Help: Updated list of included validations
diff --git a/plugins/ b/plugins/
index 152002c..a71c20d 100644
--- a/plugins/
+++ b/plugins/
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@
 ** @org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.validations.sim.SimBasicProfile@
 ** @org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.validations.sim.SimHardwareProfile@
 ** @org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.validations.sim.SimMappingProfile@
+** @org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.validations.sim.SimOsProfile@
 ** @org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.validations.sim.SimSoftwareProfile@
 ** @org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.validations.standard.AmaltheaProfile@
 p{padding: 10px; background: #fafafa; border: 1px solid #888; border-radius: 5px}. @org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.validations.sim.SimBasicProfile@<br/>
@@ -173,25 +174,42 @@
 * Validations:
 ** AM-Mapping-ISR-Scheduler (ERROR - ISR)
 *** An ISR should have an allocation to an interrupt controller
+** AM-Mapping-Scheduler-Allocation-Hierarchy (ERROR - SchedulerAllocation)
+*** A child scheduler should only be responsible for a subset of processing units of its ancestors
+** AM-Mapping-Scheduler-Allocation-Top-Level-Responsibility (ERROR - MappingModel)
+*** A processing unit should have at most one top level task scheduler and one interrupt controller responsible for it
+** AM-Mapping-Scheduler-ProcessingUnit (ERROR - Scheduler)
+*** A top level scheduler should be responsible for at least one processing unit
 ** AM-Mapping-Task-Scheduler (ERROR - Task)
 *** A task should have an allocation to a task scheduler
-** Sim-Mapping-SchedulerAllocation (ERROR - SchedulerAllocation)
+** Sim-Mapping-SchedulerAllocation (WARNING - SchedulerAllocation)
 *** Executing processing unit must be set
-** Sim-Mapping-TaskPriorityNegative (ERROR - AbstractElementMappingConstraint)
-*** Scheduling parameter priority cannot negative
-** Sim-Mapping-TaskPriorityIsSet (WARNING - TaskAllocation)
-*** Task priority must be set in task allocation's scheduling parameters
+p{padding: 10px; background: #fafafa; border: 1px solid #888; border-radius: 5px}. @org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.validations.sim.SimOsProfile@<br/>
+**OS model Validations (APP4MC.sim)**
+* Validations:
+** AM-OS-Mandatory-Scheduling-Parameters-Set (ERROR - Scheduler)
+*** Mandatory scheduling parameters must be set
+** AM-OS-Scheduling-Parameter-Value-Number-Matches-Defined-Multiplicity (ERROR - Entry)
+*** The number of values of the specified scheduling parameter must match the defined multiplicity in the scheduling parameter definition
+** AM-OS-Scheduling-Parameter-Value-Type-Matches-Defined-Type (ERROR - Entry)
+*** The type of the specified scheduling parameter must match the type defined in the scheduling parameter definition
+** AM-OS-Standard-Scheduler-Definition-Conformance (ERROR - SchedulerDefinition)
+*** Standard schedulers with their parameters should be modeled as defined by the APP4MC standard scheduler library
+** AM-OS-Standard-Scheduling-Parameter-Definition-Conformance (ERROR - SchedulingParameterDefinition)
+*** Scheduling parameter definition that are used in a standard scheduler should conform to the parameters defined by the APP4MC standard scheduler library
+** Inchron-OS-PU-Allocation-MustBeDisjunct (INFO - OperatingSystem)
+*** OS Scheduler to core mapping must be distinct
 p{padding: 10px; background: #fafafa; border: 1px solid #888; border-radius: 5px}. @org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.validations.sim.SimSoftwareProfile@<br/>
 **Software Validations (APP4MC.sim)**
 * Validations:
-** Sim-Software-AbstractMemoryElementIsMapped (ERROR - ModeLabelAccess)
-*** Checks if modeLabel access type is valid
 ** Sim-Software-AbstractMemoryElementIsMapped (ERROR - LabelAccess)
 *** Checks if label access type is set
-** Sim-Software-AbstractMemoryElementIsMapped (ERROR - Channel)
-*** Checks if channel is mapped to a Memory
 ** Sim-Software-AbstractMemoryElementIsMapped (ERROR - Label)
 *** Checks if label is mapped to a memory node
+** Sim-Software-AbstractMemoryElementIsMapped (ERROR - Channel)
+*** Checks if channel is mapped to a Memory
+** Sim-Software-AbstractMemoryElementIsMapped (ERROR - ModeLabelAccess)
+*** Checks if modeLabel access type is valid
 ** Sim-Software-ChannelAccessFeasibility (ERROR - ChannelAccess)
 *** Checks if a channel access can be performed from certain runnable
 ** Sim-Software-ChannelElements (ERROR - ChannelAccess)