blob: bc303f0ca72da3ea4957e9d80c723247b61f044a [file] [log] [blame]
Test to ensure don't rebuild if src file changes which isn't in active build config file
ade 11-07-2008 Using new build config now. There is no more "Build Path > Exclide" option.
(1) Import the AspectJ Bean Example into your workspace
(2) Create a DummyClass in the bean package (File > New > Class)
(3) Exclude DummyClass from the active build configuration (right click and choose
"Build Path > Exclude"
(4) Add the following method to DummyClass:
public dummyMethod() {
(5) Save DummyClass and no build should occur - so there should be no error
warnings about the syntax in the Problems view. (BUILD_1)
(6) Create a DummyAspect in the bean package (File > New > Aspect)
(7) Exclude DummyAspect from the active build configuration (right click and choose
"Build Path > Exclude"
(8) Add the following badly formed pointcut to DummyAspect:
(9) Save DummyAspect and no build should occur - so there should be no error warnings
about the syntax in the Problems view. (BUILD_2)
Test for bug 74401 - External jars on inpath not found
(1) Check out bug74401 test project
(2) Right click > Project projects > AspectJ Inpath
(3) Set hello.jar as a (workspace) JAR
(4) Rebuild project and check it builds okay (BUILD_3)
(5) Right click > Project projects > AspectJ Inpath
(6) Remove jar file and add it again this time as an external JAR file
(7) Rebuild project and check it builds okay (BUILD_4)
(8) Right click > Project projects > AspectJ Inpath
(9) Remove jar file, Add Variable... > Configure Variable... > New...
Enter MY_JAR as name and press Folder... and select the project
folder. Press OK > OK then select MY_JAR from list and press
Extend... and select hello.jar
(10) Rebuild project and check it builds okay (BUILD_5)
Test for bug 101481 - classes not appearing in output folder
(1) Check out "Simple AJ Project"
(2) Open the navigator view
(3) delete all the .class files from the output dir
(4) Build the project by pressing the build button
(5) Under bin in the navigator view you should see the classes appear
without having to refresh. (BUILD_6)
Test bug 90094
(1) Install the Bean example
(2) open the .classpath file
(3) add the following to the .classpath file:
<classpathentry kind="var" path="myjar.jar"/>
(4) save the .classpath file
(5) build the bean example by pressing the build button
(6) There should be an error in the problems view saying:
Unbound classpath variable: 'myjar.jar' in project Bean Example
and no AspectJ Error dialog should appear (BUILD_7)