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Using the inpath
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Using the inpath
The inpath capability can be used to weave into binary class files contained
in either a JAR or in an output folder.
To setup your AspectJ project to use the inpath:
<li>Select the AspectJ project in the Package Explorer</li>
<li>Right click and select <b>AspectJ Tools &gt; Configure AspectJ Build Path...</b></li>
<li>Select the <b>Inpath</b> tab</li>
<li>Add the necessary jar file or class folder (e.g. another project's "bin" directory) using the
<b>Add XXX</b> buttons</li>
<li>Click <b>OK</b> to close the project properties dialog</li>
When the AspectJ project is built, it will compile the aspects and
weave them against the class files specified via inpath and produce a
complete set of woven class files in the output directory of
the AspectJ project.
Entries added to the aspectpath are also added to the project's Java build path.
The disadvantage of using this approach is that AJDT will not show how
the advice in the aspects applies to the input classe. The Cross References
view will show that the advice came from an injar aspect, but will
not provide any more detail.
<p><img border="0" width="159" height="27" src="../images/ngrelt.gif" alt="Related tasks"><br>
<a href="aspectpath.htm">Using the aspectpath</a><br>
<a href="addinpath.htm">Adding an inpath</a>