blob: 36ddcfa30ffbf5912834338a4541a531aa3e18a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Robert Bosch GmbH and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Robert Bosch GmbH - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.converters071.impl;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.converters.common.ServiceConstants;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.converters.common.base.ICache;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.converters.common.base.IConverter;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.converters.common.converter.AbstractConverter;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.converters.common.utils.AmaltheaNamespaceRegistry;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.converters.common.utils.HelperUtil;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.converters.common.utils.ModelVersion;
import org.eclipse.app4mc.util.sessionlog.SessionLogger;
import org.jdom2.Attribute;
import org.jdom2.Document;
import org.jdom2.Element;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Activate;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component;
import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference;
property = {
ServiceConstants.INPUT_MODEL_VERSION_PROPERTY + "=0.7.0",
ServiceConstants.OUTPUT_MODEL_VERSION_PROPERTY + "=0.7.1"},
service = IConverter.class)
public class ConstraintsConverter extends AbstractConverter {
private static final String AMLT_PREFIX = "amlt:/#";
private static final String AM = "am";
private static final String XSI = "xsi";
SessionLogger logger;
protected void activate(Map<String, Object> properties) {
public void convert(File targetFile, Map<File, Document> fileName2documentMap, List<ICache> caches) {"Migration from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1 : Executing Constraints converter for model file : {0}",
final Document root = fileName2documentMap.get(targetFile);
if (root == null) {
final Element rootElement = root.getRootElement();
/*- Migration of SchedulerPairingConstraint and SchedulerSeparationConstraint as per Bug: 500502 */
/*- Migration of groupingType attribute of ProcessRunnableGroup --> as per Bug: 500501 */
/*- Migration of OrderConstraint as per Bug: 500506 */
/*- Migration of Age/Reaction/Delay/Synchronisation Constraints as per Bug: 500506 */
* Bug: 500506<br>
* This method is used to migrate the below Elements:
* <pre>
* 1. AgeConstraint
* AgeConstraint object is changed to EventChainLatencyConstraint.
* LatencyType attribute should be : Age
* 2. ReactionConstraint
* ReactionConstraint object is changed to EventChainLatencyConstraint
* LatencyType attribute should be : Reaction
* 3. DelayConstraint
* mappingType value is set as "Reaction"
* </pre>
* @param rootElement
* Root Element of AMALTHEA model file
private void update_Age_Reaction_Delay_SynchronisationConstraints(final Element rootElement) {
final List<Element> ageConstraints = HelperUtil.getXpathResult(
"./constraintsModel/timingConstraints[@xsi:type=\"am:AgeConstraint\" or @xsi:type=\"am:ReactionConstraint\" or @xsi:type=\"am:DelayConstraint\" or @xsi:type=\"am:SynchronisationConstraint\"]",
AmaltheaNamespaceRegistry.getNamespace(ModelVersion._071, AM));
for (final Element constraint : ageConstraints) {
final Attribute typeAttrib = constraint.getAttribute("type", AmaltheaNamespaceRegistry.getGenericNamespace(XSI));
final String attribValue = typeAttrib.getValue();
if (attribValue.equals("am:AgeConstraint")) {
/*- Migrating AgeConstraint elements to EventChainLatencyConstraint */
constraint.setAttribute("type", "Age");
else if (attribValue.equals("am:ReactionConstraint")) {
/*- Migrating ReactionConstraint elements to EventChainLatencyConstraint */
constraint.setAttribute("type", "Reaction");
else if (attribValue.equals("am:SynchronisationConstraint")) {
/*- Migrating SynchronisationConstraint elements to EventSynchronizationConstraint */
else if (attribValue.equals("am:DelayConstraint")) {
/*- Migrating DelayConstraint */
constraint.setAttribute("mappingType", "Reaction");
* As per the changes introduced in 0.7.1, OrderConstraint elements are removed from data model
* For details refer to : Bug: 500506
* @param rootElement
private void removeOrderConstraints(final Element rootElement) {
final List<Element> constraints = HelperUtil.getXpathResult(
AmaltheaNamespaceRegistry.getNamespace(ModelVersion._071, AM));
for (final Element constraint : constraints) {
* As per the changes introduced in 0.7.1, SchedulerPairing and SchedulerSeparation constraints are removed from
* data model
* For details refer to : Bug: 500502
* @param rootElement
private void removeSchedulerPairingAndSchedulerSeparationConstraints(final Element rootElement) {
final List<Element> constraints = HelperUtil.getXpathResult(
"./constraintsModel/affinityConstraints[@xsi:type=\"am:SchedulerPairingConstraint\" or @xsi:type=\"am:SchedulerSeparationConstraint\" ]",
AmaltheaNamespaceRegistry.getNamespace(ModelVersion._071, AM));
for (final Element constraint : constraints) {
* As per the changes introduced in 0.7.1 for ProcessRunnableGroup:<br>
* groupingType is removed<br>
* Entries are removed (as Element : ProcessRunnableGroupEntry is deleted from the model) <br>
* For details refer to : Bug: 500501
* @param rootElement
private void updateProcessRunnableGroup(final Element rootElement) {
final List<Element> runnableGroups = HelperUtil.getXpathResult(
AmaltheaNamespaceRegistry.getNamespace(ModelVersion._071, AM));
for (final Element runnableGroup : runnableGroups) {
/*- Removing groupingType */
final List<Element> processRunnableGroupEntries = runnableGroup.getChildren("entries");
/*- Adding runnable Elements references -> by fetching the data from ProcessRunnableGroupEntry objects */
final Map.Entry<Boolean, Set<String>> resultEntry = getRunnableRefs_from_ProcessRunnableGroupEntries(
final boolean isExternalAmaltheaModelElementReferred = resultEntry.getKey();
final Set<String> runnableRefs = resultEntry.getValue();
if (isExternalAmaltheaModelElementReferred) {
* Below is the standard behaviour from EMF/Sphinx (also the same is depicted when Amalthea editor is used)
* If at least one Runnable element from other model is referred then all the references should be generated as seperate "runnables" tag containing "href" attribute
* <runnableGroups xmi:id="_bKVRUOL0EeaRdL88dwrE6Q">
<runnables href="#_c2jikOL0EeaRdL88dwrE6Q"/>
<runnables href="#_tyEzEOL1EeaRdL88dwrE6Q"/>
<runnables href="ref.amxmi#_ksC4IOL0EeaRdL88dwrE6Q"/>
for (String runnableRef : runnableRefs) {
final Element runnableRefElement = new Element("runnables");
if (runnableRef.contains("?")) {
* This is the case attribute value can exists in one of the below format:
* Case 1: "r1?type=Runnable"
* Case 2: "amlt:/#r2?type=Runnable"
if (!runnableRef.contains(AMLT_PREFIX)) {
runnableRef = (AMLT_PREFIX + runnableRef);
else {
* This is the case value is existing in one of the below format:
* Case 1: elements.amxmi#_USTB0JXtEeaygMeuHaNR-Q
* Case 2: _USTB0JXtEeaygMeuHaNR-Q
* Case 3: #_USTB0JXtEeaygMeuHaNR-Q
*In all the cases valid conversion is : amlt:/#_USTB0JXtEeaygMeuHaNR-Q
final int indexOf = runnableRef.indexOf('#');
if (indexOf != -1) {
runnableRef = runnableRef.substring(indexOf + 1);
runnableRef = AMLT_PREFIX + runnableRef;
runnableRefElement.setAttribute("href", runnableRef);
else {
// This is the case where no runnable elements from other models are imported
StringBuilder runnablesBuffer = new StringBuilder();
for (final String runnable : runnableRefs) {
runnablesBuffer.append(" ");
runnableGroup.setAttribute(new Attribute("runnables", runnablesBuffer.toString().trim()));
/*- Removing Element : entries, as ProcessRunnableGroupEntry is removed */
* This method is used to get unique Runnable references (in valid AMALTHEA format) from ProcessRunnableGroupEntry
* objects
* @param processRunnableGroupEntries
* List<Element> List of ProcessRunnableGroupEntry objects
* @return Map.Entry<Boolean, Set<String>> <br>
* key is the boolean value (used to identify if there exists any runnable elements from other models) <br>
* value is the Set of runnableRefs
private Map.Entry<Boolean, Set<String>> getRunnableRefs_from_ProcessRunnableGroupEntries(
final List<Element> processRunnableGroupEntries) {
boolean isElementFromOtherFilePresent = false;
final Set<String> runnableRefs = new LinkedHashSet<>();
for (final Element entry : processRunnableGroupEntries) {
String attributeValue = entry.getAttributeValue("runnable");
if (attributeValue == null) {
final Element runnableElement = entry.getChild("runnable");
if (runnableElement != null) {
attributeValue = runnableElement.getAttributeValue("href");
/*- Note: presence of external element will influence the content generation in amxmi file.
* Due to this reason below check is performed and the result is stored in the boolean value*/
if (attributeValue != null) {
isElementFromOtherFilePresent = true;
if (attributeValue != null) {
// Attribute value (or) href value is directly stored in the Set (so as to obtain the unique values)
return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(isElementFromOtherFilePresent, runnableRefs);