blob: 69884bf1bd56c0a26a28506716fc74d65b43bc53 [file] [log] [blame]
Visualiser Plug-in Manual Tests
Install the Visualiser from an update site (e.g. the latest AJDT update site).
1. Ensure that neither the Visualiser nor the Visualiser Menu is open.
Click ‘Window’ > ‘Show View’ > ‘Other’. Select the Visualiser but not the Menu.
Both the Visualiser and the Menu should open in the current perspective.
2. Close the Menu and close down the workbench. Re-start the workbench. Both
the Visualiser and the Menu should open.
1. Open both views and select the ‘File Content Provider’ from the Visualiser
preferences page. (Window > Preferences > Visualiser). The Visualiser view
should show about 100 bars with various stripes. The Menu should show three
‘kinds’ – Catch\blocks, Method and Throws.
2. Select the ‘Resources and Markers’ provider from the preferences page.
Select a project in the package explorer or the Navigator. Ensure that the
project you have chosen has sufficient number and variety of markers (e.g
errors, warnings, breakpoints, tasks, bookmarks etc.). The Visualiser should
show a bar for each file in the project and should show stripes for any markers
present on a file. The Menu should show appropriate icons, names and colours
for each Marker type. Double clicking on a marker or bar should open that
resource in the editor. Tooltips for each bar should be the project relative
path for the resource being represented.
3. Select the ‘JDT search results’ provider from the preference page. Run a
Java search that you know will produce results. Select a project or package in
the Search view or the Package Explorer. Classes contained in that project or
package should be displayed as bars in the Visualiser with stripes representing
the locations of search results. Double clicking on a bar or a stripe should
open that file in the Java editor.
1. Using any of the content providers, make a selection that results in a view
with a small number of bars so that the bars do not fill the width of the
Visualiser window. Using the ‘Drawing Options’ tab of the preference page
increase the maximum bar width. Click OK and the Visualiser view should update
so that the bars either fill the width of the window, or are each the maximum
2. Make a selection that results in a large number of bars in the view so that
a horizontal scroll bar is shown. Using the preferences page decrease the
minimum bar width. Click OK and the Visualiser should update so that the bars
are noticeably thinner. If there is still a horizontal scrollbar the bars
should be the width that you specified.
3. Make a selection that contains some stripes. Using the preference page
change the minimum stripe height (e.g. to 1 pixel). Click OK and the Visualiser
should update so that the stripes are now the height you specified. NB. If the
members lengths are less than (window height / minimum stripe height) then the
stripes will be larger. You will need to decrease the window height or make a
different selection to see the results of this test.
4. Using the preference page select a different drawing style and a
different colour set. Click OK and check that the Visualiser view updates to
use both the new style and the new colours.
1. Check that the zoom in, zoom out, fit to view, limit, member
view and group view buttons work as expected. If new to the Visualiser check
its on-line help for details (Help > Help Contents > Visualiser Guide).
2. Check that the shortcut to the Visualiser preference page in the drop-down
menu works as expected.
1. Open the Visualiser’s on-line help (Help > Help Contents > Visualiser Guide).
Read through the ‘Using the Visualiser’ section and ensure that the hyperlinks
work correctly and the images and descriptions accurately match the current
operation of the Visualiser.