blob: 4fbdfa849b2426ab01690ad5babe467710b82976 [file] [log] [blame]
/* *******************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2002 Palo Alto Research Center, Incorporated (PARC).
* All rights reserved.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution and is available at
* Contributors:
* PARC initial implementation
* ******************************************************************/
package org.aspectj.ajdt.internal.compiler.lookup;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.Map;
import org.aspectj.bridge.ISourceLocation;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ConcreteTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NewConstructorTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NewFieldTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NewMemberClassTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.NewMethodTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedMember;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.ResolvedTypeMunger;
import org.aspectj.weaver.UnresolvedType;
import org.aspectj.weaver.World;
public class EclipseTypeMunger extends ConcreteTypeMunger {
private ResolvedType targetTypeX;
// protected ReferenceBinding targetBinding = null;
public AbstractMethodDeclaration sourceMethod;
private EclipseFactory world;
private ISourceLocation sourceLocation;
public EclipseTypeMunger(EclipseFactory world, ResolvedTypeMunger munger, ResolvedType aspectType,
AbstractMethodDeclaration sourceMethod) {
super(munger, aspectType); = world;
this.sourceMethod = sourceMethod;
// A null sourceMethod can be because of binary weaving
if (sourceMethod != null) {
this.sourceLocation = new EclipseSourceLocation(sourceMethod.compilationResult, sourceMethod.sourceStart,
// Piece of magic that tells type mungers where they came from.
// Won't be persisted unless ResolvedTypeMunger.persistSourceLocation is true.
// use a different ctor for type level inter type decls I think
// } else {
// this.sourceLocation = aspectType.getSourceLocation();
// munger.setSourceLocation(sourceLocation);
// was
targetTypeX = munger.getDeclaringType().resolve(world.getWorld());
// targetTypeX = munger.getSignature().getDeclaringType().resolve(world.getWorld());
// AMC, needed until generic and raw have distinct sigs...
if (targetTypeX.isParameterizedType() || targetTypeX.isRawType()) {
targetTypeX = targetTypeX.getGenericType();
// targetBinding = (ReferenceBinding)world.makeTypeBinding(targetTypeX);
public static boolean supportsKind(ResolvedTypeMunger.Kind kind) {
return kind == ResolvedTypeMunger.Field || kind == ResolvedTypeMunger.Method || kind == ResolvedTypeMunger.Constructor
|| kind == ResolvedTypeMunger.InnerClass;
public String toString() {
return "(EclipseTypeMunger " + getMunger() + ")";
* Modifies signatures of a TypeBinding through its ClassScope, i.e. adds Method|FieldBindings, plays with inheritance, ...
public boolean munge(SourceTypeBinding sourceType, ResolvedType onType) {
ResolvedType rt = onType;
if (rt.isRawType() || rt.isParameterizedType()) {
rt = rt.getGenericType();
boolean isExactTargetType = rt.equals(targetTypeX);
if (!isExactTargetType) {
// might be the topmost implementor of an interface we care about
if (munger.getKind() != ResolvedTypeMunger.Method) {
return false;
if (onType.isInterface()) {
return false;
if (!munger.needsAccessToTopmostImplementor()) {
return false;
// so we do need access, and this type could be it...
if (!onType.isTopmostImplementor(targetTypeX)) {
return false;
// we are the topmost implementor of an interface type that needs munging
// but we only care about public methods here (we only do this at all to
// drive the JDT MethodVerifier correctly)
if (!Modifier.isPublic(munger.getSignature().getModifiers())) {
return false;
// System.out.println("munging: " + sourceType);
// System.out.println("match: " + world.fromEclipse(sourceType) +
// " with " + targetTypeX);
if (munger.getKind() == ResolvedTypeMunger.Field) {
mungeNewField(sourceType, (NewFieldTypeMunger) munger);
} else if (munger.getKind() == ResolvedTypeMunger.Method) {
return mungeNewMethod(sourceType, onType, (NewMethodTypeMunger) munger, isExactTargetType);
} else if (munger.getKind() == ResolvedTypeMunger.Constructor) {
mungeNewConstructor(sourceType, (NewConstructorTypeMunger) munger);
} else if (munger.getKind() == ResolvedTypeMunger.InnerClass) {
mungeNewInnerClass(sourceType, onType, (NewMemberClassTypeMunger) munger, isExactTargetType);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unimplemented: " + munger.getKind());
return true;
private boolean mungeNewMethod(SourceTypeBinding sourceType, ResolvedType onType, NewMethodTypeMunger munger,
boolean isExactTargetType) {
InterTypeMethodBinding binding = new InterTypeMethodBinding(world, munger, aspectType, sourceMethod);
if (!isExactTargetType) {
// we're munging an interface ITD onto a topmost implementor
ResolvedMember existingMember = onType.lookupMemberIncludingITDsOnInterfaces(getSignature());
if (existingMember != null) {
// already have an implementation, so don't do anything
if (onType == existingMember.getDeclaringType() && Modifier.isFinal(munger.getSignature().getModifiers())) {
// final modifier on default implementation is taken to mean that
// no-one else can provide an implementation
if (!(sourceType instanceof BinaryTypeBinding)) {
// If sourceType is a BinaryTypeBinding, this can indicate we are re-applying the ITDs to the target
// as we 'pull it in' to resolve something. This means the clash here is with itself ! So if the ITD
// was final when initially added to the target this error logic will trigger. We can't easily
// identify it was added via ITD, so I'm going to make this quick change to say avoid this error for
// BinaryTypeBindings
CompilationUnitScope cuScope = sourceType.scope.compilationUnitScope();
MethodBinding offendingBinding = sourceType.getExactMethod(binding.selector, binding.parameters, cuScope);
sourceType.scope.problemReporter().finalMethodCannotBeOverridden(offendingBinding, binding);
// so that we find methods from our superinterfaces later on...
return false;
// retain *only* the visibility modifiers and abstract when putting methods on an interface...
if (sourceType.isInterface()) {
boolean isAbstract = (binding.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract) != 0;
binding.modifiers = (binding.modifiers & (ClassFileConstants.AccPublic | ClassFileConstants.AccProtected | ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate));
if (isAbstract) {
binding.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract;
if (munger.getSignature().isVarargsMethod()) {
binding.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccVarargs;
return true;
// very similar to code in AspectDeclaration
private boolean mungeNewInnerClass(SourceTypeBinding sourceType, ResolvedType onType, NewMemberClassTypeMunger munger,
boolean isExactTargetType) {
SourceTypeBinding aspectTypeBinding = (SourceTypeBinding) world.makeTypeBinding(aspectType);
char[] mungerMemberTypeName = ("$" + munger.getMemberTypeName()).toCharArray();
ReferenceBinding innerTypeBinding = null;
for (ReferenceBinding innerType : aspectTypeBinding.memberTypes) {
char[] compounded = CharOperation.concatWith(innerType.compoundName, '.');
if (, mungerMemberTypeName)) {
innerTypeBinding = innerType;
// may be unresolved if the aspect type binding was a BinaryTypeBinding
if (innerTypeBinding instanceof UnresolvedReferenceBinding) {
innerTypeBinding = (ReferenceBinding)BinaryTypeBinding.resolveType(innerTypeBinding, world.getLookupEnvironment(), true);
// rb = new InterTypeMemberClassBinding(world, munger, aspectType, aspectTypeBinding, onType, munger.getMemberTypeName(),
// sourceType);
// TODO adjust modifier?
// TODO deal with itd of it onto an interface
return true;
private void mungeNewConstructor(SourceTypeBinding sourceType, NewConstructorTypeMunger munger) {
if (shouldTreatAsPublic()) {
MethodBinding binding = world.makeMethodBinding(munger.getSignature(), munger.getTypeVariableAliases());
TypeVariableBinding[] typeVariables = binding.typeVariables;
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) {
TypeVariableBinding tv = typeVariables[i];
String name = new String(tv.sourceName);
TypeVariableBinding[] tv2 = sourceMethod.binding.typeVariables;
for (int j = 0; j < tv2.length; j++) {
if (new String(tv2[j].sourceName).equals(name)) {
typeVariables[i].declaringElement = binding;
for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) {
if (typeVariables[i].declaringElement == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Declaring element not set");
// classScope.referenceContext.binding.addMethod(binding);
} else {
InterTypeMethodBinding binding = new InterTypeMethodBinding(world, munger, aspectType, sourceMethod);
private void mungeNewField(SourceTypeBinding sourceType, NewFieldTypeMunger munger) {
if (shouldTreatAsPublic() && !targetTypeX.isInterface()) {
FieldBinding binding = world.makeFieldBinding(munger);
// classScope.referenceContext.binding.addField(binding);
} else {
InterTypeFieldBinding binding = new InterTypeFieldBinding(world, munger, aspectType, sourceMethod);
InterTypeMemberFinder finder = findOrCreateInterTypeMemberFinder(sourceType);
// Downgrade this field munger if name is already 'claimed'
if (finder.definesField(munger.getSignature().getName())) {
munger.version = NewFieldTypeMunger.VersionOne;
private boolean shouldTreatAsPublic() {
// ??? this is where we could fairly easily choose to treat package-protected
// ??? introductions like public ones when the target type and the aspect
// ??? are in the same package
return Modifier.isPublic(munger.getSignature().getModifiers());
private InterTypeMemberFinder findOrCreateInterTypeMemberFinder(SourceTypeBinding sourceType) {
InterTypeMemberFinder finder = (InterTypeMemberFinder) sourceType.memberFinder;
if (finder == null) {
finder = new InterTypeMemberFinder();
sourceType.memberFinder = finder;
finder.sourceTypeBinding = sourceType;
return finder;
private IntertypeMemberTypeFinder findOrCreateInterTypeMemberClassFinder(SourceTypeBinding sourceType) {
IntertypeMemberTypeFinder finder = (IntertypeMemberTypeFinder) sourceType.typeFinder;
if (finder == null) {
finder = new IntertypeMemberTypeFinder();
sourceType.typeFinder = finder;
finder.targetTypeBinding = sourceType;
sourceType.tagBits &= ~TagBits.HasNoMemberTypes; // ensure it thinks it has one
return finder;
public ISourceLocation getSourceLocation() {
return sourceLocation;
public void setSourceLocation(ISourceLocation sourceLocation) {
this.sourceLocation = sourceLocation;
* @return AbstractMethodDeclaration
public AbstractMethodDeclaration getSourceMethod() {
return sourceMethod;
public ConcreteTypeMunger parameterizedFor(ResolvedType target) {
return new EclipseTypeMunger(world, munger.parameterizedFor(target), aspectType, sourceMethod);
public ConcreteTypeMunger parameterizeWith(Map<String,UnresolvedType> m, World w) {
return new EclipseTypeMunger(world, munger.parameterizeWith(m, w), aspectType, sourceMethod);