blob: 0ddbe65a876c618c7d590d751550584ee2d5afa7 [file] [log] [blame]
* *******************************************************************************
* Copyright (c) 2018-2020 Robert Bosch GmbH and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Robert Bosch GmbH - initial API and implementation
* *******************************************************************************
package org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.models
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.ISR
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.InterruptController
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.ProcessingUnit
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.StructureType
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Task
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.TaskScheduler
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.builder.AmaltheaBuilder
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.builder.HardwareBuilder
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.builder.MappingBuilder
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.builder.OperatingSystemBuilder
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.builder.SoftwareBuilder
class DeploymentModels {
extension AmaltheaBuilder b1 = new AmaltheaBuilder
extension HardwareBuilder b2 = new HardwareBuilder
extension SoftwareBuilder b3 = new SoftwareBuilder
extension OperatingSystemBuilder b5 = new OperatingSystemBuilder
extension MappingBuilder b6 = new MappingBuilder
def static void main(String[] args) {
val model1 = (new DeploymentModels).model1()
AmaltheaWriter.writeToFileNamed(model1, "test-data/DeploymentUtilTestModel-gen.amxmi")
def static createModel1() {
(new DeploymentModels).model1()
def model1() {
val model = amalthea [
hardwareModel [
// ***** Definitions *****
definition_ProcessingUnit [
name = "Pu1_def"
definition_ProcessingUnit [
name = "Pu2_def"
// ***** Structures *****
structure [
name = "SoC"
structureType = StructureType::SO_C
module_ProcessingUnit [name = "core1"]
module_ProcessingUnit [name = "core2"]
module_ProcessingUnit [name = "core3"]
softwareModel [
task [name = "t1"]
task [name = "t2"]
task [name = "t3"]
task [name = "t4"]
task [name = "t5"]
task [name = "t6"]
task [name = "t7"]
isr [name = "isr1"]
isr [name = "isr2"]
isr [name = "isr3"]
osModel [
operatingSystem [
name = "Os1"
taskScheduler [name = "Scheduler1"]
taskScheduler [name = "Scheduler2"]
taskScheduler [
name = "Scheduler3"
parentAssociation [
parent = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler2")
taskScheduler [
name = "Scheduler4"
parentAssociation [
parent = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler3")
interruptController [
name = "controller1"
interruptController [
name = "controller2"
mappingModel [
schedulerAllocation [
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler2")
responsibility += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core2")
executingPU = _find(ProcessingUnit, "core2")
schedulerAllocation [
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler1")
responsibility += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
executingPU = _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
schedulerAllocation [
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler3")
responsibility += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core2")
executingPU = _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
schedulerAllocation [
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler4")
responsibility += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core2")
executingPU = _find(ProcessingUnit, "core2")
schedulerAllocation [
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler5")
taskAllocation [
task = _find(Task, "t1")
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler1")
affinity += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
taskAllocation [
task = _find(Task, "t2")
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler2")
affinity += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core2")
taskAllocation [
task = _find(Task, "t3")
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler1")
affinity += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
taskAllocation [
task = _find(Task, "t4")
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler3")
affinity += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core3")
taskAllocation [
task = _find(Task, "t5")
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler4")
// affinity += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
taskAllocation [
task = _find(Task, "t6")
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler3")
// affinity += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
taskAllocation [
task = _find(Task, "t7")
scheduler = _find(TaskScheduler, "Scheduler5")
isrAllocation [
isr = _find(ISR, "isr1")
controller = _find(InterruptController, "controller1")
schedulerAllocation [
scheduler = _find(InterruptController, "controller1")
responsibility += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
executingPU = _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
isrAllocation [
isr = _find(ISR, "isr2")
controller = _find(InterruptController, "controller2")
schedulerAllocation [
scheduler = _find(InterruptController, "controller2")
responsibility += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core2")
isrAllocation [
isr = _find(ISR, "isr3")
controller = _find(InterruptController, "controller1")
schedulerAllocation [
scheduler = _find(InterruptController, "controller1")
responsibility += _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
executingPU = _find(ProcessingUnit, "core1")
return model