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| <H1>Two types of visualization</H1> |
| <P> |
| The visual disability simulator aDesigner tests the accessibility and usability of webpages for individuals who are blind or who have low vision. |
| The tool has two types of visualization. |
| In the low vision tab, the tool simulates how users with weak eyesight, color vision deficiencies, cataracts, and combinations of impairments perceive webpages. |
| In the blind tab, the tool helps webpage designers understand how blind users who depend on voice browsers will experience the pages. |
| Each mode looks at a different set of issues that reduce webpage accessibility or usability. |
| These issues are described in the following sections. |
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| <H2>Blind tab</H2> |
| <P> |
| The Blind setting of aDesigner runs three types of tests on webpages: blind usability visualization, accessibility and usability checking, and compliance checking. |
| The identification of problems within each type and category is determined by the selections made in the <A href="parametersBlind.html">Set the parameters dialog box (blind mode)</A>. |
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| <H3>Blind usability visualization</H3> |
| <H4>Reaching time to each element</H4> |
| <P> |
| The blind mode of aDesigner visualizes the time required by a voice browser to read from the top of the page to each element (referred to as the <I>reaching time</I>). |
| The reaching time of an element is expressed by the background color of that element. |
| The longer the time needed to reach an element, the darker its background color. |
| Elements whose reaching times are longer than the maximum permissible time (90 seconds) are blacked out. |
| Authors can easily grasp the usability of the target page by looking at the visualized reaching times for all of the elements of the page. |
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| <H4>Accessible tags</H4> |
| <P> |
| Voice browsers can use several HTML tags as landmarks for Web navigation. The aDesigner recognizes the following four tags. |
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| <UL> |
| <LI>Table headers (<TH>) |
| <LI>Heading tags (<H1>, <H2>,...,<H6>) |
| <LI>Form elements (<INPUT>) |
| <LI>Label tags (<LABEL>) |
| </UL> |
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| <H4>Table structure</H4> |
| <P> |
| The <TABLE> tags are used to create both data tables and layout tables. |
| In both cases, they may cause usability problems for blind individuals because the reading order of a voice browser is often different from the intuition of sighted people. |
| The aDesigner has a function to draw borders for the table cells, thus allowing an author to check the table structure of the target page. |
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| <H4>Voice browser output text</H4> |
| <P> |
| The aDesigner can show the output text from a voice browser. |
| This function can be used to help experience the way blind people access webpages in a serialized format. |
| For example, this form shows the amount of text that must be read before reaching the main content of a webpage. |
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| <H3>Accessibility and usability checking</H3> |
| <H4>Intra-page links</H4> |
| <P> |
| The aDesigner checks for the existence of a "skip-to-main-content link." |
| Providing such a link in a webpage allows blind people to jump directly from the top to the main content of the page. |
| The aDesigner also detects intra-page links without destinations and intra-page links without readable text at their source locations. |
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| <H4>Inappropriate ALT attributes</H4> |
| <P> |
| The aDesigner detects inappropriate ALT attributes (alternate descriptions) of images. |
| For example, "spacer" as the ALT attribute of a spacer image (an image used to create space for some layout purpose) is inappropriate, because such information is useless and irritating for blind people. |
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| <H4>Redundant information</H4> |
| <P> |
| The aDesigner detects redundant text information (for example, an icon whose ALT attribute is "BluePages" followed by the text string "BluePages"). |
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| <H4>Document structure</H4> |
| <P> |
| The structure of the HTML document can be visualized by coloring accessible tags and by showing the table cell structure as described in the previous section. |
| In addition, aDesigner checks for nested tables and for the existence of heading tags. |
| Nested tables make it difficult for the author to imagine how the page will be read by a voice browser. |
| Authors are encouraged to make the document structure understandable for blind people. |
| Heading tags help structure the webpages. |
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| <H3>Compliance checking</H3> |
| <P> |
| The aDesigner checks the target page's compliance with accessibility guidelines just as conventional accessibility checkers do. |
| Refer to the topic <A href="compliance.html">Compliance and accessibility guidelines for Web content</A>. |
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| <H2>Low vision tab</H2> |
| <P> |
| The low vision tab of aDesigner has two functions: low vision simulation and accessibility and usability checking. |
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| <H3>Low vision simulation</H3> |
| <P> |
| The low vision mode of aDesigner simulates weak eyesight, color vision deficiencies, cataracts, and their combinations. |
| See the <A href="parametersLv.html">Set the parameters dialog box (low vision mode)</A> for more details. |
| </P> |
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| <H3>Accessibility and usability checking</H3> |
| <P> |
| The low vision mode of aDesigner detects four types of accessibility and usability problems in the target page: |
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| <UL> |
| <LI><B>Fixed-size font problems</B>: Text with fixed-size fonts that cannot be enlarged by browser options |
| <LI><B>Small character problems</B>: Characters that are difficult to read for people with the specified visual conditions |
| <LI><B>Text color problems</B>: Text whose foreground and background colors are too close to distinguish for people with color vision deficiencies and/or cataracts |
| <LI><B>Image color problems</B>: Images that have two or more components whose colors are difficult to distinguished from each other for people with color vision deficiencies or cataracts |
| </UL> |
| <P> |
| The identification of problems within each category is determined by the selections made in the <A href="parametersLv.html">Set the parameters dialog box (low vision mode)</A>. |
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| <H1 class="related">Related topics</H1> |
| <UL class="related"> |
| <LI><A href="problemsBlind.html">Accessibility and usability problems for blind users</A> |
| <LI><A href="problemsLv.html">Accessibility and usability problems for users with low vision</A> |
| </UL> |
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| <A href="index.html">Go to Index</A> |
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