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| <TITLE>Exploring the GUI Accessibility mode</TITLE> |
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| <H1>Exploring the GUI Accessibility mode</H1> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li><a href="#switchMode">Switch Modes</a> |
| <li><a href="#targetMenu">Target Window menu</a> |
| <li><a href="#guiSummary">GUI Summary view</a> |
| <li><a href="#guiReport">GUI Report view</a> |
| <li><a href="#guiOutline">GUI Outline view</a> |
| <li><a href="#guiProperty">GUI Properties view</a> |
| <li><a href="#guiEvent">GUI Event view</a> |
| <li><a href="#guiList">GUI List view</a> |
| </ul> |
| <H2 id="switchMode">Switch Modes</H2> |
| <P> |
| Select the <B>File > Switch Modes...</B> menu to open the <B>Select a mode</B> dialog. |
| Then select the <B>GUI Accessibility</B> option to switch to the GUI Accessibility mode. |
| </P> |
| <DIV class="figure"> |
| <IMG src="images/gui/switchMode.png" alt=""><BR> |
| <SPAN>Figure 1. Mode selection dialog</SPAN> |
| </DIV> |
| <P> |
| The <A href="#targetMenu">Target Window menu</A>, <A href="#guiSummary">GUI Summary view</A>, <A href="#guiOutline">GUI Outline view</A>, <A href="#guiProperty">GUI Properties view</A>, <A href="#guiEvent">GUI Event view</A>, <A href="#guiReport">GUI Report view</A>, and <A href="#guiList">GUI Siblings view</A> are shown in the GUI Accessibility mode. |
| </P> |
| |
| <H2 id="targetMenu">Target Window menu</H2> |
| <P> |
| You need to specify a target application window for the GUI accessibility check. |
| </P> |
| <DL>Target windows are classified into and shown in the following three menu categories. |
| Please select a window for the GUI accessibility check.<DL> |
| <DT>(Title of the Browser view)</DT> |
| <DD>The title of the webpage currently opened in the aDesigner Browser view is displayed. |
| An accessibility check for this webpage will be performed if this item is selected.</DD> |
| <DT>External Browsers</DT> |
| <DD>Webpages currently open in external Web browsers (Microsoft® Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox) are displayed. |
| Any one of these webpages can be selected for an accessibility check.</DD> |
| <DT>External Windows</DT> |
| <DD>A list of other Windows® applications (besides browsers) with checkable windows appears. |
| Any one of these windows can be selected for the Accessibility check.</DD> |
| </DL></DL> |
| <DIV class="figure"> |
| <IMG src="images/gui/targetMenu.png" alt=""><BR> |
| <SPAN>Figure 2. Target Window menu</SPAN> |
| </DIV> |
| <H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3> |
| <DL><DL> |
| <DT>Always on Top</DT> |
| <DD>Show aDesigner on top of external applications. |
| The aDesigner window is visible even if another application window is being used.</DD> |
| <DT>Hide Embedded Browser Automatically</DT> |
| <DD>If the Hide aDesigner Browser view option is selected, then aDesigner will automatically hide itself when an external window is selected and in use.</DD> |
| </DL></DL> |
| <P> |
| The GUI Accessibility views will start updating after a target window is selected. |
| The GUI Summary view will be the last one to be updated. |
| </P> |
| <DIV class="figure"> |
| <IMG src="images/gui/guiMode.png" alt="" width="800 "><BR> |
| <SPAN>Figure 3. GUI Accessibility mode</SPAN> |
| </DIV> |
| <P> |
| After GUI Accessibility views are ready, the following views of the accessibility check of the application are available. |
| </P> |
| |
| <H2 id="guiSummary">GUI Summary view</H2> |
| <P> |
| The GUI Summary view shows accessible objects in a simple text page. |
| This view looks similar to the output of a screen reader. |
| The listenability of the application can be checked with synthesized speech using this text.<BR> |
| (Note: A Text-to-Speech engine supporting the Microsoft® Speech API 5.0 is required.) |
| </P> |
| <DIV class="figure"> |
| <IMG src="images/gui/guiSummary.png" alt=""><BR> |
| <SPAN>Figure 4. GUI Summary view</SPAN> |
| </DIV> |
| <H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3> |
| <DL><DL> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/refresh.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Refresh (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Refresh the view to an up-to-date state.</DD> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/speak.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Read Entire Text (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Read the entire page using speech synthesis.</DD> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/stop.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Stop Reading (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Stop reading the page.</DD> |
| <DT>Show Off-Screen Items (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Show all items, including items that are not displayed on the screen.</DD> |
| <DT>Show Flash Items Only (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Show only the items that are Flash applications.</DD> |
| <DT>Preferences... (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Show <A href="viewsGui.html#guiSettings">GUI Accessibility preferences</A>.</DD> |
| <DT>Read from Here (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Start reading from the current line.</DD> |
| </DL></DL> |
| |
| <H2 id="guiReport">GUI Report view</H2> |
| <P> |
| This view automatically checks the accessibility problems of the application, and then shows a list of the problems. |
| This view investigates accessibility of application by checking the properties of MSAA to see whether or not alterative texts are defined, and shows appropriate Error, Warning, or Information messages. |
| <BR> |
| For details of the automatic checking, please refer to <A href="checkGui.html#guiProblems">Problems detected with GUI Accessibility mode</A>. |
| </P> |
| <DIV class="figure"> |
| <IMG src="images/gui/guiReport.png" alt=""><BR> |
| <SPAN>Figure 5. GUI Report view</SPAN> |
| </DIV> |
| <H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3> |
| <DL><DL> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/refresh.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Refresh (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Refresh the view to an up-to-date state.</DD> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/overlay.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Show Report Icons on Screen</DT> |
| <DD>Add error icons to the application screen.</DD> |
| <DT>Show Error Report (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>The error report is displayed in the view.</DD> |
| <DT>Show Warning Report (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>The warning report is displayed in the view.</DD> |
| <DT>Show Information Report (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>The information report is displayed on the view.</DD> |
| </DL></DL> |
| |
| <H2 id="guiOutline">GUI Outline view</H2> |
| <P> |
| The GUI Outline view explores the structure of an MSAA object as a tree. |
| Application developers can inspect MSAA objects by using this view. |
| Selecting any tree item in this view highlights the actual position of the object. |
| </P> |
| <DIV class="figure"> |
| <IMG src="images/gui/guiOutline.png" alt=""><BR> |
| <SPAN>Figure 6. GUI Outline view</SPAN> |
| </DIV> |
| <H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3> |
| <DL><DL> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/expandall.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Expand All</DT> |
| <DD>Expand all items in the entire branch of the tree. |
| This may take a few moments.</DD> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/collapseall.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Collapse All</DT> |
| <DD>Collapse all items in that branch of the tree.</DD> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/refresh.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Refresh (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Refresh the view to an up-to-date state.</DD> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/checker.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Go to GUI Report (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Execute the GUI accessibility check and go to the GUI Report view.</DD> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/overlay.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Show Icons on Screen</DT> |
| <DD>Add the tree icons for the current selection and its siblings to the application screen.</DD> |
| <DT>Show Off-Screen Items (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Show all items, including the items that are not displayed on the screen.</DD> |
| <DT>Show Flash Items Only (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Show only the items that are Flash applications.</DD> |
| <DT>Expand All Children (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Expand all children under the current selection. This may take a few moments.</DD> |
| </DL></DL> |
| |
| <H2 id="guiProperty">GUI Properties view</H2> |
| <P> |
| The GUI Properties view shows detailed information for the selected object in the GUI Outline view. |
| The information for the IAccessible2 interface will be shown in addition to the MSAA(IAccessible) interface information. |
| Application developers may analyze accessibility problems in detail by using this view. |
| </P> |
| <DL>The following properties are displayed in the GUI Properties view.<DL> |
| <DT>IAccessible</DT> |
| <DD>The properties of the MSAA interface are listed.</DD> |
| <DT>IAccessible2</DT> |
| <DD>The properties of the IAccessible2 interface are listed if the object supports an IAccessible2 interface. |
| In addition, the properties for the following IAccessible2 interfaces will be listed.</DD> |
| <UL> |
| <LI>IAccessibleAction |
| <LI>IAccessibleApplication |
| <LI>IAccessibleComponent |
| <LI>IAccessibleEditableText |
| <LI>IAccessibleHyperlink |
| <LI>IAccessibleHypertext |
| <LI>IAccessibleImage |
| <LI>IAccessibleTable |
| <LI>IAccessibleText |
| <LI>IAccessibleValue |
| </UL> |
| </DL></DL> |
| <DIV class="figure"> |
| <IMG src="images/gui/guiProperty.png" alt=""><BR> |
| <SPAN>Figure 7. GUI Properties view</SPAN> |
| </DIV> |
| <H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3> |
| <DL><DL> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/refresh.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Refresh (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Refresh view up-to-date state.</DD> |
| <DT>Show null Properties (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Show property even if value is null.</DD> |
| <DT>Show Value Change with Color (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>When property value is different from last value, property value is displayed with blue color text. </DD> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/copy_edit.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Copy (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Copy the text of selected line into the clipboard.</DD> |
| <DT>Invoke Method (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Invoke some method. Parameter input dialog will be displayed as necessary.</DD> |
| </DL></DL> |
| |
| <H2 id="guiEvent">GUI Event view</H2> |
| <P> |
| The GUI Event view displays the MSAA/IAccessible2 events that have been triggered by the application. |
| <BR>When the <B>Read Event Messages</B> option is turned on, the text information for the event object will be spoken. |
| The listenability of the event can be verified using this function. |
| <BR> |
| (Note: A Text-to-Speech engine supporting the Microsoft® Speech API 5.0 is required.) |
| </P> |
| <DIV class="figure"> |
| <IMG src="images/gui/guiEvent.png" alt=""><BR> |
| <SPAN>Figure 7. GUI Event view</SPAN> |
| </DIV> |
| <H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3> |
| <DL><DL> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/clear.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Clear (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Clears the event log.</DD> |
| <DT>Filter... (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Shows the <A href="viewsGui.html#eventFilter">GUI Event Filters dialog</A>.</DD> |
| <DT>Read Event Messages (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Read the accessible text when the event is triggered.</DD> |
| <DT>Preferences... (Ctrl+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Show the <A href="viewsGui.html#guiSettings">GUI Accessibility preferences</A>.</DD> |
| </DL></DL> |
| |
| <H2 id="guiList">GUI List view</H2> |
| <P> |
| The GUI List view displays a list of the sibling objects currently selected in the GUI Outline view. |
| </P> |
| <DIV class="figure"> |
| <IMG src="images/gui/guiList.png" alt=""><BR> |
| <SPAN>Figure 8. GUI List view</SPAN> |
| </DIV> |
| <H3 style="font-size: medium">Related functions</H3> |
| <DL><DL> |
| <DT><IMG src="images/gui/refresh.gif" align="middle" alt=""> Refresh (Shift+F10)</DT> |
| <DD>Refresh the view to an up-to-date state.</DD> |
| </DL></DL> |
| |
| <H1 class="related">Related topics</H1> |
| <UL class="related"> |
| <LI><A href="checkGui.html">Checking the accessibility of an application in the GUI Accessibility mode</A> |
| <LI><A href="viewsGui.html">GUI Accessibility mode</A> |
| </UL> |
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| <A href="index.html">Go to Index</A> |
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