blob: 47c90c29db3c1b4f84a98b3bb5880a7e9754c4f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2017 Robert Bosch GmbH and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Robert Bosch GmbH - initial API and implementation
#include "Output.h"
using namespace std;
std::set<std::string> labelSet;
void printCurrentAnalyzedFile(std::string currentAnalyzedFile, TraversingData* t){
if (currentAnalyzedFile.size() > 0){
cout << "Analysing file " << to_string(currentNumberOfFiles++) << " von " << totalNumberOfFiles << " in thread " << t->workerId << ": " << currentAnalyzedFile << endl;
void addDummyContainerWithNotDefinedFunctions(TraversingData* t) {
set<string> calledFunctions;
set<string> definedFunctions;
set<string> undefinedFunctions;
for (map <std::string, std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>*>::iterator iterator = t->internalStructuralCallGraphs.begin(); iterator != t->internalStructuralCallGraphs.end(); iterator++){
list<FunctionAndCallees*>* functionsList = iterator->second;
for (FunctionAndCallees* fc : *functionsList){
list<CallEntry*>* callees = fc->getCallees();
if (callees->size() > 0){
for (CallEntry* fE : *callees){
set_difference(calledFunctions.begin(), calledFunctions.end(), definedFunctions.begin(), definedFunctions.end(),
inserter(undefinedFunctions, undefinedFunctions.begin()));
if (undefinedFunctions.size() > 0){
string dummyContainer = "function_definition_not_found.c";
string* fileName = new string(dummyContainer);
t->filesMap[dummyContainer] = fileName;
fileName = t->filesMap[dummyContainer];
list<FunctionAndCallees*> *listFac = new list <FunctionAndCallees*>();
t->internalStructuralCallGraphs[*fileName] = listFac;
for (auto undefFunction : undefinedFunctions) {
FunctionAndCallees *fac = new FunctionAndCallees();
std::vector<FunctionParameter*> dummyList;
fac->setFunctionID(new FunctionEntry(fileName, undefFunction, 0, 0, "", dummyList));
string getRelativePathFilename(string directoryToParse, std::string fileName) {
size_t found = fileName.find(directoryToParse);
if (found == 0) {
if (directoryToParse.size() < fileName.size()) {
return "." + fileName.substr(directoryToParse.size(), fileName.size());
return fileName;
string removeAnonymousOrConst(string* str){
string result = "";
if (str && str != nullptr){
result = *str;
if (str->find("(anonymous") != string::npos){
result = str->substr(0, str->find("(anonymous") - 1);
if (str->find("const") == 0){
result = str->substr(6);
if (str->find("volatile") == 0){
result = str->substr(9);
if (str->find_last_of(" ") != string::npos){
result = str->substr(str->find_last_of(" ") + 1);
return result;
void printAccess(GlobalVariableAccess* gvE, ofstream* outputFile){
*outputFile << " <AccessedLabel label=\"" << gvE->getGlobalVariable()->getName() << "\" Access=\"" << gvE->getAccessType();
*outputFile << "\" srcline=\"" << gvE->getLine() << "\" srccol=\"" << gvE->getColumn() << "\"/>" << endl;
void printCall(CallEntry* fE, ofstream* outputFile){
*outputFile << " <call srcline=\"" << fE->getCallLine() << "\" srccol=\"" << fE->getCallColumn() << "\">";
*outputFile << fE->getFunctionID()->getFunctionName() << "</call>" << endl;
string removeTrailingPoint(string variableName){
if (!isVariableStatic(variableName)){
if (variableName.find(".") != string::npos) {
int n = variableName.find_last_of(".");
if (n == variableName.length() - 1) {
return variableName.substr(0, n);
return variableName;
void printAccessAdvanced(GlobalVariableAccess* gvE, ofstream* outputFile, ofstream* errorsFile, string& filename){
if (gvE && gvE != nullptr && gvE->getGlobalVariable() && gvE->getGlobalVariable() != nullptr) {
string name = removeTrailingPoint(gvE->getGlobalVariable()->getName());
string variableName = gvE->getGlobalVariable()->getName();
string type = "Label";
string cleanedName = getValidLabelAccessName(name, &labelSet);
if (!isLocalPointerOrParameter(variableName, && isGlobalVariableDeclared(gvE, {
//string cleanedName = getValidLabelAccessName(name, &labelSet);
if ( == 0 || (name.find(cleanedName) >= 0 && cleanedName.find("#") == string::npos)) {
*outputFile << " <stmtseq xsi:type=\"scair:LabelAccess\" label=\"" << cleanedName;
//*outputFile << "?type=" << type << "\" Access=\"" << gvE->getAccessType() << "\" srcline=\"" << gvE->getLine() << "\"" << " blockID=\"" << gvE->getBasicBlockID() << "\"" << " srccol=\"" << gvE->getColumn() << "\"/>" << endl;
*outputFile << "?type=" << type << "\" Access=\"" << gvE->getAccessType() << "\" srcline=\"" << gvE->getLine() << "\"" << " srccol=\"" << gvE->getColumn() << "\"/>" << endl;
if ( != 0) {
*errorsFile << " <stmtseq xsi:type=\"scair:LabelAccess\"" << " labelWritten=\"" << cleanedName << "\" labelExpected=\"" << name;
*errorsFile << "?type=" << type << "\" Access=\"" << gvE->getAccessType() << "\" srcline=\"" << gvE->getLine() << "\" srccol=\"" << gvE->getColumn() << "\" filename=\"" << filename << "\"/>" << endl;
else if (isLocalPointerOrParameter(variableName, || (name.find_first_of("-FPTR") == name.length() - 5)) {
*outputFile << " <stmtseq xsi:type=\"scair:LabelAccess\" label=\"" << variableName;
//*outputFile << "?type=" << type << "\" Access=\"" << gvE->getAccessType() << "\" srcline=\"" << gvE->getLine() << "\"" << " blockID=\"" << gvE->getBasicBlockID() << "\"" << " srccol=\"" << gvE->getColumn() << "\"/>" << endl;
*outputFile << "?type=" << type << "\" Access=\"" << gvE->getAccessType() << "\" srcline=\"" << gvE->getLine() << "\"" << " srccol=\"" << gvE->getColumn() << "\"/>" << endl;
if (variableName.find("#") != string::npos) {
cout << "error2: " << variableName << endl;
if (>internalGlobalVariablesMap.count(variableName) == 0) {>internalGlobalVariablesMap[variableName] =>mapOfAllLocalAndParameter[variableName];
else {
*errorsFile << " <stmtseq xsi:type=\"scair:LabelAccess\" label2=\"" << gvE->getGlobalVariable()->getName();
*errorsFile << "?type=" << type << "\" Access=\"" << gvE->getAccessType() << "\" srcline=\"" << gvE->getLine() << "\" srccol=\"" << gvE->getColumn() << "\"/>" << endl;
else {
//cerr << gvE->getGlobalVariable() << endl;
catch (...){
//cout << gvE->getGlobalVariable()->getName() << endl;
cerr << "An error occured in printAccessAdvanced" << endl;
void printCallAdvanced(CallEntry* fE, ofstream* outputFile){
*outputFile << " <stmtseq xsi:type=\"scair:FunctionCall\"";
*outputFile << " calls=\"" << fE->getFunctionID()->getFunctionName() << "?type=Function\"" << " srcline = \"" << fE->getCallLine() << "\" srccol=\"" << fE->getCallColumn() << "\"/>" << endl;
void printFunctionContentInOrder(list<CallEntry*>* callees, list<GlobalVariableAccess*>* accesses, ofstream* outputFile){
list<CallEntry*>::iterator calleeIt;
list<GlobalVariableAccess*>::iterator gloVarIt;
for (calleeIt = callees->begin(), gloVarIt = accesses->begin(); calleeIt != callees->end() || gloVarIt != accesses->end();){
if (calleeIt != callees->end() && gloVarIt != accesses->end()){
if ((*gloVarIt)->getLine() < (*calleeIt)->getCallLine()){
GlobalVariableAccess* gVA = *gloVarIt;
printAccess(gVA, outputFile);
CallEntry* callEntry = *calleeIt;
printCall(callEntry, outputFile);
else if (calleeIt != callees->end()){
CallEntry* callEntry = *calleeIt;
printCall(callEntry, outputFile);
GlobalVariableAccess* gVA = *gloVarIt;
printAccess(gVA, outputFile);
void printFunctionContentInOrderAdvanced(list<CallEntry*>* callees, list<GlobalVariableAccess*>* accesses, ofstream* outputFile, ofstream* errorsFile, string& filename){
list<CallEntry*>::iterator calleeIt;
list<GlobalVariableAccess*>::iterator gloVarIt;
for (calleeIt = callees->begin(), gloVarIt = accesses->begin(); calleeIt != callees->end() || gloVarIt != accesses->end();){
if (calleeIt != callees->end() && gloVarIt != accesses->end()){
if ((*gloVarIt)->getLine() < (*calleeIt)->getCallLine()){
GlobalVariableAccess* gVA = *gloVarIt;
printAccessAdvanced(gVA, outputFile, errorsFile, filename);
CallEntry* callEntry = *calleeIt;
printCallAdvanced(callEntry, outputFile);
else if (calleeIt != callees->end()){
CallEntry* callEntry = *calleeIt;
printCallAdvanced(callEntry, outputFile);
GlobalVariableAccess* gVA = *gloVarIt;
printAccessAdvanced(gVA, outputFile, errorsFile, filename);
void addAnonymousStruct(map<string, pair<string, string>>* currentTypeDefMembers, string currentLabel, string prefix){
if (currentLabel.find(".") != string::npos){
int n = currentLabel.find(".");
string name = currentLabel.substr(0, n);
if (prefix.size() > 0){
name = prefix + "." + name;
if (currentTypeDefMembers->count(name) == 0){
pair<string, string> p("ANONYMOUS", "STRUCT");
(*currentTypeDefMembers)[name] = p;
string removeImplicitField(string fieldMember){
int startPos = 0;
int length = 0;
if (fieldMember.find(".implicit_field#.") != string::npos){
startPos = fieldMember.find(".implicit_field#.");
length = 17;
else if (fieldMember.find("implicit_field#.") != string::npos){
startPos = fieldMember.find("implicit_field#.");
length = 16;
return fieldMember.erase(startPos, length);
map<string, pair<string, string>>* getTypeDefMembers(TraversingData * t, map<string, pair<string, string>>* currentTypeDefMembers, TypeDefStructOrUnion* typeDefinition, string prefix){
list<TypeDefGeneral*>* listOfMembers = nullptr;
TypeDefStructOrUnion* referencedStruct = nullptr;
string currentLabel = "";
listOfMembers = typeDefinition->getMembers();
if (listOfMembers == nullptr || (listOfMembers != nullptr && listOfMembers->size() == 0)){
string referencedTypeName = removeAnonymousOrConst(typeDefinition->getReferencedType());
TypeDefGeneral* typeDef = t->typeDefsmap[referencedTypeName];
if ("") != 0 && typeDef != nullptr){
referencedStruct = (TypeDefStructOrUnion*)typeDef;
if (referencedStruct != typeDefinition)
getTypeDefMembers(t, currentTypeDefMembers, referencedStruct, prefix);
for (TypeDefGeneral* tMember : *listOfMembers){
currentLabel = tMember->getName();
addAnonymousStruct(currentTypeDefMembers, currentLabel, prefix);
if (prefix.size() > 0){
currentLabel = prefix + "." + tMember->getName();
string cat = enumToString(tMember->getTypeDefType());
string type = *tMember->getReferencedType();
//Commenting to allow const voltile and other keywords to be present in the type
// type=removeAnonymousOrConst(tMember->getReferencedType());
pair<string, string> p(type, cat);
if ("implicit_field#") != 0 && currentLabel.find("implicit_field#") == string::npos){
(*currentTypeDefMembers)[currentLabel] = p;
else if (currentLabel.find("implicit_field#") != string::npos){
(*currentTypeDefMembers)[removeImplicitField(currentLabel)] = p;
if (tMember->getTypeDefType() == STRUCT || tMember->getTypeDefType() == UNION){
getTypeDefMembers(t, currentTypeDefMembers, (TypeDefStructOrUnion*)tMember, currentLabel);
catch (...){
cout << "a problem happened when getting type def members of " << typeDefinition->getName() << endl;
return currentTypeDefMembers;
void printMemberLabels(TraversingData * t, ofstream* outputFile, string structName, string labelName){
list<TypeDefGeneral*>* listOfMembers = nullptr;
TypeDefGeneral * typeDefinition = nullptr;
typeDefinition = t->typeDefsmap[structName];
if (typeDefinition != nullptr && (typeDefinition->getTypeDefType() == STRUCT || typeDefinition->getTypeDefType() == UNION)){
listOfMembers = ((TypeDefStructOrUnion*)typeDefinition)->getMembers();
if (listOfMembers != nullptr && listOfMembers->size() > 0){
set<string> possibleAnonymousStructs;
for (TypeDefGeneral* tMember : *listOfMembers){
string memberName = labelName + "." + tMember->getName();
*outputFile << " <label name=\"" << memberName << "\" type=\"" << removeAnonymousOrConst(tMember->getReferencedType());
*outputFile << "\" cat=\"" << enumToString(tMember->getTypeDefType());
*outputFile << "\"></label>" << endl;
int n = tMember->getName().find(".");
if (n != string::npos){
possibleAnonymousStructs.insert(tMember->getName().substr(0, n));
if (possibleAnonymousStructs.size() > 0){
for (set<string>::iterator it = possibleAnonymousStructs.begin(); it != possibleAnonymousStructs.end(); ++it){
string memberName = labelName + "." + *it;
*outputFile << " <label name=\"" << memberName << "\" type=\"anonymous";
*outputFile << "\" cat=\"STRUCT";
*outputFile << "\"></label>" << endl;
void printfileAndPackageInfo(string fileName, ofstream* outputFile){
string fName = "";
string pName = "";
string fileNameWithoutPath = getFileNameWithoutPath(fileName);
if (filePackageMap.count(fileNameWithoutPath) > 0){
pair<string, string> filePackagePair = filePackageMap[fileNameWithoutPath];
fName = filePackagePair.first;
pName = filePackagePair.second;
*outputFile << "\" File=\"" << fName << "\" Package=\"" << pName;
void printMemberLabelsAdvanced(TraversingData * t, ofstream* outputFile, string structName, string labelName, string* fileName, bool isPointerOnStruct){
string memberConnector = ".";
if (isPointerOnStruct){
memberConnector = POINTS2;
TypeDefGeneral * typeDefinition = nullptr;
typeDefinition = t->typeDefsmap[structName];
map<string, pair<string, string>>* mapOfMembers = new map<string, pair<string, string>>();
if (!isPointerOnStruct && typeDefinition != nullptr && (typeDefinition->getTypeDefType() == STRUCT || typeDefinition->getTypeDefType() == UNION)){
TypeDefStructOrUnion* typeDefStructOrUnion = (TypeDefStructOrUnion*)typeDefinition;
mapOfMembers = getTypeDefMembers(t, mapOfMembers, typeDefStructOrUnion, "");
if (mapOfMembers != nullptr && mapOfMembers->size() > 0){
for (map<string, pair<string, string>>::iterator it = mapOfMembers->begin(); it != mapOfMembers->end(); ++it){
string memberName = labelName + memberConnector + it->first;
*outputFile << " <label name=\"" << memberName << "\" type=\"" << it->second.first;
*outputFile << "\" cat=\"" << it->second.second;
printfileAndPackageInfo(*fileName, outputFile);
*outputFile << "\"/>" << endl;
/*Print the call tree inside a XML file*/
void printCallTreeToXMLAdvanced(string directoryToParse, string directoryToPrint, TraversingData * t) {
getLabelList(&labelSet, t);
ofstream outputFile; + "/XMLCalltree.xml");
ofstream outputFileGloballAccessErrors; + "/outputFileGloballAccessErrors.txt");
//map of function name and its corrosponding function entry object..The entries are those that are already printed in the IR.. added for the task 152993
std::map<std::string, FunctionEntry*>functionAndPrintedStatus;
outputFile << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ASCII\"?>" << endl;
outputFile << "<scair:Project xmi:version=\"2.0\" xmlns:xmi=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:scair=\"http://org.eclipse.app4mc.scair.core.model\" location=\"" << directoryToParse << "\">" << endl;
cout << "Starting to write the containers" << endl;
outputFile << " <containers>" << endl;
for (map <std::string, std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>*>::iterator iterator = t->internalStructuralCallGraphs.begin(); iterator != t->internalStructuralCallGraphs.end(); iterator++){
string fileName = iterator->first;
//string headerFileName = fileName.substr(fileName.find_last_of("/\\") + 1);
removeDuplicates(iterator->second, functionAndPrintedStatus);
if (iterator->second->size() != 0){
outputFile << " <container name=\"" << getRelativePathFilename(directoryToParse, fileName) << "\">" << endl;
list<FunctionAndCallees*>* functionsList = iterator->second;
outputFile << " <functions>" << endl;
for (FunctionAndCallees* fc : *functionsList){
functionAndPrintedStatus[convertToLowerCase(fc->getFunctionEntry()->getFunctionName())] = fc->getFunctionEntry();
outputFile << " <function srcline=\"" << fc->getFunctionEntry()->getLine() << "\" srccol=\"" << fc->getFunctionEntry()->getColumn();
printfileAndPackageInfo(fileName, &outputFile);
outputFile << "\">" << endl;
outputFile << " <name>" << fc->getFunctionEntry()->getFunctionName() << "</name>" << endl;
list<CallEntry*>* callees = fc->getCallees();
list<GlobalVariableAccess*>* accesses = fc->getGlobalVariableAccesses();
printFunctionContentInOrderAdvanced(callees, accesses, &outputFile, &outputFileGloballAccessErrors, fileName);
outputFile << " </function>" << endl;
outputFile << " </functions>" << endl;
outputFile << " </container>" << endl;
outputFile << " </containers>" << endl;
catch (...){
cout << "Problem creating the container list" << endl;
cout << "Starting to write the labels" << endl;
outputFile << " <labels>" << endl;
for (map<string, GlobalVariable*>::iterator it = t->internalGlobalVariablesMap.begin(); it != t->internalGlobalVariablesMap.end(); ++it) {
GlobalVariable* globalVariableTemp = it->second;
string type = "";
if (globalVariableTemp != nullptr){
string str = globalVariableTemp->getType();
string fileName = *globalVariableTemp->getFileName();
string globalVariableName = it->first;
//Commenting to allow const voltile and other keywords to be present in the type
// str = removeAnonymousOrConst(&str);
outputFile << " <label name=\"" << globalVariableName << "\" type=\"" << str;
outputFile << "\" cat=\"" << globalVariableTemp->getCat();
printfileAndPackageInfo(fileName, &outputFile);
outputFile << "\"/>" << endl;
if (isStructMemberAccessActivated && (globalVariableTemp->getCat().compare("STRUCT") == 0
|| globalVariableTemp->getCat().compare("UNION") == 0)
|| globalVariableTemp->getCat().compare("POINTER_ON_STRUCT") == 0){
//adding to allow const voltile and other keywords to be present in the type
str = removeAnonymousOrConst(&str);
type = globalVariableTemp->getCat();
//printMemberLabelsAdvanced(t, &outputFile, str, globalVariableTemp->getName());
bool isPointerOnStruct = false;
if (globalVariableTemp->getCat().compare("POINTER_ON_STRUCT") == 0){
str = globalVariableTemp->getPointeeType();
isPointerOnStruct = true;
printMemberLabelsAdvanced(t, &outputFile, str, globalVariableName, globalVariableTemp->getFileName(), isPointerOnStruct);
catch (...){
cout << "Problem with label " << globalVariableTemp->getName() << " - " << type << endl;
TypeDefGeneral * typeDefinition = nullptr;
string str = globalVariableTemp->getType();
str = removeAnonymousOrConst(&str);
typeDefinition = t->typeDefsmap[str];
if (typeDefinition != nullptr)
if (typeDefinition->getTypeDefType() == STRUCT || typeDefinition->getTypeDefType() == UNION)
outputFile << " </labels>" << endl;
catch (...){
cout << "problem creating the label list" << endl;
cout << "Starting to write the typedefs" << endl;
if (t->typeDefsmap.size() > 0){
outputFile << " <typeDefs>" << endl;
for (map<string, TypeDefGeneral *>::iterator it = t->typeDefsmap.begin(); it != t->typeDefsmap.end(); ++it){
printTypeDefToXML(&outputFile, it->second, t);
catch (...){
cout << "Problem with typedef " << it->first << " - " << enumToString(it->second->getTypeDefType()) << endl;
outputFile << " </typeDefs>" << endl;
catch (...){
cout << "Problem with typedefs" << endl;
cout << "Finishing to write the typedefs" << endl;
outputFile << "</scair:Project>" << endl;
void printTypeDefToXML(std::ofstream* outputFile, TypeDefGeneral* t, TraversingData * tra){
if (t != nullptr){
//list<string>* listOfElements = nullptr;
list<TypeDefGeneral*>* listOfMembers = nullptr;
switch (t->getTypeDefType())
*outputFile << " <typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"PRIMITIVE\" type=\"" << *t->getReferencedType() << "\"/>" << endl;
*outputFile << " <typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"POINTER\" type=\"" << *t->getReferencedType() << "\"/>" << endl;
case ARRAY:
*outputFile << " <typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"ARRAY\" type=\"" << *t->getReferencedType() << "\"/>" << endl;
case ENUM:
*outputFile << " <typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"PRIMITIVE\" type=\"enum\"/>" << endl;
case UNION:
case STRUCT:
listOfMembers = ((TypeDefStructOrUnion*)t)->getMembers();
if (listOfMembers != nullptr && listOfMembers->size() > 0){
*outputFile << " <typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"STRUCT\">" << endl;
set<string> anonymousStructs;
for (TypeDefGeneral* tMember : *listOfMembers){
*outputFile << " <member name=\"" << tMember->getName() << "\" cat=\"" << enumToString(tMember->getTypeDefType());
*outputFile << "\" type=\"" << *(tMember->getReferencedType()) << "\"/>" << endl;//removed removeAnonymousOrConst(tMember->getReferencedType()) and incluced only tMember->getReferencedType() to have const and volatile and other attributes
int n = tMember->getName().find_first_of(".");
if (n != string::npos){
anonymousStructs.insert(tMember->getName().substr(0, n));
if (anonymousStructs.size() > 0){
for (set<string>::iterator it = anonymousStructs.begin(); it != anonymousStructs.end(); ++it){
*outputFile << " <member name=\"" << *it << "\" cat=\"STRUCT";
*outputFile << "\" type=\"ANONYMOUS\"/>" << endl;
*outputFile << " </typedef>" << endl;
if (t->getReferencedType() != nullptr){
*outputFile << " <typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"STRUCT\" type=\"" << *t->getReferencedType() << "\"/>" << endl;
//*outputFile << " <typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"STRUCT\" type=\"null" << "\"/>" << endl;
void printGlobalvariableList(string directoryToPrint, TraversingData* t){
ofstream outputFile; + "/globalVariables.txt");
ofstream outputFile2; + "/globalVariablesToFiles.txt");
for (map<string, GlobalVariable*>::iterator it = t->internalGlobalVariablesMap.begin(); it != t->internalGlobalVariablesMap.end(); ++it) {
GlobalVariable* globalVariable = it->second;
if (globalVariable){
string globalVariableName = it->first;
outputFile << globalVariableName << endl;
outputFile2 << replaceAll(*globalVariable->getFileName(), "/", "\\") << ":" << globalVariableName << ":" << globalVariable->getType() << ":" << globalVariable->getLine() << ":" << globalVariable->getColumn() << endl;
void printListOfAnalyzedFiles(string directoryToPrint, TraversingData* t){
ofstream outputFile;
string directoryName = directoryToPrint + "/analyzedFiles" + to_string(t->workerId) + ".txt";;
ofstream outputFile2; + "/analyzedFilesContainingErrors" + to_string(t->workerId) + ".txt");
ofstream outputFile3; + "/UnanalyzedFiles" + to_string(t->workerId) + ".txt");
for (std::map<std::string, int>::iterator it = t->analyzedFiles.begin(); it != t->analyzedFiles.end(); ++it){
if (it->second == 1){
outputFile << it->first << endl;
else if (it->second == -1){
outputFile2 << it->first << endl;
else if (it->second == 0){
outputFile3 << it->first << endl;
void printIDList(list<list<unsigned int>*>* listOfListOfID){
if (listOfListOfID){
for (list<unsigned int>* l : *listOfListOfID){
if (l){
int i = 0;
for (unsigned int id : *l){
if (++i < l->size()){
cout << id << " -> ";
cout << id;
cout << endl;
void printCFGPaths(TraversingData* t){
std::map <std::string, std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>*> myMap = t->internalStructuralCallGraphs;
for (std::map <std::string, std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>*>::iterator it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it){
cout << "FileName: " << it->first << "-------------" << endl;
if (it->second){
for (FunctionAndCallees* functionAndCallees : *(it->second)){
cout << " FunctionName: " << functionAndCallees->getFunctionEntry()->getFunctionName() << "-------------" << endl;
cout << "Paths: -------------" << endl;
cout << "Cycles: -------------" << endl;
void printCFG(TraversingData* t){
std::map <std::string, std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>*> myMap = t->internalStructuralCallGraphs;
for (std::map <std::string, std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>*>::iterator it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it){
cout << "FileName: " << it->first << "-------------" << endl;
for (FunctionAndCallees* functionAndCallees : *(it->second)){
cout << " FunctionName: " << functionAndCallees->getFunctionEntry()->getFunctionName() << "-------------" << endl;
list<BasicBlock>* listOfbasicBlocks = functionAndCallees->getbasicBlockList();
if (listOfbasicBlocks){
for (BasicBlock b : *listOfbasicBlocks){
int id = b.getID();
cout << " Block ID: " << id << "-------------" << endl;
for (CallEntry* callEntry : *(functionAndCallees->getCallees())){
if (callEntry->getBasicBlockID() == id){
cout << " Call to: " << callEntry->getFunctionID()->getFunctionName() << endl;
for (GlobalVariableAccess* globalVariableAccess : *(functionAndCallees->getGlobalVariableAccesses())){
if (globalVariableAccess->getBasicBlockID() == id){
cout << " Access to: " << globalVariableAccess->getGlobalVariable()->getName() << " --> access type: " << globalVariableAccess->getAccessType() << " Line= " << globalVariableAccess->getLine() << endl;
void printCFGBlocks(TraversingData* t){
std::map <std::string, std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>*> myMap = t->internalStructuralCallGraphs;
for (std::map <std::string, std::list<FunctionAndCallees*>*>::iterator it = myMap.begin(); it != myMap.end(); ++it){
cout << "FileName: " << it->first << "-------------" << endl;
for (FunctionAndCallees* functionAndCallees : *(it->second)){
cout << " FunctionName: " << functionAndCallees->getFunctionEntry()->getFunctionName() << "-------------" << endl;
list<BasicBlock>* listOfbasicBlocks = functionAndCallees->getbasicBlockList();
if (listOfbasicBlocks){
for (BasicBlock b : *listOfbasicBlocks){
int id = b.getID();
cout << " Block ID: " << id << " Succs: -----> ";
for (unsigned int succ : *b.getSuccs()){
cout << succ << ", ";
cout << endl;
void printTypeDef(TypeDefGeneral* t, std::map<std::string, TypeDefGeneral*>* typeDefsmap){
if (t != nullptr){
switch (t->getTypeDefType())
//cout << "Name: " << t->getName() << " -> referenced Type: " << *t->getReferencedType() << endl;
cout << "<typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"PRIMITIVE\" refType=\"" << *t->getReferencedType() << "\"/>" << endl;
//cout << "Name: " << t->getName() << " -> referenced Type: " << *t->getReferencedType() << " (POINTER)" << endl;
cout << "<typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"POINTER\" refType=\"" << *t->getReferencedType() << "\"/>" << endl;
case ARRAY:
//cout << "Name: " << t->getName() << " -> referenced Type: " << *t->getReferencedType() << " (ARRAY)" << endl;
cout << "<typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"ARRAY\" refType=\"" << *t->getReferencedType() << "\"/>" << endl;
case ENUM:
//cout << "Name: " << t->getName() << " -> (ENUM)" << endl;
cout << "<typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"ENUM\">" << endl;
for (string str : *((TypeDefEnum*)t)->getElementList()){
//cout <<" "<< str << endl;
cout << " <member name=\"" << str << "\"/>" << endl;
cout << "</typedef>" << endl;
case UNION:
cout << "<typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"UNION\">" << endl;
//cout << "Name: " << t->getName() << " -> (STRUCT OR UNION)" << endl;
for (TypeDefGeneral* tMember : *((TypeDefStructOrUnion*)t)->getMembers()){
string typeDefNote = isTypeDef(*tMember->getReferencedType(), typeDefsmap).isTypeDef ? "true" : "false";
cout << " <member name=\"" << tMember->getName() << " cat=\"" << enumToString(tMember->getTypeDefType());
cout << "\" typeDef=\"" << typeDefNote << "\" refType=\"" << *tMember->getReferencedType() << "\"/>" << endl;
cout << "</typedef>" << endl;
case STRUCT:
cout << "<typedef name=\"" << t->getName() << "\" cat=\"STRUCT\">" << endl;
//cout << "Name: " << t->getName() << " -> (STRUCT OR UNION)" << endl;
for (TypeDefGeneral* tMember : *((TypeDefStructOrUnion*)t)->getMembers()){
string typeDefNote = isTypeDef(*tMember->getReferencedType(), typeDefsmap).isTypeDef ? "true" : "false";
cout << " <member name=\"" << tMember->getName() << " cat=\"" << enumToString(tMember->getTypeDefType());
cout << "\" typeDef=\"" << typeDefNote << "\" refType=\"" << *tMember->getReferencedType() << "\"/>" << endl;
cout << "</typedef>" << endl;
void outputCompilerArguments(list<string>* listOfHeaders){
cout << endl;
cout << "-----------------------Start list of compiler arguments -------------------------------" << endl;
if (listOfHeaders != nullptr){
for (list<string>::iterator it = listOfHeaders->begin(); it != listOfHeaders->end(); ++it){
cout << *it << endl;
cout << "-----------------------End compiler arguments -------------------------------" << endl;
cout << endl;
void getMemberLabelsAdvanced(TraversingData * t, string structName, string labelName, std::set<std::string>* labelSet, bool isPointerOnStruct){
if (labelName.find_first_of(CONCAT_F_IA) == string::npos || labelName.find_first_of(CONCAT_F) == string::npos) {
string memberConnector = ".";
if (isPointerOnStruct){
memberConnector = POINTS2;
TypeDefGeneral * typeDefinition = nullptr;
typeDefinition = t->typeDefsmap[structName];
map<string, pair<string, string>>* mapOfMembers = new map<string, pair<string, string>>();
if (typeDefinition != nullptr && (typeDefinition->getTypeDefType() == STRUCT || typeDefinition->getTypeDefType() == UNION)){
TypeDefStructOrUnion* typeDefStructOrUnion = (TypeDefStructOrUnion*)typeDefinition;
mapOfMembers = getTypeDefMembers(t, mapOfMembers, typeDefStructOrUnion, "");
if (mapOfMembers != nullptr && mapOfMembers->size() > 0){
for (map<string, pair<string, string>>::iterator it = mapOfMembers->begin(); it != mapOfMembers->end(); ++it){
string memberName = labelName + memberConnector + it->first;
void getLabelList(std::set<std::string>* labelSet, TraversingData* t){
for (map<string, GlobalVariable*>::iterator it = t->internalGlobalVariablesMap.begin(); it != t->internalGlobalVariablesMap.end(); ++it) {
GlobalVariable* globalVariableTemp = it->second;
string type = "";
if (globalVariableTemp != nullptr){
string str = globalVariableTemp->getType();
str = removeAnonymousOrConst(&str);
if (globalVariableTemp->getCat().compare("STRUCT") == 0 || globalVariableTemp->getCat().compare("UNION") == 0
|| globalVariableTemp->getCat().compare("POINTER_ON_STRUCT") == 0){
bool isPointerOnStruct = false;
if (globalVariableTemp->getCat().compare("POINTER_ON_STRUCT") == 0){
str = globalVariableTemp->getPointeeType();
isPointerOnStruct = true;
//type = globalVariableTemp->getCat();
getMemberLabelsAdvanced(t, str, globalVariableTemp->getName(), labelSet, isPointerOnStruct);
catch (...){
bool isLocalPointerOrParameter(std::string variableName, TraversingData * traversingData){
return traversingData->mapOfAllLocalAndParameter.count(variableName) > 0;