blob: d5e6ec27a619ee37f31567b6254475ed8f8d1cb7 [file] [log] [blame]
Tests included in this file:
For Luzius' history of code completion, details of the current implementation,
and its limitations see:
Areas to cover:
- from within a method (CC_1)
- outside any methods (CC_2)
- from within advice - before, after, around (CC_3)
- from within an intertype declaration (CC_4) <------ is likely to be the most problematic
different situations:
- in a .java (CC_5)
- in a .aj file (1-4 assumed to be done in a .aj file)
- in an aspect which extends an abstract aspect (CC_6)
Auto activation
Install the Spacewar Example and open Coordinator. In one of the methods
or constructor type "exclusions.". Possible completions should appear. (CC_7)
Switch off auto-activation by clicking 'Window' > 'Preferences' > 'Java'
> 'Editor' > 'Code Assist' and unchecking 'Enable Auto Activation'. Type
"exclusions." again in the editor and the completions should not appear (CC_8)
Switch auto-activation back on and check that it works as in CC_7 (CC_9)
Bug 129367: Mad code completion makes it impossible to enter pointcuts!
Create a new aspect, and start typing the following (line breaks are *significant*):
pointcut callToJdbc() :
call(* java.
Now pause, and check that NO content-assist proposals are given, and that
NO completions are auto-inserted into the buffer. (CC_10)