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h2. Configuration Model
The purpose of the configuration model is to provide a common mechanism for configuration purposes. The included configurations can contain elements for further processing or build steps.
The central element is the __ConfigModel__ class.
Currently the only configuration object is __EventConfig__.
h3. Event Configuration
The event configuration represents target events to trace, either in a simulation or on a target hardware platform. The __EventConfig__ elements are contained in the ConfigModel class as list with the name __eventsToTrace__. Attributes of __EventConfig__ are:
# __name__: (optional) name of the element
# __event__: reference to an existing events in the __Events__ model
h4. Sample
An example use case can be to trace all __Process__ activate events. To express this in the configuration, one contained element must be of type __EventConfig__ with the corresponding __Event__ pointing to an already existent element. The __Event__ is of type __ProcessEvent__ and the __ProcessEventType__ is set to __activate__. The other attributes are left blank to not limit the configuration to one __Process__ with a given name for example.
The consumer of the configuration must then match and filter the relevant elements for further processing.
The following screenshot is showing this minimal configuration.