blob: bc99c8001f9592982b5d515e9342520d6a9d05d1 [file] [log] [blame]
Editor Manual Tests
1. Syntax Highlighting (bug 62265)
AspectJ keywords do not get highlighted any
more if there is a dot '.' in front of them. (EDITOR_1)
a. Install AJDT and open a .aj file.
b. Check that “before” gets highlighted, but not “.before”
c. Repeat for “get” and “.get”
d. Check that “.static” is still highlighted
e. Do the same check in a .java file (when opened in the AspectJ Editor)
NB ignore red squiggles as this is a known limitation
2. Editor Ruler context menu (EDITOR_2)
a. Open a file with the AspectJ editor, and open another beside it with the java editor.
b. Right click on the ruler in both files and ensure that the menus match.
c. Test all of the actions in the AspectJ editor to ensure they perform as expected.
3. Ctrl-click hyperlink navigation for pointcuts (108341)
a. Checkout the "OpenDeclaration" project from org.eclipse.ajdt.ui.tests/workspace
b. Open src/tjp/GetInfo.aj in the editor
c. Hold down the control key and mouse-over various elements in the source file.
Check that the following turn blue and get underlined:
"executeGo" in the goCut() pointcut (line 25)
"Demo" and "goCut" in the demoExecs() pointcut (line 27)
"demoExecs" and "goCut" in the around advice (line 29)
"demoExecs2" in the before advice (line 41)
Specifically check that the following do NOT turn blue and get underlined:
"cflow" and "this" in the goCut() pointcut (line 25)
"within" and "execution" in the demoExecs() pointcut (line 27) (EDITOR_3)
d. For the hyperlinks in step c. above, check that clicking on them results in
navigation to that element:
"goCut" on line 27 -> the definition of the pointcut (line 25 same file)
"executeGo" on line 25 -> the definition from the supertype (line 7 of AbstractGetInfo.aj)
"demoExecs2" on line 41 -> the definition from the class (line 19 of
"Demo" on line 25 -> the class itself (line 16 of (EDITOR_4)
4. Pointcut definition source hover (108730)
a. Checkout the "OpenDeclaration" project from org.eclipse.ajdt.ui.tests/workspace
b. Open src/tjp/GetInfo.aj in the editor
c. Hover over various elements in the source file to check that source code
hovers appear as appropriate. Hovering over the following should show the
given source code, which should be highlighted the same as it is in the
AspectJ editor (i.e. with "pointcut" being recognised as a keyboard):
"executeGo" in the goCut() pointcut (line 25)
-> source: "public pointcut executeGo(): execution(void go());"
"goCut" in the demoExecs() pointcut (line 27)
-> source: "public pointcut goCut(): cflow(this(Demo) && executeGo());"
"Demo" in the demoExecs() pointcut (line 27)
-> the full source for the Demo.class, beginning:
"public class Demo {
static Demo d;
"goCut" in the around advice (line 29)
-> source: "public pointcut goCut(): cflow(this(Demo) && executeGo());"
"demoExecs" in the around advice (line 29)
-> source: "pointcut demoExecs(): within(Demo) && goCut() && execution(* *(..));"
"demoExecs2" in the before advice (line 41)
-> source: "pointcut demoExecs2(): within(Demo) && execution(void *(..));"