blob: caac638b92890df80b50be2c8378ac52c170f565 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and Others
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Kentarou FUKUDA - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.actf.visualization.eval.html.statistics;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.eclipse.actf.util.xpath.XPathUtil;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.Constants;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.eval.problem.IProblemItem;
import org.eclipse.actf.visualization.eval.problem.ProblemItemImpl;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLAnchorElement;
import org.w3c.dom.html.HTMLImageElement;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
public class ImageStatData implements IPageStatisticsTag, IIMageTag {
protected String altS = "";
protected Element ancestorLink = null;
protected String destUrlS = "";
protected boolean hasAlt = false;
protected boolean hasHeight = false;
protected boolean hasLongDesc = false;
protected boolean hasUseMap = false;
protected boolean hasWidth = false;
protected String heightS = "";
protected boolean isInLink = false;
protected boolean isMap = false;
protected String longDescS = "";
// for problem statistics
protected Vector<IProblemItem> problemV = new Vector<IProblemItem>();
protected String srcS = "";
protected String urlS = "";
protected String useMapS = "";
protected String widthS = "";
protected ImageStatData() {
* @param tagName
* @param text
public ImageStatData(HTMLImageElement target, URL baseURL) {
srcS = target.getSrc();
urlS = srcS;
try {
urlS = new URL(baseURL, urlS).toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (hasAlt = target.hasAttribute(ALT)) {
altS = target.getAlt();
if (hasLongDesc = target.hasAttribute(LONGDESC)) {
longDescS = target.getLongDesc();
if (hasUseMap = target.hasAttribute(USEMAP)) {
useMapS = target.getUseMap();
if (hasWidth = target.hasAttribute(WIDTH)) {
widthS = target.getWidth();
if (hasHeight = target.hasAttribute(HEIGHT)) {
heightS = target.getHeight();
isMap = target.getIsMap();
NodeList tmpNL = XPathUtil.evalXPathNodeList(target, "ancestor::a");
int len = tmpNL.getLength();
if (len > 0) {
HTMLAnchorElement tmpE = (HTMLAnchorElement) tmpNL.item(0);
if (isInLink = tmpE.hasAttribute(HREF)) {
destUrlS = tmpE.getHref();
ancestorLink = tmpE;
try {
destUrlS = new URL(baseURL, destUrlS).toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
public void addProblemItem(Attributes atts) throws StatisticsDataFormatException {
String idS = atts.getValue(ID);
String targetS = atts.getValue(TARGET_STRING);
if (idS != null) {
IProblemItem tmpItem = new ProblemItemImpl(idS);
if (!tmpItem.getId().equals("unknown")) {
if (targetS != null) {
throw new StatisticsDataFormatException();
public void addProblemItem(IProblemItem problemItem) {
public String getAltS() {
return this.altS;
public Element getAncestorLink() {
return ancestorLink;
private String getAttr(String name, boolean value) {
return (getAttr(name, Boolean.toString(value)));
private String getAttr(String name, String value) {
return ((name + "=\"" + XPathUtil.canonicalize(value) + "\" "));
public String getDestUrlS() {
return destUrlS;
public String getHeightS() {
return heightS;
public String getItemXML() {
StringBuffer tmpSB = new StringBuffer("<" + IMAGE + " " + getAttr(SRC, srcS) + getAttr(URL, urlS)
+ getAttr(ISMAP, isMap));
if (hasAlt) {
tmpSB.append(getAttr(ALT, altS));
if (hasWidth) {
tmpSB.append(getAttr(WIDTH, widthS));
if (hasHeight) {
tmpSB.append(getAttr(HEIGHT, heightS));
if (isInLink) {
tmpSB.append(getAttr(DEST, destUrlS));
if (hasLongDesc) {
tmpSB.append(getAttr(LONGDESC, longDescS));
if (hasUseMap) {
tmpSB.append(getAttr(USEMAP, useMapS));
int size = problemV.size();
if (size == 0) {
tmpSB.append(" />");
} else {
tmpSB.append(" >" + Constants.LINE_SEP);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
IProblemItem pItem = (IProblemItem) problemV.get(i);
tmpSB.append("<" + ERROR + " " + getAttr(ID, pItem.getId())
+ getAttr(TARGET_STRING, pItem.getTargetStringForHPB()) + " />" + Constants.LINE_SEP);
tmpSB.append("</" + IMAGE + ">");
return (tmpSB.toString());
public String getLongDescS() {
return longDescS;
public Vector getProblemV() {
return this.problemV;
public String getSrcS() {
return srcS;
public String getUrlS() {
return this.urlS;
public String getUseMapS() {
return useMapS;
public String getWidthS() {
return widthS;
public boolean isHasAlt() {
return this.hasAlt;
public boolean isHasHeight() {
return hasHeight;
public boolean isHasLongDesc() {
return hasLongDesc;
public boolean isHasUseMap() {
return hasUseMap;
public boolean isHasWidth() {
return hasWidth;
public boolean isInLink() {
return isInLink;
public boolean isMap() {
return isMap;
public void setHasHeight(boolean hasHeight) {
this.hasHeight = hasHeight;
public void setHasWidth(boolean hasWidth) {
this.hasWidth = hasWidth;
public void setHeightS(String heightS) {
this.heightS = heightS;
public void setWidthS(String widthS) {
this.widthS = widthS;