blob: 35b8b25449c5dc97f75ffe1fdf7fc2c56411f910 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Robert Bosch GmbH and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Robert Bosch GmbH - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.models
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.CacheDefinition
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.ConnectionHandler
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.ConnectionHandlerDefinition
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.DataRateUnit
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.DataSizeUnit
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.FrequencyDomain
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.FrequencyUnit
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.HwConnection
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.HwFeature
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.HwFeatureType
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.HwPort
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.HwStructure
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.Memory
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.MemoryDefinition
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.ProcessingUnit
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.ProcessingUnitDefinition
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.PuType
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.builder.AmaltheaBuilder
import org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.builder.HardwareBuilder
import static org.eclipse.app4mc.amalthea.model.util.FactoryUtil.*
class HardwareModels {
extension AmaltheaBuilder b1 = new AmaltheaBuilder
extension HardwareBuilder b2 = new HardwareBuilder
def static void main(String[] args) {
val model1 = (new HardwareModels).model1()
AmaltheaWriter.writeToFileNamed(model1, "test-data/HwUtilTestModel-gen.amxmi")
def static createModel1() {
(new HardwareModels).model1()
def model1() {
val model = amalthea [
hardwareModel [
// ***** Features *****
featureCategory [
name = "category1"
feature [ name = "feature2"; value = 1.0 ]
featureCategory [
name = "category2"
featureType = HwFeatureType::PERFORMANCE
feature [ name = "feature1"; value = 2.0 ]
// ***** Definitions *****
definition_ProcessingUnit [
name = "PuDef1"
features += _find(HwFeature, "feature1")
definition_Memory [
name = "MemDef1"
size = createDataSize(4, DataSizeUnit::MB)
dataRate = createDataRate(6, DataRateUnit::GBIT_PER_SECOND)
accessLatency = createLatency(5)
definition_ConnectionHandler [
name = "ChDef1"
readLatency = createLatency(6)
writeLatency = createLatency(3)
definition_ProcessingUnit [
name = "PuDef2"
puType = PuType::CPU
features += _find(HwFeature, "feature2")
definition_Cache [
name = "CacheDef1"
NWays = 0
exclusive = false
hitRate = 0.0
size = createDataSize(2, DataSizeUnit::MB)
lineSize = createDataSize(64, DataSizeUnit::B)
accessLatency = createLatency(2)
definition_ConnectionHandler [
name = "ch_test1_def"
readLatency = createDiscreteValueGaussDistribution(5, 3, 2L, 8L)
dataRate = createDataRate(800, DataRateUnit::MI_BPER_SECOND)
definition_ConnectionHandler [
readLatency = createDiscreteValueGaussDistribution(15, 3, 10L, 20L)
dataRate = createDataRate(4, DataRateUnit::GI_BPER_SECOND)
// ***** Domains *****
domain_Frequency [
name = "freq1"
clockGating = false
defaultValue = createFrequency(200, FrequencyUnit::MHZ)
domain_Frequency [
name = "freq2"
clockGating = false
defaultValue = createFrequency(500, FrequencyUnit::MHZ)
// ***** Structures *****
structure [
name = "Top1"
module_Memory [
name = "Mem1_top1" _reg("top1_mem1")
definition = _find(MemoryDefinition, "MemDef1")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq1")
port [ name = "P1" _reg("top1_mem1--p1") ]
module_ConnectionHandler [
name = "CH1_top1" _reg("top1_ch1")
definition = _find(ConnectionHandlerDefinition, "ChDef1")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq1")
port [ name = "P1" _reg("top1_ch1--p1") ]
port [ name = "P2" _reg("top1_ch1--p2") ]
port [ name = "P3" _reg("top1_ch1--p3") ]
port [ name = "P4" _reg("top1_ch1--p4") ]
structure [
name = "Level2"
module_ProcessingUnit [
name = "Pu1_Lev2" _reg("lev2_pu1")
definition = _find(ProcessingUnitDefinition, "PuDef2")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq2")
port [ name = "P1" _reg("lev2_pu1--p1") ]
module_ProcessingUnit [
name = "Pu2_Lev2" _reg("lev2_pu2")
definition = _find(ProcessingUnitDefinition, "PuDef2")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq2")
port [ name = "P1" _reg("lev2_pu2--p1") ]
structure [
name = "Level3"
module_ProcessingUnit [
name = "Pu1_Lev3" _reg("lev3_pu1")
definition = _find(ProcessingUnitDefinition, "PuDef1")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq2")
port [ name = "P1" _reg("lev3_pu1--p1") ]
module_Memory [
name = "Mem1_Lev3" _reg("lev3_mem1")
definition = _find(MemoryDefinition, "MemDef1")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq1")
port [ name = "P1" _reg("lev3_mem1--p1") ]
structure [
name = "Top2"
module_Memory [
name = "Mem1_top2" _reg("top2_mem1")
definition = _find(MemoryDefinition, "MemDef1")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq2")
port [ name = "P1" _reg("top2_mem1--p1") ]
structure [
name = "Level2_2"
module_ProcessingUnit [
name = "Pu1_Lev2_2" _reg("lev22_pu1")
definition = _find(ProcessingUnitDefinition, "PuDef2")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq2")
port [ name = "P1" _reg("lev22_pu1--p1") ]
cache [
name = "D-Cache"
definition = _find(CacheDefinition, "CacheDef1")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq1")
module_ProcessingUnit [
name = "test" _reg("lev22_pu2")
definition = _find(ProcessingUnitDefinition, "PuDef1")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq1")
module_ConnectionHandler [
name = "ch1"
definition = _find(ConnectionHandlerDefinition, "ch_test1_def")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq1")
module_ConnectionHandler [
name = "ch2"
definition = _find(ConnectionHandlerDefinition, "ch_test2_def")
frequencyDomain = _find(FrequencyDomain, "freq1")
// ***** Connections *****
val top1 = _ref(HwStructure, "Top1")
top1.connection [
name = "con_1_top1"
port1 = _ref(HwPort, "top1_ch1--p1")
port2 = _ref(HwPort, "top1_mem1--p1")
top1.connection [
name = "con_2_top1"
port1 = _ref(HwPort, "lev3_pu1--p1")
port2 = _ref(HwPort, "top1_ch1--p2")
readLatency = createLatency(3)
writeLatency = createLatency(3)
top1.connection [
name = "con_3_top1"
port1 = _ref(HwPort, "lev2_pu1--p1")
port2 = _ref(HwPort, "top1_ch1--p3")
readLatency = createLatency(2)
writeLatency = createLatency(1)
top1.connection [
name = "con_4_top1"
port1 = _ref(HwPort, "lev2_pu2--p1")
port2 = _ref(HwPort, "top1_ch1--p4")
dataRate = createDataRate(1, DataRateUnit::GB_PER_SECOND)
val lev22 = _ref(HwStructure, "Level2_2")
lev22.connection [
name = "con1_top2"
port1 = _ref(HwPort, "lev22_pu1--p1")
port2 = _ref(HwPort, "top2_mem1--p1")
readLatency = createLatency(6)
writeLatency = createLatency(0)
// ***** Accesses *****
val pu21 = _ref(ProcessingUnit, "lev2_pu1")
pu21.access [
name = "ae1"
destination = _ref(Memory, "lev3_mem1")
readLatency = createLatency(4)
writeLatency = createLatency(3)
pu21.access [
name = "ae2"
destination = _ref(Memory, "top1_mem1")
path [
name = "haplev3"
pathElements += _find(HwConnection, "con_3_top1")
pathElements += _ref(ConnectionHandler, "top1_ch1")
pathElements += _find(HwConnection, "con_1_top1")
val pu22 = _ref(ProcessingUnit, "lev2_pu2")
pu22.access [
name = "ae1"
destination = _ref(Memory, "lev3_mem1")
readLatency = createLatency(4)
writeLatency = createLatency(3)
pu22.access [
name = "ae2"
destination = _ref(Memory, "top1_mem1")
path [
name = "haplev3"
pathElements += _find(HwConnection, "con_4_top1")
pathElements += _ref(ConnectionHandler, "top1_ch1")
pathElements += _find(HwConnection, "con_1_top1")
val pu31 = _ref(ProcessingUnit, "lev3_pu1")
pu31.access [
name = "ae1"
destination = _ref(Memory, "lev3_mem1")
readLatency = createLatency(4)
writeLatency = createLatency(3)
pu31.access [
name = "ae2"
destination = _ref(Memory, "top1_mem1")
path [
name = "haplev3"
pathElements += _find(HwConnection, "con_2_top1")
pathElements += _ref(ConnectionHandler, "top1_ch1")
pathElements += _find(HwConnection, "con_1_top1")
pu31.access [
name = "ae3"
destination = _ref(Memory, "top2_mem1")
readLatency = createLatency(30)
writeLatency = createLatency(15)
dataRate = createDataRate(4, DataRateUnit::GB_PER_SECOND)
val pu221 = _ref(ProcessingUnit, "lev22_pu1")
pu221.access [
name = "ae1"
destination = _ref(Memory, "lev3_mem1")
readLatency = createLatency(20)
writeLatency = createLatency(10)
pu221.access [
name = "ae2"
destination = _ref(Memory, "top1_mem1")
readLatency = createDiscreteValueGaussDistribution(28, 2, 24L, 32L)
writeLatency = createLatency(8)
pu221.access [
name = "ae3"
destination = _ref(Memory, "top2_mem1")
path [
name = "hap"
pathElements += _find(HwConnection, "con1_top2")
dataRate = createDataRate(4, DataRateUnit::GB_PER_SECOND)
val pu222 = _ref(ProcessingUnit, "lev22_pu2")
pu222.access [
name = "testAccessElement"
destination = _ref(Memory, "top2_mem1")
path [
name = "testpath"
pathElements += _find(ConnectionHandler, "ch1")
pathElements += _find(ConnectionHandler, "ch2")
return model