blob: 021d81be941cc670b6af2dc3df22fd16c0e143e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2010 SpringSource and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Andrew Eisenberg - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ajdt.ui.tests.refactoring;
import java.util.Arrays;
import org.eclipse.ajdt.core.tests.refactoring.AbstractAJDTRefactoringTest;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMember;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.refactoring.descriptors.MoveDescriptor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.refactoring.descriptors.RefactoringSignatureDescriptorFactory;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Refactoring;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringCore;
import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringStatus;
* Test that it is possible to move a type into an aspect or an AJ compilation unit
* without errors
public class MoveTypeIntoAspectRefactoringTests extends AbstractAJDTRefactoringTest {
* Test that the basic stuff works
* @throws Exception
public void testSimple1() throws Exception {
new String[] {
} ,
new String[] {
"class Class1 { }\nclass Inner { }",
"class Class2 { }",
new String[] {
"class Class1 { }",
"class Class2 {\n\n\tclass Inner { } }",
public void testSimple2() throws Exception {
new String[] {
} ,
new String[] {
"class Class1 { }\nclass Inner { }",
"class Class2 { }",
new String[] {
"class Class1 { }",
"class Class2 { }\n\nclass Inner { }",
public void testSimple3() throws Exception {
new String[] {
} ,
new String[] {
"class Class1 { }\nclass Inner { }",
"aspect Aspect1 { }",
new String[] {
"class Class1 { }",
"aspect Aspect1 {\n\n\tclass Inner { } }",
public void testSimple4() throws Exception {
new String[] {
} ,
new String[] {
"class Class1 { }\nclass Inner { }",
"aspect Aspect1 { }",
new String[] {
"class Class1 { }",
"aspect Aspect1 { }\n\nclass Inner { }",
public void testAspectWithITD1() throws Exception {
new String[] {
new String[] {
} ,
new String[] {
"package p;\nclass Class1 { }\nclass Inner { }",
"package p;\nimport p2.Third;\naspect Aspect1 {\nint Third.x = 9; }",
"package p2;\npublic class Third { }",
new String[] {
"package p;\nclass Class1 { }",
"package p;\nimport p2.Third;\naspect Aspect1 {\nclass Inner { }\n\nint Third.x = 9; }",
"package p2;\npublic class Third { }",
public void testAspectWithITD2() throws Exception {
new String[] {
new String[] {
} ,
new String[] {
"package p;\nclass Class1 { }\nclass Inner { }",
"package p;\nimport p2.Third;\naspect Aspect1 {\nint Third.x = 9; }",
"package p2;\npublic class Third { }",
new String[] {
"package p;\nclass Class1 { }",
"package p;\nimport p2.Third;\naspect Aspect1 {\nint Third.x = 9; }\n\nclass Inner { }",
"package p2;\npublic class Third { }",
private void performRefactoringAndUndo(String[] cuNames, String[] initialContents, String[] finalContents, boolean intoType) throws Exception {
String[] packNames = new String[cuNames.length];
Arrays.fill(packNames, "");
performRefactoringAndUndo(packNames, cuNames, initialContents, finalContents, intoType);
// assume we are moving the second type in the first CU into the second CU or first type in second CU (depending on last argument)
private void performRefactoringAndUndo(String[] packNames, String[] cuNames, String[] initialContents, String[] finalContents, boolean intoType) throws Exception {
ICompilationUnit[] units = createUnits(packNames, cuNames, initialContents);
MoveDescriptor descriptor = RefactoringSignatureDescriptorFactory
descriptor.setDestination(intoType ? units[1].getTypes()[0] : units[1]);
descriptor.setMoveMembers(new IMember[] { units[0].getTypes()[1] });
Refactoring refactoring = createRefactoring(descriptor);
RefactoringStatus result = performRefactoring(refactoring, true, true);
result = ignoreKnownErrors(result);
assertTrue("Refactoring produced an error: " + result, result.isOK());
assertContents(units, finalContents);
// undo
assertTrue("anythingToUndo", RefactoringCore.getUndoManager()
assertTrue("! anythingToRedo", !RefactoringCore.getUndoManager()
new NullProgressMonitor());
assertContents(units, initialContents);
// redo
assertTrue("! anythingToUndo", !RefactoringCore.getUndoManager()
assertTrue("anythingToRedo", RefactoringCore.getUndoManager()
new NullProgressMonitor());
assertContents(units, finalContents);