| Build Automation for AspectJ-enabled plug-ins |
| ============================================= |
| |
| For information about the PDE Build mechanism for building plug-ins, |
| see the Eclipse Corner article here: |
| |
| http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-PDE-Automation/automation.html |
| |
| By default this process generates build.xml files which use the "javac" |
| Ant task. But this doesn't understand aspects, so any AspectJ-enabled |
| plug-ins containing aspects will not build properly. |
| |
| A bug has been raised to consider this issue: |
| https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=147432 |
| |
| In the meantime, a workaround is possible using the jar file in this |
| project. To do this, locate the lib/pdebuild-ant.jar file in |
| the org.eclipse.pde.build plugin. After making a backup of this file, |
| replace it with the one in this project. Now when the build |
| process executes it will generate build.xml files which use the "iajc" |
| Ant task. This will mean the AspectJ compiler is used to build all |
| projects (both AspectJ and Java projects). |