blob: 90cdd0cf8fdf29df3a9dae131018a7e252d687c8 [file] [log] [blame]
<!-- This is the official list of people who can contribute
(and who have contributed) code to choco-solver project
The AUTHORS file lists the copyright holders; this file
lists people in alphabetical order of last name.
Contributors must sign the CLA to grant
the AUTHORS copyright within the terms of the BSD-4 license.
Jean-Guillaume Fages <>,
Jan Gregor <>,
Fabien Hermenier <>,
Narendra Jussien <>,
Guillaume Le Louët <>,
Xavier Lorca <>,
Arnaud Malapert <>,
Charles Prud'homme <>,
Henry D Saenz <>,
Mohamed Wahbi <>,
Dmitrij Zherebyatev <>,