blob: f92e7d1583ae0cd6f2978239fcc3beddf0e24f67 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2008 IBM Corporation and Others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Junji MAEDA - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.actf.model.ui.editor.ImagePositionInfo;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.LowVisionCommon;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.LowVisionException;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.LowVisionType;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.color.ColorIRGB;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.operator.LowVisionFilter;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.problem.ImageColorProblem;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.problem.LowVisionProblem;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.problem.LowVisionProblemException;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.problem.LowVisionProblemGroup;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.engines.lowvision.util.DecisionMaker;
public class InteriorImage extends PageComponent {
public static final int UNSET = -1;
int left = UNSET; // relative position
int top = UNSET; // relative position
Int2D pixel = null;
int numLargeComponents = 0;
InteriorImageComponent[] largeComponents = null;
String url = null;
// a part of PageImage
public InteriorImage(PageImage _pi, int _x, int _y, int _width, int _height) {
left = _x;
top = _y;
pixel = new Int2D(_width, _height);
for (int j = 0; j < _height; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < _width; i++) {[j][i] =[j + top][i + left];
// a part of PageImage
public InteriorImage(PageImage _pi, ImagePositionInfo _pos) {
this(_pi, _pos.getX(), _pos.getY(), _pos.getWidth(), _pos.getHeight());
url = _pos.getUrl();
public InteriorImage(Int2D _i2d) {
pixel = _i2d.deepCopy();
public InteriorImage(BufferedImage _bi) throws ImageException {
pixel = ImageUtil.bufferedImageToInt2D(_bi);
public int getLeft() {
return (left);
public int getTop() {
return (top);
public String getUrl() {
return (url);
// content type detection
* private static final int MIN_CHARACTER_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 20; private static
* final int MIN_FIGURE_IMAGE_HEIGHT = 150;
* public void setContentType(){ int width = getWidth(); int height =
* getHeight(); short fileType = IoUtil.getFileType( this.url ); //null ->
* TYPE_UNKNOWN if( height < MIN_CHARACTER_IMAGE_HEIGHT ){ contentType =
* OTHER_TYPE; return; } // if( fileType != IoUtil.TYPE_GIF ){ // //TBD
* consider gradation (edge) in JPEG graph// contentType = OTHER_TYPE; //
* return; // } if( height < MIN_FIGURE_IMAGE_HEIGHT ){ contentType =
* OTHER_TYPE; return; } contentType = FIGURE_TYPE; }
public int getWidth() {
return (pixel.width );
public int getHeight() {
return (pixel.height );
public String dumpLargeComponents() {
if (numLargeComponents == 0) {
return ("There are no large components.");
String msg = "There are " + numLargeComponents + " large components.\n";
for (int i = 0; i < numLargeComponents; i++) {
InteriorImageComponent curComponent = largeComponents[i];
ColorIRGB curColor = new ColorIRGB(curComponent.getColor());
msg += i + ": ( " + curColor.getR() + ", " + curColor.getG() + ", "
+ curColor.getB() + ")\n";
return (msg);
public void extractLargeComponents() {
if (largeComponents != null) {
Vector<InteriorImageComponent> largeComponentVector = new Vector<InteriorImageComponent>();
ColorHistogram histo = ColorHistogram.makeColorHistogram(pixel);
int histoSize = histo.getSize();
int numProcessedColors = histoSize;
ColorHistogramBin[] histoArray = histo.getSortedArrayByOccurrence();
for (int i = 0; i < histoSize; i++) {
if (histoArray[i].occurrence < LowVisionCommon.THRESHOLD_MIN_LARGE_COMPONENT_PIXELS) {
numProcessedColors = i;
for (int k = 0; k < numProcessedColors; k++) {
Vector<ConnectedComponent> currentVector = new Vector<ConnectedComponent>();
int curColor = histoArray[k].color;
BinaryImage binaryByColor = new BinaryImage(pixel,
LabeledImage curLabeledImage = new LabeledImage(binaryByColor,
int numComponents = curLabeledImage.numComponents;
ConnectedComponent[] components = curLabeledImage.components;
for (int l = 0; l < numComponents; l++) {
ConnectedComponent curCc = components[l];
if (curCc.getCount() >= LowVisionCommon.THRESHOLD_MIN_LARGE_COMPONENT_PIXELS) {
if (currentVector.size() > 0) {
InteriorImageComponent iic = new InteriorImageComponent(this,
curColor, currentVector);
if (iic.occupation >= LowVisionCommon.THRESHOLD_MIN_LARGE_COMPONENT_OCCUPATION) {
// sort by pixelsize order
Collections.sort(largeComponentVector, new CompareByCount());
numLargeComponents = largeComponentVector.size();
if (numLargeComponents > 0) {
largeComponents = new InteriorImageComponent[numLargeComponents];
for (int k = 0; k < numLargeComponents; k++) {
largeComponents[k] = (InteriorImageComponent) (largeComponentVector
private class CompareByCount implements Comparator<InteriorImageComponent> {
public int compare(InteriorImageComponent _o1,
InteriorImageComponent _o2) {
return (_o2.count - _o1.count);
public LowVisionProblemGroup[] checkColors(LowVisionType _lvType)
throws ImageException {
if (!_lvType.doChangeColors()) {
return (null);
if (numLargeComponents <= 1) {
return (null);
Vector<LowVisionProblem> problemVector = new Vector<LowVisionProblem>();
try {
for (int k = 0; k < numLargeComponents - 1; k++) {
for (int l = k + 1; l < numLargeComponents; l++) {
InteriorImageComponent iic1 = largeComponents[k];
InteriorImageComponent iic2 = largeComponents[l];
int origColor1 = iic1.color;
int origColor2 = iic2.color;
// do not handle similar color parts in original image (to
// avoide false positive)
if (!(DecisionMaker.distinguishableImageColors(origColor1,
origColor2))) {
int convColor1 = _lvType.convertColor(origColor1);
int convColor2 = _lvType.convertColor(origColor2);
if (!(DecisionMaker.distinguishableImageColors(convColor1,
convColor2))) {
double probability = 1.0 - DecisionMaker
ImageColorProblem probl = new ImageColorProblem(this,
_lvType, probability, iic1, iic2);
} catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
throw new ImageException(
"Exception occurred while checking colors.");
// (A) assume ImageProblem only
if (problemVector.size() > 0) {
Collections.sort(problemVector, new CompareByProbability());
LowVisionProblemGroup group = null;
try {
group = new LowVisionProblemGroup(problemVector);
} catch (LowVisionProblemException lvpe) {
// lvpe.printStackTrace();
throw new ImageException(
"Error occurred while making an instance of LowVisionProblemGroup.");
LowVisionProblemGroup[] groupArray = new LowVisionProblemGroup[1];
groupArray[0] = group;
return (groupArray);
} else {
return (null);
// (B) several types of problems
* Vector problemGroupVector = collectProblems( problemVector );
* int vecSize = problemGroupVector.size(); if( vecSize > 0 ){
* LowVisionProblemGroup[] probGroupArray = new
* LowVisionProblemGroup[vecSize]; for( int k=0; k<vecSize; k++ ){
* probGroupArray[k] =
* (LowVisionProblemGroup)(problemGroupVector.elementAt(k)); } return(
* probGroupArray ); } else{ return( null ); }
private Vector collectProblems(Vector<LowVisionProblem> _vec)
throws ImageException {
if (_vec == null || _vec.size() == 0) {
return (null);
Vector<LowVisionProblemGroup> answerVec = new Vector<LowVisionProblemGroup>();
int curSize = _vec.size();
while (curSize > 0) {
// search problems should be merged with curProb
LowVisionProblem curProb = _vec.elementAt(curSize - 1);
_vec.removeElementAt(curSize - 1);
Vector<LowVisionProblem> curVec = new Vector<LowVisionProblem>();
short curType = curProb.getType();
for (int k = curSize - 2; k >= 0; k--) {
LowVisionProblem tmpProb = _vec.elementAt(k);
if (tmpProb.getType() == curType) {
// sort by probability
Collections.sort(curVec, new CompareByProbability());
LowVisionProblemGroup curGroup = null;
try {
curGroup = new LowVisionProblemGroup(curVec);
} catch (LowVisionProblemException lvpe) {
// lvpe.printStackTrace();
throw new ImageException(
"Error occurred while making an instance of LowVisionProblemGroup.");
if (curGroup != null) {
curSize = _vec.size();
return (answerVec);
private class CompareByProbability implements Comparator<LowVisionProblem> {
public int compare(LowVisionProblem _o1, LowVisionProblem _o2) {
double diff = _o2.getProbability() - _o1.getProbability();
if (diff > 0) {
return (1);
} else if (diff < 0) {
return (-1);
} else {
return (0);
public Int2D simulate(LowVisionType _lvType) throws ImageException {
LowVisionFilter lvFilter = new LowVisionFilter(_lvType);
try {
Int2D simulatedPixel = ImageUtil.bufferedImageToInt2D(lvFilter
.filter(pixel.toBufferedImage(), null));
return (simulatedPixel);
} catch (LowVisionException lve) {
// lve.printStackTrace();
throw new ImageException(
"Exception occurred while simulating an interiorImage");