blob: 01755e76dfd7d1c01b819883deedfcdc7628dc50 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007 IBM Corporation and Others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Shin SAITO, Hisashi MIYASHITA - initial API and implementation
var Eclipse_ACTF_DEBUG:Boolean = false;
var Eclipse_ACTF_RANDOM_STRING_1 = "";
if (Eclipse_ACTF_DEBUG) {
var Eclipse_ACTF_lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
var mess:String = "";
mess = "SWF bootloader ver 1.00" + newline + "this._url = " + this._url + newline;
if (_level53553.Eclipse_ACTF_is_available) {
if (Eclipse_ACTF_DEBUG) {
mess += "this is child SWF." + newline;
for (prop in this) {
if (prop != "getSameDomainURL" && prop != "mess" && prop != "Eclipse_ACTF_lc" && prop != "$version" &&
prop != "Eclipse_ACTF_DEBUG") {
if (Eclipse_ACTF_DEBUG) {
mess += " :"+prop + "=" + this[prop] + newline;
_global.Eclipse_ACTF_PROPERTIES[prop] = this[prop];
Object.prototype[prop] = this[prop];
if (Eclipse_ACTF_DEBUG) {
this.loadMovie(this._url, "POST");
} else {
if (Eclipse_ACTF_DEBUG) {
mess += "this is root SWF." + newline;
_global.Eclipse_ACTF_PROPERTIES = new Object();
var getSameDomainURL = function(url:String, filename) {
if (url.indexOf("http:")<0 && url.indexOf("https:")<0) {
return filename;
var index = url.lastIndexOf("?");
if (index >= 0){
url = url.substring(0,index);
index = url.lastIndexOf("/");
if (url.charAt(index-1) == "/") {
return url + "/" + filename;
} else {
return url.substring(0, index+1)+filename;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_global.Eclipse_ACTF_Video = new Object();
_global.Eclipse_ACTF_Video.streams = new Array();
_global.Eclipse_ACTF_Video.register = function(target:Object, source:Object) {
if ((!target) || (!source)) return;
var ar:Array = _global.Eclipse_ACTF_Video.streams;
var slot:Eclipse_ACTF_Stream;
for (var i = 0; ; i++) {
if (i == ar.length) {
slot = new Eclipse_ACTF_Stream(target, source);
slot = ar[i];
if (slot.equals(target)) {
_global.Eclipse_ACTF_Video.attachVideo = Video.prototype.attachVideo;
Video.prototype.attachVideo = function(source:Object) {
// Eclipse_ACTF_Util.send("Video.attachVideo!!!");
_global.Eclipse_ACTF_Video.register(this, source);, source);
// _global.Eclipse_ACTF_Video.soundp = new Object();
// ASSetPropFlags(_global.Sound.prototype, "attachSound", 0, true);
// _global.Eclipse_ACTF_Video.soundp.onLoad = Sound.prototype.onLoad;
//Sound.prototype.attachSound = function() {
// Eclipse_ACTF_Util.send("Invoked: " + "attachSound");
// _global.Eclipse_ACTF_Video.register(this, this);
// return _global.Eclipse_ACTF_Video.soundp.attachSound.apply(this, arguments);
// Eclipse_ACTF_Util.send("Init...");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for (prop in this) {
if (prop != "getSameDomainURL"
&& prop != "mess"
&& prop != "Eclipse_ACTF_lc"
&& prop != "$version"
&& prop != "Eclipse_ACTF_DEBUG") {
if (Eclipse_ACTF_DEBUG) {
mess += " :"+prop + "=" + this[prop] + newline;
_global.Eclipse_ACTF_PROPERTIES[prop] = this[prop];
Object.prototype[prop] = this[prop];
ASSetPropFlags(Object.prototype, prop, 1);
if (Object.prototype.setPropertyIsEnumerable) {
Object.prototype.setPropertyIsEnumerable(prop, false);
if (Eclipse_ACTF_DEBUG) {
Eclipse_ACTF_lc.send("_testLC", "dump", mess);
// load the secret.
var lv:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
lv.onLoad = function(flag:Boolean) {
if (flag) {
_global.Eclipse_ACTF_SWF_CONTENT_ID = lv.contentid;
_global.Eclipse_ACTF_SECRET = lv.secret;
// load the original
loadMovieNum(_root._url, 0, "POST");
// load boot_bridge.swf
loadMovieNum(getSameDomainURL(_root._url, "Eclipse-ACTF-SWF-Initialize-Bridge-Package-1082017309130187472.swf"), 53553);
lv.load(getSameDomainURL(this._url, "http://localhost/Eclipse-ACTF-SWF-LoadVars-1082017309130187472.txt"));