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Refactoring Tests
Test3 - Rename excluded files
a. Right click on a couple of files and click “Exclude from ‘…’ configuration”.
b. Open the active configuration in the editor and ensure that the files are
listed individually in the exclude list (on the source tab).
c. Right click on the selection again and convert the file extensions. Ensure
that the build configuration updates correctly. Repeat to change the
extensions back and ensure that the configuration updates correctly again.
Test4 - Rename file extensions for a whole project
a. Import an example AJ project such as 'Spacewar Example'. Right click on the project
and select 'AspectJ Tools > Convert File Extensions...'
b. In the presented dialog, select 'Convert all extensions to .java' - Click OK.
Ensure that all source files in that project have had their extensions changed to .java.
c. Repeat step a, then select 'Convert all extensions to .aj - Click OK.
Ensure that all source files in that project have their extensions changed to .aj.
d. Exclude some of your files from the build configuration, (Right click on a selection
of files and select 'AspectJ Tools > Exclude from ### Configuration').
Repeat steps a-c both with the:
"Include files not included in the active build configuration”
- Checkbox CHECKED in the "Convert File Extensions" dialog
Ensure that ALL file extensions are changed.
Ensure that the build configurations update correctly.
e. Repeat step d with the:
"Include files not included in the active build configuration"
- Checkbox UNCHECKED in the "Convert File Extensions" dialog
Ensure that the files excluded from the build configuration remain unchanged but the
included files are renamed as expected.
Ensure that the build configurations update correctly.
f. Repeat step d with the:
“Update all build configurations”
- Checkbox UNCHECKED in the "Convert File Extensions" dialog
Ensure that the build configurations do not change.
Test5 - Bug 92482: Rename of .aj file fails in package explorer
a. Install the Bean Example
b. Expand the Bean Example in the package explorer
c. Right click on "BoundPoint.aj" to bring up the Context Menu
d. Select: 'Context Menu > Rename...' NOT 'Context Menu > Refactor > Rename...'
e. A "Rename Resource" dialog appears with “BoundPoint.aj” in the editable text field
f. Choose to rename “BoundPoint.aj” to “BoundPoint1.aj” and click "OK"
g. The file should be renamed correctly
h. Right click on
i. This should be the only rename option available - 'Context Menu > Refactor > Rename...'
j. Undo the .aj filter (click the drop down menu in the package explorer and click filters.
Uncheck .aj resource filter).
k. Click on the BoundPoint.aj node which doesn't have any sub nodes (in the package explorer).
l. There should be no "Rename..." option on the context menu other than "Refactor > Rename...".
NOTE: this is not a clever rename - it just renames the file. It doesn't
rename any references etc. and if the file is excluded from the
active build configuration then the .ajproperties file isn't
updated correctly. Moreover, the type isn't updated.