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Launching Tests
Preparation: Install AJDT via the latest update site then install the
Tracing and Introduction example projects. Ensure there are no other
projects in the workspace.
1. Test searching for main methods
a. Click ‘Run’ > ‘Run…’. Click on ‘AspectJ Application’ then click ‘New’. Select the
newly created configuration.
b. Select the ‘Main’ tab if not already selected. Ensure that the project text box is
empty, then click ‘Search..’. A dialog should appear containing five entries – three
aspects (CloneablePoint, ComparablePoint and HashablePoint) and two classes
(ExampleMain and Point). Ensure that the Aspects have the correct icons. (LAUNCH_1)
c. Select HashablePoint then click ‘OK’. The project and class boxes on the main page
should have to correct details in and when ‘Run’ is pressed the output should be as
follows: (LAUNCH_2)
p1 = (10.0, 10.0)[0.7853981633974483 : 14.142135623730951]
p2 = (10.0, 10.0)[0.7853981633974483 : 14.142135623730951]
p1.hashCode() = 20
p2.hashCode() = 20
Got: P1
d. Follow step a as above. Select the ‘Main’ tab, then click ‘Browse’ and select
‘Introduction’ example. Click ‘OK’ and the project box should contain the text
“Introduction Example”. Click Search again and the dialog should only show four
entries (CloneablePoint, ComparablePoint, HashablePoint and Point). (LAUNCH_3)
e. Open the tracing example, right click on tracev1.ajproperties and select ‘Activate
this configuration’. Follow steps a and b as above, except that the dialog should now
also contain a fourth aspect – TraceMyClasses. (LAUNCH_4)
2. Test launcher shortcuts from the package explorer
a. Open the Tracing Example project and then right click on TraceMyClasses in the
tracing.version1 package. Click ‘Run’ > ‘AspectJ/Java Application’ and the class should
run with some tracing being output to the console. (LAUNCH_5)
b. If you click on the arrow next to the run icon (green circle with a white arrow
inside it) on the toolbar you should see a ‘TraceMyClasses’ entry at the top of
the list with an AspectJApplication icon. If you repeat step a. you should still
just see the one ‘TraceMyClasses’ entry and no new entries since the last run.
c. Right click on the tracing.version1 package and then click ‘Run’
> ‘AspectJ/Java Application’. TraceMyClasses should run as in a.
d. Right click on the Tracing Example project and then click ‘Run’
> ‘AspectJ/Java Application’. A dialog containing a number of classes should appear.
Check that the TraceMyClasses aspect is included in the list. Click on TraceMyClasses
then click ‘OK’ and ensure that it runs as before. (LAUNCH_7)
3. Test launch shortcuts from the editor
a. Open TraceMyClasses in the editor. Click ‘Run’ > ‘Run As’ >
‘AspectJ/Java Application’.
Check that the method runs as in part 2. (LAUNCH_8)
4. Test Debugging
a. Click ‘Debug’ > ‘Debug..’ and ensure that ‘AspectJ/Java Application is one of the
options and that it works the same as in the “Run” dialog. If you set a breakpoint
in the main method of TraceMyClasses you should be prompted to swich to the Debug
perspective when you debug it. (LAUNCH_9)
5. Test multiple aspects with the same name
a. Open the current build configuration file for the Tracing Example project. Select the
tracing.version1, tracing.version2 and tracing.version3 packages and save the file.
b. Click ‘Run’ > ‘Run..’, select ‘AspectJ/Java Application’ and then click ‘New’.
“Tracing Example” should be in the project text field. If not click ‘Browse’ and then
select it. Click ‘Search’. The list should contain ExampleMain and TraceMyClasses.
If you select TraceMyClasses you should see three packages in the lower list –
tracing.version1, tracing.version2 and tracing.version3. Select tracing.version3,
click ‘OK’ and ensure that the Main Class field is filled with the correct package
name. (LAUNCH_10)
For the following tests you will need to check out ‘Simple Project’ and ‘Tracing Aspect
Project’ from the ‘test projects’ directory of the org.eclipse.ajdt.tests plug-in.
6. Test the aspect path support
a. Set up ‘Tracing Aspect Project’ to build into an jar file called tracing.jar (Right
Click on the project, click ‘Properties’., ‘AspectJ’ and type in “tracing.jar” in the
‘Output jar’ text field.) Rebuild the project.
b. Right click on ‘Simple Project’ then click properties. Select ‘AspectJ Aspect Path’
and then click ‘Add Jars’ and choose tracing.jar from the ‘Tracing Aspect Project’
project. Click ‘OK’, then click ‘OK again. Build the project.
c. Click ‘Run’ > ‘Run..’, select ‘AspectJ/Java Application’ and then click ‘New’. Enter
“Simple Project” in the project text field and “mainPackage.MainClass” in the main
class field. Select the ‘Classpath’ tab and ensure that the ‘Aspect Path’ node
contains tracing.jar as a child. (LAUNCH_11)
d. Click ‘Run’. You should see the following output in the console: (LAUNCH_12)
Entering a method
Entering a method
Method a
Entering a method
Method b
Entering a method
Method c
Entering a method
Method d
e. Click ‘Run’ > ‘Run..’ and delete the configuration you just created. Click ‘Close’.
Right click on ‘MainClass’ in the ‘Simple Project’ project, then click ‘Run’
> ‘AspectJ/Java Application’. You should see the same output as part c in the console
f. Repeat steps a-c. Remove tracing.jar from the aspect path and rebuild. Click ‘Run’ >
‘Run As’ then select the configuration you just created. Click on the ‘Classpath’ tab
and ensure that tracing.jar is no longer on the aspect path, or the classpath.