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Creating an aspect
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<h1> Creating an aspect </h1>
<p> In this section you will create a new aspect and add a pointcut and
some advice. </p>
<li> In the Package Explorer view, select the helloworld package. From the package's
context menu, select&nbsp;<strong>New &gt; Aspect</strong>. </li>
<li> Make sure that&nbsp;<em>Hello World</em> appears in the&nbsp;<strong>Source Folder</strong>
field and that&nbsp;<em>helloworld</em> appears in the&nbsp;<strong>Package</strong>
field. In the&nbsp;<strong>Name</strong> field, type&nbsp;<em>World</em>.
<p> <img src="../images/newaspect.png" alt="New aspect wizard">
<li> Click&nbsp;<strong>Finish</strong> to create the new aspect.
<li> The new file is opened in the editor. It contains the new aspect,
the constructor and comments.
<li> Change the body of the aspect to the following:
public aspect World { <br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; pointcut greeting() : execution(* Hello.sayHello(..)); <br><br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; after() returning() : greeting() { <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; System.out.println(" World!"); <br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; } <br><br>
} <br>
<li> Save the file. </li>
<img src="../images/ngrelc.gif" width=159 height=27 alt="Related concepts" border="0">
<a href="../concepts/editor.htm">AspectJ editor</a> </p>
<p> <img src="../images/ngrelt.gif" width=159 height=27 alt="Related tasks" border="0">
<a href="../tasks/ajelements.htm">Creating AspectJ elements</a>