blob: f16c0ec2245c55e9139f9947dd4de25097ffd782 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2008 IBM Corporation.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.actf.core.config;
import java.util.Map;
* interface to embody overall settings and parameters for the validation process. Implementations of this interface will
* build configuration objects from a variety of sources such as files on the file system, serialized data, database queries, and the like.
* <p>ACTF configuration instances consist of symbol pools, each pool containing a set of symbols and their
* corresponding values. There are two types of symbol pools:
* <p><ul>
* <li>general symbol pools that specify parameters to the validation engine or UI componentry or other
* componentry built upon the core rules engine
* <li>model-specific pools that contain symbols and values for specific model
* contributed to the engine. These pools are noted below as 'model pools' and are
* specified with the noted 'model pool ids'.
* </ul>
* <p><b>Note</b>: Clients who wish to form configuration instances from other sources than the default source (i.e. xml files) should extend
* <code>AbstractConfiguration</code> rather than implementing this interface. Also, the <code>RuntimeContextFactory</code>
* should always be used to instantiate configuration objects.
* <p><b>Important</b>: The current implementations packaged with ACTF are <i>not</i> thread-safe.
* @see AbstractConfiguration
* @see XmlConfiguration
* @see org.eclipse.actf.core.runtime.RuntimeContextFactory
* @author Mike Squillace
public interface IConfiguration extends Serializable
static final long serialVersionUID = -3661241965923991487L;
* model pool ids are denoted with the model name followed by this
* delimiter followed by the actual pool id
public static final char MODEL_POOL_ID_DELIMITER = '_';
* pool id and model pool id for models - value is 'model'
public static final String MODEL_ID = "model";
* pool id for main actf pool - value is 'actf'
public static final String ACTF_ID = "actf";
public static final String WORKING_DIR_KEY = "actf.working.dir";
public static final String MODEL_LOCATORIDS_POOL = "locator";
public static final String MODEL_ADAPTOR_FACTORY = "adaptor.factory";
public static final String MODEL_IGNORENODENAMES = "ignore.names";
public static final String MODEL_IGNOREIDS = "ignore.ids";
public static final String MODEL_LOCATOR = "locator";
public static final String MODEL_BASE_TYPE = "basetype";
public static final String SHOW_INVISIBLE_KEY = "show.hidden";
public static final String SHOW_ITEMS_KEY = "show.items";
public static final String FILTER_ID = "filter";
public static final String FILTER_MODEL_ATTRIBUTE = "model";
public static final String FILTER_CLASSNAME_ATTRIBUTE ="class";
public static final String FILTER_NODENAMES_ATTRIBUTE ="nodenames";
public static final String FILTER_NODEIDS_ATTRIBUTE ="nodeids";
public static final String FILTER_NODETYPES_ATTRIBUTE = "nodetypes";
public static final String ALIASES_ID = "aliases";
* set the symbol pool to be used in subsequent set/getParameter calls. A
* symbol pool embodies a purpose or role in the ACTF engine. Instances of
* this interface might represent a particular symbol pool by a .properties
* file, data base table, or XML document.
* <p>Symbol pool ids can have two forms:
* <p><ul>
* <li>generic pool ids which are alphanumeric in nature
* <li>model pool ids, which have the form:
* <p>
* &lt;modelName&gt;<code>MODEL_POOL_ID_DELIMITER</code>&lt;poolId&gt;
* <p>The symbol pool is the pool that is queried for all get/setXXXParameter methods. Thus,
* this method should always be called prior to a set/getXXXParameter method to insure that the correct
* pool is being accessed.
* @param id -
* id of symbol pool
public void setSymbolPool (String id);
* get the current symbol pool. The returned value is the id of the
* pool that is currently be accessed by any get/setXXXParameter methods.
* @return current symbol pool id
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public String getSymbolPool ();
* get all available symbol pools.
* @return array of ids for all available symbol pools or empty array if no
* pools have been created other than the default pool
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public String[] getSymbolPools ();
* get the contents of the specified symbol pool
* @param poolID -
* id of symbol pool
* @return map containing contents of pool or <code>null</code> if pool
* does not exist
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public Map getSymbolPoolContents (String poolID);
* retrieve a string parameter from the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name or key of parameter
* @return string parameter with the given name or <code>null</code> if no
* such key exists
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public String getStringParameter (String key);
* set a string parameter in the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name of parameter
* @param val -
* string value corresponding to this key
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public void setParameter (String key, String val);
* retrieve an int parameter from the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name or key of parameter
* @return int parameter with the given name or <code>null</code> if no
* such key exists
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public int getIntParameter (String key);
* set an int parameter in the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name of parameter
* @param val -
* int value corresponding to this key
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public void setParameter (String key, int val);
* retrieve a double parameter from the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name or key of parameter
* @return double parameter with the given name or <code>null</code> if no
* such key exists
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public double getDoubleParameter (String key);
* set a double parameter in the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name of parameter
* @param val -
* double value corresponding to this key
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public void setParameter (String key, double val);
* retrieve a boolean parameter from the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name or key of parameter
* @return boolean parameter with the given name or <code>null</code> if
* no such key exists
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public boolean getBooleanParameter (String key);
* set a boolean parameter in the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name of parameter
* @param val -
* boolean value corresponding to this key
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public void setParameter (String key, boolean val);
* retrieve a class parameter from the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name or key of parameter
* @return class parameter with the given name or <code>null</code> if no
* such key exists
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public Class getClassParameter (String key);
* set a class parameter in the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name of parameter
* @param val -
* Class object corresponding to this key
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public void setParameter (String key, Class val);
* set a parameter of an undetermined type in the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name of parameter
* @param val -
* object corresponding to this key
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public void setParameter (String key, Object val);
* get a parameter of an undetermined type in the current symbol pool
* @param key -
* name of parameter to retrieve
* @return desired parameter
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public Object getParameter (String key);
* retrieve list of parameters from the current symbol pool
* @return list of parameters or empty array if no
* parameters exist
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public String[] getParameterNames ();
* get the parameter with the given key as a string
* @param key -
* key of desired parameter
* @return string representation of parameter or <code>null</code> if
* parameter is not found
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public String getParameterAsString (String key);
* returns the model supported within this configuration object. ACTF is packaged with
* support for the following model:
* <p><ul>
* <li>Java Swing
* <li>Eclipse SWT
* <li>W3C Document Object Model (DOM)
* <li>Mozilla browser
* </ul>
* <p>Models are always introduced in the main symbol pool, <code>ACTF_ID</code> and
* should be retrieved via the <code>MODEL_ID</code> symbol pool. Indeed, this method will usually be short-hand for:
* <p><pre>
* setSymbolPool(MODEL_ID);
* return getParameterNames();
* </pre></p>
* @return names of supported model
* @see #getParameterNames()
* @see #setSymbolPool(String)
public String[] getModelTypes ();
* add data to this configuration object
* @param data the data to be added
* @throws ConfigurationException
public void addConfigurationData (Object data)
throws ConfigurationException;
} // Configuration