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Using the aspectpath
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Using the aspectpath
<p>The <b>aspectpath</b> enables aspects from a JAR file or an output directory to
be weaved into a project and the results output to the normal location.</p>
Using the aspectpath means that you can write your aspects in a different project
and also means that they can be re-used across multiple projects. You may wish to
build an aspect library, using the outjar setting or another method. Alternatively
you can simply add the output directory of your aspect-containing project to the aspectpath.
To setup your AspectJ project to use the aspectpath:
<li>Select the AspectJ project in the Package Explorer</li>
<li>Right click and select <b>AspectJ Tools &gt; Configure AspectJ Build Path...</b></li>
<li>Select the <b>Aspect Path</b> tab</li>
<li>Add the necessary jar file or class folder (e.g. another project's "bin" directory) using the
<b>Add XXX</b> buttons</li>
<li>Click <b>OK</b> to close the project properties dialog</li>
Entries added to the aspectpath are also added to the project's Java build path.
<p><img border="0" width="159" height="27" src="../images/ngrelt.gif" alt="Related tasks"><br>
<a href="aspectpathlaunching.htm">Launching a program with an aspectpath or an outjar</a><br>
<a href="inpath.htm">Using the inpath</a><br>
<a href="addoutjar.htm">Adding an outjar</a><br>
<a href="addaspectpath.htm">Adding an aspectpath</a>