blob: 97837d654723c009c2cf3d84209cd60a3fe0706a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Robert Bosch GmbH and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Robert Bosch GmbH - initial API and implementation
#include "helpers\TraverseASTMainHelpers.h"
#if defined WIN32
#define __uncaught_exception std::uncaught_exception
using namespace clang;
using namespace clang::tooling;
using namespace std;
using namespace llvm;
using namespace std::tr2::sys;
void handle2Arguments(int argc, const char **argv){
try {
directoryToParse = projectDirectory;
if (directoryToParse.size() == 0){
shouldContinue = false;
cout << "Wrong arguments: type -help to see how to use the command line options." << endl;
shouldContinue = true;
catch (...) {
shouldContinue = false;
cout << "Wrong arguments: Allowed combination 1)-pdir=absolute path of directorytoparse" << endl;
void handle3Arguments(int argc, const char **argv){
try {
if (!projectDirectory.empty() && !headerDirectory.empty())
directoryToParse = projectDirectory;
headerFileDirectory = headerDirectory;
shouldContinue = true;
else if (!projectDirectory.empty() && !htextfile.empty())
directoryToParse = projectDirectory;
headerTextFile = htextfile;
shouldContinue = true;
else if (!cFilesDirectory.empty() && !projectDirectory.empty())
directoryToParse = cFilesDirectory;
headerFileDirectory = projectDirectory;
shouldContinue = true;
else if (!ctextfile.empty() && !projectDirectory.empty())
cText = ctextfile;
headerFileDirectory = projectDirectory;
shouldContinue = true;
else if (!projectDirectory.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
directoryToParse = projectDirectory;
num = numberOfThreads;
if (num > 0) {
shouldContinue = true;
else {
cout << "Wrong arguments: The number of threads to start should be a positive number." << endl;
shouldContinue = false;
cout << "Wrong arguments: Allowed combinations 1)-pdir= -n= ...2)-pdir= -hdir= ...3)-pdir= -hlist= ...4)-clist= -pdir= ...5)-pdir= -hlist=" << endl;
catch (...) {
shouldContinue = false;
cout << "Wrong arguments: Allowed combinations 1)-pdir= -n= ...2)-pdir= -hdir= ...3)-pdir= -hlist= ...4)-clist= -pdir= ...5)-pdir= -hlist=" << endl;
void handle4Arguments(int argc, const char **argv){
if (!cFilesDirectory.empty() && !headerDirectory.empty())
directoryToParse = cFilesDirectory;
headerFileDirectory = headerDirectory;
shouldContinue = true;
else if (!cFilesDirectory.empty() && !htextfile.empty())
directoryToParse = cFilesDirectory;
headerTextFile = htextfile;
shouldContinue = true;
else if (!ctextfile.empty() && !headerDirectory.empty())
cText = ctextfile;
headerFileDirectory = headerDirectory;
shouldContinue = true;
else if (!ctextfile.empty() && !htextfile.empty())
cText = ctextfile;
headerTextFile = htextfile;
shouldContinue = true;
else if (!cFilesDirectory.empty() && !ctextfile.empty())
cText = ctextfile;
headerFileDirectory = projectDirectory;
shouldContinue = true;
else if (!headerDirectory.empty() && !htextfile.empty())
headerTextFile = htextfile;
directoryToParse = projectDirectory;
shouldContinue = true;
else if (!projectDirectory.empty() && !headerDirectory.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
directoryToParse = projectDirectory;
headerFileDirectory = headerDirectory;
num = numberOfThreads;
else if (!projectDirectory.empty() && !htextfile.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
directoryToParse = projectDirectory;
headerTextFile = htextfile;
num = numberOfThreads;
else if (!cFilesDirectory.empty() && !projectDirectory.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
directoryToParse = cFilesDirectory;
headerFileDirectory = projectDirectory;
num = numberOfThreads;
else if (!ctextfile.empty() && !projectDirectory.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
cText = ctextfile;
headerFileDirectory = projectDirectory;
num = numberOfThreads;
shouldContinue = false;
cout << "Wrong arguments : Allowed combinations 1) -pdir= -cdir = -hdir = ...2) -pdir= -cdir = -hlist = ... 3) -pdir= -clist = -hdir = ...4) -pdir= -clist = -hlist = ...5)-pdir= -cdir= -clist= ...6)-pdir= -hdir= -hlist= ...7)-pdir= -hdir= -n= ...8)-pdir= -hlist= -n= ...9)-clist= -pdir= -n=...10)-pdir= -hlist= -n=...." << endl;
//headerFileirectory = headerDirectory;
if (numberOfThreads != 0)
if (num > 0) {
shouldContinue = true;
else {
cout << "Wrong arguments: The number of threads to start should be a positive number." << endl;
catch (...) {
shouldContinue = false;
cout << "Wrong arguments : Allowed combinations 1) -pdir= -cdir = -hdir = ...2) -pdir= -cdir = -hlist = ... 3) -pdir= -clist = -hdir = ...4) -pdir= -clist = -hlist = ...5)-pdir= -cdir= -clist= ...6)-pdir= -hdir= -hlist= ...7)-pdir= -hdir= -n= ...8)-pdir= -hlist= -n= ...9)-clist= -pdir= -n=...10)-pdir= -hlist= -n=...." << endl;
void handle5Arguments(int argc, const char **argv){
//cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
if (!cFilesDirectory.empty() && !headerDirectory.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
directoryToParse = cFilesDirectory;
headerFileDirectory = headerDirectory;
num = numberOfThreads;
else if (!cFilesDirectory.empty() && !htextfile.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
directoryToParse = cFilesDirectory;
headerTextFile = htextfile;
num = numberOfThreads;
else if (!ctextfile.empty() && !headerDirectory.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
cText = ctextfile;
headerFileDirectory = headerDirectory;
num = numberOfThreads;
else if (!ctextfile.empty() && !htextfile.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
cText = ctextfile;
headerTextFile = htextfile;
num = numberOfThreads;
else if (!cFilesDirectory.empty() && !ctextfile.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
cText = ctextfile;
headerFileDirectory = projectDirectory;
num = numberOfThreads;
else if (!headerDirectory.empty() && !htextfile.empty() && numberOfThreads != 0)
headerTextFile = htextfile;
directoryToParse = projectDirectory;
num = numberOfThreads;
shouldContinue = false;
cout << "Wrong arguments : Allowed combinations 1) -pdir= -cdir = -hdir = -n= ...2) -pdir= -cdir = -hlist = -n= ... 3) -pdir= -clist = -hdir = -n=...4) -pdir= -clist = -hlist = -n=...5)-pdir= -cdir= -clist= -n=...6)-pdir= -hdir= -hlist= -n=...." << endl;
if (num > 0) {
shouldContinue = true;
else {
cout << "Wrong arguments: The number of threads to start should be a positive number." << endl;
catch (...) {
shouldContinue = false;
cout << "Wrong arguments : Allowed combinations 1) -pdir= -cdir = -hdir = ...2) -pdir= -cdir = -hlist = ... 3) -pdir= -clist = -hdir = ...4) -pdir= -clist = -hlist = ...5)-pdir= -cdir= -clist= ...6)-pdir= -hdir= -hlist= ...." << endl;
void handleCommandLineArguments(int argc, const char **argv){
if (!hashDefineTextfile.empty())
switch (argc)
case 2:
handle2Arguments(argc, argv);
case 3:
handle3Arguments(argc, argv);
case 4:
handle4Arguments(argc, argv);
case 5:
handle5Arguments(argc, argv);
cout << "wrong number of arguments, at least 1 and maximum 3 arguments schould be povided" << endl;
void createListOfFilesToAnalyse(){
if (num != 0)
NumberOfThreads = num;
if (!cText.empty())
vector<string> *fileList1 = new vector<string>;
fileList = new vector<string>;
struct stat statbuf;
std::ifstream input(cText);
for (std::string line; getline(input, line);)
line = getFileNameWithoutFileAndPackage(line);
//checking if the path is a directory
stat(line.c_str(), &statbuf);
if (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)
fileList1 = provideListOfFiles(line);
fileList->insert(fileList->end(), fileList1->begin(), fileList1->end());
else if (!cFilesDirectory.empty())
fileList = provideListOfFiles(directoryToParse);
fileList = provideListOfFiles(directoryToParse);
if (fileList && fileList->size() < NumberOfThreads){
NumberOfThreads = fileList->size();
void createListOfFileForEachThread(){
int workerID = 0;
for (std::vector<std::string>* v : filesForThreads) {
TraversingData* t = new TraversingData();
t->workerId = workerID++;
for (string str : *v) {
traversingDatas[str] = t;
void createHeaderDirectoryList(const char **argv){
if (!headerFileDirectory.empty())
headerList = getHeaderList("", headerFileDirectory);
else if (!headerTextFile.empty())
struct stat statbuf;
headerList1 = new list<string>;
std::ifstream input(headerTextFile);
for (std::string line; getline(input, line);)
line = getFileNameWithoutFileAndPackage(line);
stat(line.c_str(), &statbuf);
if (!(statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
line = line.substr(0, line.find_last_of("\\"));
headerList1->push_back("-I" + line);
headerList = headerList1;
headerList = getHeaderList("", directoryToParse);
if (!hashDefineTextfile.empty())
std::ifstream input(hashDefineTextfile);
for (std::string line; getline(input, line);)
line = replaceAll(line, "\\\"", "");
totalNumberOfFiles = fileList->size();
void createAndStartJobs(){
char ** args = getStringArrayFromStringList(headerList);
//all the header directories + program name + directory to parse + -- symbol for the comming includes
int val = headerList->size();
CommonOptionsParser OptionsParser(val, (const char **)args, MyToolCategory);
vector<thread> jobs;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < allTraversingData.size(); i++) {
TraverseASTWorker t(&OptionsParser,, directoryToParse, i);
jobs.push_back(thread(&TraverseASTWorker::executeWorker, t));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < jobs.size(); i++) {;
string* getStructMemberType(string memberName, string structTypeName, TraversingData* t2){
TypeDefGeneral* t = t2->typeDefsmap[structTypeName];
list<TypeDefGeneral*>* listOfMembers = nullptr;
string categorie = "";
string referencedType = "";
string localMemberName = "";
static string result[2] = { "STRUCT", "ANONYMOUS" };
if (t != nullptr){
listOfMembers = ((TypeDefStructOrUnion*)t)->getMembers();
if (listOfMembers != nullptr && listOfMembers->size() > 0){
set<string> anonymousStructs;
for (TypeDefGeneral* tMember : *listOfMembers){
if (tMember->getName().compare(memberName) == 0){
result[0] = *(tMember->getReferencedType());
result[1] = enumToString(tMember->getTypeDefType());
return result;
int n = localMemberName.find_first_of(".");
if (n != string::npos){
anonymousStructs.insert(tMember->getName().substr(0, n));
if (anonymousStructs.size() > 0){
for (set<string>::iterator it = anonymousStructs.begin(); it != anonymousStructs.end(); ++it){
if (it->compare("memberName") == 0){
return result;
return nullptr;
Update the
void UpdateGlobalVariableFromLocal(string variableName, string functionName, TraversingData* t, GlobalVariableAccess* gA){
int endStructVarName = -1;
int startMemberName = -1;
GlobalVariable* g = nullptr;
string referencedType = "UNKNOW_TYPE";
string category = "UNKNOW_CAT";
if (variableName.find_first_of(".") != string::npos){
endStructVarName = variableName.find_first_of(".");
startMemberName = endStructVarName + 1;
if (endStructVarName > 0){
string structVariableName = variableName.substr(0, endStructVarName);
structVariableName = structVariableName + CONCAT_F + functionName;
if (t->mapOfAllLocalAndParameter.count(structVariableName) == 1){
g = t->mapOfAllLocalAndParameter[structVariableName];
string structTypeName = g->getPointeeType();
int functionNameStart = variableName.length() - functionName.length() - 1;
string memberName = variableName.substr(startMemberName, functionNameStart - startMemberName);
if (variableName.find_last_of(CONCAT_F_IA) != string::npos){
memberName = memberName.substr(0, memberName.length() - 3);
string* memberTypeInfo = getStructMemberType(memberName, structTypeName, t);
if (memberTypeInfo != nullptr){
referencedType = memberTypeInfo[0];
category = memberTypeInfo[1];
GlobalVariable* globalVariable = new GlobalVariable(variableName, referencedType, g->getFileName(), g->getLine(), g->getColumn(), category, "", "", "");
t->internalGlobalVariablesMap[variableName] = globalVariable;
if (t->internalGlobalVariablesMap.count(structVariableName) == 0){
t->internalGlobalVariablesMap[structVariableName] = g;
if (t->mapOfAllLocalAndParameter.count(variableName) == 1){
g = t->mapOfAllLocalAndParameter[variableName];
t->internalGlobalVariablesMap[variableName] = g;
void addLocalVariableToGlobalVariableMap(TraversingData* t) {
for (std::map<std::string, GlobalVariable*>::iterator it = t->mapOfAllLocalAndParameter.begin(); it != t->mapOfAllLocalAndParameter.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second->getCat().compare("POINTER_ON_STRUCT") == 0) {
t->internalGlobalVariablesMap[it->first] = it->second;
void upadateLocalVariableAccessInformation(TraversingData* t){
for (std::map <std::string, std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>*>::iterator it = t->internalStructuralCallGraphs.begin(); it != t->internalStructuralCallGraphs.end(); ++it){
std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>* listOfFunctionsAndCallees = it->second;
for (FunctionAndCallees* f : *listOfFunctionsAndCallees){
swappLocalVariableWhenPossible(f, t);
std::list<GlobalVariableAccess*>* listOfGlobalVariableAccesses = f->getGlobalVariableAccesses();
for (GlobalVariableAccess* gA : *listOfGlobalVariableAccesses){
GlobalVariable* g = gA->getGlobalVariable();
if (g && g != nullptr){
UpdateGlobalVariableFromLocal(g->getName(), f->getFunctionEntry()->getFunctionName(), t, gA);
/* Swapp the local variables with the global one whenever possible*/
void swappLocalVariableWhenPossible(FunctionAndCallees* functionAndCallees, TraversingData* t){
list<SwappingInfo*>* listOfSwappingInfos = functionAndCallees->getListOfSwappingInfos();
list<GlobalVariableAccess*>* variableAccesses = functionAndCallees->getGlobalVariableAccesses();
if (variableAccesses && variableAccesses != nullptr && variableAccesses->size() > 0){
for (GlobalVariableAccess* varAccess : *variableAccesses){
int varAccessBlockID = varAccess->getBasicBlockID();
string globalLabelToReplaceWith = "";
if (listOfSwappingInfos != nullptr && listOfSwappingInfos->size() > 0){
for (SwappingInfo* swappingInfo : *listOfSwappingInfos){
if (swappingInfo->getBlockID() == varAccessBlockID && varAccess->getLine() > swappingInfo->getProxyVariable()->getLineNumber()){
globalLabelToReplaceWith = swappingInfo->getProxyVariable()->getGlobalVariableName();
if ("") != 0 && t->internalGlobalVariablesMap.count(globalLabelToReplaceWith) > 0){
GlobalVariable* globalVar = t->internalGlobalVariablesMap[globalLabelToReplaceWith];
Merge All the Data to the first traverse Data
void mergeDataFromDifferentThreadsToFirst(){
for (int i = 1; i < allTraversingData.size(); i++){
TraversingData* t1 =;
for (std::map<std::string, GlobalVariable*>::iterator it = t1->internalGlobalVariablesMap.begin(); it != t1->internalGlobalVariablesMap.end(); ++it){>internalGlobalVariablesMap[it->first] = it->second;
cout << i << " - internalGlobalVariablesMap" << endl;
for (std::map <std::string, std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>*>::iterator it = t1->internalStructuralCallGraphs.begin(); it != t1->internalStructuralCallGraphs.end(); ++it){
if (it->"function_definition_not_found.c") == 0 || it->first.empty()){
string filename = it->first;
std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>* l = t1->internalStructuralCallGraphs[filename];
for (FunctionAndCallees* f : *l){>internalStructuralCallGraphs[filename]->push_back(f);
else{>internalStructuralCallGraphs[it->first] = it->second;
cout << i << " - internalStructuralCallGraphs" << endl;
for (std::map<std::string, TypeDefGeneral*>::iterator it = t1->typeDefsmap.begin(); it != t1->typeDefsmap.end(); ++it){>typeDefsmap[it->first] = it->second;
cout << i << " - typeDefsmap" << endl;
// consolidate function parameter map
for (std::map<std::string, GlobalVariable*>::iterator it = t1->mapOfAllLocalAndParameter.begin(); it != t1->mapOfAllLocalAndParameter.end(); ++it){>mapOfAllLocalAndParameter[it->first] = it->second;
for (std::map<std::string, std::map<std::string, GlobalVariable*>*>::iterator it = t1->internalFunctionsParametersMap.begin(); it != t1->internalFunctionsParametersMap.end(); ++it){
if (it->second && it->second != nullptr){
for (std::map<std::string, GlobalVariable*>::iterator it2 = it->second->begin(); it2 != it->second->end(); ++it2){>mapOfAllLocalAndParameter[it2->first] = it2->second;
cout << i << " - local and parameter map" << endl;
if (isCFGActivated) {
void printIRInformation(){
TraversingData* t =;
try {
printCallTreeToXMLAdvanced(replaceAll(projectDirectory, "/", "\\"), ".", t);
catch (...) {
cout << "An error happened during the generation of the XML Calltree" << endl;
try {
printGlobalvariableList(".", t);
for (std::map<std::string, GlobalVariable*>::iterator it =>mapOfAllLocalAndParameter.begin();
it !=>mapOfAllLocalAndParameter.end(); ++it){
catch (...) {
cout << "An error happened during the generation of the Global variable list" << endl;
void printCFGInformation(){
try {
if (isCFGActivated){
TraversingData* t =;
catch (...) {
cout << "An error happened during the display of CFG related data" << endl;
string getFileNameWithoutFileAndPackage(string line){
int posFile = line.find_first_of(":", 3);
int posPackage = line.find_last_of(":");
if (posFile != string::npos && posFile != string::npos){
string* filename = new string(line.substr(0, posFile));
string fName = "";
string pName = "";
stringstream ss(line.substr(3));
string tok;
int i = 0;
while (getline(ss, tok, ':')) {
if (i == 1){
fName = tok;
else if (i == 2){
pName = tok;
centrallyStoreFile_PackageInformation(*filename, fName, pName);
return *filename;
return line;
void centrallyStoreFile_PackageInformation(std::string filename, std::string fName, std::string packageName){
pair<string, string> filePackage(fName, packageName);
filePackageMap[getFileNameWithoutPath(filename)] = filePackage;