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Running your programs
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Running your programs
<p> In this section, you will learn more about running AspectJ programs in the workbench.
<li> Right click on in the Package Explorer and select
<strong>Java Application</strong> from the cascading <strong>Run</strong>
menu. This will launch the selected class as a local Java application.
Note that unless you need to run a main method that is in an aspect or use an aspectpath
you do not need to use the <strong>Run &gt; AspectJ/Java Application</strong> option.
<li> Notice that the program has finished running and the following message has
appeared in the console:
<p><img src="../images/console.png" alt="Console output"> </p>
<p> <img src="../images/ngrelt.gif" width=159 height=27 alt="Related tasks" border="0">
<a href="../tasks/runninganddebugging.htm">Running and debugging</a><br>
<a href="../tasks/addaspectpath.htm">Adding an aspectpath</a>