blob: db183176cf23fccd1620588f1ebdb7228a67a824 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 GK Software AG.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation
* A type annotation walker that adds missing NonNull annotations according to the current default.
public class NonNullDefaultAwareTypeAnnotationWalker extends TypeAnnotationWalker {
private int defaultNullness;
private boolean atDefaultLocation;
private boolean nextIsDefaultLocation;
private boolean atTypeBound;
private boolean nextIsTypeBound;
private boolean isEmpty;
IBinaryAnnotation nonNullAnnotation;
/** Create initial walker with non-empty type annotations. */
public NonNullDefaultAwareTypeAnnotationWalker(IBinaryTypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations,
int defaultNullness, LookupEnvironment environment) {
this.nonNullAnnotation = getNonNullAnnotation(environment);
this.defaultNullness = defaultNullness;
/** Create an initial walker without 'real' type annotations, but with a nonnull default. */
public NonNullDefaultAwareTypeAnnotationWalker(int defaultNullness, LookupEnvironment environment) {
this(defaultNullness, getNonNullAnnotation(environment), false, false);
/** Get restricted walker, still with non-empty type annotations. */
NonNullDefaultAwareTypeAnnotationWalker(IBinaryTypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations, long newMatches, int newPathPtr,
int defaultNullness, IBinaryAnnotation nonNullAnnotation, boolean atDefaultLocation, boolean atTypeBound) {
super(typeAnnotations, newMatches, newPathPtr);
this.defaultNullness = defaultNullness;
this.nonNullAnnotation = nonNullAnnotation;
this.atDefaultLocation = atDefaultLocation;
this.atTypeBound = atTypeBound;
/** Create a restricted walker without 'real' type annotations, but with a nonnull default. */
NonNullDefaultAwareTypeAnnotationWalker(int defaultNullness, IBinaryAnnotation nonNullAnnotation, boolean atDefaultLocation, boolean atTypeBound) {
super(null, 0, 0);
this.nonNullAnnotation = nonNullAnnotation;
this.defaultNullness = defaultNullness;
this.atDefaultLocation = atDefaultLocation;
this.atTypeBound = atTypeBound;
this.isEmpty = true;
private static IBinaryAnnotation getNonNullAnnotation(LookupEnvironment environment) {
final char[] nonNullAnnotationName = CharOperation.concat(
'L', CharOperation.concatWith(environment.getNonNullAnnotationName(), '/'), ';');
// create the synthetic annotation:
return new IBinaryAnnotation() {
public char[] getTypeName() {
return nonNullAnnotationName;
public IBinaryElementValuePair[] getElementValuePairs() {
return null;
protected TypeAnnotationWalker restrict(long newMatches, int newPathPtr) {
// considers nextIsDefaultLocation as the new atDefaultLocation
try {
// do we have any change at all?
if (this.matches == newMatches && this.pathPtr == newPathPtr
&& this.atDefaultLocation == this.nextIsDefaultLocation && this.atTypeBound == this.nextIsTypeBound)
return this;
// are we running out of real type annotations?
if (newMatches == 0 || this.typeAnnotations == null || this.typeAnnotations.length == 0)
return new NonNullDefaultAwareTypeAnnotationWalker(this.defaultNullness, this.nonNullAnnotation,
this.nextIsDefaultLocation, this.nextIsTypeBound);
// proceed as normal, but pass on our specific fields, too:
return new NonNullDefaultAwareTypeAnnotationWalker(this.typeAnnotations, newMatches, newPathPtr,
this.defaultNullness, this.nonNullAnnotation, this.nextIsDefaultLocation, this.nextIsTypeBound);
} finally {
this.nextIsDefaultLocation = false; // expire
this.nextIsTypeBound = false;
public TypeAnnotationWalker toMethodParameter(short index) {
// don't set nextIsDefaultLocation, because signature-level nullness is handled by ImplicitNullAnnotationVerifier
if (this.isEmpty) return restrict(this.matches, this.pathPtr);
return super.toMethodParameter(index);
public TypeAnnotationWalker toMethodReturn() {
// don't set nextIsDefaultLocation, because signature-level nullness is handled by ImplicitNullAnnotationVerifier
if (this.isEmpty) return restrict(this.matches, this.pathPtr);
return super.toMethodReturn();
public TypeAnnotationWalker toTypeBound(short boundIndex) {
this.nextIsDefaultLocation = (this.defaultNullness & Binding.DefaultLocationTypeBound) != 0;
this.nextIsTypeBound = true;
if (this.isEmpty) return restrict(this.matches, this.pathPtr);
return super.toTypeBound(boundIndex);
public TypeAnnotationWalker toTypeParameterBounds(boolean isClassTypeParameter, int parameterRank) {
this.nextIsDefaultLocation = (this.defaultNullness & Binding.DefaultLocationTypeBound) != 0;
this.nextIsTypeBound = true;
if (this.isEmpty) return restrict(this.matches, this.pathPtr);
return super.toTypeParameterBounds(isClassTypeParameter, parameterRank);
public TypeAnnotationWalker toTypeArgument(int rank) {
this.nextIsDefaultLocation = (this.defaultNullness & Binding.DefaultLocationTypeArgument) != 0;
this.nextIsTypeBound = false;
if (this.isEmpty) return restrict(this.matches, this.pathPtr);
return super.toTypeArgument(rank);
public TypeAnnotationWalker toTypeParameter(boolean isClassTypeParameter, int rank) {
this.nextIsDefaultLocation = (this.defaultNullness & Binding.DefaultLocationTypeParameter) != 0;
this.nextIsTypeBound = false;
if (this.isEmpty) return restrict(this.matches, this.pathPtr);
return super.toTypeParameter(isClassTypeParameter, rank);
public IBinaryAnnotation[] getAnnotationsAtCursor(int currentTypeId) {
IBinaryAnnotation[] normalAnnotations = this.isEmpty ? null : super.getAnnotationsAtCursor(currentTypeId);
if (this.atDefaultLocation &&
!(this.atTypeBound && currentTypeId == TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject)) // for CLIMB-to-top consider a j.l.Object type bound as no explicit type bound
if (normalAnnotations == null || normalAnnotations.length == 0)
return new IBinaryAnnotation[] { this.nonNullAnnotation };
int len = normalAnnotations.length;
IBinaryAnnotation[] newAnnots = new IBinaryAnnotation[len+1];
System.arraycopy(normalAnnotations, 0, newAnnots, 0, len);
newAnnots[len] = this.nonNullAnnotation;
return newAnnots;
return normalAnnotations;