blob: 4ea70eae10cefa4b0ab9bd0de979bc66f5f78277 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Robert Bosch GmbH.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Robert Bosch GmbH - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.app4mc.slg.linux.generators
import java.util.HashMap
import java.util.Properties
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.LabelAccess
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.MinAvgMaxStatistic
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Runnable
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.SingleValueStatistic
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.StringObject
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Ticks
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.impl.CustomPropertyImpl
import org.eclipse.app4mc.slg.config.ConfigModel
import org.eclipse.app4mc.slg.config.PlatformArchitecture
class LinuxRunnableGenerator {
// Suppress default constructor
private new() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class");
def static String snippetSrcStart(ConfigModel configModel)
#include "runnables.h"
#include "codesnippets.h"
«val PlatformArchitecture platformArchitectureType = configModel.getPlatformArchitectureType()»
«IF platformArchitectureType!==null» #define __«platformArchitectureType.getName»__«ENDIF»
void ticks(int numberTicks){
# if defined (__x86_64__)
for(int i = 0; i < numberTicks; i++){
«FOR k : 1..400»
__asm volatile("nop");
# elif defined (__x86_32__)
for(int i = 0; i < numberTicks; i++){
«FOR k : 1..400»
__asm volatile("mov r0, r0");
# elif defined (__aarch64__)
for(int i = 0; i < numberTicks; i++){
«FOR k : 1..400»
__asm volatile("mov x0, x0");
def static String snippetSrcBody(Runnable runnable, String codeString, boolean enableExtCode)
//Runnable «runnable?.name»
void run_«runnable?.name»(char* coreName){
def static String snippetIncStart()
#include "codesnippets.h"
void ticks(int numberTicks);
* This method is used to insert Synthetic code by considering the label-access's, Ticks (default and the PU specific i.e. extended ones)
static def String syntheticLoad(Runnable runnable, boolean experimental, Properties properties, boolean enableExtCode ) {
val calc=new Calculation();
val StringBuffer codeHookFunctionsBuffer = new StringBuffer // custom property
val StringBuffer codeHookFunctionsOverwriteBuffer = new StringBuffer // custom property with overwrite
updateContent(runnable, calc, properties, codeHookFunctionsBuffer, codeHookFunctionsOverwriteBuffer)
val buffer = '''
«IF enableExtCode»
«IF codeHookFunctionsOverwriteBuffer.length() == 0»
«IF !enableExtCode || codeHookFunctionsOverwriteBuffer.length() == 0» ««« // write the runnable's code either when there is no external code or when the codehook is not of the overwrite type.
«var extendedFound=false»
«FOR puName : calc.ticksSumMap.keySet.sort»
«IF !puName.equals("default")»
«IF extendedFound »else«ENDIF» if(strcmp(coreName,"«puName»")==0){
«syntheticLoadContentForEachPU( experimental, calc,puName)»
«IF calc.ticksSumMap.containsKey("default")»
«val value=syntheticLoadContentForEachPU( experimental, calc,"default" )»
«IF value!==null && value.length>0»
«IF extendedFound »else«ENDIF»
return buffer
def static updateContent(Runnable runnable, Calculation calculation, Properties properties, StringBuffer codehookFct, StringBuffer codehookFctOverwrite) {
calculation.ticksSumMap.put("default", 0)
runnable?.activityGraph?.eContents?.forEach [ item |
if (item instanceof Ticks) {
calculation.ticksSumMap.put("default", calculation.ticksSumMap.get("default") + item?.^default?.average?.intValue)
val puDefinitions = item?.extended?.keySet
for (puDefinition : puDefinitions) {
if (puDefinition !== null) {
if (!calculation.ticksSumMap.containsKey( {
calculation.ticksSumMap.put(, 0)
calculation.ticksSumMap.put(, calculation.ticksSumMap.get( +
} else if (item instanceof LabelAccess) {
var Float value = Float.parseFloat(
properties.getOrDefault("labelAccessStatisticValueDefault", "1.0F").toString)
val labelStatistic = item.statistic
if (labelStatistic !== null) {
var labelStatisticValue = labelStatistic.value
if (labelStatisticValue instanceof SingleValueStatistic) {
value = labelStatisticValue.value
} else if (labelStatisticValue instanceof MinAvgMaxStatistic) {
// TODO: provide a configuration option, to select appropriate value from labelStatistic (min/max/avg)
// right now considering the average value
value = labelStatisticValue.avg
if (item.access.toString == "read") {
calculation.readsSum += value.intValue
} else if (item.access.toString == "write") {
calculation.writesSum += value.intValue
else if (item instanceof CustomPropertyImpl) // custom property
if (item.getKey.equals("codehook_overwrite")){
val value = item.getValue
if(value instanceof StringObject){
codehookFctOverwrite.append((value.value)+ ";")
// println(item.value)
else if (item.getKey.equals("codehook")){
val value = item.getValue
if(value instanceof StringObject){
codehookFct.append((value.value)+ ";")
// println(item.value)
static private def String syntheticLoadContentForEachPU( boolean experimental, Calculation calc,String puName) {
calc.calculatedTicksSum = calc.ticksSumMap.get(puName)
if (calc.readsSum !== 0 && calc.readsSum < 10) {
calc.readsSum = 10
if (calc.writesSum != 0 && calc.writesSum < 10) {
calc.writesSum = 10
calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer = ""
performCodeSnippetMatching(experimental, calc)
// At this level 'matchingCodeSnippetIds' variable-> has the names of the algorithms which are matching to the given criteria of the Runnable
calc.calculatedTicksSum -= (calc.writesSum * 1.0171).intValue
calc.calculatedTicksSum -= (calc.readsSum * 1.0067).intValue
calc.calculatedTicksSum /= 400
calc.readsSum /= 10
calc.writesSum /= 10
if (calc.calculatedTicksSum> 0 && calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer.length == 0) {
* This code is executed if no code snippet is matching to the criteria of the Runnable (ticks/load/store)
* Only ATOMIC code is generated
return (calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer)
} else if ((calc.calculatedTicksSum <= 0 &&
(calc.writesSum > 0 || calc.readsSum > 0)) &&
calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer.length == 0) {
* This code is executed if no code snippet is matching to the criteria of the Runnable (ticks/load/store)
* Only ATOMIC code is generated
return (calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer)
if (calc.calculatedTicksSum > 0 && calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer.length != 0) {
* This code is executed when certain code snippets matching to the criteria of the Runnable(ticks/load/store) are found.
return (calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer)
* This method is used to check if the load specified at the Runnable is matching with any of the pre-defined code-snippet
static private def void performCodeSnippetMatching(boolean experimental, Calculation calc) {
var int i
var boolean added = false
var codesnippets = LinuxRealisiticSyntheticGenerator.getCodeSnippets()
// CodeSnippet matching algorithm is enabled only if the switch 'experimentalCodeSnippetMatching' is supplied
if (experimental) { // properties.getProperty("experimentalCodeSnippetMatching")
for (i = 0; i < codesnippets.length; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
added = false
var int ticks_net = codesnippets.get(i).ticks - codesnippets.get(i).stallsload -
// This code is used to check which code snippets matches to the given Runnable (based on the ticks)
if (ticks_net < calc.calculatedTicksSum &&
codesnippets.get(i).reads < calc.readsSum &&
codesnippets.get(i).writes < calc.writesSum) {
calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer += codesnippets.get(i).name + "();/\n"+System.getProperty("line.separator")
calc.calculatedTicksSum -= ticks_net
calc.readsSum -= codesnippets.get(i).reads
calc.writesSum -= codesnippets.get(i).writes
added = true
if (added && i == codesnippets.length - 1) {
i = -1
* This method is used to generate the synthetic code for Runnable in the case when Ticks are present, and the 'synthetic code snippets are matching'
static private def void caseWithTicksAndMatchingCodeSnippets(Calculation calc) {
var String[] matchingCodeSnippetsIdsArray = calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer.split("/")
var int numberOfCodeSnippets = matchingCodeSnippetsIdsArray.length
calc.writesSum /= numberOfCodeSnippets
calc.readsSum /= numberOfCodeSnippets
calc.calculatedTicksSum /= numberOfCodeSnippets
calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer = '''
volatile int arraymb[250000];
int i;
matchingCodeSnippetsIdsArray.forEach [ codeSumPart |
// inserting code snippet call e.g: bubblesort();
calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer += codeSumPart
var int randomNumber1 = (Math.random() * 200000).intValue
var int randomNumber2 = (Math.random() * 200000).intValue
calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer += '''
«IF calc.writesSum > 0 || calc.readsSum > 0»
«IF calc.writesSum > 0»
for (i = 0; i < «calc.writesSum»; i++){
«FOR k : 0..9»
arraymb[«(Math.random()*5000).intValue»] = «randomNumber1»;
«IF calc.readsSum > 0»
for (i = 0; i < «calc.readsSum»; i++){
«FOR k : 0..9»
arraymb[«(Math.random()*5000).intValue»] == «randomNumber2»;
* This method is used to generate the synthetic code for Runnable in the case when Ticks and LabelAccess's are present
static private def String caseWithOutTicksButWithLabelAccesses(Calculation calc) {
var int randomNumber1 = (Math.random() * 200000).intValue
var int randomNumber2 = (Math.random() * 200000).intValue
calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer = '''
«IF calc.writesSum > 0 || calc.readsSum > 0»
volatile int arraymb[250000];
int i;
«IF calc.writesSum > 0»
for (i = 0; i < «calc.writesSum»; i++){
«FOR k : 0..9»
arraymb[«(Math.random()*5000).intValue»] = «randomNumber1»;
«IF calc.readsSum > 0»
for (i = 0; i < «calc.readsSum»; i++){
«FOR k : 0..9»
arraymb[«(Math.random()*5000).intValue»] == «randomNumber2»;
* This method is used to generate the synthetic code for Runnable in the case when only Ticks are present
static private def String caseWithOnlyTicks(Calculation calc) {
var int randomNumber1 = (Math.random() * 200000).intValue
var int randomNumber2 = (Math.random() * 200000).intValue
calc.matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer = '''
«IF calc.writesSum > 0 || calc.readsSum > 0»
volatile int arraymb[250000];
int i;
«IF calc.writesSum > 0»
for (i = 0; i < «calc.writesSum»; i++){
«FOR k : 0..9»
arraymb[«(Math.random()*5000).intValue»] = «randomNumber1»;
«IF calc.readsSum > 0»
for (i = 0; i < «calc.readsSum»; i++){
«FOR k : 0..9»
arraymb[«(Math.random()*5000).intValue»] == «randomNumber2»;
static class Calculation {
public var int calculatedTicksSum = 0
public var int readsSum = 0 // extracted from runnable
public var int writesSum = 0 // extracted from runnable
public var String matchingCodeSnippetIdsBuffer = ""
public val ticksSumMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>
def resetCalculatedTicksSum(){