blob: 99bd10acfffcf8c238b3bf747355fb64808f024e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Paul Colton (Aptana)- initial API and implementation
* Eclipse Foundation
ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../system/dbconnection.class.php");
$dbc = new DBConnection();
$dbh = $dbc->connect();
print "fetching translation to heal\n";
$query = "select translation_id,string_id,language_id,created_on,value from translations group by string_id,language_id order by created_on desc";
$res = mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
print "starting to heal the translations\n";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)){
$string_id = $row['string_id'];
$language_id = $row['language_id'];
$query = "select translation_id from translations where string_id = $string_id and language_id = $language_id and is_active = 1";
$looking = mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
if(mysqli_num_rows($looking) == 0){
// print "found 0 ".$row['translation_id']."\n";
}elseif(mysqli_num_rows($looking) > 1){
// print "found == ".mysqli_num_rows($looking)." -- translation_id ".$row['translation_id']." string_id --- ".$row['string_id']." -- date : ".$row['created_on']."\n".$row['value']."\n";
$query = "select max(version) as max from translations where string_id = $string_id and language_id = $language_id ";
$max = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($dbh, $query));
$max = $max['max'];
$query = "update translations set is_active = 0 where string_id = $string_id and language_id = $language_id and version != $max";
mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
$query = "update translations set is_active = 1 where string_id = $string_id and language_id = $language_id and version = $max";
mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
print "deleting file_progress table data\n";
//drop all the old calced file progress
$query = "delete from file_progress";
mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
print "getting all the file ids and language ids\n";
//get all the files
$query = "select file_id from files";
$res = mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)){
$file_ids[] = $row['file_id'];
//get all the langs
$query = "select language_id from languages";
$res = mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)){
$lang_ids[] = $row['language_id'];
print "cleaning up the file progress of all 0 completed!\n";
//clean up all the pct_complete == 0
$query = "delete from file_progress where pct_complete = 0";
mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
print "Removing all files affected by bug 233305\n";
print "This may take a while\n";
# find lowest version
$file_count = 0;
$query = "select min(file_id) as file_id, project_id, version, name from files where version='unspecified' group by project_id, version, name";
$res = mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)){
$query = "select file_id from files
where project_id = '" . $row['project_id'] . "'
and version = 'unspecified'
and name = '" . $row['name'] . "'
and file_id <> " . $row['file_id'];
$res_f = mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
while($row_f = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res_f)){
# find strings
$query = "delete from translations where string_id in (select string_id from strings where file_id = '" . $row_f['file_id'] . "')";
print $query . "... ";
mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
print mysqli_affected_rows($dbh) . " rows deleted\n";
# delete strings
$query = "delete from strings where file_id = '" . $row_f['file_id'] . "'";
print $query . "... ";
mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
print mysqli_affected_rows($dbh) . " rows deleted\n";
# delete strings
$query = "delete from files where file_id = '" . $row_f['file_id'] . "'";
print $query . "... ";
mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
print mysqli_affected_rows($dbh) . " rows deleted\n";
print $file_count;
print "done!\n";
* foreach($found as $string_id => $v){
foreach($v as $language_id => $langs){
$found_active = 0;
foreach($langs as $foo => $trans){
if($trans['is_active'] == 1){
if( $found_active == 0){
// print "0 - $string_id - $language_id<br>\n";
$query = "select max(version) as max from translations where string_id = $string_id and language_id = $language_id ";
$max = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($dbh, $query));
$max = $max['max'];
$query = "update translations set is_active = 1 where string_id = $string_id and language_id = $language_id and version = $max";
print $query."\n";
// mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
print mysqli_error($dbh);
}elseif($found_active > 1){
$query = "select max(version) as max from translations where string_id = $string_id and language_id = $language_id ";
$max = mysqli_fetch_assoc(mysqli_query($dbh, $query));
$max = $max['max'];
$query = "update translations set is_active = 0 where string_id = $string_id and language_id = $language_id and version != $max";
print $query."\n";
// mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
print mysqli_error($dbh);
$query = "update translations set is_active = 1 where string_id = $string_id and language_id = $language_id and version = $max";
print $query."\n";
// mysqli_query($dbh, $query);
print mysqli_error($dbh);