blob: 40ab6edbbf549e41610ef6a8f15f00f09fcb5f60 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- writen for Ant 1.5.1 -->
<project name="org.eclipse.contribution.xref.core.tests" default="packaged-plugin">
Create a packaged org.eclipse.contribution.xref.core.tests_version plugin distribution file
<!-- these property values will be overridden when called from the master build script -->
<property name="xref.version" value="1.2.0" />
<property name="build.dir" value="build" />
<property name="" value="3.0.0" />
<!-- To run this script from inside an automated build environment such
as Cruise Control the following properties are expected to have
been set and passed in :-
* (set to any value)
* eclipse.home (set to the directory where Eclipse has been
installed on the build machine)
* (override the value default value set above)
<target name="init">
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="dist"/>
<target name="clean" depends="init" >
<delete dir="${build.dir}"/>
<delete dir="dist"/>
<target name="externalbuild" if="" >
<delete dir="bin"/>
<mkdir dir="bin"/>
<property file="${eclipse.home}/"/>
<javac srcdir="src" destdir="bin" classpath="${};../org.eclipse.contribution.xref.core/build/xrefcore.jar"/>
<target name="eclipsebuild" unless="" >
<eclipse.incrementalBuild project="org.eclipse.contribution.xref.core.tests" />
<target name="buildproject" depends="externalbuild,eclipsebuild" />
<target name="xrefcoretestjar" depends="init"
description="Create xrefcoretest.jar, the library containing the plug-in
class files and properties.">
<!-- The following ant call is intended to provide the flexibility
to build the Visualiser from within Eclipse or else from a command line
run of Ant (e.g. in a Cruise Control environment).
<antcall target="buildproject" />
<zip destfile= "${build.dir}/xrefcoretest.jar" >
<fileset dir="bin"/>
<target name="xrefcoretestsrcjar" depends="init"
description="The source jar file for xref core tests, xrefcoretestsrc.jar">
<zip destfile= "${build.dir}/xrefcoretestsrc.jar" >
<fileset dir="src"/>
<target name="packaged-plugin" depends="xrefcoretestjar, xrefcoretestsrcjar"
description="Create the plugin jar file from the assembled components in the build dir">
<copy todir="${build.dir}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="*.xml"/>
<exclude name="build.*"/>
<include name="*.html"/>
<include name="*.properties"/>
<exclude name="plugin.*xml" />
<copy file="plugin.xml" tofile="${build.dir}/plugin.xml">
<filterset begintoken="9" endtoken="9">
<filter token="2.2.2" value="${xref.version}"/>
<zip destfile= "dist/org.eclipse.contribution.xref.core.tests_${xref.version}.jar" >
<fileset dir= "build" />