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Advice markers
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Advice markers
In this section you will use advice markers to navigate between advised and advising source locations.
<li> Make sure that the &nbsp;<em>World</em> aspect is open in the editor. There should
be one marker in the left hand margin.
<li> Right click on the marker. Select <strong>Advises &gt;
Hello.sayHello()</strong> to navigate to the advised method.
<p><img src="../images/marker.png" alt="Advice marker navigation">
<li>The <em>Hello</em> class opens in the editor. There should
be one marker in the left hand margin.
<li> Right click on this marker. Select <strong>Advised By &gt;
World.afterReturning(): greeting...</strong> to navigate to the advice in effect.
<p><img src="../images/marker2.png" alt="Advice marker navigation">
<img border="0" src="../images/ngrelc.gif" alt="Related concepts" width="159" height="27">
<a href="../concepts/editor.htm">AspectJ editor</a><br>
<img src="../images/ngrelt.gif" alt="Related tasks" border="0" height="27" width="159">
<a href="../tasks/markers.htm">Navigating with advice markers</a><br>