blob: f99150e7c53ca463c9c7ea121b9732ad2ae03631 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Robert Bosch GmbH and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Robert Bosch GmbH - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model;
import static;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.BinaryOperator;
import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.NormalDistribution;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.ECollections;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EList;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.InternalEObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreEList;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
* This class provides static methods that implement operations of the Amalthea
* EMF model.
* <p>
* The methods are called from several generated model objects.
public class AmaltheaServices {
// Suppress default constructor
private AmaltheaServices() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class");
private static final BigInteger INT_8 = BigInteger.valueOf(8);
private static final BigInteger INT_2_POW_10 = BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(10);
private static final BigInteger INT_2_POW_20 = BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(20);
private static final BigInteger INT_2_POW_30 = BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(30);
private static final BigInteger INT_2_POW_40 = BigInteger.valueOf(2).pow(40);
private static final BigInteger INT_10_POW_3 = BigInteger.TEN.pow(3);
private static final BigInteger INT_10_POW_6 = BigInteger.TEN.pow(6);
private static final BigInteger INT_10_POW_9 = BigInteger.TEN.pow(9);
private static final BigInteger INT_10_POW_12 = BigInteger.TEN.pow(12);
private static final BigDecimal DEC_10_POW_3 = BigDecimal.TEN.pow(3);
private static final BigDecimal DEC_10_POW_6 = BigDecimal.TEN.pow(6);
private static final BigDecimal DEC_10_POW_9 = BigDecimal.TEN.pow(9);
private static final BigDecimal DEC_10_POW_12 = BigDecimal.TEN.pow(12);
private static final String ARG_NULL_MESSAGE = "Argument is null, expected: %s";
private static final String ARG_OBJECT_MESSAGE = "Object argument is null, expected: EObject";
private static final String ARG_CLASS_MESSAGE = "Class argument is null, expected: Class<T extends EObject>";
private static final String ARG_QUANTITY_MESSAGE = "Invalid %s object: value and unit must be set";
private static final String ARG_BOUNDS_MESSAGE = "Invalid bounds: lower bound > upper bound";
private static final String ARG_POSITIVE_VALUE_MESSAGE = "Invalid number, expected: value > 0";
private static final String DATA_SIZE = DataSize.class.getSimpleName();
private static final String DATA_RATE = DataRate.class.getSimpleName();
private static final String TIME = Time.class.getSimpleName();
private static final String FREQUENCY = Frequency.class.getSimpleName();
private static final String VOLTAGE = Voltage.class.getSimpleName();
private static final String NUMBER = Number.class.getSimpleName();
private static void checkDataSizeArgument(final DataSize size) {
checkArgument(size != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, DATA_SIZE);
checkArgument(size.getValue() != null, ARG_QUANTITY_MESSAGE, DATA_SIZE);
checkArgument(size.getUnit() != DataSizeUnit._UNDEFINED_, ARG_QUANTITY_MESSAGE, DATA_SIZE);
private static void checkDataRateArgument(final @NonNull DataRate rate) {
checkArgument(rate != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, DATA_RATE);
checkArgument(rate.getValue() != null, ARG_QUANTITY_MESSAGE, DATA_RATE);
checkArgument(rate.getUnit() != DataRateUnit._UNDEFINED_, ARG_QUANTITY_MESSAGE, DATA_RATE);
private static void checkTimeArgument(final @NonNull Time time) {
checkArgument(time != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, TIME);
checkArgument(time.getValue() != null, ARG_QUANTITY_MESSAGE, TIME);
checkArgument(time.getUnit() != TimeUnit._UNDEFINED_, ARG_QUANTITY_MESSAGE, TIME);
public static final List<TimeUnit> TIME_UNIT_LIST = Collections
.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(TimeUnit.PS, TimeUnit.NS, TimeUnit.US, TimeUnit.MS, TimeUnit.S));
public static <T extends EObject> T getContainerOfType(final @NonNull EObject object, final @NonNull Class<T> type) {
checkArgument(object != null, ARG_OBJECT_MESSAGE);
checkArgument(type != null, ARG_CLASS_MESSAGE);
for (EObject parent = object.eContainer(); parent != null; parent = parent.eContainer()) {
if (type.isInstance(parent))
return type.cast(parent);
return type.cast(null);
public static BigInteger convertToBit(final @NonNull DataSize size) {
BigInteger bitBase = size.getValue();
BigInteger byteBase = size.getValue().multiply(INT_8);
switch (size.getUnit()) {
case BIT:
return bitBase;
case KBIT:
return bitBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_3);
case MBIT:
return bitBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_6);
case GBIT:
return bitBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_9);
case TBIT:
return bitBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_12);
case KIBIT:
return bitBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_10);
case MIBIT:
return bitBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_20);
case GIBIT:
return bitBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_30);
case TIBIT:
return bitBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_40);
case B:
return byteBase;
case KB:
return byteBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_3);
case MB:
return byteBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_6);
case GB:
return byteBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_9);
case TB:
return byteBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_12);
case KI_B:
return byteBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_10);
case MI_B:
return byteBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_20);
case GI_B:
return byteBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_30);
case TI_B:
return byteBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_40);
return BigInteger.ZERO; // should never happen
public static BigInteger convertToBitPerSecond(final @NonNull DataRate rate) {
BigInteger bitBase = rate.getValue();
BigInteger byteBase = rate.getValue().multiply(INT_8);
switch (rate.getUnit()) {
return bitBase;
return bitBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_3);
return bitBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_6);
return bitBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_9);
return bitBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_12);
return bitBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_10);
return bitBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_20);
return bitBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_30);
return bitBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_40);
return byteBase;
return byteBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_3);
return byteBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_6);
return byteBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_9);
return byteBase.multiply(INT_10_POW_12);
return byteBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_10);
return byteBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_20);
return byteBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_30);
return byteBase.multiply(INT_2_POW_40);
return BigInteger.ZERO; // should never happen
* This method is used to convert the value of Time/TimeObject element's value
* to BigInteger in Pico Seconds
* @param time Time object
* @return value BigInteger in Pico Seconds
public static BigInteger convertToPicoSeconds(final @NonNull Time time) {
@NonNull BigInteger timeValue = time.getValue();
switch (time.getUnit()) {
case PS:
return timeValue;
case NS:
return timeValue.multiply(INT_10_POW_3);
case US:
return timeValue.multiply(INT_10_POW_6);
case MS:
return timeValue.multiply(INT_10_POW_9);
case S:
return timeValue.multiply(INT_10_POW_12);
return BigInteger.ZERO; // should never happen
* This method is used to convert a time with associated time unit
* to BigDecimal in seconds
* @param time time as double
* @param timeUnit the time unit
* @return value BigDecimal in seconds
public static BigDecimal convertToSeconds(final double time, final @NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit) {
checkArgument(timeUnit != TimeUnit._UNDEFINED_, ARG_QUANTITY_MESSAGE, TIME);
BigDecimal timeValue = BigDecimal.valueOf(time);
switch (timeUnit) {
case S:
return timeValue;
case MS:
return timeValue.divide(DEC_10_POW_3);
case US:
return timeValue.divide(DEC_10_POW_6);
case NS:
return timeValue.divide(DEC_10_POW_9);
case PS:
return timeValue.divide(DEC_10_POW_12);
return BigDecimal.ZERO; // should never happen
* This method is used to convert the value of Time/TimeObject element's value
* to BigDecimal in seconds
* @param time Time object
* @return value BigDecimal in seconds
public static BigDecimal convertToSeconds(final @NonNull Time time) {
checkArgument(time != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, TIME);
@NonNull TimeUnit timeUnit = time.getUnit();
return convertToSeconds(time.getValue().doubleValue(), timeUnit);
public static BigDecimal convertToHertz(final @NonNull Frequency frequency) {
checkArgument(frequency != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, FREQUENCY);
checkArgument(frequency.getUnit() != FrequencyUnit._UNDEFINED_, ARG_QUANTITY_MESSAGE, FREQUENCY);
double freqValue = frequency.getValue();
switch (frequency.getUnit()) {
case HZ:
return BigDecimal.valueOf(freqValue);
case KHZ:
return BigDecimal.valueOf(freqValue).multiply(DEC_10_POW_3);
case MHZ:
return BigDecimal.valueOf(freqValue).multiply(DEC_10_POW_6);
case GHZ:
return BigDecimal.valueOf(freqValue).multiply(DEC_10_POW_9);
return BigDecimal.ZERO; // should never happen
public static BigDecimal convertToMicroVolt(final @NonNull Voltage voltage) {
checkArgument(voltage != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, VOLTAGE);
checkArgument(voltage.getUnit() != VoltageUnit._UNDEFINED_, ARG_QUANTITY_MESSAGE, VOLTAGE);
double voltValue = voltage.getValue();
switch (voltage.getUnit()) {
case UV:
return BigDecimal.valueOf(voltValue);
case MV:
return BigDecimal.valueOf(voltValue).multiply(DEC_10_POW_3);
case V:
return BigDecimal.valueOf(voltValue).multiply(DEC_10_POW_6);
return BigDecimal.ZERO; // should never happen
* This method is used to compare DataRate objects on the basis of their values
* (obtained in bit per second after applying the conversion based on DataRateUnit)
* @param r1 DataRate object
* @param r2 DataRate object
* @return -1 ,0 or 1
public static int compareDataRates(final @NonNull DataRate r1, final @NonNull DataRate r2) {
if (r1 == r2) {
return 0;
BigInteger value1 = convertToBitPerSecond(r1);
BigInteger value2 = convertToBitPerSecond(r2);
assert value1 != null;
assert value2 != null;
return value1.compareTo(value2);
* This method is used to compare Time objects on the basis of their values
* (obtained in pico seconds after applying the conversion based on TimeUnit)
* @param t1 Time object
* @param t2 Time object
* @return -1 ,0 or 1
public static int compareTimes(final @NonNull Time t1, final @NonNull Time t2) {
if (t1 == t2) {
return 0;
BigInteger value1 = convertToPicoSeconds(t1);
BigInteger value2 = convertToPicoSeconds(t2);
assert value1 != null;
assert value2 != null;
return value1.compareTo(value2);
* This method takes a time (in value and unit) and adjusts the TimeUnit so that
* the value is as small as possible, without losing precision e.g. 1000us is
* converted to 1ms
* @param time
* @return new Time with adjusted value and unit
public static @NonNull Time adjustTimeUnit(final @NonNull Time time) {
if (time.getValue() == BigInteger.ZERO)
return createTime(BigInteger.ZERO, TimeUnit.S);
int index = TIME_UNIT_LIST.indexOf(time.getUnit());
int maxIndex = TIME_UNIT_LIST.size() - 1;
BigInteger value = time.getValue();
BigInteger bigInt1000 = INT_10_POW_3;
while (value.mod(bigInt1000) == BigInteger.ZERO && index < maxIndex) {
value = value.divide(bigInt1000);
return createTime(value, TIME_UNIT_LIST.get(index));
public static @NonNull Time addTime(final @NonNull Time t1, final @NonNull Time t2) {
return applyToTimes(BigInteger::add, t1, t2);
public static @NonNull Time subtractTime(final @NonNull Time t1, final @NonNull Time t2) {
return applyToTimes(BigInteger::subtract, t1, t2);
* Divides t1 by t2
* <p>
* In case of t2 == 0 the limit t2 -> 0 is used
* @param t1
* @param t2
* @return t1 / t2
public static double divideTime(final @NonNull Time t1, final @NonNull Time t2) {
final BigInteger i1 = convertToPicoSeconds(t1);
final BigInteger i2 = convertToPicoSeconds(t2);
if (BigInteger.ZERO.equals(i1)) {
if (BigInteger.ZERO.equals(i2)) {
// use limit: as x approaches 0 of x/x = 1
return 1.0;
} else {
return 0.0;
if (BigInteger.ZERO.equals(i2)) {
// use limit: as x approaches 0 of i1/x
if (i1.signum() == 1) {
} else {
return i1.doubleValue() / i2.doubleValue();
public static @NonNull Time multiply(final @NonNull Time t1, long value) {
BigInteger v1 = t1.getValue();
BigInteger v2 = BigInteger.valueOf(value);
return createTime(v1.multiply(v2), t1.getUnit());
public static @NonNull Time multiply(final @NonNull Time t1, double value) {
BigDecimal v1 = BigDecimal.valueOf(convertToPicoSeconds(t1).doubleValue());
BigDecimal v2 = BigDecimal.valueOf(value);
return createTime(v1.multiply(v2).toBigInteger(), TimeUnit.PS);
private static @NonNull Time applyToTimes(final @NonNull BinaryOperator<BigInteger> func, final @NonNull Time t1, final @NonNull Time t2) {
BigInteger v1 = t1.getValue();
BigInteger v2 = t2.getValue();
if (t1.getUnit() == t2.getUnit()) {
return createTime(func.apply(v1, v2), t1.getUnit());
int index1 = TIME_UNIT_LIST.indexOf(t1.getUnit());
int index2 = TIME_UNIT_LIST.indexOf(t2.getUnit());
int minIndex = Math.min(index1, index2);
v1 = (index1 > minIndex) ? v1.multiply(BigInteger.TEN.pow((index1 - minIndex) * 3)) : v1;
v2 = (index2 > minIndex) ? v2.multiply(BigInteger.TEN.pow((index2 - minIndex) * 3)) : v2;
return createTime(func.apply(v1, v2), TIME_UNIT_LIST.get(minIndex));
private static @NonNull Time createTime(final BigInteger value, final TimeUnit unit) {
Time time = AmaltheaFactory.eINSTANCE.createTime();
return time;
* Computes the average (mean) of the truncated normal distribution
* <p>
* See
* <a href="" target=
* "_top">Truncated normal distribution (Wikipedia)</a>
* </p>
* @param a lower bound (null = not truncated from below)
* @param b upper bound (null = not truncated from above)
* @param mean mean or expectation of the (unlimited) distribution
* @param sd standard deviation
* @return Average of the truncated distribution
public static @NonNull Time getAverageOfTruncatedNormalDistribution(final @Nullable Time a, final @Nullable Time b, final @NonNull Time mean, final @NonNull Time sd) {
// simple result for the unlimited distribution
if (a == null && b == null) return mean;
if (a != null) checkTimeArgument(a);
if (b != null) checkTimeArgument(b);
if (a != null && b != null) checkArgument(a.compareTo(b) <= 0, ARG_BOUNDS_MESSAGE);
// if a == b then return immediately (computation of factor will fail)
if (a != null && b != null && a.compareTo(b) == 0) return createTime(a.getValue(), a.getUnit());
Double alpha = null;
Double beta = null;
if (a != null) { // truncated from below
alpha = a.subtract(mean).divide(sd);
if (b != null) { // truncated from above
beta = b.subtract(mean).divide(sd);
double factor = computeTruncatedNormalDistFactor(alpha, beta);
if (Double.isNaN(factor))
return mean;
return addTime(mean, multiply(sd, factor));
* Computes the average (mean) of the truncated normal distribution
* <p>
* See
* <a href="" target=
* "_top">Truncated normal distribution (Wikipedia)</a>
* </p>
* @param inputA lower bound (null = not truncated from below)
* @param inputB upper bound (null = not truncated from above)
* @param mean mean or expectation of the (unlimited) distribution
* @param sd standard deviation
* @return Average of the truncated distribution
public static double getAverageOfTruncatedNormalDistribution(final @Nullable Number inputA, final @Nullable Number inputB, double mean, double sd) {
// simple result for the unlimited distribution
if (inputA == null && inputB == null) return mean;
// if a == b then return immediately (computation of factor will fail)
if (inputA != null && inputB != null && inputA.equals(inputB)) return inputA.doubleValue();
final Double a = (inputA != null) ? inputA.doubleValue() : null;
final Double b = (inputB != null) ? inputB.doubleValue() : null;
if (a != null && b != null) checkArgument(a <= b, ARG_BOUNDS_MESSAGE);
Double alpha = null;
Double beta = null;
if (a != null) { // truncated from below
alpha = (a - mean) / sd;
if (b != null) { // truncated from above
beta = (b - mean) / sd;
double factor = computeTruncatedNormalDistFactor(alpha, beta);
return mean + factor * sd;
protected static double computeTruncatedNormalDistFactor(final @Nullable Double alpha, final @Nullable Double beta) {
// Standard normal distribution (mean = 0, sd = 1)
NormalDistribution normDist = new NormalDistribution(null, 0, 1);
// values are initialized for a range from negative infinity to infinity (no
// truncation)
double pdfAlpha = 0.0;
double cdfAlpha = 0.0;
double pdfBeta = 0.0;
double cdfBeta = 1.0;
if (alpha != null) { // truncated from below
pdfAlpha = normDist.density(alpha);
cdfAlpha = normDist.cumulativeProbability(alpha);
if (beta != null) { // truncated from above
pdfBeta = normDist.density(beta);
cdfBeta = normDist.cumulativeProbability(beta);
return (pdfAlpha - pdfBeta) / (cdfBeta - cdfAlpha);
public static Time getAverageOfBetaDistribution(final @NonNull Time a, final @NonNull Time b, final double alpha, final double beta) {
checkArgument(a.compareTo(b) <= 0, ARG_BOUNDS_MESSAGE);
checkArgument(alpha > 0, ARG_POSITIVE_VALUE_MESSAGE);
checkArgument(beta > 0, ARG_POSITIVE_VALUE_MESSAGE);
double ratio = 1.0 / (1.0 + (beta / alpha)); // mean in interval [0,1] is 1 / (1 + (beta/alpha))
return addTime(a, multiply(subtractTime(b, a), ratio));
public static Double getAverageOfBetaDistribution(final @NonNull Number inputA, final @NonNull Number inputB, final double alpha, final double beta) {
checkArgument(inputA != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, NUMBER);
checkArgument(inputB != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, NUMBER);
double a = inputA.doubleValue();
double b = inputB.doubleValue();
checkArgument(a <= b, ARG_BOUNDS_MESSAGE);
checkArgument(alpha > 0, ARG_POSITIVE_VALUE_MESSAGE);
checkArgument(beta > 0, ARG_POSITIVE_VALUE_MESSAGE);
double ratio = 1.0 / (1.0 + (beta / alpha)); // mean in interval [0,1] is 1 / (1 + (beta/alpha))
return a + (b - a) * ratio;
public static EList<QualifiedPort> getInnerPorts(final @NonNull ISystem system) {
checkArgument(system != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, "ISystem");
List<QualifiedPort> qualifiedPorts = new ArrayList<>();
for (ComponentInstance inst : system.getComponentInstances()) {
if (inst.getType() != null) {
for (ComponentPort port : inst.getType().getPorts()) {
QualifiedPort qp = AmaltheaFactory.eINSTANCE.createQualifiedPort();
final @NonNull EReference eReference = AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.getISystem_InnerPorts();
return unmodifiableEcoreEList(system, eReference, qualifiedPorts);
public static EList<HwPort> getInnerPorts(final @NonNull HwStructure struct) {
checkArgument(struct != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, "HwStructure");
List<HwPort> ports = new ArrayList<>();
for (HwStructure subStruct : struct.getStructures()) {
for (HwModule module : getAllModules(struct)) {
final @NonNull EReference eReference = AmaltheaPackage.eINSTANCE.getHwStructure_InnerPorts();
return unmodifiableEcoreEList(struct, eReference, ports);
public static EList<HwModule> getAllModules(final @NonNull HwStructure struct) {
checkArgument(struct != null, ARG_NULL_MESSAGE, "HwStructure");
List<HwModule> moduleList = new ArrayList<>();
for (HwModule module : struct.getModules()) {
if (module instanceof ProcessingUnit) {
moduleList.addAll(((ProcessingUnit) module).getCaches());
return unmodifiableEList(moduleList);
private static <T> EList<T> unmodifiableEcoreEList(final @NonNull EObject eObject, final @NonNull EReference eReference,
final @NonNull List<? extends T> result) {
final int size = result.size();
final Object[] values = result.toArray();
return new EcoreEList.UnmodifiableEList<>((InternalEObject) eObject, eReference, size, values);
private static <T> EList<T> unmodifiableEList(final @NonNull List<? extends T> list) {
if (list.isEmpty()) {
return ECollections.emptyEList();
} else {
return ECollections.unmodifiableEList(list);