoEvaluationException} otherwise.
* @see org.eclipse.acceleo.engine.internal.environment.AcceleoLibraryOperationVisitor#strtok(String,
* String, Integer)
public String visitStrtokOperation(String source, String delimiters, Integer flag) {
final String result;
final TraceabilityTokenizer tokenizer;
if (flag.intValue() == 0) {
tokenizer = new TraceabilityTokenizer(source, delimiters);
TOKENIZERS.put(source, tokenizer);
result = tokenizer.nextToken();
} else if (flag.intValue() == 1) {
if (TOKENIZERS.containsKey(source)) {
tokenizer = TOKENIZERS.get(source);
} else {
tokenizer = new TraceabilityTokenizer(source, delimiters);
TOKENIZERS.put(source, tokenizer);
String token = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
token = tokenizer.nextToken();
result = token;
} else {
throw new AcceleoEvaluationException(AcceleoEngineMessages.getString(
"AcceleoEvaluationEnvironment.IllegalTokenizerFlag", flag)); //$NON-NLS-1$
changeTraceabilityIndicesSubstringReturn(tokenizer.getLastOffset(), tokenizer.getNextOffset());
return result;
* Handles the "substring" non standard operation directly from the traceability visitor as we need to
* alter recorded traceability information.
* @param source
* String from which to take out a substring.
* @param startIndex
* Index at which the substring starts.
* @return The substring. Traceability information will have been changed directly within
* {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}.
public String visitSubstringOperation(String source, int startIndex) {
changeTraceabilityIndicesSubstringReturn(startIndex, source.length());
return source.substring(startIndex);
* Handles the "substring" OCL operation directly from the traceability visitor as we need to alter
* recorded traceability information.
* @param source
* String from which to take out a substring.
* @param startIndex
* Index at which the substring starts.
* @param endIndex
* Index at which the substring ends.
* @return The substring. Traceability information will have been changed directly within
* {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}.
public String visitSubstringOperation(String source, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
changeTraceabilityIndicesSubstringReturn(startIndex, endIndex);
return source.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
* Handles the "tokenize" non-standard operation directly from the traceability visitor as we need to
* alter recorded traceability information.
* @param source
* String that is to be tokenized.
* @param delims
* Delimiters to tokenize around.
* @return The List of tokens <code>source</code> contains. Traceability information will have been
* changed directly within {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}.
public List<String> visitTokenizeOperation(String source, String delims) {
final TraceabilityTokenizer tokenizer = new TraceabilityTokenizer(source, delims);
final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
final AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
// We need the starting index of these traces
int offsetGap = -1;
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
for (GeneratedText text : entry.getValue()) {
if (offsetGap == -1 || text.getStartOffset() < offsetGap) {
offsetGap = text.getStartOffset();
int[][] tokenRegions = new int[tokenizer.countTokens()][2];
int tokenCount = 0;
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
int startIndex = tokenizer.getLastOffset();
int endIndex = tokenizer.getNextOffset();
tokenRegions[tokenCount][0] = startIndex + offsetGap;
tokenRegions[tokenCount][1] = endIndex + offsetGap;
// First of all, if we have but a single token, this acts as substring does
if (result.size() == 1) {
changeTraceabilityIndicesSubstringReturn(tokenRegions[0][0], tokenRegions[0][1]);
} else {
Set<Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>>> traceRegions = trace.getTraces().entrySet();
// If we only have a single region, we only need to split it
if (trace.getTraces().size() == 1 && traceRegions.iterator().next().getValue().size() == 1) {
Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry = traceRegions.iterator().next();
Set<GeneratedText> generatedRegions = entry.getValue();
GeneratedText firstRegion = generatedRegions.iterator().next();
int length = tokenRegions[0][1] - tokenRegions[0][0];
for (int i = 1; i < tokenRegions.length; i++) {
int start = tokenRegions[i][0];
int end = tokenRegions[i][1];
int startOffset = length;
length += end - start;
// 3.4 compatibility : EcoreUtil.copy() wasn't generic. The cast is necessary
GeneratedText newRegion = (GeneratedText)EcoreUtil.copy(firstRegion);
} else {
// Otherwise, we need to find back from which generated region a given token has been taken
changeTraceabilityIndicesComplexTokenize(trace, tokenRegions);
return result;
* Handles the "tostring" non-standard operation for non-primitives directly from the traceability visitor
* as we need to create traceability information.
* @param source
* Object we need the String value of.
* @param moduleElement
* The module element that triggered this toString call.
* @return The String value of the <code>source</code>. Traceability information will have been changed
* directly within {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}.
public String visitTostringOperation(Object source, ModuleElement moduleElement) {
final StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (source instanceof Collection<?>) {
final Iterator<?> childrenIterator = ((Collection<?>)source).iterator();
while (childrenIterator.hasNext()) {
buffer.append(visitTostringOperation(, moduleElement));
} else if (source != null) {
String result = source.toString();
final EObject scope;
if (source instanceof EObject) {
scope = (EObject)source;
} else {
scope = visitor.retrieveScopeEObjectValue();
if (scope != null) {
final AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
GeneratedText region = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
trace.addTrace(visitor.getInputElement(scope), region, result);
return buffer.toString();
* Handles the "trim" non-standard operation directly from the traceability visitor as we need to alter
* recorded traceability information.
* @param source
* String that is to be trimmed.
* @return The trimmed String. Traceability information will have been changed directly within
* {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}.
public String visitTrimOperation(String source) {
return visitTrimOperation(source, 0);
* This will be used to trim the protected area markers.
* @param source
* String that is to be trimmed.
* @param gap
* The marker might begin at an index superior to 0.
* @return The trimmed String. Traceability information will have been changed directly within
* {@link AcceleoTraceabilityVisitor#recordedTraces}.
public String visitTrimOperation(String source, int gap) {
int start = 0;
int end = source.length();
char[] chars = source.toCharArray();
while (start < end && chars[start] <= ' ') {
while (start < end && chars[end - 1] <= ' ') {
start += gap;
end += gap;
changeTraceabilityIndicesSubstringReturn(start, end);
return source.trim();
* For non-primitives, we'll need to create our own traceability information. <code>moduleElement</code>
* will then hold a reference to the module element that triggered the operation call.
* @param result
* Result of the operation call.
* @param source
* Source of the operation call.
* @param moduleElement
* The module element that triggered this toString call.
void changeTraceabilityIndicesBooleanReturn(boolean result, Object source, ModuleElement moduleElement) {
if (!visitor.getLastExpressionTrace().getTraces().isEmpty()) {
} else if (source instanceof EObject) {
final AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
GeneratedText region = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
final int length;
if (result) {
length = 4;
} else {
length = 5;
trace.addTrace(visitor.getInputElement((EObject)source), region, length);
* For non-primitives, we'll need to create our own traceability information. <code>moduleElement</code>
* will then hold a reference to the module element that triggered the operation call.
* @param result
* Result of the operation call.
* @param source
* Source of the operation call.
* @param moduleElement
* The module element that triggered this toString call.
* @see #changeTraceabilityIndicesNumberReturn(Number)
void changeTraceabilityIndicesNumberReturn(Number result, Object source, ModuleElement moduleElement) {
if (!visitor.getLastExpressionTrace().getTraces().isEmpty()) {
} else if (source instanceof EObject) {
final AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
GeneratedText region = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
final int length = String.valueOf(result).length();
trace.addTrace(visitor.getInputElement((EObject)source), region, length);
* isAlpha, isAlphanum and possibly other traceability impacting operations share the same "basic"
* behavior of altering indices to reflect a boolean return. This behavior is externalized here.
* @param result
* Boolean result of the operation. We'll only leave a four-characters long region if
* <code>true</code>, five-characters long if <code>false</code>.
private void changeTraceabilityIndicesBooleanReturn(boolean result) {
// We'll keep only the very last trace and alter its indices
AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> lastEntry = null;
GeneratedText lastRegion = null;
List<GeneratedText> removeRegions = new ArrayList<GeneratedText>();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
Iterator<GeneratedText> textIterator = entry.getValue().iterator();
while (textIterator.hasNext()) {
GeneratedText text =;
if (lastRegion == null) {
lastRegion = text;
lastEntry = entry;
} else if (text.getEndOffset() > lastRegion.getEndOffset()) {
// lastEntry cannot be null once we get here
assert lastEntry != null;
if (entry != lastEntry) {
lastRegion = text;
lastEntry = entry;
} else {
final int length;
if (result) {
length = 4;
} else {
length = 5;
if (lastRegion != null) {
* This will alter the traceability information for complex tokenizations.
* <p>
* Specifically, this is aimed at altering traces for tokenization where tokens could be spanned accross
* multiple generated regions. For example,
* <pre>
* ('arai' + 'bza' + 'geaa' + 'ab' + 'adaa')
* </pre>
* Creates 5 generated regions : [ [0,4], [4,7], [7,11], [11,13], [13,17] ] while
* <pre>
* ('arai' + 'bza' + 'geaa' + 'ab' + 'adaa').tokenize('a')
* </pre>
* Creates 6 generated regions : [ [0,1], [1,2], [2, 4], [4,6], [6,7], [7,8] ] as the second token ("ibz")
* spans accross both the generated regions for the string literals 'arai' and 'bza'.
* </p>
* @param trace
* The trace we are to alter.
* @param tokenRegions
* offsets of the token regions.
// 3.4 compatibility : EcoreUtil.copy() wasn't generic. The cast is necessary
private void changeTraceabilityIndicesComplexTokenize(AbstractTrace trace, int[][] tokenRegions) {
* Copy the map : none of the old generated regions will be kept : we'll replace all of them with the
* token regions.
Map<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> traceCopy = new HashMap<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>>(trace
int length = 0;
for (int[] tokenRegion : tokenRegions) {
int tokenStart = tokenRegion[0];
int tokenEnd = tokenRegion[1];
int tokenLength = tokenEnd - tokenStart;
// We'll try and break our loops as soon as the whole token as been created
int expectedLength = length + tokenLength;
Iterator<Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>>> entryIterator = traceCopy.entrySet()
while (entryIterator.hasNext() && length < expectedLength) {
Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry =;
Iterator<GeneratedText> textIterator = entry.getValue().iterator();
while (textIterator.hasNext() && length < expectedLength) {
GeneratedText text =;
GeneratedText tokenText = null;
* We can be in one of four cases : The token is fully included into a region, the region
* is fully included in a token, the region ends with a token, or the region starts with a
* token.
if (text.getStartOffset() <= tokenStart && text.getEndOffset() >= tokenEnd) {
// token fully included in generated region
tokenText = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
tokenText.setEndOffset(length + tokenLength);
length += tokenLength;
} else if (text.getStartOffset() >= tokenStart && text.getEndOffset() <= tokenEnd) {
// generated region fully included in token
int textLength = text.getEndOffset() - text.getStartOffset();
tokenText = (GeneratedText)EcoreUtil.copy(text);
tokenText.setEndOffset(length + textLength);
length += textLength;
} else if (text.getStartOffset() <= tokenStart && text.getEndOffset() > tokenStart
&& text.getEndOffset() < tokenEnd) {
// generated region ends with token
int tokenRegionLength = text.getEndOffset() - tokenStart;
tokenText = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
tokenText.setEndOffset(length + tokenRegionLength);
length += tokenRegionLength;
} else if (text.getStartOffset() < tokenEnd && text.getEndOffset() >= tokenEnd
&& text.getStartOffset() > tokenStart) {
// generated region starts with token
int tokenRegionLength = tokenEnd - text.getStartOffset();
tokenText = TraceabilityFactory.eINSTANCE.createGeneratedText();
tokenText.setEndOffset(length + tokenRegionLength);
length += tokenRegionLength;
if (tokenText != null) {
InputElement tokenKey = entry.getKey();
Set<GeneratedText> tokenTraces = trace.getTraces().get(tokenKey);
if (tokenTraces == null) {
tokenTraces = new CompactLinkedHashSet<GeneratedText>();
trace.getTraces().put(tokenKey, tokenTraces);
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : traceCopy.entrySet()) {
* This will handle the traceabiliy information changes for all operations that return a Number :
* arithmetic operations, String::size(), Collection::Index()...
* @param result
* Result of the operation. We'll only leave a single region with its length equal to the given
* integer's number of digits.
private void changeTraceabilityIndicesNumberReturn(Number result) {
// We'll keep only the very last trace and alter its indices
AbstractTrace trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> lastEntry = null;
GeneratedText lastRegion = null;
final List<GeneratedText> rejectFromEntry = new ArrayList<GeneratedText>();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
Iterator<GeneratedText> textIterator = entry.getValue().iterator();
while (textIterator.hasNext()) {
GeneratedText text =;
if (lastRegion == null) {
lastRegion = text;
lastEntry = entry;
} else if (text.getEndOffset() > lastRegion.getEndOffset()) {
// lastEntry cannot be null once we get here
assert lastEntry != null;
if (lastEntry != entry) {
lastEntry = entry;
} else {
lastRegion = text;
} else {
if (!rejectFromEntry.isEmpty()) {
int length = String.valueOf(result).length();
if (lastRegion != null) {
* This will be in charge of altering traceability indices of the given <em>trace</em> to cope with a
* substitute or replace operation. That means changing all traces which offsets overlap with the range
* <em>[startIndex, endIndex]</em> so that the given <em>substitutionTrace</em> can be used in this range
* ; for a total length of <em>replacementLength</em>.
* @param trace
* The trace which offsets are to be altered.
* @param startIndex
* Starting index of the range where a substring has been replaced.
* @param endIndex
* Ending index of the range where a substring has been replaced.
* @param replacementLength
* Total length of the replaced substring. This is not always equal to the length of the range
* <em>[startIndex, endIndex]</em> as we <u>can</u> replace a small substring by a large one,
* or the opposite ; which also mean that <em>replacementLength</em> <u>can</u> be negative.
private void changeTraceabilityIndicesOfReplaceOperation(AbstractTrace trace, int startIndex,
int endIndex, int replacementLength) {
// FIXME Can't we find any shortcut for this?
* Substrings that will be split in two by replaced substrings will need their own new GeneratedText
* instance, this Set will keep track of those so that we can add them in the trace later.
List<GeneratedText> addedRegions = new ArrayList<GeneratedText>();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
Iterator<GeneratedText> textIterator = entry.getValue().iterator();
while (textIterator.hasNext()) {
GeneratedText text =;
if (text.getEndOffset() < startIndex) {
* This can be one of five cases : 1) the text ends with a replaced substring, 2) the text
* starts with a replaced substring, 3) the text contains a replaced substring, 4) the text is
* contained within a replaced substring or 5) The text starts after the replacement
if (text.getStartOffset() < startIndex && text.getEndOffset() == endIndex) {
} else if (text.getStartOffset() == startIndex && text.getEndOffset() > endIndex) {
text.setStartOffset(endIndex + replacementLength);
text.setEndOffset(text.getEndOffset() + replacementLength);
} else if (text.getStartOffset() < startIndex && text.getEndOffset() > endIndex) {
// This instance of a GeneratedText is split in two by the substring
// 3.4 compatibility : EcoreUtil.copy() wasn't generic. The cast is necessary
GeneratedText endSubstring = (GeneratedText)EcoreUtil.copy(text);
endSubstring.setStartOffset(endIndex + replacementLength);
endSubstring.setEndOffset(text.getEndOffset() + replacementLength);
if (text.eContainer() != null) {
// We know this is a list
} else if (text.getStartOffset() >= startIndex && text.getEndOffset() <= endIndex) {
if (text.eContainer() != null) {
} else {
text.setStartOffset(text.getStartOffset() + replacementLength);
text.setEndOffset(text.getEndOffset() + replacementLength);
// Insert all new regions in the trace
* Substring, trim and possibly other traceability impacting operations share the same "basic" behavior of
* altering start and end indices without changing "inside". This behavior is externalized here.
* @param startIndex
* Index at which the substring starts.
* @param endIndex
* Index at which the substring ends.
private void changeTraceabilityIndicesSubstringReturn(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
// If we're currently evaluating a "post" call, we should use the invocation traces.
if (visitor.isEvaluatingPostCall()) {
// We need the starting index of these traces
int offsetGap = -1;
final Deque<ExpressionTrace<C>> invocationTraces = visitor.getInvocationTraces();
for (ExpressionTrace<C> trace : invocationTraces) {
for (Set<GeneratedText> regions : trace.getTraces().values()) {
for (GeneratedText region : regions) {
if (offsetGap == -1 || region.getStartOffset() < offsetGap) {
offsetGap = region.getStartOffset();
// actual indices where the substring starts and ends
int actualStartIndex = startIndex + offsetGap;
int actualEndIndex = endIndex + offsetGap;
for (ExpressionTrace<C> trace : invocationTraces) {
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
Iterator<GeneratedText> textIterator = entry.getValue().iterator();
while (textIterator.hasNext()) {
GeneratedText text =;
final int initialStart = text.getStartOffset();
final int initialEnd = text.getEndOffset();
final int initialLength = initialEnd - initialStart;
GeneratedFile output = text.getOutputFile();
int removedLength = 0;
if (initialEnd <= actualStartIndex || initialStart >= actualEndIndex) {
removedLength = initialLength;
} else {
* We have four cases : either 1) the region overlaps with the start index, 2) it
* overlaps with the end index, 3) it overlaps with both or 4) it overlaps with
* none.
if (initialStart < actualStartIndex && initialEnd > actualEndIndex) {
text.setEndOffset(offsetGap + (endIndex - startIndex));
} else if (initialStart < actualStartIndex) {
text.setEndOffset(initialEnd - startIndex);
} else if (initialEnd > actualEndIndex) {
text.setStartOffset(initialStart - startIndex);
text.setEndOffset(offsetGap + (endIndex - startIndex));
} else {
text.setStartOffset(initialStart - startIndex);
text.setEndOffset(initialEnd - startIndex);
removedLength = initialLength - text.getEndOffset() + text.getStartOffset();
if (output != null && removedLength > 0) {
output.setLength(output.getLength() - removedLength);
} else {
final AbstractTrace trace;
if (visitor.isInitializingVariable()) {
trace = visitor.getInitializingVariableTrace();
} else {
trace = visitor.getLastExpressionTrace();
for (Map.Entry<InputElement, Set<GeneratedText>> entry : trace.getTraces().entrySet()) {
Iterator<GeneratedText> textIterator = entry.getValue().iterator();
while (textIterator.hasNext()) {
GeneratedText text =;
int removedLength = 0;
if (text.getEndOffset() <= startIndex || text.getStartOffset() >= endIndex) {
removedLength = text.getEndOffset() - text.getStartOffset();
} else {
* We have four cases : either 1) the region overlaps with the start index, 2) it
* overlaps with the end index, 3) it overlaps with both or 4) it overlaps with none.
int initialLength = text.getEndOffset() - text.getStartOffset();
if (text.getStartOffset() < startIndex && text.getEndOffset() > endIndex) {
text.setEndOffset(endIndex - startIndex);
} else if (text.getStartOffset() < startIndex) {
text.setEndOffset(text.getEndOffset() - startIndex);
} else if (text.getEndOffset() > endIndex) {
text.setStartOffset(text.getStartOffset() - startIndex);
text.setEndOffset(endIndex - startIndex);
} else {
text.setStartOffset(text.getStartOffset() - startIndex);
text.setEndOffset(text.getEndOffset() - startIndex);
removedLength = initialLength - text.getEndOffset() + text.getStartOffset();
trace.setOffset(trace.getOffset() - removedLength);
* Computes the additional gap induced by protected area markers in the given source string between the
* given indices.
* @param source
* The source String.
* @param endIndex
* Index at which we need to end counting.
* @return The additional gap induced by markers between the given indices.
private int computeAdditionalGap(String source, int endIndex) {
final Matcher markerMatcher = Pattern
.compile(AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.PROTECTED_AREA_MARKER + "\\{((.)(.)?)\\}").matcher(source.substring(0, endIndex)); //$NON-NLS-1$
int additionalGap = 0;
boolean hasMatch = markerMatcher.find();
while (hasMatch) {
additionalGap -= AcceleoEvaluationVisitor.PROTECTED_AREA_MARKER.length() + 2;
hasMatch = markerMatcher.find();
return additionalGap;
* This will be used to insert the given <code>text</code> in the given <code>trace</code> iff the indices
* of this text correspond to one of the trace's texts start or end index.
* @param trace
* The trace in which we should insert <code>text</code>.
* @param text
* The text that is to be inserted if it matches the trace.
* @return <code>true</code> if we managed to insert this text in the given trac, <code>false</code>
* otherwise.
private boolean insertTextInTrace(ExpressionTrace<C> trace, GeneratedText text) {
boolean insert = false;
final Iterator<Set<GeneratedText>> setIterator = trace.getTraces().values().iterator();
while (setIterator.hasNext() && !insert) {
Set<GeneratedText> candidate =;
final Iterator<GeneratedText> iterator = candidate.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext() && !insert) {
GeneratedText next =;
if (next.getStartOffset() == text.getEndOffset()
|| next.getEndOffset() == text.getStartOffset()) {
insert = true;
if (insert) {
return insert;