blob: be6eb3b5133d0f1675b14a0579010c4fcdc115e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.Enumeration;
* DOMType provides an implementation of IDOMType.
* @see IDOMType
* @see DOMNode
* @deprecated The JDOM was made obsolete by the addition in 2.0 of the more
* powerful, fine-grained DOM/AST API found in the
* package.
// TODO (jerome) - add implementation support for 1.5 features
/* package */ class DOMType extends DOMMember implements IDOMType {
* The 'class' or 'interface' keyword if altered
* from the documents contents, otherwise <code>null</code>.
protected String fTypeKeyword;
* The original inclusive source range of the 'class'
* or 'interface' keyword in the document.
protected int[] fTypeRange;
* The superclass name for the class declaration
* if altered from the document's contents, otherwise
* <code>null</code>. Also <code>null</code> when this
* type represents an interface.
protected String fSuperclass;
* The original inclusive source range of the superclass
* name in the document, or -1's of no superclass was
* specified in the document.
protected int[] fSuperclassRange;
* The original inclusive souce range of the 'extends' keyword
* in the document, including surrounding whitespace, or -1's if
* the keyword was not present in the document.
protected int[] fExtendsRange;
* The original inclusive souce range of the 'implements' keyword
* in the document, including surrounding whitespace, or -1's if
* the keyword was not present in the document.
protected int[] fImplementsRange;
* The comma delimited list of interfaces this type implements
* or extends, if altered from the document's contents, otherwise
* <code>null</code>. Also <code>null</code> if this type does
* not implement or extend any interfaces.
protected char[] fInterfaces;
* The original inclusive source range of the list of interfaces this
* type implements or extends, not including any surrouding whitespace.
* If the document did not specify interfaces, this array contains -1's.
protected int[] fInterfacesRange;
* The original source range of the first character following the
* type name superclass name, or interface list, up to and including
* the first character before the first type member.
protected int[] fOpenBodyRange;
* The original source range of the first new line or non whitespace
* character preceding the close brace of the type's body, up to the
* and including the first character before the next node (if there are
* no following nodes, the range ends at the position of the last
* character in the document).
protected int[] fCloseBodyRange;
* A list of interfaces this type extends or implements.
* <code>null</code> when this type does not extend
* or implement any interfaces.
protected String[] fSuperInterfaces= CharOperation.NO_STRINGS;
* The formal type parameters.
* @since 3.0
protected String[] fTypeParameters = CharOperation.NO_STRINGS;
* Indicates this type is an enum class.
* @since 3.0
protected boolean fIsEnum= false;
* Indicates this type is an annotatation type (interface).
* @since 3.0
protected boolean fIsAnnotation= false;
* This position is the position of the end of the last line separator before the closing brace starting
* position of the receiver.
// protected int fInsertionPosition;
* Constructs an empty type node.
DOMType() {
// Constructs an empty type node
* Creates a new detailed TYPE document fragment on the given range of the document.
* @param document - the document containing this node's original contents
* @param sourceRange - a two element array of integers describing the
* entire inclusive source range of this node within its document.
* Contents start on and include the character at the first position.
* Contents end on and include the character at the last position.
* An array of -1's indicates this node's contents do not exist
* in the document.
* @param name - the identifier portion of the name of this node, or
* <code>null</code> if this node does not have a name
* @param nameRange - a two element array of integers describing the
* entire inclusive source range of this node's name within its document,
* including any array qualifiers that might immediately follow the name
* or -1's if this node does not have a name.
* @param commentRange - a two element array describing the comments that precede
* the member declaration. The first matches the start of this node's
* sourceRange, and the second is the new-line or first non-whitespace
* character following the last comment. If no comments are present,
* this array contains two -1's.
* @param flags - an integer representing the modifiers for this member. The
* integer can be analyzed with
* @param modifierRange - a two element array describing the location of
* modifiers for this member within its source range. The first integer
* is the first character of the first modifier for this member, and
* the second integer is the last whitespace character preceeding the
* next part of this member declaration. If there are no modifiers present
* in this node's source code (that is, package default visibility), this array
* contains two -1's.
* @param typeRange - a two element array describing the location of the 'class'
* or 'interface' keyword in the type declaration - first and last character
* positions.
* @param superclassRange - a two element array describing the location of the
* superclass name in the type declaration - first and last character
* positions or two -1's if a superclass is not present in the document.
* @param extendsRange - a two element array describing the location of the
* 'extends' keyword in the type declaration, including any surrounding
* whitespace, or -1's if the 'extends' keyword is not present in the document.
* @param implementsList - an array of names of the interfaces this type implements
* or extends, or <code>null</code> if this type does not implement or extend
* any interfaces.
* @param implementsRange - a two element array describing the location of the
* comment delimited list of interfaces this type implements or extends,
* not including any surrounding whitespace, or -1's if no interface list
* is present in the document.
* @param implementsKeywordRange - a two element array describing the location of the
* 'implements' keyword, including any surrounding whitespace, or -1's if no
* 'implements' keyword is present in the document.
* @param openBodyRange - a two element array describing the location of the
* open brace of the type's body and whitespace following the type declaration
* and preceeding the first member in the type.
* @param closeBodyRange - a two element array describing the source range of the
* first new line or non whitespace character preceeding the close brace of the
* type's body, up to the close brace
* @param isClass - true is the type is a class, false if it is an interface
DOMType(char[] document, int[] sourceRange, String name, int[] nameRange, int[] commentRange, int flags, int[] modifierRange, int[] typeRange, int[] superclassRange, int[] extendsRange, String[] implementsList, int[] implementsRange, int[] implementsKeywordRange, int[] openBodyRange, int[] closeBodyRange, boolean isClass) {
super(document, sourceRange, name, nameRange, commentRange, flags, modifierRange);
this.fTypeRange= typeRange;
setMask(MASK_TYPE_IS_CLASS, isClass);
this.fExtendsRange= extendsRange;
this.fImplementsRange= implementsKeywordRange;
this.fSuperclassRange= superclassRange;
this.fInterfacesRange= implementsRange;
this.fCloseBodyRange= closeBodyRange;
setMask(MASK_TYPE_HAS_SUPERCLASS, superclassRange[0] > 0);
setMask(MASK_TYPE_HAS_INTERFACES, implementsList != null);
this.fSuperInterfaces= implementsList;
this.fOpenBodyRange= openBodyRange;
this.fCloseBodyRange= closeBodyRange;
* Creates a new simple TYPE document fragment on the given range of the document.
* @param document - the document containing this node's original contents
* @param sourceRange - a two element array of integers describing the
* entire inclusive source range of this node within its document.
* Contents start on and include the character at the first position.
* Contents end on and include the character at the last position.
* An array of -1's indicates this node's contents do not exist
* in the document.
* @param name - the identifier portion of the name of this node, or
* <code>null</code> if this node does not have a name
* @param nameRange - a two element array of integers describing the
* entire inclusive source range of this node's name within its document,
* including any array qualifiers that might immediately follow the name
* or -1's if this node does not have a name.
* @param flags - an integer representing the modifiers for this member. The
* integer can be analyzed with
* @param implementsList - an array of names of the interfaces this type implements
* or extends, or <code>null</code> if this type does not implement or extend
* any interfaces.
* @param isClass - true is the type is a class, false if it is an interface
DOMType(char[] document, int[] sourceRange, String name, int[] nameRange, int flags, String[] implementsList, boolean isClass) {
this(document, sourceRange, name, nameRange, new int[] {-1, -1}, flags,
new int[] {-1, -1}, new int[] {-1, -1}, new int[] {-1, -1}, new int[] {-1, -1},
implementsList, new int[] {-1, -1}, new int[] {-1, -1}, new int[] {-1, -1}, new int[] {sourceRange[1], sourceRange[1]}, isClass);
* @see IDOMType#addSuperInterface(String)
public void addSuperInterface(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.dom_addNullInterface);
if (this.fSuperInterfaces == null) {
this.fSuperInterfaces= new String[1];
this.fSuperInterfaces[0]= name;
} else {
this.fSuperInterfaces= appendString(this.fSuperInterfaces, name);
* @see DOMMember#appendMemberBodyContents(CharArrayBuffer)
protected void appendMemberBodyContents(CharArrayBuffer buffer) {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fOpenBodyRange[0], this.fOpenBodyRange[1] + 1 - this.fOpenBodyRange[0]);
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fCloseBodyRange[0], this.fCloseBodyRange[1] + 1 - this.fCloseBodyRange[0]);
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fCloseBodyRange[1] + 1, this.fSourceRange[1] - this.fCloseBodyRange[1]);
* @see DOMMember#appendMemberDeclarationContents(CharArrayBuffer )
protected void appendMemberDeclarationContents(CharArrayBuffer buffer) {
if (this.fTypeKeyword != null) {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fTypeRange[1], this.fNameRange[0] - this.fTypeRange[1] );
} else {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fTypeRange[0], this.fTypeRange[1] + 1 - this.fTypeRange[0]);
if (isClass()) {
boolean hasInterfaces = false;
if (this.fExtendsRange[0] < 0) {
buffer.append(" extends "); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fExtendsRange[0], this.fExtendsRange[1] + 1 - this.fExtendsRange[0]);
if (this.fSuperclass != null) {
} else {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fSuperclassRange[0], this.fSuperclassRange[1] + 1 - this.fSuperclassRange[0]);
hasInterfaces = true;
if (this.fImplementsRange[0] < 0) {
buffer.append(" implements "); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fImplementsRange[0], this.fImplementsRange[1] + 1 - this.fImplementsRange[0]);
if (this.fInterfaces != null) {
} else {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fInterfacesRange[0], this.fInterfacesRange[1] + 1 - this.fInterfacesRange[0]);
if (hasInterfaces) {
if (this.fImplementsRange[0] < 0) {
buffer.append(' ');
} else {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fInterfacesRange[1] + 1, this.fOpenBodyRange[0] - this.fInterfacesRange[1] - 1);
} else {
if (this.fSuperclassRange[0] < 0) {
buffer.append(' ');
} else if (this.fImplementsRange[0] > 0) {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fSuperclassRange[1] + 1, this.fImplementsRange[0] - this.fSuperclassRange[1] - 1);
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fInterfacesRange[1] + 1, this.fOpenBodyRange[0] - this.fInterfacesRange[1] - 1);
} else {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fSuperclassRange[1] + 1, this.fOpenBodyRange[0] - this.fSuperclassRange[1] - 1);
} else {
if (this.fExtendsRange[0] < 0) {
buffer.append(" extends "); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fExtendsRange[0], this.fExtendsRange[1] + 1 - this.fExtendsRange[0]);
if (this.fInterfaces != null) {
buffer.append(' ');
} else {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fInterfacesRange[0], this.fInterfacesRange[1] + 1 - this.fInterfacesRange[0]);
} else {
if (this.fImplementsRange[0] < 0) {
buffer.append(' ');
} else {
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fNameRange[1] + 1, this.fOpenBodyRange[0] - this.fNameRange[1] - 1);
* @see DOMMember#appendSimpleContents(CharArrayBuffer)
protected void appendSimpleContents(CharArrayBuffer buffer) {
// append eveything before my name
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fSourceRange[0], this.fNameRange[0] - this.fSourceRange[0]);
// append my name
// append everything after my name and before my first child
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fNameRange[1] + 1, this.fOpenBodyRange[1] - this.fNameRange[1]);
// append my children
// append from my last child to my end
buffer.append(this.fDocument, this.fCloseBodyRange[0], this.fSourceRange[1] - this.fCloseBodyRange[0] + 1);
* @see IDOMNode#canHaveChildren()
public boolean canHaveChildren() {
return true;
* Returns the position of the closing brace for the body of this type.
* This value this method returns is only valid before the type has
* been normalized and is present only for normalization.
int getCloseBodyPosition() {
return this.fCloseBodyRange[0];
* @see DOMNode#getDetailedNode()
protected DOMNode getDetailedNode() {
return (DOMNode)getFactory().createType(getContents());
* @see DOMNode#getInsertionPosition()
public int getInsertionPosition() {
// this should return the position of the end of the last line separator before the closing brace of the type
// See PR 1GELSDQ: ITPJUI:WINNT - JDOM: IType.createMethod does not insert nicely for inner types
return this.fInsertionPosition;
* @see IDOMNode#getJavaElement
public IJavaElement getJavaElement(IJavaElement parent) throws IllegalArgumentException {
switch (parent.getElementType()) {
return ((ICompilationUnit)parent).getType(getName());
case IJavaElement.TYPE:
return ((IType)parent).getType(getName());
// Note: creating local/anonymous type is not supported
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.element_illegalParent);
* @see DOMMember#getMemberDeclarationStartPosition()
protected int getMemberDeclarationStartPosition() {
return this.fTypeRange[0];
* @see IDOMNode#getNodeType()
public int getNodeType() {
return IDOMNode.TYPE;
* Answers the open body range end position.
int getOpenBodyEnd() {
return this.fOpenBodyRange[1];
* @see IDOMType#getSuperclass()
public String getSuperclass() {
if (this.fSuperclass != null) {
return this.fSuperclass;
} else {
return new String(this.fDocument, this.fSuperclassRange[0], this.fSuperclassRange[1] + 1 - this.fSuperclassRange[0]);
} else {
return null;
* @see IDOMType#getSuperInterfaces()
public String[] getSuperInterfaces() {
return this.fSuperInterfaces;
* @see IDOMNode
public boolean isAllowableChild(IDOMNode node) {
if (node != null) {
int type= node.getNodeType();
return type == IDOMNode.TYPE || type == IDOMNode.FIELD|| type == IDOMNode.METHOD ||
} else {
return false;
* @see IDOMType#isClass()
public boolean isClass() {
return getMask(MASK_TYPE_IS_CLASS);
* @see DOMNode
protected DOMNode newDOMNode() {
return new DOMType();
* Normalizes this <code>DOMNode</code>'s source positions to include whitespace preceeding
* the node on the line on which the node starts, and all whitespace after the node up to
* the next node's start
void normalize(ILineStartFinder finder) {
// perform final changes to the open and close body ranges
int openBodyEnd, openBodyStart, closeBodyStart, closeBodyEnd;
DOMNode first = (DOMNode) getFirstChild();
DOMNode lastNode = null;
// look for the open body
Scanner scanner = new Scanner();
scanner.resetTo(this.fNameRange[1] + 1, this.fDocument.length);
try {
int currentToken = scanner.getNextToken();
while(currentToken != TerminalTokens.TokenNameLBRACE &&
currentToken != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
currentToken = scanner.getNextToken();
if(currentToken == TerminalTokens.TokenNameLBRACE) {
openBodyEnd = scanner.currentPosition - 1;
openBodyStart = scanner.startPosition;
} else {
openBodyEnd = this.fDocument.length;
openBodyStart = this.fDocument.length;
} catch(InvalidInputException e) {
openBodyEnd = this.fDocument.length;
openBodyStart = this.fDocument.length;
if (first != null) {
int lineStart = finder.getLineStart(first.getStartPosition());
if (lineStart > openBodyEnd) {
openBodyEnd = lineStart - 1;
} else {
openBodyEnd = first.getStartPosition() - 1;
lastNode = (DOMNode) first.getNextNode();
if (lastNode == null) {
lastNode = first;
} else {
while (lastNode.getNextNode() != null) {
lastNode = (DOMNode) lastNode.getNextNode();
scanner.resetTo(lastNode.getEndPosition() + 1, this.fDocument.length);
try {
int currentToken = scanner.getNextToken();
while(currentToken != TerminalTokens.TokenNameRBRACE &&
currentToken != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
currentToken = scanner.getNextToken();
if(currentToken == TerminalTokens.TokenNameRBRACE) {
closeBodyStart = scanner.startPosition;
closeBodyEnd = scanner.currentPosition - 1;
} else {
closeBodyStart = this.fDocument.length;
closeBodyEnd = this.fDocument.length;
} catch(InvalidInputException e) {
closeBodyStart = this.fDocument.length;
closeBodyEnd = this.fDocument.length;
} else {
scanner.resetTo(openBodyEnd, this.fDocument.length);
try {
int currentToken = scanner.getNextToken();
while(currentToken != TerminalTokens.TokenNameRBRACE &&
currentToken != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
currentToken = scanner.getNextToken();
if(currentToken == TerminalTokens.TokenNameRBRACE) {
closeBodyStart = scanner.startPosition;
closeBodyEnd = scanner.currentPosition - 1;
} else {
closeBodyStart = this.fDocument.length;
closeBodyEnd = this.fDocument.length;
} catch(InvalidInputException e) {
closeBodyStart = this.fDocument.length;
closeBodyEnd = this.fDocument.length;
openBodyEnd = closeBodyEnd - 1;
this.fInsertionPosition = finder.getLineStart(closeBodyStart);
if (lastNode != null && this.fInsertionPosition < lastNode.getEndPosition()) {
this.fInsertionPosition = getCloseBodyPosition();
if (this.fInsertionPosition <= openBodyEnd) {
this.fInsertionPosition = getCloseBodyPosition();
* Normalizes this <code>DOMNode</code>'s end position.
void normalizeEndPosition(ILineStartFinder finder, DOMNode next) {
if (next == null) {
// this node's end position includes all of the characters up
// to the end of the enclosing node
DOMNode parent = (DOMNode) getParent();
if (parent == null || parent instanceof DOMCompilationUnit) {
setSourceRangeEnd(this.fDocument.length - 1);
} else {
// parent is a type
setSourceRangeEnd(((DOMType)parent).getCloseBodyPosition() - 1);
} else {
// this node's end position is just before the start of the next node
next.normalizeStartPosition(getEndPosition(), finder);
setSourceRangeEnd(next.getStartPosition() - 1);
* Offsets all the source indexes in this node by the given amount.
protected void offset(int offset) {
offsetRange(this.fCloseBodyRange, offset);
offsetRange(this.fExtendsRange, offset);
offsetRange(this.fImplementsRange, offset);
offsetRange(this.fInterfacesRange, offset);
offsetRange(this.fOpenBodyRange, offset);
offsetRange(this.fSuperclassRange, offset);
offsetRange(this.fTypeRange, offset);
* @see IDOMType#setClass(boolean)
public void setClass(boolean b) {
if (b) {
this.fTypeKeyword= "class"; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
this.fTypeKeyword= "interface"; //$NON-NLS-1$
* Sets the end of the close body range
void setCloseBodyRangeEnd(int end) {
this.fCloseBodyRange[1] = end;
* Sets the start of the close body range
void setCloseBodyRangeStart(int start) {
this.fCloseBodyRange[0] = start;
* Sets the name of this node.
* <p>When the name of a type is set, all of its constructors must be marked
* as fragmented, since the names of the constructors must reflect the name
* of this type.
* @see IDOMNode#setName(String)
public void setName(String name) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if (name == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.element_nullName);
Enumeration children= getChildren();
while (children.hasMoreElements()) {
IDOMNode child= (IDOMNode)children.nextElement();
if (child.getNodeType() == IDOMNode.METHOD && ((IDOMMethod)child).isConstructor()) {
* Sets the end of the open body range
void setOpenBodyRangeEnd(int end) {
this.fOpenBodyRange[1] = end;
* Sets the start of the open body range
void setOpenBodyRangeStart(int start) {
this.fOpenBodyRange[0] = start;
* @see IDOMType#setSuperclass(String)
public void setSuperclass(String superclassName) {
this.fSuperclass= superclassName;
setMask(MASK_TYPE_HAS_SUPERCLASS, superclassName != null);
* @see IDOMType#setSuperInterfaces(String[])
public void setSuperInterfaces(String[] names) {
if (names == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.dom_nullInterfaces);
this.fSuperInterfaces= names;
if (names.length == 0) {
this.fInterfaces= null;
this.fSuperInterfaces= CharOperation.NO_STRINGS;
} else {
CharArrayBuffer buffer = new CharArrayBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.fInterfaces = buffer.getContents();
* Sets the type keyword
void setTypeKeyword(String keyword) {
this.fTypeKeyword = keyword;
* @see DOMNode#shareContents(DOMNode)
protected void shareContents(DOMNode node) {
DOMType type= (DOMType)node;
this.fCloseBodyRange= rangeCopy(type.fCloseBodyRange);
this.fExtendsRange= type.fExtendsRange;
this.fImplementsRange= rangeCopy(type.fImplementsRange);
this.fInterfaces= type.fInterfaces;
this.fInterfacesRange= rangeCopy(type.fInterfacesRange);
this.fOpenBodyRange= rangeCopy(type.fOpenBodyRange);
this.fSuperclass= type.fSuperclass;
this.fSuperclassRange= rangeCopy(type.fSuperclassRange);
this.fSuperInterfaces= type.fSuperInterfaces;
this.fTypeKeyword= type.fTypeKeyword;
this.fTypeRange= rangeCopy(type.fTypeRange);
* @see IDOMNode#toString()
public String toString() {
return "TYPE: " + getName(); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @see IDOMType#getTypeParameters()
* @since 3.0
public String[] getTypeParameters() {
return this.fTypeParameters;
* @see IDOMType#isEnum()
* @since 3.0
public boolean isEnum() {
return this.fIsEnum;
* @see IDOMType#isAnnotation()
* @since 3.0
public boolean isAnnotation() {
return this.fIsAnnotation;
* @see IDOMType#setEnum(boolean)
* @since 3.0
public void setEnum(boolean b) {
this.fIsEnum = b;
if (this.fIsEnum) {
// enums are always classes with no superclass
* @see IDOMType#setAnnotation(boolean)
* @since 3.0
public void setAnnotation(boolean b) {
this.fIsAnnotation= b;
if (this.fIsAnnotation) {
// annotation types are always interface with no superclass or superinterfaces
* @see IDOMType#setTypeParameters(java.lang.String[])
* @since 3.0
public void setTypeParameters(String[] typeParameters) {
this.fTypeParameters = typeParameters;