blob: add297e63f8a8d79bf44de5242d085632e33cc69 [file] [log] [blame]
Documentation Testing
* *
* this needs to be done when the version of AspectJ to be used with the next release of *
* AJDT has been frozen (otherwise the links may break and it'll have to be done again!) *
* *
(1) follow all the links and check they work (DOC_1)
AspectJ DOCUMENTATION - NOTE, none of the links should be broken now due to AJbug fix 108094
(the links are no longer generated on AJ's side)
(1) Expand all the nodes under "AspectJ Guide" in the Eclipse Help Contents.
(2) Click on all the entries to check that the links are followed in the documentaion.
For example, Click Programming Guide > B. Language Semantics > Pointcuts and then
all the links under this: Pointcut definition etc. Ensure that the correct page
(or section of the page) is opened in the help. (DOC_2)
If they don't work then follow the following steps to fix the broken links:
(1) Find the toc_XXX.xml file which is relevant:
toc_ajdevguide.xml - this is the table of contents for the development guide
toc_ajprogguide.xml - this is the table of contents for the programming guide
toc.xml - this is the main table of contents for the AspectJ Guide
(2) Once you have the toc file, find the broken link.
(3) Open the corresponding html file and find the place where the link should be pointing
(4) There is a "name" at this place e.g. d0e4949. Copy this and paste it in the correct
place in the toc file.
For example, assume by following Programming Guide > B. Language Semantics > Pointcuts,
you find that the Poincut definition link is broken.
(1) you know it's in the programming guide, therefore, you need toc_ajprogguide.xml.
(2) In toc_ajprogguide.xml search for "Pointcut definition" and you find the following:
<topic label="Pointcut definition" href="doc/progguide/semantics-pointcuts.html#d0e4929"/>
(3) Open doc/progguide/semantics-pointcuts.html and search for "Pointcut definition". This gives
the following line:
</dd></dl></div><div class="sect2"><a name="d0e4945"></a><div class="titlepage">
<div><h3 class="title"><a name="d0e4945"></a>Pointcut definition</h3></div></div><p>
(4) notice that the name value in the html file is d0e4945, whereas the one in toc_ajprogguide.xml
is d0e4929. Therefore, replace the one in toc_ajprogguide.xml with d0e4945.