blob: 7126ff74adeef1ff7cf55b63a23064e814cdd9e5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2004 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Common Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Flags;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IClassFile;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaModelStatusConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMember;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMethod;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragmentRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ISourceRange;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.Signature;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.DefaultErrorHandlingPolicies;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileReader;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFormatException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.ITypeRequestor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.HashtableOfIntValues;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SimpleLookupTable;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SuffixConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.hierarchy.HierarchyResolver;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.BinaryType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClassFile;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.CompilationUnit;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JarPackageFragmentRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaElement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaModelManager;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.NameLookup;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.Openable;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.PackageFragment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.PackageFragmentRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SearchableEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SourceMapper;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.SourceTypeElementInfo;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.index.Index;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.HandleFactory;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.SimpleSet;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.Util;
public class MatchLocator implements ITypeRequestor {
public static final int MAX_AT_ONCE = 400;
// permanent state
public SearchPattern pattern;
public PatternLocator patternLocator;
public int matchContainer;
public SearchRequestor requestor;
public IJavaSearchScope scope;
public IProgressMonitor progressMonitor;
public org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit[] workingCopies;
public HandleFactory handleFactory;
// cache of all super type names if scope is hierarchy scope
public char[][][] allSuperTypeNames;
// the following is valid for the current project
public MatchLocatorParser parser;
private Parser basicParser;
public INameEnvironment nameEnvironment;
public NameLookup nameLookup;
public LookupEnvironment lookupEnvironment;
public HierarchyResolver hierarchyResolver;
public CompilerOptions options;
// management of PossibleMatch to be processed
public int numberOfMatches; // (numberOfMatches - 1) is the last unit in matchesToProcess
public PossibleMatch[] matchesToProcess;
public PossibleMatch currentPossibleMatch;
* Time spent in the IJavaSearchResultCollector
public long resultCollectorTime = 0;
// Progress information
int progressStep;
int progressWorked;
// Binding resolution and cache
CompilationUnitScope unitScope;
SimpleLookupTable bindings;
* An ast visitor that visits local type declarations.
public class LocalDeclarationVisitor extends ASTVisitor {
IJavaElement enclosingElement;
MatchingNodeSet nodeSet;
HashtableOfIntValues occurrencesCounts = new HashtableOfIntValues(); // key = class name (char[]), value = occurrenceCount (int)
public LocalDeclarationVisitor(IJavaElement enclosingElement, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) {
this.enclosingElement = enclosingElement;
this.nodeSet = nodeSet;
public boolean visit(TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, BlockScope unused) {
try {
char[] simpleName;
if ((typeDeclaration.bits & ASTNode.IsAnonymousTypeMASK) != 0) {
simpleName = CharOperation.NO_CHAR;
} else {
simpleName =;
int occurrenceCount = occurrencesCounts.get(simpleName);
if (occurrenceCount == HashtableOfIntValues.NO_VALUE) {
occurrenceCount = 1;
} else {
occurrenceCount = occurrenceCount + 1;
occurrencesCounts.put(simpleName, occurrenceCount);
if (typeDeclaration.allocation == null || typeDeclaration.allocation.enumConstant == null) {
if ((typeDeclaration.bits & ASTNode.IsAnonymousTypeMASK) != 0) {
reportMatching(typeDeclaration, enclosingElement, -1, nodeSet, occurrenceCount);
} else {
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(typeDeclaration);
reportMatching(typeDeclaration, enclosingElement, level != null ? level.intValue() : -1, nodeSet, occurrenceCount);
} else {
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(typeDeclaration);
if (level != null) {
FieldDeclaration enumConstant = typeDeclaration.allocation.enumConstant;
int offset = enumConstant.sourceStart;
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(enclosingElement, level.intValue(), offset, enumConstant.sourceEnd-offset+1);
return false; // don't visit members as this was done during reportMatching(...)
} catch (CoreException e) {
throw new WrappedCoreException(e);
public static class WorkingCopyDocument extends JavaSearchDocument {
public org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit workingCopy;
WorkingCopyDocument(org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit workingCopy, SearchParticipant participant) {
super(workingCopy.getPath().toString(), participant);
this.charContents = ((CompilationUnit)workingCopy).getContents();
this.workingCopy = workingCopy;
public String toString() {
return "WorkingCopyDocument for " + getPath(); //$NON-NLS-1$
public class WrappedCoreException extends RuntimeException {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 8354329870126121212L; // backward compatible
public CoreException coreException;
public WrappedCoreException(CoreException coreException) {
this.coreException = coreException;
public static SearchDocument[] addWorkingCopies(InternalSearchPattern pattern, SearchDocument[] indexMatches, org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit[] copies, SearchParticipant participant) {
// working copies take precedence over corresponding compilation units
HashMap workingCopyDocuments = workingCopiesThatCanSeeFocus(copies, pattern.focus, pattern.isPolymorphicSearch(), participant);
SearchDocument[] matches = null;
int length = indexMatches.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
SearchDocument searchDocument = indexMatches[i];
if (searchDocument.getParticipant() == participant) {
SearchDocument workingCopyDocument = (SearchDocument) workingCopyDocuments.remove(searchDocument.getPath());
if (workingCopyDocument != null) {
if (matches == null) {
System.arraycopy(indexMatches, 0, matches = new SearchDocument[length], 0, length);
matches[i] = workingCopyDocument;
if (matches == null) { // no working copy
matches = indexMatches;
int remainingWorkingCopiesSize = workingCopyDocuments.size();
if (remainingWorkingCopiesSize != 0) {
System.arraycopy(matches, 0, matches = new SearchDocument[length+remainingWorkingCopiesSize], 0, length);
Iterator iterator = workingCopyDocuments.values().iterator();
int index = length;
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
matches[index++] = (SearchDocument);
return matches;
public static void setFocus(InternalSearchPattern pattern, IJavaElement focus) {
pattern.focus = focus;
* Returns the working copies that can see the given focus.
private static HashMap workingCopiesThatCanSeeFocus(org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit[] copies, IJavaElement focus, boolean isPolymorphicSearch, SearchParticipant participant) {
if (copies == null) return new HashMap();
if (focus != null) {
while (!(focus instanceof IJavaProject) && !(focus instanceof JarPackageFragmentRoot)) {
focus = focus.getParent();
HashMap result = new HashMap();
for (int i=0, length = copies.length; i<length; i++) {
org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit workingCopy = copies[i];
IPath projectOrJar = MatchLocator.getProjectOrJar(workingCopy).getPath();
if (focus == null || IndexSelector.canSeeFocus(focus, isPolymorphicSearch, projectOrJar)) {
new WorkingCopyDocument(workingCopy, participant)
return result;
public static ClassFileReader classFileReader(IType type) {
IClassFile classFile = type.getClassFile();
JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
if (classFile.isOpen())
return (ClassFileReader) manager.getInfo(type);
PackageFragment pkg = (PackageFragment) type.getPackageFragment();
IPackageFragmentRoot root = (IPackageFragmentRoot) pkg.getParent();
try {
if (!root.isArchive())
IPath zipPath = root.isExternal() ? root.getPath() : root.getResource().getLocation();
if (zipPath == null) return null; // location is null
ZipFile zipFile = null;
try {
if (JavaModelManager.ZIP_ACCESS_VERBOSE)
System.out.println("(" + Thread.currentThread() + ") [MatchLocator.classFileReader()] Creating ZipFile on " + zipPath); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
zipFile = manager.getZipFile(zipPath);
String classFileName = classFile.getElementName();
String path = Util.concatWith(pkg.names, classFileName, '/');
return, path);
} finally {
} catch (ClassFormatException e) {
// invalid class file: return null
} catch (CoreException e) {
// cannot read class file: return null
} catch (IOException e) {
// cannot read class file: return null
return null;
public static SearchPattern createAndPattern(final SearchPattern leftPattern, final SearchPattern rightPattern) {
return new AndPattern(0/*no kind*/, 0/*no rule*/) {
SearchPattern current = leftPattern;
public SearchPattern currentPattern() {
return this.current;
protected boolean hasNextQuery() {
if (this.current == leftPattern) {
this.current = rightPattern;
return true;
return false;
protected void resetQuery() {
this.current = leftPattern;
* Query a given index for matching entries. Assumes the sender has opened the index and will close when finished.
public static void findIndexMatches(InternalSearchPattern pattern, Index index, IndexQueryRequestor requestor, SearchParticipant participant, IJavaSearchScope scope, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException {
pattern.findIndexMatches(index, requestor, participant, scope, monitor);
public static IJavaElement getProjectOrJar(IJavaElement element) {
while (!(element instanceof IJavaProject) && !(element instanceof JarPackageFragmentRoot)) {
element = element.getParent();
return element;
public static boolean isPolymorphicSearch(InternalSearchPattern pattern) {
return pattern.isPolymorphicSearch();
public static IJavaElement projectOrJarFocus(InternalSearchPattern pattern) {
return pattern == null || pattern.focus == null ? null : getProjectOrJar(pattern.focus);
public MatchLocator(
SearchPattern pattern,
SearchRequestor requestor,
IJavaSearchScope scope,
IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) {
this.pattern = pattern;
this.patternLocator = PatternLocator.patternLocator(this.pattern);
this.matchContainer = this.patternLocator.matchContainer();
this.requestor = requestor;
this.scope = scope;
this.progressMonitor = progressMonitor;
* Add an additional binary type
public void accept(IBinaryType binaryType, PackageBinding packageBinding, AccessRestriction accessRestriction) {
this.lookupEnvironment.createBinaryTypeFrom(binaryType, packageBinding, accessRestriction);
* Add an additional compilation unit into the loop
* -> build compilation unit declarations, their bindings and record their results.
public void accept(ICompilationUnit sourceUnit, AccessRestriction accessRestriction) {
// Switch the current policy and compilation result for this unit to the requested one.
CompilationResult unitResult = new CompilationResult(sourceUnit, 1, 1, this.options.maxProblemsPerUnit);
try {
CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit = basicParser().dietParse(sourceUnit, unitResult);
this.lookupEnvironment.buildTypeBindings(parsedUnit, accessRestriction);
this.lookupEnvironment.completeTypeBindings(parsedUnit, true);
} catch (AbortCompilationUnit e) {
// at this point, currentCompilationUnitResult may not be sourceUnit, but some other
// one requested further along to resolve sourceUnit.
if (unitResult.compilationUnit == sourceUnit) { // only report once
} else {
throw e; // want to abort enclosing request to compile
* Add additional source types
public void accept(ISourceType[] sourceTypes, PackageBinding packageBinding, AccessRestriction accessRestriction) {
// case of SearchableEnvironment of an IJavaProject is used
ISourceType sourceType = sourceTypes[0];
while (sourceType.getEnclosingType() != null)
sourceType = sourceType.getEnclosingType();
if (sourceType instanceof SourceTypeElementInfo) {
// get source
SourceTypeElementInfo elementInfo = (SourceTypeElementInfo) sourceType;
IType type = elementInfo.getHandle();
ICompilationUnit sourceUnit = (ICompilationUnit) type.getCompilationUnit();
accept(sourceUnit, accessRestriction);
} else {
CompilationResult result = new CompilationResult(sourceType.getFileName(), 1, 1, 0);
CompilationUnitDeclaration unit =
SourceTypeConverter.FIELD_AND_METHOD // need field and methods
| SourceTypeConverter.MEMBER_TYPE, // need member types
// no need for field initialization
this.lookupEnvironment.buildTypeBindings(unit, accessRestriction);
this.lookupEnvironment.completeTypeBindings(unit, true);
protected Parser basicParser() {
if (this.basicParser == null) {
ProblemReporter problemReporter =
new ProblemReporter(
new DefaultProblemFactory());
this.basicParser = new Parser(problemReporter, false);
this.basicParser.reportOnlyOneSyntaxError = true;
return this.basicParser;
* Add the possibleMatch to the loop
* -> build compilation unit declarations, their bindings and record their results.
protected void parseAndBuildBindings(PossibleMatch possibleMatch, boolean mustResolve) {
if (this.progressMonitor != null && this.progressMonitor.isCanceled())
throw new OperationCanceledException();
try {
if (SearchBasicEngine.VERBOSE)
System.out.println("Parsing " + possibleMatch.openable.toStringWithAncestors()); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.parser.nodeSet = possibleMatch.nodeSet;
CompilationResult unitResult = new CompilationResult(possibleMatch, 1, 1, this.options.maxProblemsPerUnit);
CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit = this.parser.dietParse(possibleMatch, unitResult);
if (parsedUnit != null) {
if (mustResolve && !parsedUnit.isEmpty())
this.lookupEnvironment.buildTypeBindings(parsedUnit, null /*no access restriction*/);
// add the possibleMatch with its parsedUnit to matchesToProcess
possibleMatch.parsedUnit = parsedUnit;
int size = this.matchesToProcess.length;
if (this.numberOfMatches == size)
System.arraycopy(this.matchesToProcess, 0, this.matchesToProcess = new PossibleMatch[size == 0 ? 1 : size * 2], 0, this.numberOfMatches);
this.matchesToProcess[this.numberOfMatches++] = possibleMatch;
} finally {
this.parser.nodeSet = null;
* Caches the given binary type in the lookup environment and returns it.
* Returns the existing one if already cached.
* Returns null if source type binding was cached.
protected BinaryTypeBinding cacheBinaryType(IType type, IBinaryType binaryType) throws JavaModelException {
IType enclosingType = type.getDeclaringType();
if (enclosingType != null)
cacheBinaryType(enclosingType, null); // cache enclosing types first, so that binary type can be found in lookup enviroment
if (binaryType == null) {
ClassFile classFile = (ClassFile) type.getClassFile();
try {
binaryType = getBinaryInfo(classFile, classFile.getResource());
} catch (CoreException e) {
if (e instanceof JavaModelException) {
throw (JavaModelException) e;
} else {
throw new JavaModelException(e);
BinaryTypeBinding binding = this.lookupEnvironment.cacheBinaryType(binaryType, null /*no access restriction*/);
if (binding == null) { // it was already cached as a result of a previous query
char[][] compoundName = CharOperation.splitOn('.', type.getFullyQualifiedName().toCharArray());
ReferenceBinding referenceBinding = this.lookupEnvironment.getCachedType(compoundName);
if (referenceBinding != null && (referenceBinding instanceof BinaryTypeBinding))
binding = (BinaryTypeBinding) referenceBinding; // if the binding could be found and if it comes from a binary type
return binding;
* Computes the super type names of the focus type if any.
protected char[][][] computeSuperTypeNames(IType focusType) {
String fullyQualifiedName = focusType.getFullyQualifiedName();
int lastDot = fullyQualifiedName.lastIndexOf('.');
char[] qualification = lastDot == -1 ? CharOperation.NO_CHAR : fullyQualifiedName.substring(0, lastDot).toCharArray();
char[] simpleName = focusType.getElementName().toCharArray();
SuperTypeNamesCollector superTypeNamesCollector =
new SuperTypeNamesCollector(
new MatchLocator(this.pattern, this.requestor, this.scope, this.progressMonitor), // clone MatchLocator so that it has no side effect
try {
this.allSuperTypeNames = superTypeNamesCollector.collect();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// problem collecting super type names: leave it null
return this.allSuperTypeNames;
* Creates an IMethod from the given method declaration and type.
protected IJavaElement createHandle(AbstractMethodDeclaration method, IJavaElement parent) {
if (!(parent instanceof IType)) return parent;
IType type = (IType) parent;
Argument[] arguments = method.arguments;
int argCount = arguments == null ? 0 : arguments.length;
if (type.isBinary()) {
// don't cache the methods of the binary type
// fall thru if its a constructor with a synthetic argument... find it the slower way
ClassFileReader reader = classFileReader(type);
if (reader != null) {
IBinaryMethod[] methods = reader.getMethods();
if (methods != null) {
boolean firstIsSynthetic = false;
if (reader.isMember() && method.isConstructor() && !Flags.isStatic(reader.getModifiers())) { // see
firstIsSynthetic = true;
nextMethod : for (int i = 0, methodsLength = methods.length; i < methodsLength; i++) {
IBinaryMethod binaryMethod = methods[i];
char[] selector = binaryMethod.isConstructor() ? type.getElementName().toCharArray() : binaryMethod.getSelector();
if (CharOperation.equals(selector, method.selector)) {
char[][] parameterTypes = Signature.getParameterTypes(binaryMethod.getMethodDescriptor());
if (argCount != parameterTypes.length) continue nextMethod;
for (int j = 0; j < argCount; j++) {
char[] typeName;
if (j == 0 && firstIsSynthetic) {
typeName = type.getDeclaringType().getFullyQualifiedName().toCharArray();
} else {
TypeReference typeRef = arguments[firstIsSynthetic ? j - 1 : j].type;
typeName = CharOperation.concatWith(typeRef.getTypeName(), '.');
for (int k = 0, dim = typeRef.dimensions(); k < dim; k++)
typeName = CharOperation.concat(typeName, new char[] {'[', ']'});
char[] parameterTypeName = ClassFileMatchLocator.convertClassFileFormat(parameterTypes[j]);
if (!CharOperation.endsWith(Signature.toCharArray(parameterTypeName), typeName))
continue nextMethod;
parameterTypes[j] = parameterTypeName;
return type.getMethod(new String(selector), CharOperation.toStrings(parameterTypes));
return null;
String[] parameterTypeSignatures = new String[argCount];
for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
TypeReference typeRef = arguments[i].type;
char[] typeName = CharOperation.concatWith(typeRef.getParameterizedTypeName(), '.');
// for (int j = 0, dim = typeRef.dimensions(); j < dim; j++)
// typeName = CharOperation.concat(typeName, new char[] {'[', ']'});
parameterTypeSignatures[i] = Signature.createTypeSignature(typeName, false);
return type.getMethod(new String(method.selector), parameterTypeSignatures);
* Creates an IField from the given field declaration and type.
protected IJavaElement createHandle(FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration, TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration, IJavaElement parent) {
if (!(parent instanceof IType)) return parent;
switch (fieldDeclaration.getKind()) {
case AbstractVariableDeclaration.FIELD :
case AbstractVariableDeclaration.ENUM_CONSTANT :
return ((IType) parent).getField(new String(;
// find occurence count of the given initializer in its type declaration
int occurrenceCount = 0;
FieldDeclaration[] fields = typeDeclaration.fields;
for (int i = 0, length = fields.length; i < length; i++) {
if (fields[i].getKind() == AbstractVariableDeclaration.INITIALIZER) {
if (fields[i].equals(fieldDeclaration)) break;
return ((IType) parent).getInitializer(occurrenceCount);
* Creates hierarchy resolver if needed.
* Returns whether focus is visible.
protected boolean createHierarchyResolver(IType focusType, PossibleMatch[] possibleMatches) {
// cache focus type if not a possible match
char[][] compoundName = CharOperation.splitOn('.', focusType.getFullyQualifiedName().toCharArray());
boolean isPossibleMatch = false;
for (int i = 0, length = possibleMatches.length; i < length; i++) {
if (CharOperation.equals(possibleMatches[i].compoundName, compoundName)) {
isPossibleMatch = true;
if (!isPossibleMatch) {
if (focusType.isBinary()) {
try {
cacheBinaryType(focusType, null);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
return false;
} else {
// cache all types in the focus' compilation unit (even secondary types)
accept((ICompilationUnit) focusType.getCompilationUnit(), null /*TODO no access restriction*/);
// resolve focus type
this.hierarchyResolver = new HierarchyResolver(this.lookupEnvironment, null/*hierarchy is not going to be computed*/);
ReferenceBinding binding = this.hierarchyResolver.setFocusType(compoundName);
return binding != null && binding.isValidBinding() && (binding.tagBits & TagBits.HierarchyHasProblems) == 0;
* Creates an IImportDeclaration from the given import statement
protected IJavaElement createImportHandle(ImportReference importRef) {
char[] importName = CharOperation.concatWith(importRef.getImportName(), '.');
if (importRef.onDemand)
importName = CharOperation.concat(importName, ".*" .toCharArray()); //$NON-NLS-1$
Openable openable = this.currentPossibleMatch.openable;
if (openable instanceof CompilationUnit)
return ((CompilationUnit) openable).getImport(new String(importName));
// binary types do not contain import statements so just answer the top-level type as the element
IType binaryType = ((ClassFile) openable).getType();
String typeName = binaryType.getElementName();
int lastDollar = typeName.lastIndexOf('$');
if (lastDollar == -1) return binaryType;
return createTypeHandle(typeName.substring(0, lastDollar));
* Creates an IType from the given simple top level type name.
protected IType createTypeHandle(String simpleTypeName) {
Openable openable = this.currentPossibleMatch.openable;
if (openable instanceof CompilationUnit)
return ((CompilationUnit) openable).getType(simpleTypeName);
IType binaryType = ((ClassFile) openable).getType();
if (simpleTypeName.equals(binaryType.getTypeQualifiedName()))
return binaryType; // answer only top-level types, sometimes the classFile is for a member/local type
try {
IClassFile classFile = binaryType.getPackageFragment().getClassFile(simpleTypeName + SuffixConstants.SUFFIX_STRING_class);
return classFile.getType();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// ignore as implementation of getType() cannot throw this exception
return null;
protected boolean encloses(IJavaElement element) {
return element != null && this.scope.encloses(element);
protected IBinaryType getBinaryInfo(ClassFile classFile, IResource resource) throws CoreException {
BinaryType binaryType = (BinaryType) classFile.getType();
if (classFile.isOpen())
return (IBinaryType) binaryType.getElementInfo(); // reuse the info from the java model cache
// create a temporary info
IBinaryType info;
try {
PackageFragment pkg = (PackageFragment) classFile.getParent();
PackageFragmentRoot root = (PackageFragmentRoot) pkg.getParent();
if (root.isArchive()) {
// class file in a jar
String classFileName = classFile.getElementName();
String classFilePath = Util.concatWith(pkg.names, classFileName, '/');
ZipFile zipFile = null;
try {
zipFile = ((JarPackageFragmentRoot) root).getJar();
info =, classFilePath);
} finally {
} else {
// class file in a directory
String osPath = resource.getLocation().toOSString();
info =;
if (info == null) throw binaryType.newNotPresentException();
return info;
} catch (ClassFormatException e) {
return null;
} catch ( e) {
throw new JavaModelException(e, IJavaModelStatusConstants.IO_EXCEPTION);
protected IType getFocusType() {
return this.scope instanceof HierarchyScope ? ((HierarchyScope) this.scope).focusType : null;
protected void getMethodBodies(CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) {
if (unit.ignoreMethodBodies) {
unit.ignoreFurtherInvestigation = true;
return; // if initial diet parse did not work, no need to dig into method bodies.
// save existing values to restore them at the end of the parsing process
// see bug 47079 for more details
int[] oldLineEnds = this.parser.scanner.lineEnds;
int oldLinePtr = this.parser.scanner.linePtr;
try {
CompilationResult compilationResult = unit.compilationResult;
if (this.parser.javadocParser.checkDocComment) {
char[] contents = compilationResult.compilationUnit.getContents();
this.parser.nodeSet = this.currentPossibleMatch.nodeSet;
} finally {
this.parser.nodeSet = null;
// this is done to prevent any side effects on the compilation unit result
// line separator positions array.
this.parser.scanner.lineEnds = oldLineEnds;
this.parser.scanner.linePtr = oldLinePtr;
protected TypeBinding getType(Object typeKey, char[] typeName) {
if (this.unitScope == null || typeName == null || typeName.length == 0) return null;
// Try to get binding from cache
Binding binding = (Binding) this.bindings.get(typeKey);
if (binding != null) {
if (binding instanceof TypeBinding && binding.isValidBinding())
return (TypeBinding) binding;
return null;
// Get binding from unit scope
char[][] compoundName = CharOperation.splitOn('.', typeName);
TypeBinding typeBinding = this.unitScope.getType(compoundName, compoundName.length);
this.bindings.put(typeKey, typeBinding);
return typeBinding.isValidBinding() ? typeBinding : null;
public MethodBinding getMethodBinding(IMethod method) {
if (this.unitScope == null) return null;
// Try to get binding from cache
Binding binding = (Binding) this.bindings.get(method);
if (binding != null) {
if (binding instanceof MethodBinding && binding.isValidBinding())
return (MethodBinding) binding;
return null;
// Get binding from unit scope
MethodBinding methodBinding = null;
String typeName = method.getDeclaringType().getElementName();
TypeBinding declaringTypeBinding = getType(typeName, typeName.toCharArray());
if (declaringTypeBinding != null) {
if (declaringTypeBinding.isArrayType()) {
declaringTypeBinding = declaringTypeBinding.leafComponentType();
if (!declaringTypeBinding.isBaseType()) {
String[] parameterTypes = method.getParameterTypes();
int length = parameterTypes.length;
TypeBinding[] parameters = new TypeBinding[length];
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
parameters[i] = this.unitScope.getType(Signature.toCharArray(parameterTypes[i].toCharArray()));
ReferenceBinding referenceBinding = (ReferenceBinding) declaringTypeBinding;
methodBinding = referenceBinding.getExactMethod(method.getElementName().toCharArray(), parameters);
this.bindings.put(method, methodBinding);
return methodBinding;
this.bindings.put(method, new ProblemMethodBinding(method.getElementName().toCharArray(), null, ProblemReasons.NotFound));
return null;
protected boolean hasAlreadyDefinedType(CompilationUnitDeclaration parsedUnit) {
CompilationResult result = parsedUnit.compilationResult;
if (result == null) return false;
for (int i = 0; i < result.problemCount; i++)
if (result.problems[i].getID() == IProblem.DuplicateTypes)
return true;
return false;
* Create a new parser for the given project, as well as a lookup environment.
public void initialize(JavaProject project, int possibleMatchSize) throws JavaModelException {
// clean up name environment only if there are several possible match as it is reused
// when only one possible match (bug 58581)
if (this.nameEnvironment != null && possibleMatchSize != 1)
SearchableEnvironment searchableEnvironment = project.newSearchableNameEnvironment(this.workingCopies);
// if only one possible match, a file name environment costs too much,
// so use the existing searchable environment which will populate the java model
// only for this possible match and its required types.
this.nameEnvironment = possibleMatchSize == 1
? (INameEnvironment) searchableEnvironment
: (INameEnvironment) new JavaSearchNameEnvironment(project, this.workingCopies);
// create lookup environment
this.options = new CompilerOptions(project.getOptions(true));
ProblemReporter problemReporter =
new ProblemReporter(
new DefaultProblemFactory());
this.lookupEnvironment = new LookupEnvironment(this, this.options, problemReporter, this.nameEnvironment);
this.parser = MatchLocatorParser.createParser(problemReporter, this);
// remember project's name lookup
this.nameLookup = searchableEnvironment.nameLookup;
// initialize queue of units
this.numberOfMatches = 0;
this.matchesToProcess = new PossibleMatch[possibleMatchSize];
protected void locateMatches(JavaProject javaProject, PossibleMatch[] possibleMatches, int start, int length) throws CoreException {
initialize(javaProject, length);
// create and resolve binding (equivalent to beginCompilation() in Compiler)
boolean mustResolve = ((InternalSearchPattern)this.pattern).mustResolve;
boolean bindingsWereCreated = mustResolve;
try {
for (int i = start, maxUnits = start + length; i < maxUnits; i++) {
PossibleMatch possibleMatch = possibleMatches[i];
try {
parseAndBuildBindings(possibleMatch, mustResolve);
if (!mustResolve) {
if (this.progressMonitor != null) {
if ((this.progressWorked%this.progressStep)==0) this.progressMonitor.worked(this.progressStep);
process(possibleMatch, bindingsWereCreated);
} finally {
if (!mustResolve)
if (mustResolve)
// create hierarchy resolver if needed
IType focusType = getFocusType();
if (focusType == null) {
this.hierarchyResolver = null;
} else if (!createHierarchyResolver(focusType, possibleMatches)) {
// focus type is not visible, use the super type names instead of the bindings
if (computeSuperTypeNames(focusType) == null) return;
} catch (AbortCompilation e) {
bindingsWereCreated = false;
if (!mustResolve) {
// possible match resolution
for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfMatches; i++) {
if (this.progressMonitor != null && this.progressMonitor.isCanceled())
throw new OperationCanceledException();
PossibleMatch possibleMatch = this.matchesToProcess[i];
this.matchesToProcess[i] = null; // release reference to processed possible match
try {
process(possibleMatch, bindingsWereCreated);
} catch (AbortCompilation e) {
// problem with class path: it could not find base classes
// continue and try next matching openable reporting innacurate matches (since bindings will be null)
bindingsWereCreated = false;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// problem with class path: it could not find base classes
// continue and try next matching openable reporting innacurate matches (since bindings will be null)
bindingsWereCreated = false;
} finally {
if (this.progressMonitor != null) {
if ((this.progressWorked%this.progressStep)==0) this.progressMonitor.worked(this.progressStep);
if (this.options.verbose)
System.out.println(Util.bind("compilation.done", //$NON-NLS-1$
new String[] {
String.valueOf(i + 1),
new String(possibleMatch.parsedUnit.getFileName())}));
// cleanup compilation unit result
* Locate the matches amongst the possible matches.
protected void locateMatches(JavaProject javaProject, PossibleMatchSet matchSet, int expected) throws CoreException {
PossibleMatch[] possibleMatches = matchSet.getPossibleMatches(javaProject.getPackageFragmentRoots());
int length = possibleMatches.length;
// increase progress from duplicate matches not stored in matchSet while adding...
if (this.progressMonitor != null && expected>length) {
this.progressWorked += expected-length;
this.progressMonitor.worked( expected-length);
// locate matches (processed matches are limited to avoid problem while using VM default memory heap size)
for (int index = 0; index < length;) {
int max = Math.min(MAX_AT_ONCE, length - index);
locateMatches(javaProject, possibleMatches, index, max);
index += max;
* Locate the matches in the given files and report them using the search requestor.
public void locateMatches(SearchDocument[] searchDocuments) throws CoreException {
int docsLength = searchDocuments.length;
if (SearchBasicEngine.VERBOSE) {
System.out.println("Locating matches in documents ["); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < docsLength; i++)
System.out.println("\t" + searchDocuments[i]); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println("]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// init infos for progress increasing
int n = docsLength<1000 ? Math.min(Math.max(docsLength/200+1, 2),4) : 5 *(docsLength/1000);
this.progressStep = docsLength < n ? 1 : docsLength / n; // step should not be 0
this.progressWorked = 0;
// extract working copies
ArrayList copies = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < docsLength; i++) {
SearchDocument document = searchDocuments[i];
if (document instanceof WorkingCopyDocument) {
int copiesLength = copies.size();
this.workingCopies = new org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit[copiesLength];
JavaModelManager manager = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager();
this.bindings = new SimpleLookupTable();
try {
// optimize access to zip files during search operation
// initialize handle factory (used as a cache of handles so as to optimize space)
if (this.handleFactory == null)
this.handleFactory = new HandleFactory();
if (this.progressMonitor != null) {
this.progressMonitor.beginTask("", searchDocuments.length); //$NON-NLS-1$
// initialize pattern for polymorphic search (ie. method reference pattern)
JavaProject previousJavaProject = null;
PossibleMatchSet matchSet = new PossibleMatchSet();
Util.sort(searchDocuments, new Util.Comparer() {
public int compare(Object a, Object b) {
return ((SearchDocument)a).getPath().compareTo(((SearchDocument)b).getPath());
int displayed = 0; // progress worked displayed
for (int i = 0; i < docsLength; i++) {
if (this.progressMonitor != null && this.progressMonitor.isCanceled()) {
throw new OperationCanceledException();
// skip duplicate paths
SearchDocument searchDocument = searchDocuments[i];
String pathString = searchDocument.getPath();
if (i > 0 && pathString.equals(searchDocuments[i - 1].getPath())) {
if (this.progressMonitor != null) {
if ((this.progressWorked%this.progressStep)==0) this.progressMonitor.worked(this.progressStep);
Openable openable;
org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit workingCopy = null;
if (searchDocument instanceof WorkingCopyDocument) {
workingCopy = ((WorkingCopyDocument)searchDocument).workingCopy;
openable = (Openable) workingCopy;
} else {
openable = this.handleFactory.createOpenable(pathString, this.scope);
if (openable == null) {
if (this.progressMonitor != null) {
if ((this.progressWorked%this.progressStep)==0) this.progressMonitor.worked(this.progressStep);
continue; // match is outside classpath
// create new parser and lookup environment if this is a new project
IResource resource = null;
JavaProject javaProject = (JavaProject) openable.getJavaProject();
resource = workingCopy != null ? workingCopy.getResource() : openable.getResource();
if (resource == null)
resource = javaProject.getProject(); // case of a file in an external jar
if (!javaProject.equals(previousJavaProject)) {
// locate matches in previous project
if (previousJavaProject != null) {
try {
locateMatches(previousJavaProject, matchSet, i-displayed);
displayed = i;
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// problem with classpath in this project -> skip it
previousJavaProject = javaProject;
matchSet.add(new PossibleMatch(this, resource, openable, searchDocument));
// last project
if (previousJavaProject != null) {
try {
locateMatches(previousJavaProject, matchSet, docsLength-displayed);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// problem with classpath in last project -> ignore
if (this.progressMonitor != null)
} finally {
if (this.nameEnvironment != null)
this.bindings = null;
* Locates the package declarations corresponding to this locator's pattern.
public void locatePackageDeclarations(SearchParticipant participant) throws CoreException {
locatePackageDeclarations(this.pattern, participant);
* Locates the package declarations corresponding to the search pattern.
protected void locatePackageDeclarations(SearchPattern searchPattern, SearchParticipant participant) throws CoreException {
if (searchPattern instanceof OrPattern) {
SearchPattern[] patterns = ((OrPattern) searchPattern).patterns;
for (int i = 0, length = patterns.length; i < length; i++)
locatePackageDeclarations(patterns[i], participant);
} else if (searchPattern instanceof PackageDeclarationPattern) {
IJavaElement focus = ((InternalSearchPattern) searchPattern).focus;
if (focus != null) {
SearchDocument document = participant.getDocument(focus.getPath().toString());
this.currentPossibleMatch = new PossibleMatch(this, focus.getResource(), null, document);
if (encloses(focus)) {
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(focus, SearchMatch.A_ACCURATE, -1, -1);
PackageDeclarationPattern pkgPattern = (PackageDeclarationPattern) searchPattern;
IJavaProject[] projects = JavaModelManager.getJavaModelManager().getJavaModel().getJavaProjects();
for (int i = 0, length = projects.length; i < length; i++) {
IJavaProject javaProject = projects[i];
IPackageFragmentRoot[] roots = null;
try {
roots = javaProject.getPackageFragmentRoots();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// java project doesn't exist -> continue with next project (see
for (int j = 0, rootsLength = roots.length; j < rootsLength; j++) {
IJavaElement[] pkgs = null;
try {
pkgs = roots[j].getChildren();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// pkg fragment root doesn't exist -> continue with next root (see
for (int k = 0, pksLength = pkgs.length; k < pksLength; k++) {
IPackageFragment pkg = (IPackageFragment) pkgs[k];
IJavaElement[] children = null;
try {
children = pkg.getChildren();
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
// package doesn't exist -> continue with next package (see
if (children.length > 0
&& pkgPattern.matchesName(pkgPattern.pkgName, pkg.getElementName().toCharArray())) {
IResource resource = pkg.getResource();
if (resource == null) // case of a file in an external jar
resource = javaProject.getProject();
SearchDocument document = participant.getDocument(resource.getFullPath().toString());
this.currentPossibleMatch = new PossibleMatch(this, resource, null, document);
try {
if (encloses(pkg)) {
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(pkg, SearchMatch.A_ACCURATE, -1, -1);
} catch (JavaModelException e) {
throw e;
} catch (CoreException e) {
throw new JavaModelException(e);
protected IType lookupType(ReferenceBinding typeBinding) {
if (typeBinding == null) return null;
char[] packageName = typeBinding.qualifiedPackageName();
IPackageFragment[] pkgs = this.nameLookup.findPackageFragments(
(packageName == null || packageName.length == 0)
: new String(packageName),
// iterate type lookup in each package fragment
char[] sourceName = typeBinding.qualifiedSourceName();
String typeName = new String(sourceName);
for (int i = 0, length = pkgs == null ? 0 : pkgs.length; i < length; i++) {
IType type = this.nameLookup.findType(
typeBinding.isClass() ? NameLookup.ACCEPT_CLASSES : NameLookup.ACCEPT_INTERFACES); // TODO (frederic) should distinguish ENUMS and ANNOTATIONS
if (type != null) return type;
// search inside enclosing element
char[][] qualifiedName = CharOperation.splitOn('.', sourceName);
int length = qualifiedName.length;
if (length == 0) return null;
IType type = createTypeHandle(new String(qualifiedName[0])); // find the top-level type
if (type == null) return null;
for (int i = 1; i < length; i++) {
type = type.getType(new String(qualifiedName[i]));
if (type == null) return null;
if (type.exists()) return type;
return null;
public SearchMatch newDeclarationMatch(
IJavaElement element,
int accuracy,
int offset,
int length) {
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
return newDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, offset, length, participant, resource);
public SearchMatch newDeclarationMatch(
IJavaElement element,
int accuracy,
int offset,
int length,
SearchParticipant participant,
IResource resource) {
switch (element.getElementType()) {
return new PackageDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, offset, length, participant, resource);
case IJavaElement.TYPE:
return new TypeDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, offset, length, participant, resource);
case IJavaElement.FIELD:
return new FieldDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, offset, length, participant, resource);
case IJavaElement.METHOD:
return new MethodDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, offset, length, participant, resource);
case IJavaElement.LOCAL_VARIABLE:
return new LocalVariableDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, offset, length, participant, resource);
return new PackageDeclarationMatch(element, accuracy, offset, length, participant, resource);
return null;
public SearchMatch newFieldReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int offset,
int length,
ASTNode reference) {
int bits = reference.bits;
boolean isCoupoundAssigned = (bits & ASTNode.IsCompoundAssignedMASK) != 0;
boolean isReadAccess = isCoupoundAssigned || (bits & ASTNode.IsStrictlyAssignedMASK) == 0;
boolean isWriteAccess = isCoupoundAssigned || (bits & ASTNode.IsStrictlyAssignedMASK) != 0;
boolean insideDocComment = (bits & ASTNode.InsideJavadoc) != 0;
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
return new FieldReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, offset, length, isReadAccess, isWriteAccess, insideDocComment, participant, resource);
public SearchMatch newLocalVariableReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int offset,
int length,
ASTNode reference) {
int bits = reference.bits;
boolean isCoupoundAssigned = (bits & ASTNode.IsCompoundAssignedMASK) != 0;
boolean isReadAccess = isCoupoundAssigned || (bits & ASTNode.IsStrictlyAssignedMASK) == 0;
boolean isWriteAccess = isCoupoundAssigned || (bits & ASTNode.IsStrictlyAssignedMASK) != 0;
boolean insideDocComment = (bits & ASTNode.InsideJavadoc) != 0;
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
return new LocalVariableReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, offset, length, isReadAccess, isWriteAccess, insideDocComment, participant, resource);
public SearchMatch newMethodReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int offset,
int length,
boolean isConstructor,
boolean isSynthetic,
ASTNode reference) {
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
boolean insideDocComment = (reference.bits & ASTNode.InsideJavadoc) != 0;
return new MethodReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, offset, length, isConstructor, isSynthetic, insideDocComment, participant, resource);
public SearchMatch newPackageReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int offset,
int length,
ASTNode reference) {
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
boolean insideDocComment = (reference.bits & ASTNode.InsideJavadoc) != 0;
return new PackageReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, offset, length, insideDocComment, participant, resource);
public SearchMatch newTypeReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int offset,
int length,
ASTNode reference) {
SearchParticipant participant = getParticipant();
IResource resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
boolean insideDocComment = (reference.bits & ASTNode.InsideJavadoc) != 0;
return new TypeReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, offset, length, insideDocComment, participant, resource);
public SearchMatch newTypeReferenceMatch(
IJavaElement enclosingElement,
int accuracy,
int offset,
int length,
int rule,
ASTNode reference) {
SearchMatch match = newTypeReferenceMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, offset, length, reference);
return match;
* Process a compilation unit already parsed and build.
protected void process(PossibleMatch possibleMatch, boolean bindingsWereCreated) throws CoreException {
this.currentPossibleMatch = possibleMatch;
CompilationUnitDeclaration unit = possibleMatch.parsedUnit;
try {
if (unit.isEmpty()) {
if (this.currentPossibleMatch.openable instanceof ClassFile) {
ClassFile classFile = (ClassFile) this.currentPossibleMatch.openable;
IBinaryType info = getBinaryInfo(classFile, this.currentPossibleMatch.resource);
if (info != null)
new ClassFileMatchLocator().locateMatches(this, classFile, info);
if (hasAlreadyDefinedType(unit)) return; // skip type has it is hidden so not visible
if (bindingsWereCreated && ((InternalSearchPattern)this.pattern).mustResolve && unit.types != null) {
if (SearchBasicEngine.VERBOSE)
System.out.println("Resolving " + this.currentPossibleMatch.openable.toStringWithAncestors()); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (unit.scope != null) {
// fault in fields & methods
// verify inherited methods
reportMatching(unit, true);
} else {
reportMatching(unit, ((InternalSearchPattern)this.pattern).mustResolve);
} catch (AbortCompilation e) {
// could not resolve: report innacurate matches
reportMatching(unit, true); // was partially resolved
if (!(e instanceof AbortCompilationUnit)) {
// problem with class path
throw e;
} finally {
this.currentPossibleMatch = null;
protected void purgeMethodStatements(TypeDeclaration type, boolean checkEachMethod) {
checkEachMethod = checkEachMethod
&& this.currentPossibleMatch.nodeSet.hasPossibleNodes(type.declarationSourceStart, type.declarationSourceEnd);
AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methods = type.methods;
if (methods != null) {
if (checkEachMethod) {
for (int j = 0, length = methods.length; j < length; j++) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration method = methods[j];
if (!this.currentPossibleMatch.nodeSet.hasPossibleNodes(method.declarationSourceStart, method.declarationSourceEnd)) {
method.statements = null;
method.javadoc = null;
} else {
for (int j = 0, length = methods.length; j < length; j++) {
methods[j].statements = null;
methods[j].javadoc = null;
TypeDeclaration[] memberTypes = type.memberTypes;
if (memberTypes != null)
for (int i = 0, l = memberTypes.length; i < l; i++)
purgeMethodStatements(memberTypes[i], checkEachMethod);
* Called prior to the unit being resolved. Reduce the parse tree where possible.
protected void reduceParseTree(CompilationUnitDeclaration unit) {
// remove statements from methods that have no possible matching nodes
TypeDeclaration[] types = unit.types;
for (int i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++)
purgeMethodStatements(types[i], true);
public SearchParticipant getParticipant() {
return this.currentPossibleMatch.document.getParticipant();
protected void report(SearchMatch match) throws CoreException {
long start = -1;
if (SearchBasicEngine.VERBOSE) {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Reporting match"); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println("\tResource: " + match.getResource()); //$NON-NLS-2$//$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println("\tPositions: [offset=" + match.getOffset() + ", length=" + match.getLength() + "]"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
System.out.println("\tJava element: " + ((JavaElement)match.getElement()).toStringWithAncestors()); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println(match.getAccuracy() == SearchMatch.A_ACCURATE
? "\tAccuracy: EXACT_MATCH" //$NON-NLS-1$
: "\tAccuracy: POTENTIAL_MATCH"); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.print("\tMatch rule: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
if ((match.getMatchRule() & SearchPattern.R_EQUIVALENT_MATCH) != 0) {
if ((match.getMatchRule() & SearchPattern.R_ERASURE_MATCH) != 0) {
System.out.println("EQUIVALENT + ERASURE"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
System.out.println("EQUIVALENT"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else if ((match.getMatchRule() & SearchPattern.R_ERASURE_MATCH) != 0) {
System.out.println("ERASURE"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
System.out.println("PERFECT"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (SearchBasicEngine.VERBOSE)
this.resultCollectorTime += System.currentTimeMillis()-start;
* Finds the accurate positions of the sequence of tokens given by qualifiedName
* in the source and reports a reference to this this qualified name
* to the search requestor.
protected void reportAccurateTypeReference(ASTNode typeRef, char[] name, IJavaElement element, int accuracy) throws CoreException {
reportAccurateTypeReference(typeRef, name, element, accuracy, SearchPattern.R_EXACT_MATCH);
protected void reportAccurateTypeReference(ASTNode typeRef, char[] name, IJavaElement element, int accuracy, int rule) throws CoreException {
if (accuracy == -1) return;
if (!encloses(element)) return;
int sourceStart = typeRef.sourceStart;
int sourceEnd = typeRef.sourceEnd;
// compute source positions of the qualified reference
Scanner scanner = this.parser.scanner;
scanner.resetTo(sourceStart, sourceEnd);
int token = -1;
int currentPosition;
do {
currentPosition = scanner.currentPosition;
try {
token = scanner.getNextToken();
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
// ignore
if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier && this.pattern.matchesName(name, scanner.getCurrentTokenSource())) {
int length = scanner.currentPosition-currentPosition;
SearchMatch match = newTypeReferenceMatch(element, accuracy, currentPosition, length, rule, typeRef);
} while (token != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF);
SearchMatch match = newTypeReferenceMatch(element, accuracy, sourceStart, sourceEnd-sourceStart+1, rule, typeRef);
* @since 3.1
* Finds the accurate positions of the sequence of tokens given by qualifiedName
* in the source and reports a reference to this parameterized type name
* to the search requestor.
protected void reportAccurateParameterizedTypeReference(TypeReference typeRef, int start, int index, TypeReference[] typeArguments, IJavaElement element, int accuracy, int rule) throws CoreException {
if (accuracy == -1) return;
if (!encloses(element)) return;
// If there's type arguments, look for end (ie. char '>') of last one.
int end = typeRef.sourceEnd;
if (typeArguments != null) {
// Initialize scanner
Scanner scanner = this.parser.scanner;
char[] source = this.currentPossibleMatch.getContents();
JavaSearchPattern javaSearchPattern = (JavaSearchPattern)this.pattern;
if (javaSearchPattern.isErasureMatch || javaSearchPattern.typeSignatures == null) {
// if pattern is erasure only, then select the end of the reference
if (typeRef instanceof QualifiedTypeReference && index >= 0) {
long[] positions = ((QualifiedTypeReference) typeRef).sourcePositions;
end = (int) positions[index];
} else if (typeRef instanceof ArrayTypeReference) {
end = ((ArrayTypeReference) typeRef).originalSourceEnd;
} else {
// Set scanner position at end of last type argument
scanner.resetTo(end, source.length-1);
int depth = 0;
for (int i=typeArguments.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
if (typeArguments[i] != null) {
depth = resetScannerAfterLastTypeArgumentEnd(typeArguments[i], scanner, depth)+1;
// Now, scan to search next closing '>'
while (depth-- > 0) {
while (!scanner.atEnd()) {
if (scanner.getNextChar() == '>') {
end = scanner.currentPosition - 1;
// Report match
SearchMatch match = newTypeReferenceMatch(element, accuracy, start, end-start+1, rule, typeRef);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* Reset scanner after last type argument end. This may be called recursively for nested parameterized
* type arguments.
* Returns depth of nesting for the last argument.
private int resetScannerAfterLastTypeArgumentEnd(TypeReference typeRef, Scanner scanner, int depth) {
// Default end is current type argument end
int end = typeRef.sourceEnd;
// Get last list of type arguments for parameterized qualified type reference
TypeReference[] typeArguments = null;
if (typeRef instanceof ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) {
ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference pqtRef = (ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) typeRef;
TypeReference[] last = null;
for (int i=pqtRef.typeArguments.length-1; i>=0 && last==null; i--) {
last = pqtRef.typeArguments[i];
// If no children arguments then current type reference is the last type argument
if (last == null) {
scanner.resetTo(end+1, scanner.eofPosition-1);
return depth;
typeArguments = last;
// Get last type argument for single type reference of last list of argument of parameterized qualified type reference
if (typeRef instanceof ParameterizedSingleTypeReference || typeArguments != null) {
if (typeArguments == null) {
typeArguments = ((ParameterizedSingleTypeReference)typeRef).typeArguments;
TypeReference last = null;
for (int i=typeArguments.length-1; i>=0 && last==null; i++) {
last = typeArguments[i];
// If no child argument then current type reference is the last type argument
if (last == null) {
scanner.resetTo(end+1, scanner.eofPosition-1);
return depth;
// Loop on last type argument to find its last type argument...
return resetScannerAfterLastTypeArgumentEnd(last, scanner, depth+1);
// Current type reference is not parameterized. So, it is the last type argument
scanner.resetTo(end+1, scanner.eofPosition-1);
return depth;
* Finds the accurate positions of each valid token in the source and
* reports a reference to this token to the search requestor.
* A token is valid if it has an accuracy which is not -1.
protected void reportAccurateFieldReference(QualifiedNameReference qNameRef, IJavaElement element, int[] accuracies) throws CoreException {
if (!encloses(element)) return;
int sourceStart = qNameRef.sourceStart;
int sourceEnd = qNameRef.sourceEnd;
char[][] tokens = qNameRef.tokens;
// compute source positions of the qualified reference
Scanner scanner = this.parser.scanner;
scanner.resetTo(sourceStart, sourceEnd);
int refSourceStart = -1, refSourceEnd = -1;
int length = tokens.length;
int token = -1;
int previousValid = -1;
int i = 0;
int accuracyIndex = 0;
do {
int currentPosition = scanner.currentPosition;
// read token
try {
token = scanner.getNextToken();
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
if (token != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
char[] currentTokenSource = scanner.getCurrentTokenSource();
boolean equals = false;
while (i < length && !(equals = this.pattern.matchesName(tokens[i++], currentTokenSource))){/*empty*/}
if (equals && (previousValid == -1 || previousValid == i - 2)) {
previousValid = i - 1;
if (refSourceStart == -1)
refSourceStart = currentPosition;
refSourceEnd = scanner.currentPosition - 1;
} else {
i = 0;
refSourceStart = -1;
previousValid = -1;
// read '.'
try {
token = scanner.getNextToken();
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
// ignore
if (accuracies[accuracyIndex] != -1) {
// accept reference
if (refSourceStart != -1) {
SearchMatch match = newFieldReferenceMatch(element, accuracies[accuracyIndex], refSourceStart, refSourceEnd-refSourceStart+1, qNameRef);
} else {
SearchMatch match = newFieldReferenceMatch(element, accuracies[accuracyIndex], sourceStart, sourceEnd-sourceStart+1, qNameRef);
i = 0;
refSourceStart = -1;
previousValid = -1;
if (accuracyIndex < accuracies.length - 1)
} while (token != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF);
protected void reportBinaryMemberDeclaration(IResource resource, IMember binaryMember, IBinaryType info, int accuracy) throws CoreException {
ClassFile classFile = (ClassFile) binaryMember.getClassFile();
ISourceRange range = classFile.isOpen() ? binaryMember.getNameRange() : SourceMapper.fgUnknownRange;
if (range.getOffset() == -1) {
BinaryType type = (BinaryType) classFile.getType();
String sourceFileName = type.sourceFileName(info);
if (sourceFileName != null) {
SourceMapper mapper = classFile.getSourceMapper();
if (mapper != null) {
char[] contents = mapper.findSource(type, sourceFileName);
if (contents != null)
range = mapper.mapSource(type, contents, binaryMember);
if (resource == null) resource = this.currentPossibleMatch.resource;
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(binaryMember, accuracy, range.getOffset(), range.getLength(), getParticipant(), resource);
* Visit the given method declaration and report the nodes that match exactly the
* search pattern (ie. the ones in the matching nodes set)
* Note that the method declaration has already been checked.
protected void reportMatching(AbstractMethodDeclaration method, IJavaElement parent, int accuracy, boolean typeInHierarchy, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) throws CoreException {
IJavaElement enclosingElement = null;
if (accuracy > -1) {
enclosingElement = createHandle(method, parent);
if (enclosingElement != null) { // skip if unable to find method
// compute source positions of the selector
Scanner scanner = parser.scanner;
int nameSourceStart = method.sourceStart;
scanner.resetTo(nameSourceStart, method.sourceEnd);
try {
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
// ignore
if (encloses(enclosingElement)) {
int length = scanner.currentPosition - nameSourceStart;
SearchMatch match = this.patternLocator.newDeclarationMatch(method, enclosingElement, accuracy, length, this);
// handle nodes for the local type first
if ((method.bits & ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK) != 0) {
if (enclosingElement == null)
enclosingElement = createHandle(method, parent);
LocalDeclarationVisitor localDeclarationVisitor = new LocalDeclarationVisitor(enclosingElement, nodeSet);
try {
method.traverse(localDeclarationVisitor, (ClassScope) null);
} catch (WrappedCoreException e) {
throw e.coreException;
// report annotations
if (method.annotations != null) {
for (int i=0, al=method.annotations.length; i<al; i++) {
TypeReference typeRef = method.annotations[i].type;
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(typeRef);
if (level != null) {
if (enclosingElement == null)
enclosingElement = createHandle(method, parent);
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(typeRef, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
// references in this method
if (typeInHierarchy) {
ASTNode[] nodes = nodeSet.matchingNodes(method.declarationSourceStart, method.declarationSourceEnd);
if (nodes != null) {
if ((this.matchContainer & PatternLocator.METHOD_CONTAINER) != 0) {
if (enclosingElement == null)
enclosingElement = createHandle(method, parent);
if (encloses(enclosingElement)) {
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
ASTNode node = nodes[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(node);
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(node, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++)
* Visit the given resolved parse tree and report the nodes that match the search pattern.
protected void reportMatching(CompilationUnitDeclaration unit, boolean mustResolve) throws CoreException {
MatchingNodeSet nodeSet = this.currentPossibleMatch.nodeSet;
if (mustResolve) {
this.unitScope= unit.scope.compilationUnitScope();
// move the possible matching nodes that exactly match the search pattern to the matching nodes set
Object[] nodes = nodeSet.possibleMatchingNodesSet.values;
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
ASTNode node = (ASTNode) nodes[i];
if (node == null) continue;
if (node instanceof ImportReference) {
// special case for import refs: they don't know their binding
// import ref cannot be in the hierarchy of a type
if (this.hierarchyResolver != null) continue;
ImportReference importRef = (ImportReference) node;
Binding binding = importRef.onDemand
? unitScope.getImport(CharOperation.subarray(importRef.tokens, 0, importRef.tokens.length), true, importRef.isStatic())
: unitScope.getImport(importRef.tokens, false, importRef.isStatic());
this.patternLocator.matchLevelAndReportImportRef(importRef, binding, this);
nodeSet.addMatch(node, this.patternLocator.resolveLevel(node));
nodeSet.possibleMatchingNodesSet = new SimpleSet(3);
} else {
this.unitScope = null;
if (nodeSet.matchingNodes.elementSize == 0) return; // no matching nodes were found
boolean matchedUnitContainer = (this.matchContainer & PatternLocator.COMPILATION_UNIT_CONTAINER) != 0;
if (matchedUnitContainer) {
// Currently a no-op
// ImportReference pkg = unit.currentPackage;
// if (pkg != null && nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(pkg) != null)
// reportPackageDeclaration(pkg);
ImportReference[] imports = unit.imports;
if (imports != null) {
for (int i = 0, l = imports.length; i < l; i++) {
ImportReference importRef = imports[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(importRef);
if (level != null)
this.patternLocator.matchReportImportRef(importRef, null, createImportHandle(importRef), level.intValue(), this);
TypeDeclaration[] types = unit.types;
if (types != null) {
for (int i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++) {
if (nodeSet.matchingNodes.elementSize == 0) return; // reported all the matching nodes
TypeDeclaration type = types[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(type);
int accuracy = (level != null && matchedUnitContainer) ? level.intValue() : -1;
reportMatching(type, null, accuracy, nodeSet, 1);
* Visit the given field declaration and report the nodes that match exactly the
* search pattern (ie. the ones in the matching nodes set)
protected void reportMatching(FieldDeclaration field, TypeDeclaration type, IJavaElement parent, int accuracy, boolean typeInHierarchy, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) throws CoreException {
IJavaElement enclosingElement = null;
if (accuracy > -1) {
enclosingElement = createHandle(field, type, parent);
if (encloses(enclosingElement)) {
int offset = field.sourceStart;
SearchMatch match = newDeclarationMatch(enclosingElement, accuracy, offset, field.sourceEnd-offset+1);
// handle the nodes for the local type first
if ((field.bits & ASTNode.HasLocalTypeMASK) != 0) {
if (enclosingElement == null)
enclosingElement = createHandle(field, type, parent);
LocalDeclarationVisitor localDeclarationVisitor = new LocalDeclarationVisitor(enclosingElement, nodeSet);
try {
field.traverse(localDeclarationVisitor, null);
} catch (WrappedCoreException e) {
throw e.coreException;
// report annotations
if (field.annotations != null) {
for (int i=0, al=field.annotations.length; i<al; i++) {
TypeReference typeRef = field.annotations[i].type;
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(typeRef);
if (level != null) {
if (enclosingElement == null)
enclosingElement = createHandle(field, type, parent);
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(typeRef, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
if (typeInHierarchy) {
// limit scan to end part position for multiple fields declaration (see bug 73112)
int end = field.endPart2Position==0 ? field.declarationSourceEnd : field.endPart2Position;
ASTNode[] nodes = nodeSet.matchingNodes(field.declarationSourceStart, end);
if (nodes != null) {
if ((this.matchContainer & PatternLocator.FIELD_CONTAINER) == 0) {
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++)
} else {
if (enclosingElement == null)
enclosingElement = createHandle(field, type, parent);
if (encloses(enclosingElement))
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
ASTNode node = nodes[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(node);
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(node, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
* Visit the given type declaration and report the nodes that match exactly the
* search pattern (ie. the ones in the matching nodes set)
protected void reportMatching(TypeDeclaration type, IJavaElement parent, int accuracy, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet, int occurrenceCount) throws CoreException {
// create type handle
IJavaElement enclosingElement = parent;
if (enclosingElement == null) {
enclosingElement = createTypeHandle(new String(;
} else if (enclosingElement instanceof IType) {
enclosingElement = ((IType) parent).getType(new String(;
} else if (enclosingElement instanceof IMember) {
IMember member = (IMember) parent;
if (member.isBinary())
enclosingElement = parent;
enclosingElement = member.getType(new String(, occurrenceCount);
if (enclosingElement == null) return;
// report the type declaration
if (accuracy > -1 && encloses(enclosingElement)) {
int offset = type.sourceStart;
SearchMatch match = this.patternLocator.newDeclarationMatch(type, enclosingElement, accuracy, type.sourceEnd-offset+1, this);
boolean matchedClassContainer = (this.matchContainer & PatternLocator.CLASS_CONTAINER) != 0;
// report the type parameters
if (type.typeParameters != null) {
for (int i=0, l=type.typeParameters.length; i<l; i++) {
TypeParameter typeParameter = type.typeParameters[i];
if (typeParameter != null) {
if (typeParameter.type != null) {
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(typeParameter.type);
if (level != null && matchedClassContainer) {
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(typeParameter.type, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
if (typeParameter.bounds != null) {
for (int j=0, b=typeParameter.bounds.length; j<b; j++) {
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(typeParameter.bounds[j]);
if (level != null && matchedClassContainer) {
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(typeParameter.bounds[j], enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
// report annotations
if (type.annotations != null) {
for (int i=0, al=type.annotations.length; i<al; i++) {
TypeReference typeRef = type.annotations[i].type;
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(typeRef);
if (level != null && matchedClassContainer) {
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(typeRef, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
// report references in javadoc
if (type.javadoc != null) {
ASTNode[] nodes = nodeSet.matchingNodes(type.declarationSourceStart, type.sourceStart);
if (nodes != null) {
if (!matchedClassContainer) {
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++)
} else {
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
ASTNode node = nodes[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(node);
if (encloses(enclosingElement))
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(node, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
// super types
if ((type.bits & ASTNode.IsAnonymousTypeMASK) != 0) {
TypeReference superType =type.allocation.type;
if (superType != null) {
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(superType);
if (level != null && matchedClassContainer)
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(superType, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
} else {
TypeReference superClass = type.superclass;
if (superClass != null) {
reportMatchingSuper(superClass, enclosingElement, nodeSet, matchedClassContainer);
TypeReference[] superInterfaces = type.superInterfaces;
if (superInterfaces != null) {
for (int i = 0, l = superInterfaces.length; i < l; i++) {
reportMatchingSuper(superInterfaces[i], enclosingElement, nodeSet, matchedClassContainer);
// filter out element not in hierarchy scope
boolean typeInHierarchy = type.binding == null || typeInHierarchy(type.binding);
matchedClassContainer = matchedClassContainer && typeInHierarchy;
FieldDeclaration[] fields = type.fields;
if (fields != null) {
if (nodeSet.matchingNodes.elementSize == 0) return; // reported all the matching nodes
for (int i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i++) {
FieldDeclaration field = fields[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(field);
int value = (level != null && matchedClassContainer) ? level.intValue() : -1;
reportMatching(field, type, enclosingElement, value, typeInHierarchy, nodeSet);
AbstractMethodDeclaration[] methods = type.methods;
if (methods != null) {
if (nodeSet.matchingNodes.elementSize == 0) return; // reported all the matching nodes
for (int i = 0, l = methods.length; i < l; i++) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration method = methods[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(method);
int value = (level != null && matchedClassContainer) ? level.intValue() : -1;
reportMatching(method, enclosingElement, value, typeInHierarchy, nodeSet);
TypeDeclaration[] memberTypes = type.memberTypes;
if (memberTypes != null) {
for (int i = 0, l = memberTypes.length; i < l; i++) {
if (nodeSet.matchingNodes.elementSize == 0) return; // reported all the matching nodes
TypeDeclaration memberType = memberTypes[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(memberType);
int value = (level != null && matchedClassContainer) ? level.intValue() : -1;
reportMatching(memberType, enclosingElement, value, nodeSet, 1);
protected void reportMatchingSuper(TypeReference superReference, IJavaElement enclosingElement, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet, boolean matchedClassContainer) throws CoreException {
ASTNode[] nodes = null;
if (superReference instanceof ParameterizedSingleTypeReference) {
TypeReference[] typeArguments = ((ParameterizedSingleTypeReference)superReference).typeArguments;
if (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.length > 0) {
nodes = nodeSet.matchingNodes(superReference.sourceStart, typeArguments[typeArguments.length-1].sourceEnd);
} else if (superReference instanceof ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference) {
TypeReference[][] typeArguments = ((ParameterizedQualifiedTypeReference)superReference).typeArguments;
if (typeArguments != null && typeArguments.length > 0) {
TypeReference[] lastTypeArgs = typeArguments[typeArguments.length-1];
int end = superReference.sourceEnd;
if (lastTypeArgs != null && lastTypeArgs.length > 0 && lastTypeArgs[lastTypeArgs.length-1].sourceEnd > end) {
end = lastTypeArgs[lastTypeArgs.length-1].sourceEnd;
nodes = nodeSet.matchingNodes(superReference.sourceStart, end);
if (nodes != null) {
if ((this.matchContainer & PatternLocator.CLASS_CONTAINER) == 0) {
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++)
} else {
if (encloses(enclosingElement))
for (int i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
ASTNode node = nodes[i];
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(node);
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(node, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
} else {
Integer level = (Integer) nodeSet.matchingNodes.removeKey(superReference);
if (level != null && matchedClassContainer)
this.patternLocator.matchReportReference(superReference, enclosingElement, level.intValue(), this);
protected boolean typeInHierarchy(ReferenceBinding binding) {
if (this.hierarchyResolver == null) return true; // not a hierarchy scope
if (this.hierarchyResolver.subOrSuperOfFocus(binding)) return true;
if (this.allSuperTypeNames != null) {
char[][] compoundName = binding.compoundName;
for (int i = 0, length = this.allSuperTypeNames.length; i < length; i++)
if (CharOperation.equals(compoundName, this.allSuperTypeNames[i]))
return true;
return false;