blob: 062f04fd2a0027ae79b12dc45bb67cc4046d8474 [file] [log] [blame]
/* *******************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* Contributors:
* PARC initial implementation
* Mik Kersten 2004-07-26 extended to allow overloading of
* hierarchy builder
* ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.compiler.lookup;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.compiler.ast.AspectDeclaration;
import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.compiler.ast.AstUtil;
import org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.core.builder.AjBuildManager;
import org.aspectj.bridge.IMessage.Kind;
import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;
import org.aspectj.weaver.BCException;
import org.aspectj.weaver.BoundedReferenceType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ConcreteTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.IHasPosition;
import org.aspectj.weaver.Member;
import org.aspectj.weaver.MemberKind;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NameMangler;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NewFieldTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NewMethodTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ReferenceType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedMember;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedMemberImpl;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.Shadow;
import org.aspectj.weaver.TypeFactory;
import org.aspectj.weaver.TypeVariable;
import org.aspectj.weaver.TypeVariableDeclaringElement;
import org.aspectj.weaver.TypeVariableReference;
import org.aspectj.weaver.UnresolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.UnresolvedType.TypeKind;
import org.aspectj.weaver.UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.WildcardedUnresolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.World;
import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.DeclareAnnotation;
import org.aspectj.weaver.patterns.DeclareParents;
* @author Jim Hugunin
public class EclipseFactory {
public static boolean DEBUG = false;
public static int debug_mungerCount = -1;
private final AjBuildManager buildManager;
private final LookupEnvironment lookupEnvironment;
private final boolean xSerializableAspects;
private final World world;
public PushinCollector pushinCollector;
public List<ConcreteTypeMunger> finishedTypeMungers = null;
// We can get clashes if we don't treat raw types differently - we end up looking
// up a raw and getting the generic type (pr115788)
private final Map<UnresolvedType, TypeBinding> typexToBinding = new HashMap<UnresolvedType, TypeBinding>();
private final Map<UnresolvedType, TypeBinding> rawTypeXToBinding = new HashMap<UnresolvedType, TypeBinding>();
// XXX currently unused
// private Map/*TypeBinding, ResolvedType*/ bindingToResolvedTypeX = new HashMap();
public static EclipseFactory fromLookupEnvironment(LookupEnvironment env) {
AjLookupEnvironment aenv = (AjLookupEnvironment) env;
return aenv.factory;
public LookupEnvironment getLookupEnvironment() {
return this.lookupEnvironment;
public static EclipseFactory fromScopeLookupEnvironment(Scope scope) {
return fromLookupEnvironment(AstUtil.getCompilationUnitScope(scope).environment);
public EclipseFactory(LookupEnvironment lookupEnvironment, AjBuildManager buildManager) {
this.lookupEnvironment = lookupEnvironment;
this.buildManager = buildManager; = buildManager.getWorld();
this.pushinCollector = PushinCollector.createInstance(;
this.xSerializableAspects = buildManager.buildConfig.isXserializableAspects();
public EclipseFactory(LookupEnvironment lookupEnvironment, World world, boolean xSer) {
this.lookupEnvironment = lookupEnvironment; = world;
this.xSerializableAspects = xSer;
this.pushinCollector = PushinCollector.createInstance(;
this.buildManager = null;
public World getWorld() {
return world;
public void showMessage(Kind kind, String message, ISourceLocation loc1, ISourceLocation loc2) {
getWorld().showMessage(kind, message, loc1, loc2);
public ResolvedType fromEclipse(ReferenceBinding binding) {
if (binding == null) {
return ResolvedType.MISSING;
// ??? this seems terribly inefficient
// System.err.println("resolving: " + binding.getClass() + ", name = " + getName(binding));
ResolvedType ret = getWorld().resolve(fromBinding(binding));
// System.err.println(" got: " + ret);
return ret;
public ResolvedType fromTypeBindingToRTX(TypeBinding tb) {
if (tb == null) {
return ResolvedType.MISSING;
ResolvedType ret = getWorld().resolve(fromBinding(tb));
return ret;
public ResolvedType[] fromEclipse(ReferenceBinding[] bindings) {
if (bindings == null) {
return ResolvedType.NONE;
int len = bindings.length;
ResolvedType[] ret = new ResolvedType[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ret[i] = fromEclipse(bindings[i]);
return ret;
public static String getName(TypeBinding binding) {
if (binding instanceof TypeVariableBinding) {
// The first bound may be null - so default to object?
TypeVariableBinding tvb = (TypeVariableBinding) binding;
if (tvb.firstBound != null) {
return getName(tvb.firstBound);
} else {
return getName(tvb.superclass);
if (binding instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
return new String(CharOperation.concatWith(((ReferenceBinding) binding).compoundName, '.'));
String packageName = new String(binding.qualifiedPackageName());
String className = new String(binding.qualifiedSourceName()).replace('.', '$');
if (packageName.length() > 0) {
className = packageName + "." + className;
// XXX doesn't handle arrays correctly (or primitives?)
return new String(className);
* Some generics notes:
* Andy 6-May-05 We were having trouble with parameterized types in a couple of places - due to TypeVariableBindings. When we
* see a TypeVariableBinding now we default to either the firstBound if it is specified or java.lang.Object. Not sure when/if
* this gets us unstuck? It does mean we forget that it is a type variable when going back the other way from the UnresolvedType
* and that would seem a bad thing - but I've yet to see the reason we need to remember the type variable. Adrian 10-July-05
* When we forget it's a type variable we come unstuck when getting the declared members of a parameterized type - since we
* don't know it's a type variable we can't replace it with the type parameter.
// ??? going back and forth between strings and bindings is a waste of cycles
public UnresolvedType fromBinding(TypeBinding binding) {
if (binding instanceof HelperInterfaceBinding) {
return ((HelperInterfaceBinding) binding).getTypeX();
if (binding == null || binding.qualifiedSourceName() == null) {
return ResolvedType.MISSING;
// first piece of generics support!
if (binding instanceof TypeVariableBinding) {
TypeVariableBinding tb = (TypeVariableBinding) binding;
UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType utvrt = (UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType) fromTypeVariableBinding(tb);
return utvrt;
// handle arrays since the component type may need special treatment too...
if (binding instanceof ArrayBinding) {
ArrayBinding aBinding = (ArrayBinding) binding;
UnresolvedType componentType = fromBinding(aBinding.leafComponentType);
return UnresolvedType.makeArray(componentType, aBinding.dimensions);
if (binding instanceof WildcardBinding) {
WildcardBinding eWB = (WildcardBinding) binding;
// Repair the bound
// e.g. If the bound for the wildcard is a typevariable, e.g. '? extends E' then
// the type variable in the unresolvedtype will be correct only in name. In that
// case let's set it correctly based on the one in the eclipse WildcardBinding
UnresolvedType theBound = null;
if (eWB.bound instanceof TypeVariableBinding) {
theBound = fromTypeVariableBinding((TypeVariableBinding) eWB.bound);
} else {
theBound = fromBinding(eWB.bound);
// if (eWB.boundKind == WildCard.SUPER) {
// }
WildcardedUnresolvedType theType = (WildcardedUnresolvedType) TypeFactory.createTypeFromSignature(CharOperation
// if (theType.isGenericWildcard() && theType.isSuper()) theType.setLowerBound(theBound);
// if (theType.isGenericWildcard() && theType.isExtends()) theType.setUpperBound(theBound);
return theType;
if (binding instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding) {
if (binding instanceof RawTypeBinding) {
// special case where no parameters are specified!
return UnresolvedType.forRawTypeName(getName(binding));
ParameterizedTypeBinding ptb = (ParameterizedTypeBinding) binding;
UnresolvedType[] arguments = null;
if (ptb.arguments != null) { // null can mean this is an inner type of a Parameterized Type with no bounds of its own
// (pr100227)
arguments = new UnresolvedType[ptb.arguments.length];
for (int i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
arguments[i] = fromBinding(ptb.arguments[i]);
String baseTypeSignature = null;
ResolvedType baseType = getWorld().resolve(UnresolvedType.forName(getName(binding)), true);
if (!baseType.isMissing()) {
// can legitimately be missing if a bound refers to a type we haven't added to the world yet...
// pr168044 - sometimes (whilst resolving types) we are working with 'half finished' types and so (for example) the
// underlying generic type for a raw type hasnt been set yet
// if (!baseType.isGenericType() && arguments!=null) baseType = baseType.getGenericType();
// pr384398 - secondary testcase in 1.7.1 tests - this needs work as this code
// currently discards the parameterization on the outer type, which is important info
// ReferenceBinding enclosingTypeBinding = ptb.enclosingType();
// if (enclosingTypeBinding!=null) {
// UnresolvedType ttt = fromBinding(enclosingTypeBinding);
// baseTypeSignature = ttt.getSignature();
// baseTypeSignature= baseTypeSignature.substring(0,baseTypeSignature.length()-1);
// baseTypeSignature = baseTypeSignature + "."+new String(ptb.sourceName)+";";
// } else {
baseTypeSignature = baseType.getErasureSignature();
// }
} else {
baseTypeSignature = UnresolvedType.forName(getName(binding)).getSignature();
// Create an unresolved parameterized type. We can't create a resolved one as the
// act of resolution here may cause recursion problems since the parameters may
// be type variables that we haven't fixed up yet.
if (arguments == null) {
arguments = new UnresolvedType[0];
// for pr384398
if (!hasAnyArguments(ptb)) {
return UnresolvedType.forRawTypeName(getName(binding));
// StringBuffer parameterizedSig = new StringBuffer();
// parameterizedSig.append(ResolvedType.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE_IDENTIFIER);
// // String parameterizedSig = new
// StringBuffer().append(ResolvedType.PARAMETERIZED_TYPE_IDENTIFIER).append(CharOperation
// .charToString(binding.genericTypeSignature()).substring(1)).toString();
// return TypeFactory.createUnresolvedParameterizedType(parameterizedSig,baseTypeSignature,arguments);
return TypeFactory.createUnresolvedParameterizedType(baseTypeSignature, arguments);
// Convert the source type binding for a generic type into a generic UnresolvedType
// notice we can easily determine the type variables from the eclipse object
// and we can recover the generic signature from it too - so we pass those
// to the forGenericType() method.
if (binding.isGenericType() && !binding.isParameterizedType() && !binding.isRawType()) {
TypeVariableBinding[] tvbs = binding.typeVariables();
TypeVariable[] tVars = new TypeVariable[tvbs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tvbs.length; i++) {
TypeVariableBinding eclipseV = tvbs[i];
tVars[i] = ((TypeVariableReference) fromTypeVariableBinding(eclipseV)).getTypeVariable();
// TODO asc generics - temporary guard....
if (!(binding instanceof SourceTypeBinding)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cant get the generic sig for " + binding.debugName());
return UnresolvedType.forGenericType(getName(binding), tVars,
CharOperation.charToString(((SourceTypeBinding) binding).genericSignature()));
// LocalTypeBinding have a name $Local$, we can get the real name by using the signature....
if (binding instanceof LocalTypeBinding) {
LocalTypeBinding ltb = (LocalTypeBinding) binding;
if (ltb.constantPoolName() != null && ltb.constantPoolName().length > 0) {
return UnresolvedType.forSignature(new String(binding.signature()));
} else {
// we're reporting a problem and don't have a resolved name for an
// anonymous local type yet, report the issue on the enclosing type
return UnresolvedType.forSignature(new String(ltb.enclosingType.signature()));
// was: UnresolvedType.forName(getName(binding));
UnresolvedType ut = UnresolvedType.forSignature(new String(binding.signature()));
return ut;
* Search up a parameterized type binding for any arguments at any level.
private boolean hasAnyArguments(ParameterizedTypeBinding ptb) {
if (ptb.arguments!=null && ptb.arguments.length>0) {
return true;
ReferenceBinding enclosingType = ptb.enclosingType();
if (enclosingType instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding) {
return hasAnyArguments((ParameterizedTypeBinding)enclosingType);
} else {
return false;
* Some type variables refer to themselves recursively, this enables us to avoid recursion problems.
private static Map<TypeVariableBinding,UnresolvedType> typeVariableBindingsInProgress = new HashMap<TypeVariableBinding,UnresolvedType>();
* Convert from the eclipse form of type variable (TypeVariableBinding) to the AspectJ form (TypeVariable).
private UnresolvedType fromTypeVariableBinding(TypeVariableBinding aTypeVariableBinding) {
// first, check for recursive call to this method for the same tvBinding
if (typeVariableBindingsInProgress.containsKey(aTypeVariableBinding)) {
return typeVariableBindingsInProgress.get(aTypeVariableBinding);
// Check if its a type variable binding that we need to recover to an alias...
if (typeVariablesForAliasRecovery != null) {
String aliasname = typeVariablesForAliasRecovery.get(aTypeVariableBinding);
if (aliasname != null) {
UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType ret = new UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType();
ret.setTypeVariable(new TypeVariable(aliasname));
return ret;
if (typeVariablesForThisMember.containsKey(new String(aTypeVariableBinding.sourceName))) {
return typeVariablesForThisMember.get(new String(aTypeVariableBinding.sourceName));
// Create the UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType for the type variable
String name = CharOperation.charToString(aTypeVariableBinding.sourceName());
UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType ret = new UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType();
typeVariableBindingsInProgress.put(aTypeVariableBinding, ret);
TypeVariable tv = new TypeVariable(name);
// Dont set any bounds here, you'll get in a recursive mess
// TODO -- what about lower bounds??
UnresolvedType superclassType = fromBinding(aTypeVariableBinding.superclass());
UnresolvedType[] superinterfaces = null;
if (aTypeVariableBinding == null || aTypeVariableBinding.superInterfaces == null) {
// sign of another bug that will be reported elsewhere
superinterfaces = UnresolvedType.NONE;
} else {
superinterfaces = new UnresolvedType[aTypeVariableBinding.superInterfaces.length];
for (int i = 0; i < superinterfaces.length; i++) {
superinterfaces[i] = fromBinding(aTypeVariableBinding.superInterfaces[i]);
if (aTypeVariableBinding.declaringElement instanceof MethodBinding) {
// tv.setDeclaringElement(fromBinding((MethodBinding)aTypeVariableBinding.declaringElement);
} else {
// // tv.setDeclaringElement(fromBinding(aTypeVariableBinding.declaringElement));
if (aTypeVariableBinding.declaringElement instanceof MethodBinding) {
typeVariablesForThisMember.put(new String(aTypeVariableBinding.sourceName), ret);
return ret;
public UnresolvedType[] fromBindings(TypeBinding[] bindings) {
if (bindings == null) {
return UnresolvedType.NONE;
int len = bindings.length;
UnresolvedType[] ret = new UnresolvedType[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ret[i] = fromBinding(bindings[i]);
return ret;
public static ASTNode astForLocation(IHasPosition location) {
return new EmptyStatement(location.getStart(), location.getEnd());
public List<DeclareParents> getDeclareParents() {
return getWorld().getDeclareParents();
public List<DeclareAnnotation> getDeclareAnnotationOnTypes() {
return getWorld().getDeclareAnnotationOnTypes();
public List<DeclareAnnotation> getDeclareAnnotationOnFields() {
return getWorld().getDeclareAnnotationOnFields();
public List<DeclareAnnotation> getDeclareAnnotationOnMethods() {
return getWorld().getDeclareAnnotationOnMethods();
public boolean areTypeMungersFinished() {
return finishedTypeMungers != null;
public void finishTypeMungers() {
// make sure that type mungers are
List<ConcreteTypeMunger> ret = new ArrayList<ConcreteTypeMunger>();
List<ConcreteTypeMunger> baseTypeMungers = getWorld().getCrosscuttingMembersSet().getTypeMungers();
// XXX by Andy: why do we mix up the mungers here? it means later we know about two sets
// and the late ones are a subset of the complete set? (see pr114436)
// XXX by Andy removed this line finally, see pr141956
// baseTypeMungers.addAll(getWorld().getCrosscuttingMembersSet().getLateTypeMungers());
debug_mungerCount = baseTypeMungers.size();
for (ConcreteTypeMunger munger : baseTypeMungers) {
EclipseTypeMunger etm = makeEclipseTypeMunger(munger);
if (etm != null) {
if (munger.getMunger().getKind() == ResolvedTypeMunger.InnerClass) {
ret.add(0, etm);
} else {
for (ConcreteTypeMunger ctm: ret) {
ResolvedMember rm = ctm.getSignature();
if (rm!=null) {
finishedTypeMungers = ret;
public EclipseTypeMunger makeEclipseTypeMunger(ConcreteTypeMunger concrete) {
// System.err.println("make munger: " + concrete);
// !!! can't do this if we want incremental to work right
// if (concrete instanceof EclipseTypeMunger) return (EclipseTypeMunger)concrete;
// System.err.println(" was not eclipse");
if (concrete.getMunger() != null && EclipseTypeMunger.supportsKind(concrete.getMunger().getKind())) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration method = null;
if (concrete instanceof EclipseTypeMunger) {
method = ((EclipseTypeMunger) concrete).getSourceMethod();
EclipseTypeMunger ret = new EclipseTypeMunger(this, concrete.getMunger(), concrete.getAspectType(), method);
if (ret.getSourceLocation() == null) {
return ret;
} else {
return null;
public List<ConcreteTypeMunger> getTypeMungers() {
// ??? assert finishedTypeMungers != null
return finishedTypeMungers;
public ResolvedMemberImpl makeResolvedMember(MethodBinding binding) {
return makeResolvedMember(binding, binding.declaringClass);
public ResolvedMemberImpl makeResolvedMember(MethodBinding binding, Shadow.Kind shadowKind) {
MemberKind memberKind = binding.isConstructor() ? Member.CONSTRUCTOR : Member.METHOD;
if (shadowKind == Shadow.AdviceExecution) {
memberKind = Member.ADVICE;
return makeResolvedMember(binding, binding.declaringClass, memberKind);
* Conversion from a methodbinding (eclipse) to a resolvedmember (aspectj) is now done in the scope of some type variables.
* Before converting the parts of a methodbinding (params, return type) we store the type variables in this structure, then
* should any component of the method binding refer to them, we grab them from the map.
private final Map<String,UnresolvedType> typeVariablesForThisMember = new HashMap<String, UnresolvedType>();
* This is a map from typevariablebindings (eclipsey things) to the names the user originally specified in their ITD. For
* example if the target is 'interface I<N extends Number> {}' and the ITD was 'public void I<X>.m(List<X> lxs) {}' then this
* map would contain a pointer from the eclipse type 'N extends Number' to the letter 'X'.
private Map<TypeVariableBinding, String> typeVariablesForAliasRecovery;
* Construct a resolvedmember from a methodbinding. The supplied map tells us about any typevariablebindings that replaced
* typevariables whilst the compiler was resolving types - this only happens if it is a generic itd that shares type variables
* with its target type.
public ResolvedMemberImpl makeResolvedMemberForITD(MethodBinding binding, TypeBinding declaringType, Map<TypeVariableBinding,String> recoveryAliases) {
ResolvedMemberImpl result = null;
try {
typeVariablesForAliasRecovery = recoveryAliases;
result = makeResolvedMember(binding, declaringType);
} finally {
typeVariablesForAliasRecovery = null;
return result;
public ResolvedMemberImpl makeResolvedMember(MethodBinding binding, TypeBinding declaringType) {
return makeResolvedMember(binding, declaringType, binding.isConstructor() ? Member.CONSTRUCTOR : Member.METHOD);
public ResolvedMemberImpl makeResolvedMember(MethodBinding binding, TypeBinding declaringType, MemberKind memberKind) {
// System.err.println("member for: " + binding + ", " + new String(binding.declaringClass.sourceName));
// Convert the type variables and store them
UnresolvedType[] ajTypeRefs = null;
// This is the set of type variables available whilst building the resolved member...
if (binding.typeVariables != null) {
ajTypeRefs = new UnresolvedType[binding.typeVariables.length];
for (int i = 0; i < binding.typeVariables.length; i++) {
ajTypeRefs[i] = fromBinding(binding.typeVariables[i]);
typeVariablesForThisMember.put(new String(binding.typeVariables[i].sourceName),/*
* new
* Integer(binding.typeVariables[
* i].rank),
// AMC these next two lines shouldn't be needed once we sort out generic types properly in the world map
ResolvedType realDeclaringType = world.resolve(fromBinding(declaringType));
if (realDeclaringType.isRawType()) {
realDeclaringType = realDeclaringType.getGenericType();
ResolvedMemberImpl ret = new EclipseResolvedMember(binding, memberKind, realDeclaringType, binding.modifiers,
fromBinding(binding.returnType), new String(binding.selector), fromBindings(binding.parameters),
fromBindings(binding.thrownExceptions), this);
if (binding.isVarargs()) {
if (ajTypeRefs != null) {
TypeVariable[] tVars = new TypeVariable[ajTypeRefs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < ajTypeRefs.length; i++) {
tVars[i] = ((TypeVariableReference) ajTypeRefs[i]).getTypeVariable();
return ret;
public ResolvedMember makeResolvedMember(FieldBinding binding) {
return makeResolvedMember(binding, binding.declaringClass);
public ResolvedMember makeResolvedMember(FieldBinding binding, TypeBinding receiverType) {
// AMC these next two lines shouldn't be needed once we sort out generic types properly in the world map
ResolvedType realDeclaringType = world.resolve(fromBinding(receiverType));
if (realDeclaringType.isRawType()) {
realDeclaringType = realDeclaringType.getGenericType();
ResolvedMemberImpl ret = new EclipseResolvedMember(binding, Member.FIELD, realDeclaringType, binding.modifiers,
world.resolve(fromBinding(binding.type)), new String(, UnresolvedType.NONE);
return ret;
public TypeBinding makeTypeBinding(UnresolvedType typeX) {
TypeBinding ret = null;
// looking up type variables can get us into trouble
if (!typeX.isTypeVariableReference() && !isParameterizedWithTypeVariables(typeX)) {
if (typeX.isRawType()) {
ret = rawTypeXToBinding.get(typeX);
} else {
ret = typexToBinding.get(typeX);
if (ret == null) {
ret = makeTypeBinding1(typeX);
if (ret != null) {// && !(ret instanceof ProblemReferenceBinding)) {
if (!(typeX instanceof BoundedReferenceType) && !(typeX instanceof UnresolvedTypeVariableReferenceType)) {
if (typeX.isRawType()) {
rawTypeXToBinding.put(typeX, ret);
} else {
typexToBinding.put(typeX, ret);
return ret;
// return true if this is type variables are in the type arguments
private boolean isParameterizedWithTypeVariables(UnresolvedType typeX) {
if (!typeX.isParameterizedType()) {
return false;
UnresolvedType[] typeArguments = typeX.getTypeParameters();
if (typeArguments != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < typeArguments.length; i++) {
if (typeArguments[i].isTypeVariableReference()) {
return true;
return false;
// When converting a parameterized type from our world to the eclipse world, these get set so that
// resolution of the type parameters may known in what context it is occurring (pr114744)
private ReferenceBinding baseTypeForParameterizedType;
private int indexOfTypeParameterBeingConverted;
private TypeBinding makeTypeBinding1(UnresolvedType typeX) {
if (typeX.isPrimitiveType()) {
if (typeX.equals(UnresolvedType.BOOLEAN)) {
return TypeBinding.BOOLEAN;
if (typeX.equals(UnresolvedType.BYTE)) {
return TypeBinding.BYTE;
if (typeX.equals(UnresolvedType.CHAR)) {
return TypeBinding.CHAR;
if (typeX.equals(UnresolvedType.DOUBLE)) {
return TypeBinding.DOUBLE;
if (typeX.equals(UnresolvedType.FLOAT)) {
return TypeBinding.FLOAT;
if (typeX.equals(UnresolvedType.INT)) {
return TypeBinding.INT;
if (typeX.equals(UnresolvedType.LONG)) {
return TypeBinding.LONG;
if (typeX.equals(UnresolvedType.SHORT)) {
return TypeBinding.SHORT;
if (typeX.equals(UnresolvedType.VOID)) {
return TypeBinding.VOID;
throw new RuntimeException("weird primitive type " + typeX);
} else if (typeX.isArray()) {
int dim = 0;
while (typeX.isArray()) {
typeX = typeX.getComponentType();
return lookupEnvironment.createArrayType(makeTypeBinding(typeX), dim);
} else if (typeX.isParameterizedType()) {
// Converting back to a binding from a UnresolvedType
UnresolvedType[] typeParameters = typeX.getTypeParameters();
ReferenceBinding baseTypeBinding = lookupBinding(typeX.getBaseName());
TypeBinding[] argumentBindings = new TypeBinding[typeParameters.length];
baseTypeForParameterizedType = baseTypeBinding;
for (int i = 0; i < argumentBindings.length; i++) {
indexOfTypeParameterBeingConverted = i;
argumentBindings[i] = makeTypeBinding(typeParameters[i]);
indexOfTypeParameterBeingConverted = 0;
baseTypeForParameterizedType = null;
ParameterizedTypeBinding ptb = lookupEnvironment.createParameterizedType(baseTypeBinding, argumentBindings,
return ptb;
} else if (typeX.isTypeVariableReference()) {
// return makeTypeVariableBinding((TypeVariableReference)typeX);
return makeTypeVariableBindingFromAJTypeVariable(((TypeVariableReference) typeX).getTypeVariable());
} else if (typeX.isRawType()) {
ReferenceBinding baseTypeBinding = lookupBinding(typeX.getBaseName());
RawTypeBinding rtb = lookupEnvironment.createRawType(baseTypeBinding, baseTypeBinding.enclosingType());
return rtb;
} else if (typeX.isGenericWildcard()) {
if (typeX instanceof WildcardedUnresolvedType) {
WildcardedUnresolvedType wut = (WildcardedUnresolvedType) typeX;
int boundkind = Wildcard.UNBOUND;
TypeBinding bound = null;
if (wut.isExtends()) {
boundkind = Wildcard.EXTENDS;
bound = makeTypeBinding(wut.getUpperBound());
} else if (wut.isSuper()) {
boundkind = Wildcard.SUPER;
bound = makeTypeBinding(wut.getLowerBound());
TypeBinding[] otherBounds = null;
// TODO 2 ought to support extra bounds for WildcardUnresolvedType
// if (wut.getAdditionalBounds()!=null && wut.getAdditionalBounds().length!=0) otherBounds =
// makeTypeBindings(wut.getAdditionalBounds());
WildcardBinding wb = lookupEnvironment.createWildcard(baseTypeForParameterizedType,
indexOfTypeParameterBeingConverted, bound, otherBounds, boundkind);
return wb;
} else if (typeX instanceof BoundedReferenceType) {
// translate from boundedreferencetype to WildcardBinding
BoundedReferenceType brt = (BoundedReferenceType) typeX;
// Work out 'kind' for the WildcardBinding
int boundkind = Wildcard.UNBOUND;
TypeBinding bound = null;
if (brt.isExtends()) {
boundkind = Wildcard.EXTENDS;
bound = makeTypeBinding(brt.getUpperBound());
} else if (brt.isSuper()) {
boundkind = Wildcard.SUPER;
bound = makeTypeBinding(brt.getLowerBound());
TypeBinding[] otherBounds = null;
if (brt.getAdditionalBounds() != null && brt.getAdditionalBounds().length != 0) {
otherBounds = makeTypeBindings(brt.getAdditionalBounds());
WildcardBinding wb = lookupEnvironment.createWildcard(baseTypeForParameterizedType,
indexOfTypeParameterBeingConverted, bound, otherBounds, boundkind);
return wb;
} else {
throw new BCException("This type " + typeX + " (class " + typeX.getClass().getName()
+ ") should not be claiming to be a wildcard!");
} else {
return lookupBinding(typeX.getName());
private ReferenceBinding lookupBinding(String sname) {
char[][] name = CharOperation.splitOn('.', sname.toCharArray());
ReferenceBinding rb = lookupEnvironment.getType(name);
if (rb == null && !sname.equals(UnresolvedType.MISSING_NAME)) {
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(name, null, ProblemReasons.NotFound);
return rb;
public TypeBinding[] makeTypeBindings(UnresolvedType[] types) {
int len = types.length;
TypeBinding[] ret = new TypeBinding[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ret[i] = makeTypeBinding(types[i]);
return ret;
// just like the code above except it returns an array of ReferenceBindings
private ReferenceBinding[] makeReferenceBindings(UnresolvedType[] types) {
int len = types.length;
ReferenceBinding[] ret = new ReferenceBinding[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ret[i] = (ReferenceBinding) makeTypeBinding(types[i]);
return ret;
// field related
public FieldBinding makeFieldBinding(NewFieldTypeMunger nftm) {
return internalMakeFieldBinding(nftm.getSignature(), nftm.getTypeVariableAliases());
* Convert a resolvedmember into an eclipse field binding
public FieldBinding makeFieldBinding(ResolvedMember member, List<String> aliases) {
return internalMakeFieldBinding(member, aliases);
* Convert a resolvedmember into an eclipse field binding
public FieldBinding makeFieldBinding(ResolvedMember member) {
return internalMakeFieldBinding(member, null);
// OPTIMIZE tidy this up, must be able to optimize for the synthetic case, if we passed in the binding for the declaring type,
// that would make things easier
* Build a new Eclipse SyntheticFieldBinding for an AspectJ ResolvedMember.
public SyntheticFieldBinding createSyntheticFieldBinding(SourceTypeBinding owningType, ResolvedMember member) {
SyntheticFieldBinding sfb = new SyntheticFieldBinding(member.getName().toCharArray(),
makeTypeBinding(member.getReturnType()), member.getModifiers() | Flags.AccSynthetic, owningType,
Constant.NotAConstant, -1); // index
// filled in
// later
return sfb;
* Take a normal AJ member and convert it into an eclipse fieldBinding. Taking into account any aliases that it may include due
* to being a generic itd. Any aliases are put into the typeVariableToBinding map so that they will be substituted as
* appropriate in the returned fieldbinding.
public FieldBinding internalMakeFieldBinding(ResolvedMember member, List<String> aliases) {
ReferenceBinding declaringType = (ReferenceBinding) makeTypeBinding(member.getDeclaringType());
// If there are aliases, place them in the map
if (aliases != null && aliases.size() > 0 && declaringType.typeVariables() != null
&& declaringType.typeVariables().length != 0) {
int i = 0;
for (String element: aliases) {
// for (Iterator iter = aliases.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
// String element = (String);
typeVariableToTypeBinding.put(element, declaringType.typeVariables()[i++]);
currentType = declaringType;
FieldBinding fb = null;
if (member.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) {
fb = new SyntheticFieldBinding(member.getName().toCharArray(), makeTypeBinding(member.getReturnType()),
member.getModifiers() | Flags.AccSynthetic, currentType, Constant.NotAConstant, -1); // index filled in later
} else {
fb = new FieldBinding(member.getName().toCharArray(), makeTypeBinding(member.getReturnType()), member.getModifiers(),
currentType, Constant.NotAConstant);
currentType = null;
if (member.getName().startsWith(NameMangler.PREFIX)) {
fb.modifiers |= Flags.AccSynthetic;
return fb;
private ReferenceBinding currentType = null;
// method binding related
public MethodBinding makeMethodBinding(NewMethodTypeMunger nmtm) {
return internalMakeMethodBinding(nmtm.getSignature(), nmtm.getTypeVariableAliases());
* Convert a resolvedmember into an eclipse method binding.
public MethodBinding makeMethodBinding(ResolvedMember member, List<String> aliases) {
return internalMakeMethodBinding(member, aliases);
* Creates a method binding for a resolvedmember taking into account type variable aliases - this variant can take an
* aliasTargetType and should be used when the alias target type cannot be retrieved from the resolvedmember.
public MethodBinding makeMethodBinding(ResolvedMember member, List aliases, UnresolvedType aliasTargetType) {
return internalMakeMethodBinding(member, aliases, aliasTargetType);
* Convert a resolvedmember into an eclipse method binding.
public MethodBinding makeMethodBinding(ResolvedMember member) {
return internalMakeMethodBinding(member, null); // there are no aliases
public MethodBinding internalMakeMethodBinding(ResolvedMember member, List<String> aliases) {
return internalMakeMethodBinding(member, aliases, member.getDeclaringType());
* Take a normal AJ member and convert it into an eclipse methodBinding. Taking into account any aliases that it may include due
* to being a generic ITD. Any aliases are put into the typeVariableToBinding map so that they will be substituted as
* appropriate in the returned methodbinding
public MethodBinding internalMakeMethodBinding(ResolvedMember member, List<String> aliases, UnresolvedType aliasTargetType) {
TypeVariableBinding[] tvbs = null;
if (member.getTypeVariables() != null) {
if (member.getTypeVariables().length == 0) {
tvbs = Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES;
} else {
tvbs = makeTypeVariableBindingsFromAJTypeVariables(member.getTypeVariables());
// QQQ do we need to bother fixing up the declaring element here?
ReferenceBinding declaringType = (ReferenceBinding) makeTypeBinding(member.getDeclaringType());
// If there are aliases, place them in the map
if (aliases != null && aliases.size() != 0
// Not sure what this check is trying to check for?
// In latest JDT (2-Feb-2018) there seem to be some code (in LookupEnvironment ~860 and
// TypeSystem ~340) related to avoiding raw'ifying the enclosing type if the type to
// be rawed is static. These changes cause these checks to fail and the sophisticated
// test variant V fails. It checks declaring type typevariables and then
// uses aliasTargetType ... I'm switching it to check aliasTargetType
// && declaringType.typeVariables() != null
// && declaringType.typeVariables().length != 0
&& aliasTargetType != null
&& aliasTargetType.getTypeVariables() != null
&& aliasTargetType.getTypeVariables().length!=0
) {
int i = 0;
ReferenceBinding aliasTarget = (ReferenceBinding) makeTypeBinding(aliasTargetType);
if (aliasTarget.isRawType()) {
aliasTarget = ((RawTypeBinding) aliasTarget).genericType();
for (String alias: aliases) {
typeVariableToTypeBinding.put(alias, aliasTarget.typeVariables()[i++]);
currentType = declaringType;
MethodBinding mb = new MethodBinding(member.getModifiers(), member.getName().toCharArray(),
makeReferenceBindings(member.getExceptions()), declaringType);
if (tvbs != null) {
mb.typeVariables = tvbs;
currentType = null;
if (NameMangler.isSyntheticMethod(member.getName(), true)) {
mb.modifiers |= Flags.AccSynthetic;
return mb;
* Convert a bunch of type variables in one go, from AspectJ form to Eclipse form.
// private TypeVariableBinding[] makeTypeVariableBindings(UnresolvedType[] typeVariables) {
// int len = typeVariables.length;
// TypeVariableBinding[] ret = new TypeVariableBinding[len];
// for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// ret[i] = makeTypeVariableBinding((TypeVariableReference)typeVariables[i]);
// }
// return ret;
// }
private TypeVariableBinding[] makeTypeVariableBindingsFromAJTypeVariables(TypeVariable[] typeVariables) {
int len = typeVariables.length;
TypeVariableBinding[] ret = new TypeVariableBinding[len];
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
ret[i] = makeTypeVariableBindingFromAJTypeVariable(typeVariables[i]);
return ret;
// only accessed through private methods in this class. Ensures all type variables we encounter
// map back to the same type binding - this is important later when Eclipse code is processing
// a methodbinding trying to come up with possible bindings for the type variables.
// key is currently the name of the type that ok?
private final Map<String,TypeVariableBinding> typeVariableToTypeBinding = new HashMap<String,TypeVariableBinding>();
// /**
// * Converts from an TypeVariableReference to a TypeVariableBinding. A TypeVariableReference
// * in AspectJ world holds a TypeVariable and it is this type variable that is converted
// * to the TypeVariableBinding.
// */
// private TypeVariableBinding makeTypeVariableBinding(TypeVariableReference tvReference) {
// TypeVariable tv = tvReference.getTypeVariable();
// TypeVariableBinding tvBinding = (TypeVariableBinding)typeVariableToTypeBinding.get(tv.getName());
// if (currentType!=null) {
// TypeVariableBinding tvb = currentType.getTypeVariable(tv.getName().toCharArray());
// if (tvb!=null) return tvb;
// }
// if (tvBinding==null) {
// Binding declaringElement = null;
// // this will cause an infinite loop or NPE... not required yet luckily.
// // if (tVar.getDeclaringElement() instanceof Member) {
// // declaringElement = makeMethodBinding((ResolvedMember)tVar.getDeclaringElement());
// // } else {
// // declaringElement = makeTypeBinding((UnresolvedType)tVar.getDeclaringElement());
// // }
// tvBinding = new TypeVariableBinding(tv.getName().toCharArray(),null,tv.getRank());
// typeVariableToTypeBinding.put(tv.getName(),tvBinding);
// tvBinding.superclass=(ReferenceBinding)makeTypeBinding(tv.getUpperBound());
// tvBinding.firstBound=makeTypeBinding(tv.getFirstBound());
// if (tv.getAdditionalInterfaceBounds()==null) {
// tvBinding.superInterfaces=TypeVariableBinding.NO_SUPERINTERFACES;
// } else {
// TypeBinding tbs[] = makeTypeBindings(tv.getAdditionalInterfaceBounds());
// ReferenceBinding[] rbs= new ReferenceBinding[tbs.length];
// for (int i = 0; i < tbs.length; i++) {
// rbs[i] = (ReferenceBinding)tbs[i];
// }
// tvBinding.superInterfaces=rbs;
// }
// }
// return tvBinding;
// }
private TypeVariableBinding makeTypeVariableBindingFromAJTypeVariable(TypeVariable tv) {
TypeVariableBinding tvBinding = typeVariableToTypeBinding.get(tv.getName());
if (currentType != null) {
TypeVariableBinding tvb = currentType.getTypeVariable(tv.getName().toCharArray());
if (tvb != null) {
return tvb;
if (tvBinding == null) {
Binding declaringElement = null;
// this will cause an infinite loop or NPE... not required yet luckily.
// if (tVar.getDeclaringElement() instanceof Member) {
// declaringElement = makeMethodBinding((ResolvedMember)tVar.getDeclaringElement());
// } else {
// declaringElement = makeTypeBinding((UnresolvedType)tVar.getDeclaringElement());
// }
tvBinding = new TypeVariableBinding(tv.getName().toCharArray(), declaringElement, tv.getRank(),this.lookupEnvironment);
typeVariableToTypeBinding.put(tv.getName(), tvBinding);
if (tv.getSuperclass() != null
&& (!tv.getSuperclass().getSignature().equals("Ljava/lang/Object;") || tv.getSuperInterfaces() != null)) {
tvBinding.superclass = (ReferenceBinding) makeTypeBinding(tv.getSuperclass());
tvBinding.firstBound = makeTypeBinding(tv.getFirstBound());
if (tv.getSuperInterfaces() == null) {
tvBinding.superInterfaces = TypeVariableBinding.NO_SUPERINTERFACES;
} else {
TypeBinding tbs[] = makeTypeBindings(tv.getSuperInterfaces());
ReferenceBinding[] rbs = new ReferenceBinding[tbs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < tbs.length; i++) {
rbs[i] = (ReferenceBinding) tbs[i];
tvBinding.superInterfaces = rbs;
return tvBinding;
public MethodBinding makeMethodBindingForCall(Member member) {
return new MethodBinding(member.getModifiers() & ~Modifier.INTERFACE, member.getName().toCharArray(),
makeTypeBinding(member.getReturnType()), makeTypeBindings(member.getParameterTypes()), new ReferenceBinding[0],
(ReferenceBinding) makeTypeBinding(member.getDeclaringType()));
public void finishedCompilationUnit(CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) {
if ((buildManager != null) && buildManager.doGenerateModel()) {
AjBuildManager.getAsmHierarchyBuilder().buildStructureForCompilationUnit(unit, buildManager.getStructureModel(),
public void addTypeBinding(TypeBinding binding) {
typexToBinding.put(fromBinding(binding), binding);
public void addTypeBindingAndStoreInWorld(TypeBinding binding) {
UnresolvedType ut = fromBinding(binding);
typexToBinding.put(ut, binding);
public Shadow makeShadow(ASTNode location, ReferenceContext context) {
return EclipseShadow.makeShadow(this, location, context);
public Shadow makeShadow(ReferenceContext context) {
return EclipseShadow.makeShadow(this, (ASTNode) context, context);
public void addSourceTypeBinding(SourceTypeBinding binding, CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) {
TypeDeclaration decl = binding.scope.referenceContext;
// Deal with the raw/basic type to give us an entry in the world type map
UnresolvedType unresolvedRawType = null;
if (binding.isGenericType()) {
unresolvedRawType = UnresolvedType.forRawTypeName(getName(binding));
} else if (binding.isLocalType()) {
LocalTypeBinding ltb = (LocalTypeBinding) binding;
if (ltb.constantPoolName() != null && ltb.constantPoolName().length > 0) {
unresolvedRawType = UnresolvedType.forSignature(new String(binding.signature()));
} else {
unresolvedRawType = UnresolvedType.forName(getName(binding));
} else {
unresolvedRawType = UnresolvedType.forName(getName(binding));
ReferenceType resolvedRawType = getWorld().lookupOrCreateName(unresolvedRawType);
// A type can change from simple > generic > simple across a set of compiles. We need
// to ensure the entry in the typemap is promoted and demoted correctly. The call
// to setGenericType() below promotes a simple to a raw. This call demotes it back
// to simple
// pr125405
if (!binding.isRawType() && !binding.isGenericType() && resolvedRawType.getTypekind() == TypeKind.RAW) {
EclipseSourceType t = new EclipseSourceType(resolvedRawType, this, binding, decl, unit);
// For generics, go a bit further - build a typex for the generic type
// give it the same delegate and link it to the raw type
if (binding.isGenericType()) {
UnresolvedType unresolvedGenericType = fromBinding(binding); // fully aware of any generics info
ResolvedType resolvedGenericType = world.resolve(unresolvedGenericType, true);
ReferenceType complexName = null;
if (!resolvedGenericType.isMissing()) {
complexName = (ReferenceType) resolvedGenericType;
complexName = complexName.getGenericType();
if (complexName == null) {
complexName = new ReferenceType(unresolvedGenericType, world);
} else {
complexName = new ReferenceType(unresolvedGenericType, world);
if (decl instanceof AspectDeclaration) {
((AspectDeclaration) decl).typeX = resolvedRawType;
((AspectDeclaration) decl).concreteName = t;
ReferenceBinding[] memberTypes = binding.memberTypes;
for (int i = 0, length = memberTypes.length; i < length; i++) {
addSourceTypeBinding((SourceTypeBinding) memberTypes[i], unit);
// XXX this doesn't feel like it belongs here, but it breaks a hard dependency on
// exposing AjBuildManager (needed by AspectDeclaration).
public boolean isXSerializableAspects() {
return xSerializableAspects;
public ResolvedMember fromBinding(MethodBinding binding) {
return new ResolvedMemberImpl(Member.METHOD, fromBinding(binding.declaringClass), binding.modifiers,
fromBinding(binding.returnType), CharOperation.charToString(binding.selector), fromBindings(binding.parameters));
public TypeVariableDeclaringElement fromBinding(Binding declaringElement) {
if (declaringElement instanceof TypeBinding) {
return fromBinding(((TypeBinding) declaringElement));
} else {
return fromBinding((MethodBinding) declaringElement);
public void cleanup() {
this.finishedTypeMungers = null;
public void minicleanup() {
public int getItdVersion() {
return world.getItdVersion();