blob: 1ac9640a2365f3dc33c6f24bc3c90e293b67f0b7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2012 University of Manchester and Others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Eleni Michailidou - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.actf.examples.vicram.complexity;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.IElementEx;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.INodeEx;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.dom.dombycom.IStyle;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.ui.IModelService;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.ui.util.ModelServiceUtils;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
* Visualization Algorithm
* Divides the page in x*y grids and the complexity for each grid is calculated
* Colours for each grid is assigned based on the complexity score of each grid and the VCS of the overall page
* This class uses the methods while identifying each grid variables
* One could change the number of: rows, columns, and the colour array list defined in the class
public class Visualization {
private static int[][] newOverlayPixels;
private static int webPageHeight, webPageWidth;
private static IModelService modelService;
private static Element docLiveElement;
public static int gridSize = 200;
public static int rows = 10;
public static int columns = 10;
private static GridVariables[][] gridVarArray;
private static int gridColumn;
private static int gridRow;
private static boolean isTLC, visibleBorder;
private static boolean findName;
private static boolean singlesChildren;
private static boolean headingTLC;
private static boolean isLayout;
private static Rectangle TLCRec;
private static double[][] gridVCSarray;
private static double gridVCS;
private static double visVCS;
private static int gridTLC;
private static boolean flag;
private static int gridHeight;
private static int gridWidth;
public static String gridDescription;
* int[][] findElements() returns an int array with the new overlay pixels
* that the PartControlVisualizer uses to draw the overlay on top of the
* screenshot.
* This method:
* 1. Runs the Complexity.calculate() to get the overall VCS of the page
* 2. Resets variables used in the analysis
* 3. Determine the gridCellWidth and height in order to get coordinates of
* each grid based on the rows and columns count
* 4. Initialises Model and Document (based on LiveDom) and GridVariablesArray
* 5. Uses to create Objects that stores the data for each grid
* based on the row and column location
public static int[][] findElements(int[][] overlayPixels,
Rectangle imageSize, boolean flag) {
// will need some variables from the complexity algorithm so we run it first here
newOverlayPixels = overlayPixels;
webPageHeight = imageSize.height;
webPageWidth = imageSize.width;
isTLC = false;
headingTLC = false;
singlesChildren = false;
visibleBorder = false;
gridTLC = 0;
gridVCS = 0;
visVCS = 0;
gridWidth = webPageWidth / columns;
gridHeight = webPageHeight / rows;
modelService = ModelServiceUtils.getActiveModelService();
Document docLive = modelService.getLiveDocument();
if (docLive != null) {
docLiveElement = docLive.getDocumentElement();
gridVarArray = new GridVariables[rows][columns];
gridVCSarray = new double[rows][columns];
// and initialize arrays
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
gridVarArray[i][j] = new GridVariables(0, 0, 0);
Node node = docLiveElement.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0);
NodeList NodeChildren = node.getChildNodes();
if (NodeChildren != null) {
int len = NodeChildren.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
findName = true;
singlesChildren = false;
isTLC = false;
headingTLC = false;
gridTLC = 0;
String gridInfo = "";
gridDescription = "----- Complexity Visualization View -----"
+ "\nColour range: Red - Orange - Yellow - YellowGreen - Green - DarkGreen\n "
+ "\nThe more to the red colour, the more visually complex the grid is."
+ " The colours depend on the overall visual complexity of the page. "
+ "The grids with the highest complexity score reflect the overall page's VCS; "
+ "the more to the red the more visually complex the page is.\n"
+ "\n ----- Grid Description: -----\n";
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
// sets the row and column in the gridVarArray
gridInfo = "Grid (row-column): " + i + "-" + j + " | Images: "
+ gridVarArray[i][j].images + " | TLC: "
+ gridVarArray[i][j].TLC + " | Word Count: "
+ gridVarArray[i][j].wordCount + " | VCS = "
+ gridVarArray[i][j].getGridVCS();
gridDescription += "\n" + gridInfo;
// create the grid lines
return newOverlayPixels;
* findTypeLoc(node) - finds the type of the node and the location of the
* interested elements then it assigns the element by incrementing the
* appropriate counter in the appropriate grid
public static void findTypeLoc(Node node) {
if (node == null)
int type = node.getNodeType();
if (type == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
findTypeLoc(((Document) node).getDocumentElement());
if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
// checks and counts the type of element
String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("img")) {
// find location of the image and assign to correct object and
// array position (grid array)
Rectangle imageRec = findGrid(node);
if (imageRec != null) {
if (imageRec.x >= 0
&& imageRec.y >= 0
&& (imageRec.x <= webPageWidth && imageRec.y <= webPageHeight)) {
if ((imageRec.height > gridHeight || imageRec.width > gridWidth)) {
// place and increament
}// ends node img
// recurse to find the rest of the counters
NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
if (children != null) {
int len = children.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
}// ends if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE)
// Get the word count
if (type == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
// where the word count begins -need to get the number of rows and
// columns that the text node spans for (see below)
String strWord = node.getNodeValue();
int words = 0;
if (strWord != null) {
StringTokenizer total = new StringTokenizer(strWord,
while (total.hasMoreTokens() == true) {
StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(total
words += token.countTokens();
if (words > 0) {
Rectangle textNodeRec = findGrid(node);
// System.out.println(textNodeRec);
if (textNodeRec != null) {
int spanCol = 0;
int spanRow = 0;
double wordsPerGrid = 0;
boolean spanWords = false;
// find the range of the words span: columns:
// words/width of rectangle, rows: words/height of rectangle
// need to check that the x and yth coordinate of the rectangle falls within the webpage height and width
if (textNodeRec.x >= 0
&& textNodeRec.y >= 0
&& (textNodeRec.x <= webPageWidth && textNodeRec.y <= webPageHeight)) {
if ((textNodeRec.height > gridHeight || textNodeRec.width > gridWidth)
&& words > 1) {
spanWords = true;
spanCol = textNodeRec.width / gridWidth;
spanRow = textNodeRec.height / gridHeight;
int spanCol2 = spanCol;
int spanRow2 = spanRow;
if (spanCol == 0)
spanCol2 = 1;
if (spanRow == 0)
spanRow2 = 1;
if (words > 1)
wordsPerGrid = ((double) words / ((double) spanCol2 * (double) spanRow2));
else if (words > 0 && words <= 1)
wordsPerGrid = words;
if (spanWords == true) {
int maxCol = gridColumn + spanCol;
int maxRow = gridRow + spanRow;
if (maxCol >= columns)
maxCol = columns - 1;
if (maxRow >= rows)
maxRow = rows - 1;
if (spanRow == 0) {
for (int j = gridColumn; j <= maxCol; j++) {
gridVarArray[gridRow][j].wordCount += wordsPerGrid;
if (spanCol == 0) {
for (int i = gridRow; i <= maxRow; i++) {
gridVarArray[i][gridColumn].wordCount += wordsPerGrid;
} else if (spanCol > 0 && spanRow > 0) {
for (int i = gridRow; i <= maxRow; i++) {
for (int j = gridColumn; j <= maxCol; j++) {
gridVarArray[i][j].wordCount += wordsPerGrid;
}// ends if span = true
else {
gridVarArray[gridRow][gridColumn].wordCount += words;
}// end if rec not null
}// ends if words>0
}// ends while loop
}// ends if (type == Node.TEXT_NODE)
* Rectangle findGrid(node) - returns the rectangle that the node's top left
* point fits within in this method is used to find the row and column of
* the grid
public static Rectangle findGrid(Node node) {
gridColumn = 0;
gridRow = 0;
Rectangle nodeRectangle = null;
if (node instanceof IElementEx) {
nodeRectangle = ((IElementEx) node).getLocation();
// if width or height are zero = return null
if (nodeRectangle.height == 0 || nodeRectangle.width == 0
|| nodeRectangle.x < 0 || nodeRectangle.x > webPageWidth
|| nodeRectangle.y < 0 || nodeRectangle.y > webPageHeight) {
nodeRectangle = null;
// need to check the x and y point and respectively assign to the
// appropriate grid's list
else {
if (nodeRectangle.x < 1 && nodeRectangle.x >= 0
&& nodeRectangle.y > 0) {
gridColumn = 0;
gridRow = (nodeRectangle.y) / gridHeight;
} else if (nodeRectangle.y < 1 && nodeRectangle.y >= 0
&& nodeRectangle.x > 0) {
gridRow = 0;
gridColumn = (nodeRectangle.x) / gridWidth;
} else {
gridRow = (nodeRectangle.y) / gridHeight;
gridColumn = (nodeRectangle.x) / gridWidth;
}// ends if node an element
else if (node instanceof INodeEx) {
// for text nodes
* Should calculate the word count 2. Find the width of the node and
* calculate the span range 3. by calculating the wordCount/
nodeRectangle = ((INodeEx) node).getLocation();
if (nodeRectangle.height == 0 || nodeRectangle.width == 0
|| nodeRectangle.x < 0 || nodeRectangle.x > webPageWidth
|| nodeRectangle.y < 0 || nodeRectangle.y > webPageHeight) {
nodeRectangle = null;
// need to check the x and y point and respectively assign to the
// appropriate grid's list
else {
if (nodeRectangle.x < 1 && nodeRectangle.x >= 0
&& nodeRectangle.y > 0) {
gridColumn = 0;
gridRow = (nodeRectangle.y) / gridHeight;
} else if (nodeRectangle.y < 1 && nodeRectangle.y >= 0
&& nodeRectangle.x > 0) {
gridRow = 0;
gridColumn = (nodeRectangle.x) / gridWidth;
} else {
gridRow = (nodeRectangle.y) / gridHeight;
gridColumn = (nodeRectangle.x) / gridWidth;
}// ends if node a TEXT_node
// need to check that the assign gridRow and gridColumn does not exceed
// the gridVarArray size
if (gridRow >= rows)
gridRow = rows - 1;
if (gridColumn >= columns)
gridColumn = columns - 1;
return nodeRectangle;
* findTLCLoc(node) This method mirrors the countTLC() method from
* The addition is that we determine the grid location that
public static void findTLCLoc(Node node) {
String display = null;
String borderWidth = null;
if (node == null)
int type = node.getNodeType();
if (type == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) {
findTLCLoc(((Document) node).getDocumentElement());
if (type == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
if (node instanceof IElementEx) {
IStyle style = ((IElementEx) node).getStyle();
display = (String) style.get("display");
borderWidth = (String) style.get("borderWidth");
if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("div")) {
//int borderLen = borderWidth.length();
boolean isPx = borderWidth.contains("px");
int px = 0;
if (isPx == true) {
StringTokenizer borderToken = new StringTokenizer(
borderWidth, " ");
//String pixels = "";
String borderPx = "";
while (borderToken.hasMoreTokens() == true) {
String token = borderToken.nextToken();
if (token.contains("px") == true) {
int tokenLength = token.length();
borderPx = token.substring(0, tokenLength - 2);
px = Integer.parseInt(borderPx);
if (px > 0) {
visibleBorder = true;
} else
visibleBorder = false;
if (display == null) {
display = "";
NodeList children = node.getChildNodes();
int len = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
Node child = children.item(i);
int childType = child.getNodeType();
if (childType == 1)
boolean blockChild = false;
boolean lastIsImg = false;
String nodeName = node.getNodeName();
if (len == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < children.getLength(); i++) {
Node child = children.item(i);
if (child.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("img")) {
lastIsImg = true;
if (findName == true) {
if (children != null) {
Node childNode = children.item(0);
singlesChildren = Complexity.singleChildren(node, len);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
childNode = children.item(i);
NodeList childNodeList = childNode.getChildNodes();
int length = childNodeList.getLength();
singlesChildren = Complexity.singleChildren(node, len);
if (childNode instanceof IElementEx) {
IStyle childStyle = ((IElementEx) childNode)
String displayChild = (String) childStyle
if (displayChild.equalsIgnoreCase("block")
|| display.equalsIgnoreCase("table"))
blockChild = true;
}// end for-loop
}// end if not null children
if (display.equalsIgnoreCase("block") && blockChild == false) {
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
isTLC = true;
else if (singlesChildren == true && isTLC == false) {
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
isTLC = true;
findName = false;
else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("div")) {
if (visibleBorder == true) {
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
// place and increament
isTLC = true;
else if (display.equalsIgnoreCase("block")
|| display.equalsIgnoreCase("table")
|| display.startsWith("table")) {
if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("div")) {
if (visibleBorder == true && isLayout == false) {
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
// place and increment
isTLC = true;
else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("h1")
|| nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("h2")) {
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
// place and increment
isTLC = true;
headingTLC = true;
}// ends if case 2 (if nodeName equals h1 or h2)
else if (headingTLC == false && nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("h3")) {
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
// place and increment
isTLC = true;
else if (headingTLC == false && nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("h4")) {
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
// place and increment
isTLC = true;
else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("table")
|| display.contains("table")) {
boolean dataTable = false;
boolean blockChilNodes = false;
NodeList tchildren = node.getChildNodes();
if (tchildren != null) {
len = tchildren.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
String tchildName = tchildren.item(i).getNodeName();
if (tchildName.equalsIgnoreCase("thead")
|| tchildName.equalsIgnoreCase("caption")) {
dataTable = true;
if (tchildren.item(i) instanceof IElementEx) {
IStyle childStyle = ((IElementEx) tchildren
String displayChild = (String) childStyle
if (displayChild.equalsIgnoreCase("block")
|| display.equalsIgnoreCase("table"))
blockChilNodes = true;
}// ends for-loop
if (isTLC == false && dataTable == true) {
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
// place and increament
isTLC = true;
else if (dataTable == false) {
isLayout = Complexity.tableCellLayout(node);
if (isLayout == true) {
if (isTLC == false) {
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
// place and increament
isTLC = true;
}// ends if isLayout=true
else if (isLayout == false && blockChilNodes == true) {
// count if there are block level child nodes
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
// place and increament
isTLC = true;
} else if (nodeName.equalsIgnoreCase("div")) {
TLCRec = findGrid(node);
if (TLCRec != null) {
// place and increament
isTLC = true;
}// ends if dataTable=false
}// ends else-if table
}// ends else-if block
NodeList NodeChildren = node.getChildNodes();
if (NodeChildren != null) {
len = NodeChildren.getLength();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
visibleBorder = false;
}// end if element node
}// ends findTLCLoc
* determineColour this method identifies the colour that each grid will be
* assigned with
* the colour depends on the ratio of gridVCS/complexity.VCS
* first we need to know the colour assigned overall based on the complexity.VCS:
* 0-3.5 Simple yellow
* 3.5 - 6.5 Medium green
* 6.5 - 10 Complex red
* then sort the gridVCSarray based on ascending order. The 5 grids with the highest score
* are assigned with the page's complexity VCS colour then the rest based on
* the colour scale
public static void determineColour() {
// get complexity score of the whole page
double compVCS = Complexity.VCS;
String complexity = "";
int startColour = 0xC0C0C0;
// determine page's complexity level array and starting colour
// colours:
// colours array:red/orange/gold/yellow/yellowgreen/lime/green/darkgreen
// //{0xFF0000, 0xFFA500,0xFFD700,0xFFFF00,0x9ACD32,0x00FF00,0x008000,
// 0x006400};
// darkgreen = the minScoreColour
int[] colours = { 0x3D1AED, 0x4CB7FF, 0x00D4FF, 0x00ff77, 0x00C000 };
int minScoreColour = 0x006400;// for scores <=0.1743
int colourLen = colours.length;
// if the length is even or odd
boolean colourLenEven = false;
if (colourLen % 2 == 0)
colourLenEven = true;
int pageColour = -1;
// assign initial colour of page based on its overall VCS complexity
if (compVCS < 3) {
complexity = "simple";
if (colourLenEven)
pageColour = ((colourLen / 3) * 2) - 1;
pageColour = ((colourLen / 3) * 2);
startColour = colours[pageColour];
} else if (compVCS >= 3 && compVCS < 6) {
complexity = "medium";
if (colourLenEven)
pageColour = (colourLen / 3) - 1;
pageColour = (colourLen / 3);
startColour = colours[pageColour];
} else if (compVCS >= 6) {
complexity = "complex";
pageColour = 0;// always the first index
startColour = colours[pageColour];
double[][] sortVCSarray = new double[rows][columns];
// Create a single array now that is the size of the doubel array
GridVariables[] sortVCS = new GridVariables[rows * columns];
// now populate by going through the double array and extracting the
// Data
// HERE we can find the number of grids that have the minimum value of
// VCS (<=0.1743) which
// will help later for the calculation of gridsPerColour. The dark green
// is only assigned to those
int counter = 0;
int minScore = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++) {
sortVCS[counter] = gridVarArray[i][j];
if (gridVarArray[i][j].getGridVCS() <= 0.1743)
// sort the array - based on the sort method extended in
* The following code decides the color for each grid based on the colorIndex of the page and the number of grids the colorIndex is
* calculated based on the VCS score of the page and is the starting color of the page then the number of grids per color depends on the
* location of the colorIndex on the colourArray colors[]
* numGridsPerColor = (numGrids/(color.length - ColorIndex - 1))
int numGrids = rows * columns;
int coloursBasedScore = colourLen - pageColour;
int gridsPerColour = (numGrids - minScore) / coloursBasedScore;
int counter2 = 0;
//int counterMaxIndex = 0;// this can go up to 3 inclusive
int gridColour = pageColour;
// System.out.println(colourLen+"gridsPerColour= "+ gridsPerColour +
// ", coloursBasedScore = "+ coloursBasedScore+ ", page colour="+
// pageColour);
for (int j = 0; j < sortVCS.length; j++) {
if (sortVCS[j].getGridVCS() <= 0.1743) {
// System.out.println("in <=0.1743");
gridColour = minScoreColour;
colour(sortVCS[j].row, sortVCS[j].column, minScoreColour);
} else {
// System.out.println("in else");
if (counter2 == gridsPerColour) {
counter2 = 0;
if (gridColour == colourLen) {
gridColour = colourLen - 1;// the max colour
colour(sortVCS[j].row, sortVCS[j].column, colours[gridColour]);
* Colours the nodes based on the coordinates and colour
public static void colour(int gRow, int gCol, int colour) {
// get the row and column of the grid
// gridRow
// colour = 0x00D4FF;
int x1 = gCol * gridWidth;
int y1 = gRow * gridHeight;
int x2 = gridWidth + x1;
int y2 = gridHeight + y1;
// System.out.println("Coordinates: x1 - "+ x1+ ", y1 - "+y1+",x2 - " + x2+", y2 - "+y2);
for (int b = y1; b < (y2); b++) {
for (int a = x1; a < (x2); a++) {
if (flag) {
newOverlayPixels[a][b] = colour;
} else {
newOverlayPixels[b][a] = colour;
* drawGridLines() draws lines around the grids to easily differentiate
* between rectangles/grids
public static void drawGridLines() {
// horizontal lines
int x1 = 0;
int x2 = webPageWidth;
int y1 = 0;
int y2 = webPageHeight;
for (int b = y1; b < rows; b++) {
for (int a = x1; a < (x2); a++) {
if (flag) {
newOverlayPixels[a][b * gridHeight] = 0x000000;
} else {
newOverlayPixels[b * gridHeight][a] = 0x000000;
// vertical lines
x2 = 0;
// b-Y, a - X
for (int b = y1; b < y2; b++) {
for (int a = x1; a < columns; a++) {
if (flag) {
newOverlayPixels[a * gridWidth][b] = 0x000000;
} else {
newOverlayPixels[b][a * gridWidth] = 0x000000;